-- |
-- Module      : Network.TLS.Extra.Cipher
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : Vincent Hanquez <vincent@snarc.org>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : unknown
module Network.TLS.Extra.Cipher
    -- * cipher suite
    , ciphersuite_all
    , ciphersuite_medium
    , ciphersuite_strong
    , ciphersuite_unencrypted
    , ciphersuite_dhe_rsa
    , ciphersuite_dhe_dss
    -- * individual ciphers
    , cipher_null_SHA1
    , cipher_AES128_SHA1
    , cipher_AES256_SHA1
    , cipher_AES128_SHA256
    , cipher_AES256_SHA256
    , cipher_AES128CCM_SHA256
    , cipher_AES128CCM8_SHA256
    , cipher_AES128GCM_SHA256
    , cipher_AES256CCM_SHA256
    , cipher_AES256CCM8_SHA256
    , cipher_AES256GCM_SHA384
    , cipher_DHE_RSA_AES128_SHA1
    , cipher_DHE_RSA_AES256_SHA1
    , cipher_DHE_RSA_AES128_SHA256
    , cipher_DHE_RSA_AES256_SHA256
    , cipher_DHE_DSS_AES128_SHA1
    , cipher_DHE_DSS_AES256_SHA1
    , cipher_DHE_RSA_AES128CCM_SHA256
    , cipher_DHE_RSA_AES128CCM8_SHA256
    , cipher_DHE_RSA_AES128GCM_SHA256
    , cipher_DHE_RSA_AES256CCM_SHA256
    , cipher_DHE_RSA_AES256CCM8_SHA256
    , cipher_DHE_RSA_AES256GCM_SHA384
    , cipher_DHE_RSA_CHACHA20POLY1305_SHA256
    , cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES128GCM_SHA256
    , cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES256GCM_SHA384
    , cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES128CBC_SHA256
    , cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES128CBC_SHA
    , cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES256CBC_SHA
    , cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES256CBC_SHA384
    , cipher_ECDHE_RSA_CHACHA20POLY1305_SHA256
    , cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES128CBC_SHA
    , cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES256CBC_SHA
    , cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES128CBC_SHA256
    , cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES256CBC_SHA384
    , cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES128CCM_SHA256
    , cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES128CCM8_SHA256
    , cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES128GCM_SHA256
    , cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES256CCM_SHA256
    , cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES256CCM8_SHA256
    , cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES256GCM_SHA384
    , cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_CHACHA20POLY1305_SHA256
    -- TLS 1.3
    , cipher_TLS13_AES128GCM_SHA256
    , cipher_TLS13_AES256GCM_SHA384
    , cipher_TLS13_CHACHA20POLY1305_SHA256
    , cipher_TLS13_AES128CCM_SHA256
    , cipher_TLS13_AES128CCM8_SHA256
    -- * obsolete and non-standard ciphers
    , cipher_RSA_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA1
    , cipher_RC4_128_MD5
    , cipher_RC4_128_SHA1
    , cipher_null_MD5
    , cipher_DHE_DSS_RC4_SHA1
    ) where

import qualified Data.ByteString as B

import Network.TLS.Types (Version(..))
import Network.TLS.Cipher
import Network.TLS.Imports
import Data.Tuple (swap)

import Crypto.Cipher.AES
import qualified Crypto.Cipher.ChaChaPoly1305 as ChaChaPoly1305
import qualified Crypto.Cipher.RC4 as RC4
import Crypto.Cipher.TripleDES
import Crypto.Cipher.Types hiding (Cipher, cipherName)
import Crypto.Error
import qualified Crypto.MAC.Poly1305 as Poly1305

takelast :: Int -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
takelast i b = B.drop (B.length b - i) b

aes128cbc :: BulkDirection -> BulkKey -> BulkBlock
aes128cbc BulkEncrypt key =
    let ctx = noFail (cipherInit key) :: AES128
     in (\iv input -> let output = cbcEncrypt ctx (makeIV_ iv) input in (output, takelast 16 output))
aes128cbc BulkDecrypt key =
    let ctx = noFail (cipherInit key) :: AES128
     in (\iv input -> let output = cbcDecrypt ctx (makeIV_ iv) input in (output, takelast 16 input))

aes256cbc :: BulkDirection -> BulkKey -> BulkBlock
aes256cbc BulkEncrypt key =
    let ctx = noFail (cipherInit key) :: AES256
     in (\iv input -> let output = cbcEncrypt ctx (makeIV_ iv) input in (output, takelast 16 output))
aes256cbc BulkDecrypt key =
    let ctx = noFail (cipherInit key) :: AES256
     in (\iv input -> let output = cbcDecrypt ctx (makeIV_ iv) input in (output, takelast 16 input))

aes128ccm :: BulkDirection -> BulkKey -> BulkAEAD
aes128ccm BulkEncrypt key =
    let ctx = noFail (cipherInit key) :: AES128
     in (\nonce d ad ->
            let mode = AEAD_CCM (B.length d) CCM_M16 CCM_L3
                aeadIni = noFail (aeadInit mode ctx nonce)
             in swap $ aeadSimpleEncrypt aeadIni ad d 16)
aes128ccm BulkDecrypt key =
    let ctx = noFail (cipherInit key) :: AES128
     in (\nonce d ad ->
            let mode = AEAD_CCM (B.length d) CCM_M16 CCM_L3
                aeadIni = noFail (aeadInit mode ctx nonce)
             in simpleDecrypt aeadIni ad d 16)

