{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo     #-}

module Potato.Flow.Reflex.GoatWidget (
  , emptyGoatWidgetConfig
  , GoatWidget(..)
  , holdGoatWidget
) where

import           Relude

import           Reflex

import           Potato.Flow.BroadPhase
import           Potato.Flow.Controller.Goat
import           Potato.Flow.Controller.Handler
import           Potato.Flow.Controller.Input
import           Potato.Flow.Controller.OwlLayers
import           Potato.Flow.Controller.Types
import           Potato.Flow.Llama
import           Potato.Flow.Math
import           Potato.Flow.OwlState
import           Potato.Flow.OwlWorkspace
import           Potato.Flow.Render
import           Potato.Flow.Types

import           Control.Monad.Fix

-- | invariants
-- * TODO mouse input type can only change after a `_lMouseData_isRelease == True`
-- * TODO non-mouse inputs can only happen after a `_lMouseData_isRelease == True` except for cancel
data GoatWidgetConfig t = GoatWidgetConfig {

  -- initialization parameters
  -- the initial state of the scene, set this to `(owlpfstate_newProject, emptyControllerMeta)` for an empty scene
  forall t. GoatWidgetConfig t -> (OwlPFState, ControllerMeta)
_goatWidgetConfig_initialState     :: (OwlPFState, ControllerMeta)
  -- not used yet, set this to Nothing
  , forall t. GoatWidgetConfig t -> Maybe UnicodeWidthFn
_goatWidgetConfig_unicodeWidthFn :: Maybe UnicodeWidthFn

  -- canvas direct input
  , forall t. GoatWidgetConfig t -> Event t LMouseData
_goatWidgetConfig_mouse          :: Event t LMouseData
  , forall t. GoatWidgetConfig t -> Event t KeyboardData
_goatWidgetConfig_keyboard       :: Event t KeyboardData

  -- use this to set the rendered region size (set this to the size of the area that renders the scene)
  , forall t. GoatWidgetConfig t -> Event t XY
_goatWidgetConfig_canvasRegionDim     :: Event t XY

  -- command based
  -- and event to change the tool (NOTE keyboard input may also change the tool, but that's handled by _goatWidgetConfig_keyboard)
  , forall t. GoatWidgetConfig t -> Event t Tool
_goatWidgetConfig_selectTool     :: Event t Tool
  -- an event to load a new scene
  , forall t. GoatWidgetConfig t -> Event t EverythingLoadState
_goatWidgetConfig_load           :: Event t EverythingLoadState
  -- an event to apply a Llama (operation). This is only intended for setting style parameters.
  , forall t. GoatWidgetConfig t -> Event t Llama
_goatWidgetConfig_paramsEvent    :: Event t Llama
  -- an event to apply a change that will set the canvas size of the scene
  , forall t. GoatWidgetConfig t -> Event t XY
_goatWidgetConfig_canvasSize     :: Event t XY
  -- an event to create a new folder underneath the current selection
  , forall t. GoatWidgetConfig t -> Event t ()
_goatWidgetConfig_newFolder :: Event t ()

  -- command based (via new endo style)
  -- and event to set the default styling parameters
  , forall t. GoatWidgetConfig t -> Event t SetPotatoDefaultParameters
_goatWidgetConfig_setPotatoDefaultParameters :: Event t SetPotatoDefaultParameters
  -- an event to mark the scene as saved, which is needed for the `goatState_hasUnsavedChanges` method to work
  , forall t. GoatWidgetConfig t -> Event t ()
_goatWidgetConfig_markSaved :: Event t ()
  -- an event that should fire each time the focus area changes. This is needed such that preview changes are applied when you change focus.
  , forall t. GoatWidgetConfig t -> Event t GoatFocusedArea
_goatWidgetConfig_setFocusedArea :: Event t GoatFocusedArea

