tidal-0.7.1: Pattern language for improvised music

Safe HaskellSafe




type Time = Rational Source

Time is represented by a rational number. Each natural number represents both the start of the next rhythmic cycle, and the end of the previous one. Rational numbers are used so that subdivisions of each cycle can be accurately represented.

type Arc = (Time, Time) Source

(s,e) :: Arc represents a time interval with a start and end value. { t : s <= t && t < e }

type Event a = (Arc, Arc, a) Source

An Event is a value that occurs during the period given by the first Arc. The second one indicates the event's "domain of influence". These will often be the same, but many temporal transformations, such as rotation and scaling time, may result in arcs being split or truncated. In such cases, the first arc is preserved, but the second arc reflects the portion of the event which is relevant.

sam :: Time -> Time Source

The starting point of the current cycle. A cycle occurs from each natural number to the next, so this is equivalent to floor.

nextSam :: Time -> Time Source

The end point of the current cycle (and starting point of the next cycle)

cyclePos :: Time -> Time Source

The position of a time value relative to the start of its cycle.

isIn :: Arc -> Time -> Bool Source

isIn a t is True iff t is inside the arc represented by a.

arcCycles :: Arc -> [Arc] Source

Splits the given Arc into a list of Arcs, at cycle boundaries.

arcCycles' :: Arc -> [Arc] Source

Splits the given Arc into a list of Arcs, at cycle boundaries, but wrapping the arcs within the same cycle.

subArc :: Arc -> Arc -> Maybe Arc Source

subArc i j is the arc that is the intersection of i and j.

mapArc :: (Time -> Time) -> Arc -> Arc Source

Map the given function over both the start and end Time values of the given Arc.

mapCycle :: (Time -> Time) -> Arc -> Arc Source

Similar to mapArc but time is relative to the cycle (i.e. the sam of the start of the arc)

mirrorArc :: Arc -> Arc Source

Returns the `mirror image' of an Arc, used by Sound.Tidal.Pattern.rev.

eventStart :: Event a -> Time Source

The start time of the given Event

eventOnset :: Event a -> Time Source

The original onset of the given Event

eventOffset :: Event a -> Time Source

The original offset of the given Event

eventArc :: Event a -> Arc Source

The arc of the given Event

midPoint :: Arc -> Time Source

The midpoint of an Arc