aes128ccm8 :: BulkDirection -> BulkKey -> BulkAEAD
aes128ccm8 BulkEncrypt key =
    let ctx = noFail (cipherInit key) :: AES128
     in (\nonce d ad ->
            let mode = AEAD_CCM (B.length d) CCM_M8 CCM_L3
                aeadIni = noFail (aeadInit mode ctx nonce)
             in swap $ aeadSimpleEncrypt aeadIni ad d 8)
aes128ccm8 BulkDecrypt key =
    let ctx = noFail (cipherInit key) :: AES128
     in (\nonce d ad ->
            let mode = AEAD_CCM (B.length d) CCM_M8 CCM_L3
                aeadIni = noFail (aeadInit mode ctx nonce)
             in simpleDecrypt aeadIni ad d 8)

aes128gcm :: BulkDirection -> BulkKey -> BulkAEAD
aes128gcm BulkEncrypt key =
    let ctx = noFail (cipherInit key) :: AES128
     in (\nonce d ad ->
            let aeadIni = noFail (aeadInit AEAD_GCM ctx nonce)
             in swap $ aeadSimpleEncrypt aeadIni ad d 16)
aes128gcm BulkDecrypt key =
    let ctx = noFail (cipherInit key) :: AES128
     in (\nonce d ad ->
            let aeadIni = noFail (aeadInit AEAD_GCM ctx nonce)
             in simpleDecrypt aeadIni ad d 16)

aes256ccm :: BulkDirection -> BulkKey -> BulkAEAD
aes256ccm BulkEncrypt key =
    let ctx = noFail (cipherInit key) :: AES256
     in (\nonce d ad ->
            let mode = AEAD_CCM (B.length d) CCM_M16 CCM_L3
                aeadIni = noFail (aeadInit mode ctx nonce)
             in swap $ aeadSimpleEncrypt aeadIni ad d 16)
aes256ccm BulkDecrypt key =
    let ctx = noFail (cipherInit key) :: AES256
     in (\nonce d ad ->
            let mode = AEAD_CCM (B.length d) CCM_M16 CCM_L3
                aeadIni = noFail (aeadInit mode ctx nonce)
             in simpleDecrypt aeadIni ad d 16)

aes256ccm8 :: BulkDirection -> BulkKey -> BulkAEAD
aes256ccm8 BulkEncrypt key =
    let ctx = noFail (cipherInit key) :: AES256
     in (\nonce d ad ->
            let mode = AEAD_CCM (B.length d) CCM_M8 CCM_L3
                aeadIni = noFail (aeadInit mode ctx nonce)
             in swap $ aeadSimpleEncrypt aeadIni ad d 8)
aes256ccm8 BulkDecrypt key =
    let ctx = noFail (cipherInit key) :: AES256
     in (\nonce d ad ->
            let mode = AEAD_CCM (B.length d) CCM_M8 CCM_L3
                aeadIni = noFail (aeadInit mode ctx nonce)
             in simpleDecrypt aeadIni ad d 8)

aes256gcm :: BulkDirection -> BulkKey -> BulkAEAD
aes256gcm BulkEncrypt key =
    let ctx = noFail (cipherInit key) :: AES256
     in (\nonce d ad ->
            let aeadIni = noFail (aeadInit AEAD_GCM ctx nonce)
             in swap $ aeadSimpleEncrypt aeadIni ad d 16)
aes256gcm BulkDecrypt key =
    let ctx = noFail (cipherInit key) :: AES256
     in (\nonce d ad ->
            let aeadIni = noFail (aeadInit AEAD_GCM ctx nonce)
             in simpleDecrypt aeadIni ad d 16)

simpleDecrypt :: AEAD cipher -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> Int -> (B.ByteString, AuthTag)
simpleDecrypt aeadIni header input taglen = (output, tag)
        aead                = aeadAppendHeader aeadIni header
        (output, aeadFinal) = aeadDecrypt aead input
        tag                 = aeadFinalize aeadFinal taglen

noFail :: CryptoFailable a -> a
noFail = throwCryptoError

makeIV_ :: BlockCipher a => B.ByteString -> IV a
makeIV_ = fromMaybe (error "makeIV_") . makeIV

tripledes_ede :: BulkDirection -> BulkKey -> BulkBlock
tripledes_ede BulkEncrypt key =
    let ctx = noFail $ cipherInit key
     in (\iv input -> let output = cbcEncrypt ctx (tripledes_iv iv) input in (output, takelast 8 output))
tripledes_ede BulkDecrypt key =
    let ctx = noFail $ cipherInit key
     in (\iv input -> let output = cbcDecrypt ctx (tripledes_iv iv) input in (output, takelast 8 input))

tripledes_iv :: BulkIV -> IV DES_EDE3
tripledes_iv iv = fromMaybe (error "tripledes cipher iv internal error") $ makeIV iv

rc4 :: BulkDirection -> BulkKey -> BulkStream
rc4 _ bulkKey = BulkStream (combineRC4 $ RC4.initialize bulkKey)
    combineRC4 ctx input =
        let (ctx', output) = RC4.combine ctx input
         in (output, BulkStream (combineRC4 ctx'))

chacha20poly1305 :: BulkDirection -> BulkKey -> BulkAEAD
chacha20poly1305 BulkEncrypt key nonce =
    let st = noFail (ChaChaPoly1305.nonce12 nonce >>= ChaChaPoly1305.initialize key)
     in (\input ad ->
            let st2 = ChaChaPoly1305.finalizeAAD (ChaChaPoly1305.appendAAD ad st)
                (output, st3) = ChaChaPoly1305.encrypt input st2
                Poly1305.Auth tag = ChaChaPoly1305.finalize st3
            in (output, AuthTag tag))
chacha20poly1305 BulkDecrypt key nonce =
    let st = noFail (ChaChaPoly1305.nonce12 nonce >>= ChaChaPoly1305.initialize key)
     in (\input ad ->
            let st2 = ChaChaPoly1305.finalizeAAD (ChaChaPoly1305.appendAAD ad st)
                (output, st3) = ChaChaPoly1305.decrypt input st2
                Poly1305.Auth tag = ChaChaPoly1305.finalize st3
            in (output, AuthTag tag))