  -- debugging
  , forall t. GoatWidgetConfig t -> Event t Text
_goatWidgetConfig_setDebugLabel  :: Event t Text
  , forall t. GoatWidgetConfig t -> Event t WSEvent
_goatWidgetConfig_bypassEvent :: Event t WSEvent

emptyGoatWidgetConfig :: (Reflex t) => GoatWidgetConfig t
emptyGoatWidgetConfig :: forall t. Reflex t => GoatWidgetConfig t
emptyGoatWidgetConfig = GoatWidgetConfig {
    _goatWidgetConfig_initialState :: (OwlPFState, ControllerMeta)
_goatWidgetConfig_initialState = (OwlPFState
emptyOwlPFState, ControllerMeta
    , _goatWidgetConfig_selectTool :: Event t Tool
_goatWidgetConfig_selectTool  = Event t Tool
forall a. Event t a
forall {k} (t :: k) a. Reflex t => Event t a
    , _goatWidgetConfig_load :: Event t EverythingLoadState
_goatWidgetConfig_load = Event t EverythingLoadState
forall a. Event t a
forall {k} (t :: k) a. Reflex t => Event t a
    , _goatWidgetConfig_mouse :: Event t LMouseData
_goatWidgetConfig_mouse     = Event t LMouseData
forall a. Event t a
forall {k} (t :: k) a. Reflex t => Event t a
    , _goatWidgetConfig_keyboard :: Event t KeyboardData
_goatWidgetConfig_keyboard = Event t KeyboardData
forall a. Event t a
forall {k} (t :: k) a. Reflex t => Event t a
    , _goatWidgetConfig_paramsEvent :: Event t Llama
_goatWidgetConfig_paramsEvent = Event t Llama
forall a. Event t a
forall {k} (t :: k) a. Reflex t => Event t a
    , _goatWidgetConfig_unicodeWidthFn :: Maybe UnicodeWidthFn
_goatWidgetConfig_unicodeWidthFn = Maybe UnicodeWidthFn
forall a. Maybe a
    , _goatWidgetConfig_canvasRegionDim :: Event t XY
_goatWidgetConfig_canvasRegionDim = Event t XY
forall a. Event t a
forall {k} (t :: k) a. Reflex t => Event t a
    , _goatWidgetConfig_canvasSize :: Event t XY
_goatWidgetConfig_canvasSize = Event t XY
forall a. Event t a
forall {k} (t :: k) a. Reflex t => Event t a
    , _goatWidgetConfig_newFolder :: Event t ()
_goatWidgetConfig_newFolder = Event t ()
forall a. Event t a
forall {k} (t :: k) a. Reflex t => Event t a
    , _goatWidgetConfig_setPotatoDefaultParameters :: Event t SetPotatoDefaultParameters
_goatWidgetConfig_setPotatoDefaultParameters = Event t SetPotatoDefaultParameters
forall a. Event t a
forall {k} (t :: k) a. Reflex t => Event t a
    , _goatWidgetConfig_markSaved :: Event t ()
_goatWidgetConfig_markSaved = Event t ()
forall a. Event t a
forall {k} (t :: k) a. Reflex t => Event t a
    , _goatWidgetConfig_setFocusedArea :: Event t GoatFocusedArea
_goatWidgetConfig_setFocusedArea = Event t GoatFocusedArea
forall a. Event t a
forall {k} (t :: k) a. Reflex t => Event t a
    , _goatWidgetConfig_setDebugLabel :: Event t Text
_goatWidgetConfig_setDebugLabel = Event t Text
forall a. Event t a
forall {k} (t :: k) a. Reflex t => Event t a
    , _goatWidgetConfig_bypassEvent :: Event t WSEvent
_goatWidgetConfig_bypassEvent = Event t WSEvent
forall a. Event t a
forall {k} (t :: k) a. Reflex t => Event t a

data GoatWidget t = GoatWidget {

  forall t. GoatWidget t -> Dynamic t Tool
_goatWidget_tool                  :: Dynamic t Tool

