This module provides the high level functions that are re-exported
by @Database.Postgres.Temp@. Additionally it includes some
identifiers that are used for testing but are not exported.
module Database.Postgres.Temp.Internal where
import Database.Postgres.Temp.Internal.Core
import Database.Postgres.Temp.Internal.Partial
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad (void)
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Options as Client
import System.Exit (ExitCode(..))
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Cont
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple as PG
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map

-- | Handle for holding temporary resources, the @postgres@ process handle
--   and postgres connection information. The 'DB' also includes the
--   final 'Plan' that was used to start @initdb@, @createdb@ and
--   @postgres@.
data DB = DB
  { dbResources :: Resources
  -- ^ Temporary resources and the final 'Plan'.
  , dbPostgresProcess :: PostgresProcess
  -- ^ @postgres@ process handle and the connection options.

-- | Convert a 'DB' to a connection string. Alternatively one can access the
--   'Client.Options' using
--    @postgresProcessClientConfig . dbPostgresProcess@
toConnectionString :: DB -> ByteString
  = Client.toConnectionString
  . postgresProcessClientConfig
  . dbPostgresProcess
-- Life Cycle Management
-- | Default postgres options
defaultPostgresConfig :: [String]
defaultPostgresConfig =
  [ "shared_buffers = 12MB"
  , "fsync = off"
  , "synchronous_commit = off"
  , "full_page_writes = off"
  , "log_min_duration_statement = 0"
  , "log_connections = on"
  , "log_disconnections = on"
  , "client_min_messages = ERROR"

-- | The default configuration. This will create a database called \"test\"
--   and create a temporary directory for the data and a temporary directory
--   for a unix socket on a random port.
--   If you would like to customize this behavior you can start with the
--   'defaultConfig' and overwrite fields or combine the 'Config' with another
--   config using '<>' ('mappend').
--   If you would like complete control over the behavior of @initdb@,
--   @postgres@ and @createdb@ you can call the internal function 'initPlan'
--   directly although this should not be necessary.
defaultConfig :: Config
defaultConfig = mempty
  { configPlan = mempty
    { partialPlanLogger = pure mempty
    , partialPlanConfig = Mappend defaultPostgresConfig
    , partialPlanCreateDb = Mappend Nothing
    , partialPlanInitDb = Mappend $ pure mempty
      { partialProcessConfigCmdLine = Mappend $ mempty
          { partialCommandLineArgsKeyBased = Map.singleton "--no-sync" Nothing
    , partialPlanPostgres = mempty
        { partialPostgresPlanClientConfig = mempty
          { Client.dbname = pure "postgres"

-- | 'standardConfig' makes a default config with 'standardProcessConfig'.
--   It is used by default but can be overriden by the extra config.
standardConfig :: IO Config
standardConfig = do
  theStandardProcessConfig <- standardProcessConfig
  pure mempty
    { configPlan = mempty
      { partialPlanCreateDb = Mappend $ pure theStandardProcessConfig
      , partialPlanInitDb = Mappend $ pure theStandardProcessConfig
      , partialPlanPostgres = mempty
          { partialPostgresPlanProcessConfig = theStandardProcessConfig

-- | Create temporary resources and use them to make a 'Config'.
--   The generated 'Config' is combined with the passed in @extraConfiguration@
--   to create a 'Plan' that is used to create a database.
--   The output 'DB' includes references to the temporary resources for
--   cleanup and the final plan that was used to generate the database and
--   processes
startWith :: Config
          -- ^ @extraConfiguration@ that is 'mappend'ed to the generated `Config`.
          -- The extra config is 'mappend'ed second, e.g.
          -- @generatedConfig <> extraConfiguration@
          -> IO (Either StartError DB)
startWith extra = try $ evalContT $ do
  theStandards <- lift standardConfig
  let finalExtra = theStandards <> extra
  dbResources@Resources {..} <-
    ContT $ bracketOnError (initConfig finalExtra) shutdownResources
  dbPostgresProcess <-
    ContT $ bracketOnError (initPlan resourcesPlan) stopPostgresProcess
  pure DB {..}

-- | Default start behavior. Equivalent to calling 'startWith' with the
--   'defaultConfig'
start :: IO (Either StartError DB)
start = startWith defaultConfig

-- | Stop the @postgres@ process and cleanup any temporary directories that
--   might have been created.
stop :: DB -> IO ()
stop DB {..} = do
  void $ stopPostgresProcess dbPostgresProcess
  shutdownResources dbResources

-- | Only stop the @postgres@ process but leave any temporary resources.
--   Useful for testing backup strategies when used in conjunction with
--   'restart' or 'withRestart'.
stopPostgres :: DB -> IO ExitCode
stopPostgres = stopPostgresProcess . dbPostgresProcess

-- | Restart the @postgres@ using the 'Plan' from the 'DB'
--  (e.g. @resourcesPlan . dbResources@)
restart :: DB -> IO (Either StartError DB)
restart db@DB{..} = try $ do
  void $ stopPostgres db
  let plan = resourcesPlan dbResources
  bracketOnError (startPostgresProcess (planLogger plan) $ planPostgres plan)
    stopPostgresProcess $ \result ->
      pure $ db { dbPostgresProcess = result }

-- | Reload the configuration file without shutting down. Calls
--   @pg_reload_conf()@.
reloadConfig :: DB -> IO ()
reloadConfig db =
  bracket (PG.connectPostgreSQL $ toConnectionString db) PG.close $ \conn -> do
    (void :: IO [PG.Only Bool] -> IO ()) $
      PG.query_ conn "SELECT pg_reload_conf()"
-- Exception safe interface
-- | Exception safe default database create. Takes an @action@ continuation
--   which is given a 'DB' it can use to connect
--   to (see 'toConnectionString' or 'postgresProcessClientConfig').
--   All of the database resources are automatically cleaned up on
--   completion even in the face of exceptions.
withPlan :: Config
         -- ^ @extraConfiguration@. Combined with the generated 'Config'. See
         -- 'startWith' for more info
         -> (DB -> IO a)
         -- ^ @action@ continuation
         -> IO (Either StartError a)
withPlan plan f = bracket (startWith plan) (either mempty stop) $
  either (pure . Left) (fmap Right . f)

-- | Default expectation safe interface. Equivalent to 'withPlan' the
--   'defaultConfig'
with :: (DB -> IO a)
     -- ^ @action@ continuation.
     -> IO (Either StartError a)
with = withPlan defaultConfig

-- | Exception safe version of 'restart'
withRestart :: DB -> (DB -> IO a) -> IO (Either StartError a)
withRestart db f = bracket (restart db) (either mempty stop) $
  either (pure . Left) (fmap Right . f)

-- | Attempt to create a config from a 'Client.Options'. This is useful if
--   want to create a database owned by a specific user you will also log in as
--   among other use cases. It is possible some 'Client.Options' are not
--   supported so don't hesitate to open an issue on github if you find one.
optionsToDefaultConfig :: Client.Options -> Config
optionsToDefaultConfig opts@Client.Options {..} =
  defaultConfig <> optionsToConfig opts