-- | All AES and ChaCha20-Poly1305 ciphers supported ordered from strong to
-- weak.  This choice of ciphersuites should satisfy most normal needs.  For
-- otherwise strong ciphers we make little distinction between AES128 and
-- AES256, and list each but the weakest of the AES128 ciphers ahead of the
-- corresponding AES256 ciphers, with the ChaCha20-Poly1305 variant placed just
-- after.
-- The CCM ciphers all come together after the GCM variants due to their
-- relative performance cost.
ciphersuite_default :: [Cipher]
ciphersuite_default =
    [        -- First the PFS + GCM + SHA2 ciphers
      cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES128GCM_SHA256, cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES256GCM_SHA384
    , cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_CHACHA20POLY1305_SHA256
    , cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES128GCM_SHA256, cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES256GCM_SHA384
    , cipher_ECDHE_RSA_CHACHA20POLY1305_SHA256
    , cipher_DHE_RSA_AES128GCM_SHA256, cipher_DHE_RSA_AES256GCM_SHA384
    , cipher_DHE_RSA_CHACHA20POLY1305_SHA256
    ,        -- Next the PFS + CCM + SHA2 ciphers
      cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES128CCM_SHA256, cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES256CCM_SHA256
    , cipher_DHE_RSA_AES128CCM_SHA256, cipher_DHE_RSA_AES256CCM_SHA256
             -- Next the PFS + CBC + SHA2 ciphers
    , cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES128CBC_SHA256, cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES256CBC_SHA384
    , cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES128CBC_SHA256, cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES256CBC_SHA384
    , cipher_DHE_RSA_AES128_SHA256, cipher_DHE_RSA_AES256_SHA256
             -- Next the PFS + CBC + SHA1 ciphers
    , cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES128CBC_SHA, cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES256CBC_SHA
    , cipher_DHE_RSA_AES128_SHA1, cipher_DHE_RSA_AES256_SHA1
             -- Next the non-PFS + GCM + SHA2 ciphers
    , cipher_AES128GCM_SHA256, cipher_AES256GCM_SHA384
             -- Next the non-PFS + CCM + SHA2 ciphers
    , cipher_AES128CCM_SHA256, cipher_AES256CCM_SHA256
             -- Next the non-PFS + CBC + SHA2 ciphers
    , cipher_AES256_SHA256, cipher_AES128_SHA256
             -- Next the non-PFS + CBC + SHA1 ciphers
    , cipher_AES256_SHA1, cipher_AES128_SHA1
             -- Nobody uses or should use DSS, RC4,  3DES or MD5
    -- , cipher_DHE_DSS_AES256_SHA1, cipher_DHE_DSS_AES128_SHA1
    -- , cipher_DHE_DSS_RC4_SHA1, cipher_RC4_128_SHA1, cipher_RC4_128_MD5
    -- , cipher_RSA_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA1
             -- TLS13 (listed at the end but version is negotiated first)
    , cipher_TLS13_AES128GCM_SHA256
    , cipher_TLS13_AES256GCM_SHA384
    , cipher_TLS13_CHACHA20POLY1305_SHA256
    , cipher_TLS13_AES128CCM_SHA256

{-# WARNING ciphersuite_all "This ciphersuite list contains RC4. Use ciphersuite_strong or ciphersuite_default instead." #-}
-- | The default ciphersuites + some not recommended last resort ciphers.
ciphersuite_all :: [Cipher]
ciphersuite_all = ciphersuite_default ++
    [ cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES128CCM8_SHA256, cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES256CCM8_SHA256
    , cipher_DHE_RSA_AES128CCM8_SHA256, cipher_DHE_RSA_AES256CCM8_SHA256
    , cipher_DHE_DSS_AES256_SHA1, cipher_DHE_DSS_AES128_SHA1
    , cipher_AES128CCM8_SHA256, cipher_AES256CCM8_SHA256
    , cipher_RSA_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA1
    , cipher_RC4_128_SHA1
    , cipher_TLS13_AES128CCM8_SHA256

{-# DEPRECATED ciphersuite_medium "Use ciphersuite_strong or ciphersuite_default instead." #-}
-- | list of medium ciphers.
ciphersuite_medium :: [Cipher]
ciphersuite_medium = [ cipher_RC4_128_SHA1
                     , cipher_AES128_SHA1

-- | The strongest ciphers supported.  For ciphers with PFS, AEAD and SHA2, we
-- list each AES128 variant after the corresponding AES256 and ChaCha20-Poly1305
-- variants.  For weaker constructs, we use just the AES256 form.
-- The CCM ciphers come just after the corresponding GCM ciphers despite their
-- relative performance cost.
ciphersuite_strong :: [Cipher]
ciphersuite_strong =
    [        -- If we have PFS + AEAD + SHA2, then allow AES128, else just 256
      cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES256GCM_SHA384, cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES256CCM_SHA256
    , cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_CHACHA20POLY1305_SHA256
    , cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES128GCM_SHA256, cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES128CCM_SHA256
    , cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES256GCM_SHA384
    , cipher_ECDHE_RSA_CHACHA20POLY1305_SHA256
    , cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES128GCM_SHA256
    , cipher_DHE_RSA_AES256GCM_SHA384, cipher_DHE_RSA_AES256CCM_SHA256
    , cipher_DHE_RSA_CHACHA20POLY1305_SHA256
    , cipher_DHE_RSA_AES128GCM_SHA256, cipher_DHE_RSA_AES128CCM_SHA256
             -- No AEAD
    , cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES256CBC_SHA384
    , cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES256CBC_SHA384
    , cipher_DHE_RSA_AES256_SHA256
             -- No SHA2
    , cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES256CBC_SHA
    , cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES256CBC_SHA
    , cipher_DHE_RSA_AES256_SHA1
             -- No PFS
    , cipher_AES256GCM_SHA384
    , cipher_AES256CCM_SHA256
             -- Neither PFS nor AEAD, just SHA2
    , cipher_AES256_SHA256
             -- Last resort no PFS, AEAD or SHA2
    , cipher_AES256_SHA1
             -- TLS13 (listed at the end but version is negotiated first)
    , cipher_TLS13_AES256GCM_SHA384
    , cipher_TLS13_CHACHA20POLY1305_SHA256
    , cipher_TLS13_AES128GCM_SHA256
    , cipher_TLS13_AES128CCM_SHA256