  , forall t. GoatWidget t -> Dynamic t Selection
_goatWidget_selection           :: Dynamic t Selection
  , forall t. GoatWidget t -> Dynamic t PotatoDefaultParameters
_goatWidget_potatoDefaultParameters :: Dynamic t PotatoDefaultParameters
  , forall t. GoatWidget t -> Dynamic t LayersState
_goatWidget_layers              :: Dynamic t LayersState -- do I even need this?
  , forall t. GoatWidget t -> Dynamic t XY
_goatWidget_pan                 :: Dynamic t XY 
  , forall t. GoatWidget t -> Dynamic t BroadPhaseState
_goatWidget_broadPhase          :: Dynamic t BroadPhaseState -- you can probably remove this
  , forall t. GoatWidget t -> Dynamic t HandlerRenderOutput
_goatWidget_handlerRenderOutput :: Dynamic t HandlerRenderOutput
  , forall t. GoatWidget t -> Dynamic t LayersViewHandlerRenderOutput
_goatWidget_layersHandlerRenderOutput :: Dynamic t LayersViewHandlerRenderOutput
  , forall t. GoatWidget t -> Dynamic t SCanvas
_goatWidget_canvas              :: Dynamic t SCanvas -- TODO DELETE just use OwlPFState
  , forall t. GoatWidget t -> Dynamic t RenderedCanvasRegion
_goatWidget_renderedCanvas      :: Dynamic t RenderedCanvasRegion
  , forall t. GoatWidget t -> Dynamic t RenderedCanvasRegion
_goatWidget_renderedSelection      :: Dynamic t RenderedCanvasRegion
  , forall t. GoatWidget t -> Dynamic t Bool
_goatWidget_unsavedChanges     :: Dynamic t Bool

  -- TODO this is no longer debug (or maybe expose just OwlPFState part)
  -- debug stuff prob
  , forall t. GoatWidget t -> Dynamic t GoatState
_goatWidget_DEBUG_goatState     :: Dynamic t GoatState

holdGoatWidget :: forall t m. (Adjustable t m, MonadHold t m, MonadFix m)
  => GoatWidgetConfig t
  -> m (GoatWidget t)
holdGoatWidget :: forall t (m :: * -> *).
(Adjustable t m, MonadHold t m, MonadFix m) =>
GoatWidgetConfig t -> m (GoatWidget t)
holdGoatWidget GoatWidgetConfig {Maybe UnicodeWidthFn
(OwlPFState, ControllerMeta)
Event t ()
Event t EverythingLoadState
Event t Text
Event t XY
Event t LMouseData
Event t KeyboardData
Event t Llama
Event t WSEvent
Event t SetPotatoDefaultParameters
Event t Tool
Event t GoatFocusedArea
_goatWidgetConfig_initialState :: forall t. GoatWidgetConfig t -> (OwlPFState, ControllerMeta)
_goatWidgetConfig_unicodeWidthFn :: forall t. GoatWidgetConfig t -> Maybe UnicodeWidthFn
_goatWidgetConfig_mouse :: forall t. GoatWidgetConfig t -> Event t LMouseData
_goatWidgetConfig_keyboard :: forall t. GoatWidgetConfig t -> Event t KeyboardData
_goatWidgetConfig_canvasRegionDim :: forall t. GoatWidgetConfig t -> Event t XY
_goatWidgetConfig_selectTool :: forall t. GoatWidgetConfig t -> Event t Tool
_goatWidgetConfig_load :: forall t. GoatWidgetConfig t -> Event t EverythingLoadState
_goatWidgetConfig_paramsEvent :: forall t. GoatWidgetConfig t -> Event t Llama
_goatWidgetConfig_canvasSize :: forall t. GoatWidgetConfig t -> Event t XY
_goatWidgetConfig_newFolder :: forall t. GoatWidgetConfig t -> Event t ()
_goatWidgetConfig_setPotatoDefaultParameters :: forall t. GoatWidgetConfig t -> Event t SetPotatoDefaultParameters
_goatWidgetConfig_markSaved :: forall t. GoatWidgetConfig t -> Event t ()
_goatWidgetConfig_setFocusedArea :: forall t. GoatWidgetConfig t -> Event t GoatFocusedArea
_goatWidgetConfig_setDebugLabel :: forall t. GoatWidgetConfig t -> Event t Text
_goatWidgetConfig_bypassEvent :: forall t. GoatWidgetConfig t -> Event t WSEvent
_goatWidgetConfig_initialState :: (OwlPFState, ControllerMeta)
_goatWidgetConfig_unicodeWidthFn :: Maybe UnicodeWidthFn
_goatWidgetConfig_mouse :: Event t LMouseData
_goatWidgetConfig_keyboard :: Event t KeyboardData
_goatWidgetConfig_canvasRegionDim :: Event t XY
_goatWidgetConfig_selectTool :: Event t Tool
_goatWidgetConfig_load :: Event t EverythingLoadState
_goatWidgetConfig_paramsEvent :: Event t Llama
_goatWidgetConfig_canvasSize :: Event t XY
_goatWidgetConfig_newFolder :: Event t ()
_goatWidgetConfig_setPotatoDefaultParameters :: Event t SetPotatoDefaultParameters
_goatWidgetConfig_markSaved :: Event t ()
_goatWidgetConfig_setFocusedArea :: Event t GoatFocusedArea
_goatWidgetConfig_setDebugLabel :: Event t Text
_goatWidgetConfig_bypassEvent :: Event t WSEvent
..} = mdo

