-- |
-- Module      : Network.TLS.Credentials
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : Vincent Hanquez <vincent@snarc.org>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : unknown
module Network.TLS.Credentials
    ( Credential
    , Credentials(..)
    , credentialLoadX509
    , credentialLoadX509FromMemory
    , credentialLoadX509Chain
    , credentialLoadX509ChainFromMemory
    , credentialsFindForSigning
    , credentialsFindForDecrypting
    , credentialsListSigningAlgorithms
    , credentialPublicPrivateKeys
    , credentialMatchesHashSignatures
    ) where

import Network.TLS.Crypto
import Network.TLS.X509
import Network.TLS.Imports
import Data.X509.File
import Data.X509.Memory
import Data.X509

import qualified Data.X509             as X509
import qualified Network.TLS.Struct    as TLS

type Credential = (CertificateChain, PrivKey)

newtype Credentials = Credentials [Credential]

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
instance Semigroup Credentials where
    Credentials l1 <> Credentials l2 = Credentials (l1 ++ l2)

instance Monoid Credentials where
    mempty = Credentials []
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
    mappend (Credentials l1) (Credentials l2) = Credentials (l1 ++ l2)

-- | try to create a new credential object from a public certificate
-- and the associated private key that are stored on the filesystem
-- in PEM format.
credentialLoadX509 :: FilePath -- ^ public certificate (X.509 format)
                   -> FilePath -- ^ private key associated
                   -> IO (Either String Credential)
credentialLoadX509 certFile = credentialLoadX509Chain certFile []

-- | similar to 'credentialLoadX509' but take the certificate
-- and private key from memory instead of from the filesystem.
credentialLoadX509FromMemory :: ByteString
                  -> ByteString
                  -> Either String Credential
credentialLoadX509FromMemory certData =
  credentialLoadX509ChainFromMemory certData []

-- | similar to 'credentialLoadX509' but also allow specifying chain
-- certificates.
credentialLoadX509Chain ::
                      FilePath   -- ^ public certificate (X.509 format)
                   -> [FilePath] -- ^ chain certificates (X.509 format)
                   -> FilePath   -- ^ private key associated
                   -> IO (Either String Credential)
credentialLoadX509Chain certFile chainFiles privateFile = do
    x509 <- readSignedObject certFile
    chains <- mapM readSignedObject chainFiles
    keys <- readKeyFile privateFile
    case keys of
        []    -> return $ Left "no keys found"
        (k:_) -> return $ Right (CertificateChain . concat $ x509 : chains, k)

-- | similar to 'credentialLoadX509FromMemory' but also allow
-- specifying chain certificates.
credentialLoadX509ChainFromMemory :: ByteString
                  -> [ByteString]
                  -> ByteString
                  -> Either String Credential
credentialLoadX509ChainFromMemory certData chainData privateData = do
    let x509   = readSignedObjectFromMemory certData
        chains = map readSignedObjectFromMemory chainData
        keys   = readKeyFileFromMemory privateData
     in case keys of
            []    -> Left "no keys found"
            (k:_) -> Right (CertificateChain . concat $ x509 : chains, k)

credentialsListSigningAlgorithms :: Credentials -> [KeyExchangeSignatureAlg]
credentialsListSigningAlgorithms (Credentials l) = mapMaybe credentialCanSign l

credentialsFindForSigning :: KeyExchangeSignatureAlg -> Credentials -> Maybe Credential
credentialsFindForSigning kxsAlg (Credentials l) = find forSigning l
  where forSigning cred = case credentialCanSign cred of
            Nothing  -> False
            Just kxs -> kxs == kxsAlg

credentialsFindForDecrypting :: Credentials -> Maybe Credential
credentialsFindForDecrypting (Credentials l) = find forEncrypting l
  where forEncrypting cred = Just () == credentialCanDecrypt cred

