Module: TimezoneDetect
Portability: POSIX

Exposes utilities derived from the excellent ZoneDetect library <https://github.com/BertoldVdb/ZoneDetect>.
To use this module, you need to obtain database files from the aforementioned library's server.

Currently, only one function for looking up the name of a Timezone is provided, but the underlying
library also has richer functions for opening timezone database files, finding applicable zones, etc.

module TimezoneDetect where

import Foreign.ZoneDetect
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Foreign.C.String (peekCAString, withCAString)
import Foreign (nullPtr)

-- | Alias for clarity, timezones are short strings that follow the IANA conventions
-- documented here:
-- https://data.iana.org/time-zones/tz-link.html
type TimezoneName = String

-- | Given a timezone database, latitude and longitude, try to determine the
-- timezone name. Follow the instructions in the C library's repository
-- to obtain timezone database files (<https://github.com/BertoldVdb/ZoneDetect/tree/05567e367576d7f3efa00083b7661a01e43dc8ca/database>)
-- Once in possesion of said files, the lookup looks as follows:
-- >>> lookupTimezone "./test/tz_db/timezone21.bin" 40.7831 (-73.9712)
-- Right "America/New_York"
-- Failure conditions are: invalid database file, or invalid coordinates,
-- both are returned as `Left` values.
lookupTimezone :: FilePath -> Float -> Float -> Either String TimezoneName
lookupTimezone databaseLocation lat lng =
    unsafePerformIO $ do
        zdPtr <- withCAString databaseLocation $ \dbl -> c_ZDOpenDatabase dbl
        if zdPtr == nullPtr then
            pure $ Left (databaseLocation <> " is not a valid timezone database.")
        else do
            tzName <- c_ZDHelperSimpleLookupString zdPtr
                                                   (realToFrac lat)
                                                   (realToFrac lng)
            if tzName == nullPtr then
                pure $ Left "Invalid coordinates."
                peekCAString tzName >>= (pure . Right)