    initialscreensize :: XY
initialscreensize = XY
0 -- we can't know this at initialization time without causing an infinite loop so it is expected that the app sends this information immediately after initializing (i.e. during postBuild)
    initialgoat :: GoatState
initialgoat = XY -> (OwlPFState, ControllerMeta) -> GoatState
makeGoatState XY
initialscreensize (OwlPFState, ControllerMeta)

    -- new Endo folding
    endoStyle :: [Event t (GoatState -> GoatState)]
endoStyle = [ 
        -- the order of these ones don't matter
        (SetPotatoDefaultParameters -> GoatState -> GoatState)
-> Event t SetPotatoDefaultParameters
-> Event t (GoatState -> GoatState)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Event t a -> Event t b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap SetPotatoDefaultParameters -> GoatState -> GoatState
endoGoatCmdSetDefaultParams Event t SetPotatoDefaultParameters
        , (() -> GoatState -> GoatState)
-> Event t () -> Event t (GoatState -> GoatState)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Event t a -> Event t b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap () -> GoatState -> GoatState
endoGoatCmdMarkSaved Event t ()
        , (Tool -> GoatState -> GoatState)
-> Event t Tool -> Event t (GoatState -> GoatState)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Event t a -> Event t b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap Tool -> GoatState -> GoatState
endoGoatCmdSetTool Event t Tool
        , (Text -> GoatState -> GoatState)
-> Event t Text -> Event t (GoatState -> GoatState)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Event t a -> Event t b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap Text -> GoatState -> GoatState
endoGoatCmdSetDebugLabel Event t Text
        , (XY -> GoatState -> GoatState)
-> Event t XY -> Event t (GoatState -> GoatState)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Event t a -> Event t b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap XY -> GoatState -> GoatState
endoGoatCmdSetCanvasRegionDim Event t XY
        , (EverythingLoadState -> GoatState -> GoatState)
-> Event t EverythingLoadState -> Event t (GoatState -> GoatState)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Event t a -> Event t b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap EverythingLoadState -> GoatState -> GoatState
endoGoatCmdLoad Event t EverythingLoadState
        , (() -> GoatState -> GoatState)
-> Event t () -> Event t (GoatState -> GoatState)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Event t a -> Event t b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (\()
_ -> Text -> GoatState -> GoatState
endoGoatCmdNewFolder Text
"folder") Event t ()
        , (WSEvent -> GoatState -> GoatState)
-> Event t WSEvent -> Event t (GoatState -> GoatState)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Event t a -> Event t b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap WSEvent -> GoatState -> GoatState
endoGoatCmdWSEvent Event t WSEvent
        , (LMouseData -> GoatState -> GoatState)
-> Event t LMouseData -> Event t (GoatState -> GoatState)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Event t a -> Event t b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap LMouseData -> GoatState -> GoatState
endoGoatCmdMouse Event t LMouseData
        , (KeyboardData -> GoatState -> GoatState)
-> Event t KeyboardData -> Event t (GoatState -> GoatState)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Event t a -> Event t b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap KeyboardData -> GoatState -> GoatState
endoGoatCmdKeyboard Event t KeyboardData