-- | DHE-RSA cipher suite.  This only includes ciphers bound specifically to
-- DHE-RSA so TLS 1.3 ciphers must be added separately.
ciphersuite_dhe_rsa :: [Cipher]
ciphersuite_dhe_rsa = [ cipher_DHE_RSA_AES256GCM_SHA384, cipher_DHE_RSA_AES256CCM_SHA256
                      , cipher_DHE_RSA_CHACHA20POLY1305_SHA256
                      , cipher_DHE_RSA_AES128GCM_SHA256, cipher_DHE_RSA_AES128CCM_SHA256
                      , cipher_DHE_RSA_AES256_SHA256, cipher_DHE_RSA_AES128_SHA256
                      , cipher_DHE_RSA_AES256_SHA1, cipher_DHE_RSA_AES128_SHA1

ciphersuite_dhe_dss :: [Cipher]
ciphersuite_dhe_dss = [cipher_DHE_DSS_AES256_SHA1, cipher_DHE_DSS_AES128_SHA1, cipher_DHE_DSS_RC4_SHA1]

-- | all unencrypted ciphers, do not use on insecure network.
ciphersuite_unencrypted :: [Cipher]
ciphersuite_unencrypted = [cipher_null_MD5, cipher_null_SHA1]

bulk_null, bulk_rc4, bulk_aes128, bulk_aes256, bulk_tripledes_ede, bulk_aes128gcm, bulk_aes256gcm :: Bulk
bulk_aes128ccm, bulk_aes128ccm8, bulk_aes256ccm, bulk_aes256ccm8, bulk_chacha20poly1305 :: Bulk
bulk_null = Bulk
    { bulkName         = "null"
    , bulkKeySize      = 0
    , bulkIVSize       = 0
    , bulkExplicitIV   = 0
    , bulkAuthTagLen   = 0
    , bulkBlockSize    = 0
    , bulkF            = BulkStreamF passThrough
    passThrough _ _ = BulkStream go where go inp = (inp, BulkStream go)

bulk_rc4 = Bulk
    { bulkName         = "RC4-128"
    , bulkKeySize      = 16
    , bulkIVSize       = 0
    , bulkExplicitIV   = 0
    , bulkAuthTagLen   = 0
    , bulkBlockSize    = 0
    , bulkF            = BulkStreamF rc4

bulk_aes128 = Bulk
    { bulkName         = "AES128"
    , bulkKeySize      = 16
    , bulkIVSize       = 16
    , bulkExplicitIV   = 0
    , bulkAuthTagLen   = 0
    , bulkBlockSize    = 16
    , bulkF            = BulkBlockF aes128cbc

bulk_aes128ccm = Bulk
    { bulkName         = "AES128CCM"
    , bulkKeySize      = 16 -- RFC 5116 Sec 5.1: K_LEN
    , bulkIVSize       = 4  -- RFC 6655 CCMNonce.salt, fixed_iv_length
    , bulkExplicitIV   = 8
    , bulkAuthTagLen   = 16
    , bulkBlockSize    = 0  -- dummy, not used
    , bulkF            = BulkAeadF aes128ccm

bulk_aes128ccm8 = Bulk
    { bulkName         = "AES128CCM8"
    , bulkKeySize      = 16 -- RFC 5116 Sec 5.1: K_LEN
    , bulkIVSize       = 4  -- RFC 6655 CCMNonce.salt, fixed_iv_length
    , bulkExplicitIV   = 8
    , bulkAuthTagLen   = 8
    , bulkBlockSize    = 0  -- dummy, not used
    , bulkF            = BulkAeadF aes128ccm8

bulk_aes128gcm = Bulk
    { bulkName         = "AES128GCM"
    , bulkKeySize      = 16 -- RFC 5116 Sec 5.1: K_LEN
    , bulkIVSize       = 4  -- RFC 5288 GCMNonce.salt, fixed_iv_length
    , bulkExplicitIV   = 8
    , bulkAuthTagLen   = 16
    , bulkBlockSize    = 0  -- dummy, not used
    , bulkF            = BulkAeadF aes128gcm

bulk_aes256ccm = Bulk
    { bulkName         = "AES256CCM"
    , bulkKeySize      = 32 -- RFC 5116 Sec 5.1: K_LEN
    , bulkIVSize       = 4  -- RFC 6655 CCMNonce.salt, fixed_iv_length
    , bulkExplicitIV   = 8
    , bulkAuthTagLen   = 16
    , bulkBlockSize    = 0  -- dummy, not used
    , bulkF            = BulkAeadF aes256ccm

