time-http-0.4: Parse and format HTTP/1.1 Date and Time strings



This module provides functions to parse and format RFC 1123 date and time strings (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1123#page-55).

The format is basically the same as RFC 822, but the syntax for date is changed from:

 year ::= 2DIGIT


 year ::= 4DIGIT



data RFC1123 Source

The phantom type for conversions between RFC 1123 date and time strings and ZonedTime.

>>> convertSuccess (ZonedTime (LocalTime (ModifiedJulianDay 49662) (TimeOfDay 8 49 37)) utc)
Tagged "Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT"

rfc1123 :: Proxy RFC1123Source

The proxy for conversions between RFC 1123 date and time strings and ZonedTime.

rfc1123DateAndTime :: Parser ZonedTimeSource

Parse an RFC 1123 date and time string.