        -- these be run before _goatWidgetConfig_mouse because sometimes we want to set params/change focus and input a mouse at the same time (i.e. clicking away from params widget to canvas widget causing params to send an update)
        , (GoatFocusedArea -> GoatState -> GoatState)
-> Event t GoatFocusedArea -> Event t (GoatState -> GoatState)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Event t a -> Event t b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap GoatFocusedArea -> GoatState -> GoatState
endoGoatCmdSetFocusedArea Event t GoatFocusedArea
        , (WSEvent -> GoatState -> GoatState)
-> Event t WSEvent -> Event t (GoatState -> GoatState)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Event t a -> Event t b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap WSEvent -> GoatState -> GoatState
endoGoatCmdWSEvent (Event t WSEvent -> Event t (GoatState -> GoatState))
-> Event t WSEvent -> Event t (GoatState -> GoatState)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Event t Llama -> (Llama -> WSEvent) -> Event t WSEvent
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => f a -> (a -> b) -> f b
ffor Event t Llama
_goatWidgetConfig_paramsEvent ((Llama -> WSEvent) -> Event t WSEvent)
-> (Llama -> WSEvent) -> Event t WSEvent
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Llama
llama -> (Bool, Llama) -> WSEvent
WSEApplyLlama (Bool
False, Llama
        , (WSEvent -> GoatState -> GoatState)
-> Event t WSEvent -> Event t (GoatState -> GoatState)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Event t a -> Event t b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap WSEvent -> GoatState -> GoatState
endoGoatCmdWSEvent (Event t WSEvent -> Event t (GoatState -> GoatState))
-> Event t WSEvent -> Event t (GoatState -> GoatState)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Event t XY -> (XY -> WSEvent) -> Event t WSEvent
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => f a -> (a -> b) -> f b
ffor Event t XY
_goatWidgetConfig_canvasSize ((XY -> WSEvent) -> Event t WSEvent)
-> (XY -> WSEvent) -> Event t WSEvent
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \XY
xy -> (Bool, Llama) -> WSEvent
WSEApplyLlama (Bool
False, OwlPFCmd -> Llama
makePFCLlama (OwlPFCmd -> Llama) -> OwlPFCmd -> Llama
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ DeltaLBox -> OwlPFCmd
OwlPFCResizeCanvas (XY -> XY -> DeltaLBox
DeltaLBox XY
0 XY

  --goatDyn' :: Dynamic t GoatState <- foldDyn foldGoatFn initialgoat goatEvent

  Dynamic t GoatState
goatDyn' :: Dynamic t GoatState
    <- ((GoatState -> GoatState) -> GoatState -> GoatState)
-> GoatState
-> Event t (GoatState -> GoatState)
-> m (Dynamic t GoatState)
forall {k} (t :: k) (m :: * -> *) a b.
(Reflex t, MonadHold t m, MonadFix m) =>
(a -> b -> b) -> b -> Event t a -> m (Dynamic t b)
foldDyn (GoatState -> GoatState) -> GoatState -> GoatState
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
($) GoatState
initialgoat (Event t (GoatState -> GoatState) -> m (Dynamic t GoatState))
-> Event t (GoatState -> GoatState) -> m (Dynamic t GoatState)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ((GoatState -> GoatState)
 -> (GoatState -> GoatState) -> GoatState -> GoatState)
-> [Event t (GoatState -> GoatState)]
-> Event t (GoatState -> GoatState)
forall {k} (t :: k) a.
Reflex t =>
(a -> a -> a) -> [Event t a] -> Event t a
mergeWith (GoatState -> GoatState)
-> (GoatState -> GoatState) -> GoatState -> GoatState
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
(.) [Event t (GoatState -> GoatState)]

  -- reduces # of calls to foldGoatFn to 2 :\
  let goatDyn :: Dynamic t GoatState
goatDyn = (GoatState -> GoatState)
-> Dynamic t GoatState -> Dynamic t GoatState
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Dynamic t a -> Dynamic t b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap GoatState -> GoatState
forall a. a -> a
id Dynamic t GoatState