bulk_aes256ccm8 = Bulk
    { bulkName         = "AES256CCM8"
    , bulkKeySize      = 32 -- RFC 5116 Sec 5.1: K_LEN
    , bulkIVSize       = 4  -- RFC 6655 CCMNonce.salt, fixed_iv_length
    , bulkExplicitIV   = 8
    , bulkAuthTagLen   = 8
    , bulkBlockSize    = 0  -- dummy, not used
    , bulkF            = BulkAeadF aes256ccm8

bulk_aes256gcm = Bulk
    { bulkName         = "AES256GCM"
    , bulkKeySize      = 32 -- RFC 5116 Sec 5.1: K_LEN
    , bulkIVSize       = 4  -- RFC 5288 GCMNonce.salt, fixed_iv_length
    , bulkExplicitIV   = 8
    , bulkAuthTagLen   = 16
    , bulkBlockSize    = 0  -- dummy, not used
    , bulkF            = BulkAeadF aes256gcm

bulk_aes256 = Bulk
    { bulkName         = "AES256"
    , bulkKeySize      = 32
    , bulkIVSize       = 16
    , bulkExplicitIV   = 0
    , bulkAuthTagLen   = 0
    , bulkBlockSize    = 16
    , bulkF            = BulkBlockF aes256cbc

bulk_tripledes_ede = Bulk
    { bulkName      = "3DES-EDE-CBC"
    , bulkKeySize   = 24
    , bulkIVSize    = 8
    , bulkExplicitIV = 0
    , bulkAuthTagLen = 0
    , bulkBlockSize = 8
    , bulkF         = BulkBlockF tripledes_ede

bulk_chacha20poly1305 = Bulk
    { bulkName         = "CHACHA20POLY1305"
    , bulkKeySize      = 32
    , bulkIVSize       = 12 -- RFC 7905 section 2, fixed_iv_length
    , bulkExplicitIV   = 0
    , bulkAuthTagLen   = 16
    , bulkBlockSize    = 0  -- dummy, not used
    , bulkF            = BulkAeadF chacha20poly1305

-- | unencrypted cipher using RSA for key exchange and MD5 for digest
cipher_null_MD5 :: Cipher
cipher_null_MD5 = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0x0001
    , cipherName         = "RSA-null-MD5"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_null
    , cipherHash         = MD5
    , cipherPRFHash      = Nothing
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_RSA
    , cipherMinVer       = Nothing

-- | unencrypted cipher using RSA for key exchange and SHA1 for digest
cipher_null_SHA1 :: Cipher
cipher_null_SHA1 = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0x0002
    , cipherName         = "RSA-null-SHA1"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_null
    , cipherHash         = SHA1
    , cipherPRFHash      = Nothing
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_RSA
    , cipherMinVer       = Nothing

-- | RC4 cipher, RSA key exchange and MD5 for digest
cipher_RC4_128_MD5 :: Cipher
cipher_RC4_128_MD5 = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0x0004
    , cipherName         = "RSA-rc4-128-md5"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_rc4
    , cipherHash         = MD5
    , cipherPRFHash      = Nothing
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_RSA
    , cipherMinVer       = Nothing

-- | RC4 cipher, RSA key exchange and SHA1 for digest
cipher_RC4_128_SHA1 :: Cipher
cipher_RC4_128_SHA1 = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0x0005
    , cipherName         = "RSA-rc4-128-sha1"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_rc4
    , cipherHash         = SHA1
    , cipherPRFHash      = Nothing
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_RSA
    , cipherMinVer       = Nothing

-- | 3DES cipher (168 bit key), RSA key exchange and SHA1 for digest
cipher_RSA_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA1 :: Cipher
cipher_RSA_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA1 = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0x000A
    , cipherName         = "RSA-3DES-EDE-CBC-SHA1"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_tripledes_ede
    , cipherHash         = SHA1
    , cipherPRFHash      = Nothing
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_RSA
    , cipherMinVer       = Nothing

-- | AES cipher (128 bit key), RSA key exchange and SHA1 for digest
cipher_AES128_SHA1 :: Cipher
cipher_AES128_SHA1 = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0x002F
    , cipherName         = "RSA-AES128-SHA1"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_aes128
    , cipherHash         = SHA1
    , cipherPRFHash      = Nothing
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_RSA
    , cipherMinVer       = Just SSL3

-- | AES cipher (128 bit key), DHE key exchanged signed by DSA and SHA1 for digest
cipher_DHE_DSS_AES128_SHA1 :: Cipher
cipher_DHE_DSS_AES128_SHA1 = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0x0032
    , cipherName         = "DHE-DSA-AES128-SHA1"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_aes128
    , cipherHash         = SHA1
    , cipherPRFHash      = Nothing
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_DHE_DSS
    , cipherMinVer       = Nothing

-- | AES cipher (128 bit key), DHE key exchanged signed by RSA and SHA1 for digest
cipher_DHE_RSA_AES128_SHA1 :: Cipher
cipher_DHE_RSA_AES128_SHA1 = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0x0033
    , cipherName         = "DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA1"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_aes128
    , cipherHash         = SHA1
    , cipherPRFHash      = Nothing
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_DHE_RSA
    , cipherMinVer       = Nothing

-- | AES cipher (256 bit key), RSA key exchange and SHA1 for digest
cipher_AES256_SHA1 :: Cipher
cipher_AES256_SHA1 = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0x0035
    , cipherName         = "RSA-AES256-SHA1"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_aes256
    , cipherHash         = SHA1
    , cipherPRFHash      = Nothing
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_RSA
    , cipherMinVer       = Just SSL3

-- | AES cipher (256 bit key), DHE key exchanged signed by DSA and SHA1 for digest
cipher_DHE_DSS_AES256_SHA1 :: Cipher
cipher_DHE_DSS_AES256_SHA1 = cipher_DHE_DSS_AES128_SHA1
    { cipherID           = 0x0038
    , cipherName         = "DHE-DSA-AES256-SHA1"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_aes256