-- here we assume that only RSA is supported for key encipherment (encryption/decryption)
-- we keep the same construction as 'credentialCanSign', returning a Maybe of () in case
-- this change in future.
credentialCanDecrypt :: Credential -> Maybe ()
credentialCanDecrypt (chain, priv) =
    case (pub, priv) of
        (PubKeyRSA _, PrivKeyRSA _) ->
            case extensionGet (certExtensions cert) of
                Nothing                                     -> Just ()
                Just (ExtKeyUsage flags)
                    | KeyUsage_keyEncipherment `elem` flags -> Just ()
                    | otherwise                             -> Nothing
        _                           -> Nothing
    where cert   = getCertificate signed
          pub    = certPubKey cert
          signed = getCertificateChainLeaf chain

credentialCanSign :: Credential -> Maybe KeyExchangeSignatureAlg
credentialCanSign (chain, priv) =
    case extensionGet (certExtensions cert) of
        Nothing    -> findKeyExchangeSignatureAlg (pub, priv)
        Just (ExtKeyUsage flags)
            | KeyUsage_digitalSignature `elem` flags -> findKeyExchangeSignatureAlg (pub, priv)
            | otherwise                              -> Nothing
    where cert   = getCertificate signed
          pub    = certPubKey cert
          signed = getCertificateChainLeaf chain

credentialPublicPrivateKeys :: Credential -> (PubKey, PrivKey)
credentialPublicPrivateKeys (chain, priv) = pub `seq` (pub, priv)
    where cert   = getCertificate signed
          pub    = certPubKey cert
          signed = getCertificateChainLeaf chain

getHashSignature :: SignedCertificate -> Maybe TLS.HashAndSignatureAlgorithm
getHashSignature signed =
    case signedAlg $ getSigned signed of
        SignatureALG hashAlg PubKeyALG_RSA    -> convertHash TLS.SignatureRSA   hashAlg
        SignatureALG hashAlg PubKeyALG_DSA    -> convertHash TLS.SignatureDSS   hashAlg
        SignatureALG hashAlg PubKeyALG_EC     -> convertHash TLS.SignatureECDSA hashAlg

        SignatureALG X509.HashSHA256 PubKeyALG_RSAPSS -> Just (TLS.HashIntrinsic, TLS.SignatureRSApssRSAeSHA256)
        SignatureALG X509.HashSHA384 PubKeyALG_RSAPSS -> Just (TLS.HashIntrinsic, TLS.SignatureRSApssRSAeSHA384)
        SignatureALG X509.HashSHA512 PubKeyALG_RSAPSS -> Just (TLS.HashIntrinsic, TLS.SignatureRSApssRSAeSHA512)

        SignatureALG_IntrinsicHash PubKeyALG_Ed25519  -> Just (TLS.HashIntrinsic, TLS.SignatureEd25519)
        SignatureALG_IntrinsicHash PubKeyALG_Ed448    -> Just (TLS.HashIntrinsic, TLS.SignatureEd448)

        _                                     -> Nothing
    convertHash sig X509.HashMD5    = Just (TLS.HashMD5   , sig)
    convertHash sig X509.HashSHA1   = Just (TLS.HashSHA1  , sig)
    convertHash sig X509.HashSHA224 = Just (TLS.HashSHA224, sig)
    convertHash sig X509.HashSHA256 = Just (TLS.HashSHA256, sig)
    convertHash sig X509.HashSHA384 = Just (TLS.HashSHA384, sig)
    convertHash sig X509.HashSHA512 = Just (TLS.HashSHA512, sig)
    convertHash _   _               = Nothing

-- | Checks whether certificate signatures in the chain comply with a list of
-- hash/signature algorithm pairs.  Currently the verification applies only to
-- the signature of the leaf certificate, and when not self-signed.  This may
-- be extended to additional chain elements in the future.
credentialMatchesHashSignatures :: [TLS.HashAndSignatureAlgorithm] -> Credential -> Bool
credentialMatchesHashSignatures hashSigs (chain, _) =
    case chain of
        CertificateChain []       -> True
        CertificateChain (leaf:_) -> isSelfSigned leaf || matchHashSig leaf
    matchHashSig signed = case getHashSignature signed of
                              Nothing -> False
                              Just hs -> hs `elem` hashSigs

    isSelfSigned signed =
        let cert = getCertificate signed
         in certSubjectDN cert == certIssuerDN cert