  -- TODO make sure holdUniqDyn actually does what you think it does
  -- I think it does, but it will prob still do full equality check after changes in goatDyn :(
  -- TODO maybe you need to have special signals to control firing of each sub event instead
  -- I guess the good news is that you can still do this without changing the interface
  -- i.e. OwlPFStateChangeFlag and have each OwlPFState operation return a change flag as well
  Dynamic t Tool
r_tool <- Dynamic t Tool -> m (Dynamic t Tool)
forall {k} (t :: k) (m :: * -> *) a.
(Reflex t, MonadHold t m, MonadFix m, Eq a) =>
Dynamic t a -> m (Dynamic t a)
holdUniqDyn (Dynamic t Tool -> m (Dynamic t Tool))
-> Dynamic t Tool -> m (Dynamic t Tool)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (GoatState -> Tool) -> Dynamic t GoatState -> Dynamic t Tool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Dynamic t a -> Dynamic t b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap GoatState -> Tool
goatState_selectedTool Dynamic t GoatState
  Dynamic t Selection
r_selection <- Dynamic t Selection -> m (Dynamic t Selection)
forall {k} (t :: k) (m :: * -> *) a.
(Reflex t, MonadHold t m, MonadFix m, Eq a) =>
Dynamic t a -> m (Dynamic t a)
holdUniqDyn (Dynamic t Selection -> m (Dynamic t Selection))
-> Dynamic t Selection -> m (Dynamic t Selection)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (GoatState -> Selection)
-> Dynamic t GoatState -> Dynamic t Selection
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Dynamic t a -> Dynamic t b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap GoatState -> Selection
_goatState_selection Dynamic t GoatState
  Dynamic t PotatoDefaultParameters
r_potatoDefaultParams <- Dynamic t PotatoDefaultParameters
-> m (Dynamic t PotatoDefaultParameters)
forall {k} (t :: k) (m :: * -> *) a.
(Reflex t, MonadHold t m, MonadFix m, Eq a) =>
Dynamic t a -> m (Dynamic t a)
holdUniqDyn (Dynamic t PotatoDefaultParameters
 -> m (Dynamic t PotatoDefaultParameters))
-> Dynamic t PotatoDefaultParameters
-> m (Dynamic t PotatoDefaultParameters)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (GoatState -> PotatoDefaultParameters)
-> Dynamic t GoatState -> Dynamic t PotatoDefaultParameters
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Dynamic t a -> Dynamic t b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap GoatState -> PotatoDefaultParameters
_goatState_potatoDefaultParameters Dynamic t GoatState
  Dynamic t BroadPhaseState
r_broadphase <- Dynamic t BroadPhaseState -> m (Dynamic t BroadPhaseState)
forall {k} (t :: k) (m :: * -> *) a.
(Reflex t, MonadHold t m, MonadFix m, Eq a) =>
Dynamic t a -> m (Dynamic t a)
holdUniqDyn (Dynamic t BroadPhaseState -> m (Dynamic t BroadPhaseState))
-> Dynamic t BroadPhaseState -> m (Dynamic t BroadPhaseState)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (GoatState -> BroadPhaseState)
-> Dynamic t GoatState -> Dynamic t BroadPhaseState
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Dynamic t a -> Dynamic t b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap GoatState -> BroadPhaseState
_goatState_broadPhaseState Dynamic t GoatState
  Dynamic t XY
r_pan <- Dynamic t XY -> m (Dynamic t XY)
forall {k} (t :: k) (m :: * -> *) a.
(Reflex t, MonadHold t m, MonadFix m, Eq a) =>
Dynamic t a -> m (Dynamic t a)
holdUniqDyn (Dynamic t XY -> m (Dynamic t XY))
-> Dynamic t XY -> m (Dynamic t XY)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (GoatState -> XY) -> Dynamic t GoatState -> Dynamic t XY
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Dynamic t a -> Dynamic t b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap GoatState -> XY
_goatState_pan Dynamic t GoatState
  Dynamic t LayersState
r_layers <- Dynamic t LayersState -> m (Dynamic t LayersState)
forall {k} (t :: k) (m :: * -> *) a.
(Reflex t, MonadHold t m, MonadFix m, Eq a) =>
Dynamic t a -> m (Dynamic t a)
holdUniqDyn (Dynamic t LayersState -> m (Dynamic t LayersState))
-> Dynamic t LayersState -> m (Dynamic t LayersState)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (GoatState -> LayersState)