-- | AES cipher (256 bit key), DHE key exchanged signed by RSA and SHA1 for digest
cipher_DHE_RSA_AES256_SHA1 :: Cipher
cipher_DHE_RSA_AES256_SHA1 = cipher_DHE_RSA_AES128_SHA1
    { cipherID           = 0x0039
    , cipherName         = "DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA1"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_aes256

-- | AES cipher (128 bit key), RSA key exchange and SHA256 for digest
cipher_AES128_SHA256 :: Cipher
cipher_AES128_SHA256 = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0x003C
    , cipherName         = "RSA-AES128-SHA256"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_aes128
    , cipherHash         = SHA256
    , cipherPRFHash      = Just SHA256
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_RSA
    , cipherMinVer       = Just TLS12

-- | AES cipher (256 bit key), RSA key exchange and SHA256 for digest
cipher_AES256_SHA256 :: Cipher
cipher_AES256_SHA256 = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0x003D
    , cipherName         = "RSA-AES256-SHA256"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_aes256
    , cipherHash         = SHA256
    , cipherPRFHash      = Just SHA256
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_RSA
    , cipherMinVer       = Just TLS12

-- This is not registered in IANA.
-- So, this will be removed in the next major release.
cipher_DHE_DSS_RC4_SHA1 :: Cipher
cipher_DHE_DSS_RC4_SHA1 = cipher_DHE_DSS_AES128_SHA1
    { cipherID           = 0x0066
    , cipherName         = "DHE-DSA-RC4-SHA1"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_rc4

cipher_DHE_RSA_AES128_SHA256 :: Cipher
cipher_DHE_RSA_AES128_SHA256 = cipher_DHE_RSA_AES128_SHA1
    { cipherID           = 0x0067
    , cipherName         = "DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256"
    , cipherHash         = SHA256
    , cipherPRFHash      = Just SHA256
    , cipherMinVer       = Just TLS12

cipher_DHE_RSA_AES256_SHA256 :: Cipher
cipher_DHE_RSA_AES256_SHA256 = cipher_DHE_RSA_AES128_SHA256
    { cipherID           = 0x006B
    , cipherName         = "DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_aes256

-- | AESCCM cipher (128 bit key), RSA key exchange.
-- The SHA256 digest is used as a PRF, not as a MAC.
cipher_AES128CCM_SHA256 :: Cipher
cipher_AES128CCM_SHA256 = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0xc09c
    , cipherName         = "RSA-AES128CCM-SHA256"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_aes128ccm
    , cipherHash         = SHA256
    , cipherPRFHash      = Just SHA256
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_RSA
    , cipherMinVer       = Just TLS12 -- RFC 6655 Sec 3

-- | AESCCM8 cipher (128 bit key), RSA key exchange.
-- The SHA256 digest is used as a PRF, not as a MAC.
cipher_AES128CCM8_SHA256 :: Cipher
cipher_AES128CCM8_SHA256 = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0xc0a0
    , cipherName         = "RSA-AES128CCM8-SHA256"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_aes128ccm8
    , cipherHash         = SHA256
    , cipherPRFHash      = Just SHA256
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_RSA
    , cipherMinVer       = Just TLS12 -- RFC 6655 Sec 3

-- | AESGCM cipher (128 bit key), RSA key exchange.
-- The SHA256 digest is used as a PRF, not as a MAC.
cipher_AES128GCM_SHA256 :: Cipher
cipher_AES128GCM_SHA256 = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0x009C
    , cipherName         = "RSA-AES128GCM-SHA256"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_aes128gcm
    , cipherHash         = SHA256
    , cipherPRFHash      = Just SHA256
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_RSA
    , cipherMinVer       = Just TLS12

-- | AESCCM cipher (256 bit key), RSA key exchange.
-- The SHA256 digest is used as a PRF, not as a MAC.
cipher_AES256CCM_SHA256 :: Cipher
cipher_AES256CCM_SHA256 = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0xc09d
    , cipherName         = "RSA-AES256CCM-SHA256"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_aes256ccm
    , cipherHash         = SHA256
    , cipherPRFHash      = Just SHA256
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_RSA
    , cipherMinVer       = Just TLS12 -- RFC 6655 Sec 3

-- | AESCCM8 cipher (256 bit key), RSA key exchange.
-- The SHA256 digest is used as a PRF, not as a MAC.
cipher_AES256CCM8_SHA256 :: Cipher
cipher_AES256CCM8_SHA256 = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0xc0a1
    , cipherName         = "RSA-AES256CCM8-SHA256"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_aes256ccm8
    , cipherHash         = SHA256
    , cipherPRFHash      = Just SHA256
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_RSA
    , cipherMinVer       = Just TLS12 -- RFC 6655 Sec 3

-- | AESGCM cipher (256 bit key), RSA key exchange.
-- The SHA384 digest is used as a PRF, not as a MAC.
cipher_AES256GCM_SHA384 :: Cipher
cipher_AES256GCM_SHA384 = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0x009D
    , cipherName         = "RSA-AES256GCM-SHA384"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_aes256gcm
    , cipherHash         = SHA384
    , cipherPRFHash      = Just SHA384
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_RSA
    , cipherMinVer       = Just TLS12

cipher_DHE_RSA_AES128CCM_SHA256 :: Cipher
cipher_DHE_RSA_AES128CCM_SHA256 = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0xc09e
    , cipherName         = "DHE-RSA-AES128CCM-SHA256"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_aes128ccm
    , cipherHash         = SHA256
    , cipherPRFHash      = Just SHA256
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_DHE_RSA
    , cipherMinVer       = Just TLS12 -- RFC 6655 Sec 3