-> Dynamic t GoatState -> Dynamic t LayersState
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Dynamic t a -> Dynamic t b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap GoatState -> LayersState
_goatState_layersState Dynamic t GoatState
  -- TODO flip order of render and holdUniqDyn
  Dynamic t HandlerRenderOutput
r_handlerRenderOutput <- Dynamic t HandlerRenderOutput -> m (Dynamic t HandlerRenderOutput)
forall {k} (t :: k) (m :: * -> *) a.
(Reflex t, MonadHold t m, MonadFix m, Eq a) =>
Dynamic t a -> m (Dynamic t a)
holdUniqDyn (Dynamic t HandlerRenderOutput
 -> m (Dynamic t HandlerRenderOutput))
-> Dynamic t HandlerRenderOutput
-> m (Dynamic t HandlerRenderOutput)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (GoatState -> HandlerRenderOutput)
-> Dynamic t GoatState -> Dynamic t HandlerRenderOutput
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Dynamic t a -> Dynamic t b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (\GoatState
gs -> SomePotatoHandler -> PotatoHandlerInput -> HandlerRenderOutput
forall h.
PotatoHandler h =>
h -> PotatoHandlerInput -> HandlerRenderOutput
pRenderHandler (GoatState -> SomePotatoHandler
_goatState_handler GoatState
gs) (GoatState -> PotatoHandlerInput
potatoHandlerInputFromGoatState GoatState
gs)) Dynamic t GoatState
  Dynamic t LayersViewHandlerRenderOutput
r_layersHandlerRenderOutput <- Dynamic t LayersViewHandlerRenderOutput
-> m (Dynamic t LayersViewHandlerRenderOutput)
forall {k} (t :: k) (m :: * -> *) a.
(Reflex t, MonadHold t m, MonadFix m, Eq a) =>
Dynamic t a -> m (Dynamic t a)
holdUniqDyn (Dynamic t LayersViewHandlerRenderOutput
 -> m (Dynamic t LayersViewHandlerRenderOutput))
-> Dynamic t LayersViewHandlerRenderOutput
-> m (Dynamic t LayersViewHandlerRenderOutput)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (GoatState -> LayersViewHandlerRenderOutput)
-> Dynamic t GoatState -> Dynamic t LayersViewHandlerRenderOutput
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Dynamic t a -> Dynamic t b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (\GoatState
gs -> SomePotatoHandler
-> PotatoHandlerInput -> LayersViewHandlerRenderOutput
forall h.
PotatoHandler h =>
h -> PotatoHandlerInput -> LayersViewHandlerRenderOutput
pRenderLayersHandler (GoatState -> SomePotatoHandler
_goatState_layersHandler GoatState
gs) (GoatState -> PotatoHandlerInput
potatoHandlerInputFromGoatState GoatState
gs)) Dynamic t GoatState
  Dynamic t SCanvas
r_canvas <- Dynamic t SCanvas -> m (Dynamic t SCanvas)
forall {k} (t :: k) (m :: * -> *) a.
(Reflex t, MonadHold t m, MonadFix m, Eq a) =>
Dynamic t a -> m (Dynamic t a)
holdUniqDyn (Dynamic t SCanvas -> m (Dynamic t SCanvas))
-> Dynamic t SCanvas -> m (Dynamic t SCanvas)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (GoatState -> SCanvas) -> Dynamic t GoatState -> Dynamic t SCanvas
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Dynamic t a -> Dynamic t b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (OwlPFState -> SCanvas
_owlPFState_canvas (OwlPFState -> SCanvas)
-> (GoatState -> OwlPFState) -> GoatState -> SCanvas
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. OwlPFWorkspace -> OwlPFState
_owlPFWorkspace_owlPFState (OwlPFWorkspace -> OwlPFState)
-> (GoatState -> OwlPFWorkspace) -> GoatState -> OwlPFState
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. GoatState -> OwlPFWorkspace
_goatState_workspace) Dynamic t GoatState
  Dynamic t Bool
r_unsavedChanges <- Dynamic t Bool -> m (Dynamic t Bool)
forall {k} (t :: k) (m :: * -> *) a.
(Reflex t, MonadHold t m, MonadFix m, Eq a) =>
Dynamic t a -> m (Dynamic t a)
holdUniqDyn (Dynamic t Bool -> m (Dynamic t Bool))
-> Dynamic t Bool -> m (Dynamic t Bool)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (GoatState -> Bool) -> Dynamic t GoatState -> Dynamic t Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Dynamic t a -> Dynamic t b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (GoatState -> Bool
goatState_hasUnsavedChanges) Dynamic t GoatState