cipher_DHE_RSA_AES128CCM8_SHA256 :: Cipher
cipher_DHE_RSA_AES128CCM8_SHA256 = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0xc0a2
    , cipherName         = "DHE-RSA-AES128CCM8-SHA256"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_aes128ccm8
    , cipherHash         = SHA256
    , cipherPRFHash      = Just SHA256
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_DHE_RSA
    , cipherMinVer       = Just TLS12 -- RFC 6655 Sec 3

cipher_DHE_RSA_AES128GCM_SHA256 :: Cipher
cipher_DHE_RSA_AES128GCM_SHA256 = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0x009E
    , cipherName         = "DHE-RSA-AES128GCM-SHA256"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_aes128gcm
    , cipherHash         = SHA256
    , cipherPRFHash      = Just SHA256
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_DHE_RSA
    , cipherMinVer       = Just TLS12 -- RFC 5288 Sec 4

cipher_DHE_RSA_AES256CCM_SHA256 :: Cipher
cipher_DHE_RSA_AES256CCM_SHA256 = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0xc09f
    , cipherName         = "DHE-RSA-AES256CCM-SHA256"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_aes256ccm
    , cipherHash         = SHA256
    , cipherPRFHash      = Just SHA256
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_DHE_RSA
    , cipherMinVer       = Just TLS12 -- RFC 6655 Sec 3

cipher_DHE_RSA_AES256CCM8_SHA256 :: Cipher
cipher_DHE_RSA_AES256CCM8_SHA256 = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0xc0a3
    , cipherName         = "DHE-RSA-AES256CCM8-SHA256"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_aes256ccm8
    , cipherHash         = SHA256
    , cipherPRFHash      = Just SHA256
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_DHE_RSA
    , cipherMinVer       = Just TLS12 -- RFC 6655 Sec 3

cipher_DHE_RSA_AES256GCM_SHA384 :: Cipher
cipher_DHE_RSA_AES256GCM_SHA384 = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0x009F
    , cipherName         = "DHE-RSA-AES256GCM-SHA384"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_aes256gcm
    , cipherHash         = SHA384
    , cipherPRFHash      = Just SHA384
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_DHE_RSA
    , cipherMinVer       = Just TLS12

cipher_ECDHE_RSA_CHACHA20POLY1305_SHA256 :: Cipher
cipher_ECDHE_RSA_CHACHA20POLY1305_SHA256 = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0xCCA8
    , cipherName         = "ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20POLY1305-SHA256"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_chacha20poly1305
    , cipherHash         = SHA256
    , cipherPRFHash      = Just SHA256
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_ECDHE_RSA
    , cipherMinVer       = Just TLS12

cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_CHACHA20POLY1305_SHA256 :: Cipher
cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_CHACHA20POLY1305_SHA256 = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0xCCA9
    , cipherName         = "ECDHE-ECDSA-CHACHA20POLY1305-SHA256"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_chacha20poly1305
    , cipherHash         = SHA256
    , cipherPRFHash      = Just SHA256
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_ECDHE_ECDSA
    , cipherMinVer       = Just TLS12

cipher_DHE_RSA_CHACHA20POLY1305_SHA256 :: Cipher
cipher_DHE_RSA_CHACHA20POLY1305_SHA256 = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0xCCAA
    , cipherName         = "DHE-RSA-CHACHA20POLY1305-SHA256"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_chacha20poly1305
    , cipherHash         = SHA256
    , cipherPRFHash      = Just SHA256
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_DHE_RSA
    , cipherMinVer       = Just TLS12

cipher_TLS13_AES128GCM_SHA256 :: Cipher
cipher_TLS13_AES128GCM_SHA256 = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0x1301
    , cipherName         = "AES128GCM-SHA256"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_aes128gcm
    , cipherHash         = SHA256
    , cipherPRFHash      = Nothing
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_TLS13
    , cipherMinVer       = Just TLS13

cipher_TLS13_AES256GCM_SHA384 :: Cipher
cipher_TLS13_AES256GCM_SHA384 = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0x1302
    , cipherName         = "AES256GCM-SHA384"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_aes256gcm
    , cipherHash         = SHA384
    , cipherPRFHash      = Nothing
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_TLS13
    , cipherMinVer       = Just TLS13

cipher_TLS13_CHACHA20POLY1305_SHA256 :: Cipher
cipher_TLS13_CHACHA20POLY1305_SHA256 = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0x1303
    , cipherName         = "CHACHA20POLY1305-SHA256"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_chacha20poly1305
    , cipherHash         = SHA256
    , cipherPRFHash      = Nothing
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_TLS13
    , cipherMinVer       = Just TLS13

cipher_TLS13_AES128CCM_SHA256 :: Cipher
cipher_TLS13_AES128CCM_SHA256 = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0x1304
    , cipherName         = "AES128CCM-SHA256"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_aes128ccm
    , cipherHash         = SHA256
    , cipherPRFHash      = Nothing
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_TLS13
    , cipherMinVer       = Just TLS13

cipher_TLS13_AES128CCM8_SHA256 :: Cipher
cipher_TLS13_AES128CCM8_SHA256 = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0x1305
    , cipherName         = "AES128CCM8-SHA256"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_aes128ccm8
    , cipherHash         = SHA256
    , cipherPRFHash      = Nothing
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_TLS13
    , cipherMinVer       = Just TLS13

cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES128CBC_SHA :: Cipher
cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES128CBC_SHA = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0xC009
    , cipherName         = "ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128CBC-SHA"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_aes128
    , cipherHash         = SHA1
    , cipherPRFHash      = Nothing
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_ECDHE_ECDSA
    , cipherMinVer       = Just TLS10

cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES256CBC_SHA :: Cipher
cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES256CBC_SHA = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0xC00A
    , cipherName         = "ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256CBC-SHA"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_aes256
    , cipherHash         = SHA1
    , cipherPRFHash      = Nothing
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_ECDHE_ECDSA
    , cipherMinVer       = Just TLS10

cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES128CBC_SHA :: Cipher
cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES128CBC_SHA = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0xC013
    , cipherName         = "ECDHE-RSA-AES128CBC-SHA"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_aes128
    , cipherHash         = SHA1
    , cipherPRFHash      = Nothing
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_ECDHE_RSA
    , cipherMinVer       = Just TLS10

cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES256CBC_SHA :: Cipher
cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES256CBC_SHA = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0xC014
    , cipherName         = "ECDHE-RSA-AES256CBC-SHA"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_aes256
    , cipherHash         = SHA1
    , cipherPRFHash      = Nothing
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_ECDHE_RSA
    , cipherMinVer       = Just TLS10

cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES128CBC_SHA256 :: Cipher
cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES128CBC_SHA256 = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0xC027
    , cipherName         = "ECDHE-RSA-AES128CBC-SHA256"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_aes128
    , cipherHash         = SHA256
    , cipherPRFHash      = Just SHA256
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_ECDHE_RSA
    , cipherMinVer       = Just TLS12 -- RFC 5288 Sec 4

cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES256CBC_SHA384 :: Cipher
cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES256CBC_SHA384 = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0xC028
    , cipherName         = "ECDHE-RSA-AES256CBC-SHA384"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_aes256
    , cipherHash         = SHA384
    , cipherPRFHash      = Just SHA384
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_ECDHE_RSA
    , cipherMinVer       = Just TLS12 -- RFC 5288 Sec 4

cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES128CBC_SHA256 :: Cipher
cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES128CBC_SHA256 = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0xc023
    , cipherName         = "ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128CBC-SHA256"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_aes128
    , cipherHash         = SHA256
    , cipherPRFHash      = Just SHA256
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_ECDHE_ECDSA
    , cipherMinVer       = Just TLS12 -- RFC 5289

cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES256CBC_SHA384 :: Cipher
cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES256CBC_SHA384 = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0xC024
    , cipherName         = "ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256CBC-SHA384"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_aes256
    , cipherHash         = SHA384
    , cipherPRFHash      = Just SHA384
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_ECDHE_ECDSA
    , cipherMinVer       = Just TLS12 -- RFC 5289

cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES128CCM_SHA256 :: Cipher
cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES128CCM_SHA256 = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0xc0ac
    , cipherName         = "ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128CCM-SHA256"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_aes128ccm
    , cipherHash         = SHA256
    , cipherPRFHash      = Just SHA256
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_ECDHE_ECDSA
    , cipherMinVer       = Just TLS12 -- RFC 7251

cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES128CCM8_SHA256 :: Cipher
cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES128CCM8_SHA256 = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0xc0ae
    , cipherName         = "ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128CCM8-SHA256"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_aes128ccm8
    , cipherHash         = SHA256
    , cipherPRFHash      = Just SHA256
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_ECDHE_ECDSA
    , cipherMinVer       = Just TLS12 -- RFC 7251

cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES128GCM_SHA256 :: Cipher
cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES128GCM_SHA256 = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0xC02B
    , cipherName         = "ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128GCM-SHA256"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_aes128gcm
    , cipherHash         = SHA256
    , cipherPRFHash      = Just SHA256
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_ECDHE_ECDSA
    , cipherMinVer       = Just TLS12 -- RFC 5289

cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES256CCM_SHA256 :: Cipher
cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES256CCM_SHA256 = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0xc0ad
    , cipherName         = "ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256CCM-SHA256"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_aes256ccm
    , cipherHash         = SHA256
    , cipherPRFHash      = Just SHA256
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_ECDHE_ECDSA
    , cipherMinVer       = Just TLS12 -- RFC 7251

cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES256CCM8_SHA256 :: Cipher
cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES256CCM8_SHA256 = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0xc0af
    , cipherName         = "ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256CCM8-SHA256"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_aes256ccm8
    , cipherHash         = SHA256
    , cipherPRFHash      = Just SHA256
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_ECDHE_ECDSA
    , cipherMinVer       = Just TLS12 -- RFC 7251

cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES256GCM_SHA384 :: Cipher
cipher_ECDHE_ECDSA_AES256GCM_SHA384 = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0xC02C
    , cipherName         = "ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256GCM-SHA384"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_aes256gcm
    , cipherHash         = SHA384
    , cipherPRFHash      = Just SHA384
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_ECDHE_ECDSA
    , cipherMinVer       = Just TLS12 -- RFC 5289

cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES128GCM_SHA256 :: Cipher
cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES128GCM_SHA256 = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0xC02F
    , cipherName         = "ECDHE-RSA-AES128GCM-SHA256"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_aes128gcm
    , cipherHash         = SHA256
    , cipherPRFHash      = Just SHA256
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_ECDHE_RSA
    , cipherMinVer       = Just TLS12 -- RFC 5288 Sec 4

cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES256GCM_SHA384 :: Cipher
cipher_ECDHE_RSA_AES256GCM_SHA384 = Cipher
    { cipherID           = 0xC030
    , cipherName         = "ECDHE-RSA-AES256GCM-SHA384"
    , cipherBulk         = bulk_aes256gcm
    , cipherHash         = SHA384
    , cipherPRFHash      = Just SHA384
    , cipherKeyExchange  = CipherKeyExchange_ECDHE_RSA
    , cipherMinVer       = Just TLS12 -- RFC 5289

-- A list of cipher suite is found from:
-- https://www.iana.org/assignments/tls-parameters/tls-parameters.xhtml#tls-parameters-4