  {- this causes 4 calls to foldGoatFn per tick :(
    r_selection = fmap _goatState_selection goatDyn
    r_selection_converted = fmap (\gs -> superOwlParliament_convertToCanvasSelection (_owlPFState_owlTree . _owlPFWorkspace_owlPFState . _goatState_workspace $ gs) (const True) (_goatState_selection gs)) goatDyn
    r_broadphase = fmap _goatState_broadPhaseState goatDyn
    r_pan = fmap _goatState_pan goatDyn
    r_layers = fmap _goatState_layersState goatDyn
    -- TODO flip order of render and holdUniqDyn
    r_handlerRenderOutput = fmap (\gs -> pRenderHandler (_goatState_handler gs) (potatoHandlerInputFromGoatState gs)) goatDyn
    r_layersHandlerRenderOutput = fmap (\gs -> pRenderLayersHandler (_goatState_layersHandler gs) (potatoHandlerInputFromGoatState gs)) goatDyn
    r_canvas = fmap (_owlPFState_canvas . _owlPFWorkspace_owlPFState . _goatState_workspace) goatDyn

    --why is this not holdUniqDyn? Is this why I'm getting extra ticks?
    r_renderedCanvas :: Dynamic t RenderedCanvasRegion
r_renderedCanvas = (GoatState -> RenderedCanvasRegion)
-> Dynamic t GoatState -> Dynamic t RenderedCanvasRegion
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Dynamic t a -> Dynamic t b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap GoatState -> RenderedCanvasRegion
_goatState_renderedCanvas Dynamic t GoatState
    r_renderedSelection :: Dynamic t RenderedCanvasRegion
r_renderedSelection = (GoatState -> RenderedCanvasRegion)
-> Dynamic t GoatState -> Dynamic t RenderedCanvasRegion
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Dynamic t a -> Dynamic t b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap GoatState -> RenderedCanvasRegion
_goatState_renderedSelection Dynamic t GoatState

  GoatWidget t -> m (GoatWidget t)
forall a. a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return GoatWidget
      _goatWidget_tool :: Dynamic t Tool
_goatWidget_tool           = Dynamic t Tool
      , _goatWidget_selection :: Dynamic t Selection
_goatWidget_selection    = Dynamic t Selection
      , _goatWidget_potatoDefaultParameters :: Dynamic t PotatoDefaultParameters
_goatWidget_potatoDefaultParameters = Dynamic t PotatoDefaultParameters
      , _goatWidget_layers :: Dynamic t LayersState
_goatWidget_layers       = Dynamic t LayersState
      , _goatWidget_pan :: Dynamic t XY
_goatWidget_pan          = Dynamic t XY
      , _goatWidget_broadPhase :: Dynamic t BroadPhaseState
_goatWidget_broadPhase   = Dynamic t BroadPhaseState
      , _goatWidget_canvas :: Dynamic t SCanvas
_goatWidget_canvas = Dynamic t SCanvas
      , _goatWidget_renderedCanvas :: Dynamic t RenderedCanvasRegion
_goatWidget_renderedCanvas = Dynamic t RenderedCanvasRegion
      , _goatWidget_renderedSelection :: Dynamic t RenderedCanvasRegion
_goatWidget_renderedSelection = Dynamic t RenderedCanvasRegion
      , _goatWidget_handlerRenderOutput :: Dynamic t HandlerRenderOutput
_goatWidget_handlerRenderOutput =  Dynamic t HandlerRenderOutput
      , _goatWidget_layersHandlerRenderOutput :: Dynamic t LayersViewHandlerRenderOutput
_goatWidget_layersHandlerRenderOutput = Dynamic t LayersViewHandlerRenderOutput
      , _goatWidget_unsavedChanges :: Dynamic t Bool
_goatWidget_unsavedChanges = Dynamic t Bool
      , _goatWidget_DEBUG_goatState :: Dynamic t GoatState
_goatWidget_DEBUG_goatState = Dynamic t GoatState