Module      : TOML.Components
Description : /Internal:/ Type and operations for raw top-level TOML elements
Copyright   : (c) Eric Mertens, 2017
License     : ISC
Maintainer  : emertens@gmail.com

This module provides an intermediate representation for TOML files.
The parser produces a list of top-level table components, and this
module gathers those together in the form of tables and lists of

module TOML.Components where

import           Control.Monad
import           Data.Foldable
import           Data.List
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Ord
import           Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text

import           TOML.Value

-- | Various top-level elements that can be returned by the TOML parser.
data Component
  = InitialEntry    [(Text,Value)] -- ^ key value pairs before any @[header]@
  | TableEntry Path [(Text,Value)] -- ^ key value pairs after any @[header]@
  | ArrayEntry Path [(Text,Value)] -- ^ key value pairs after any @[[header]]@
  deriving (Read, Show)

-- | Non-empty list of table keys
type Path = [Text]

-- | Merge a list of top-level components into a single
-- table, or throw an error with an ambiguous path.
componentsToTable :: [Component] -> Either Path [(Text,Value)]
componentsToTable = flattenTableList . collapseComponents

-- | Collapse the various components generated by the parser into a
-- single list of path-value pairs. This operations is particularly
-- responsible for gathering top-level array entries together.
collapseComponents :: [Component] -> [(Path,Value)]
collapseComponents [] = []
collapseComponents (InitialEntry kvs : xs) =
  [ ([k],v) | (k,v) <- kvs ] ++ collapseComponents xs
collapseComponents (TableEntry k kvs : xs) =
  (k, Table kvs) : collapseComponents xs
collapseComponents xs@(ArrayEntry k _ : _) =
  case splitArrays k xs of
    (kvss, xs') -> (k, List (map Table kvss)) : collapseComponents xs'

-- | Extract all of the leading 'ArrayEntry' components that match
-- the given path.
splitArrays :: Path -> [Component] -> ([[(Text,Value)]], [Component])
splitArrays k1 (ArrayEntry k2 kvs : xs)
  | k1 == k2 =
     case splitArrays k1 xs of
       (kvss, xs2) -> (kvs:kvss, xs2)
splitArrays _ xs = ([],xs)

-- | Given a list of key-value pairs ordered by key, group the list
-- by equality on the head of the key-path list.
factorHeads :: Eq k => [([k],v)] -> [(k,[([k],v)])]
factorHeads xs = [ (h, [ (k, v) | (_:k,v) <- g ])
                 | let eq (x,_) (y,_) = take 1 x == take 1 y
                 , g@((h:_,_):_) <- groupBy eq xs

-- | Flatten a list of path-value pairs into a single table.
-- If in the course of flattening the pairs if the value at a
-- particular path is assigned twice, that path will be returned
-- instead.
flattenTableList :: [(Path, Value)] -> Either Path [(Text, Value)]
flattenTableList = go [] . order
    go path xs = sequenceA [ flattenGroup path x ys | (x,ys) <- factorHeads xs ]

    flattenGroup :: Path -> Text -> [(Path,Value)] -> Either Path (Text,Value)
    flattenGroup path k (([],Table t):kvs) =
      flattenGroup path k (mergeInlineTable t kvs)
    flattenGroup path k (([],v):rest)
      | null rest = (k,v) <$ validateInlineTables (k:path) v
      | otherwise = Left (reverse (k:path))
    flattenGroup path k kvs =
      do kvs' <- go (k:path) kvs
         return (k, Table kvs')

-- | Merge a table into the current list of path-value pairs. The
-- resulting list is sorted to make it appropriate for subsequent
-- grouping operations.
mergeInlineTable :: [(Text,value)] -> [(Path,value)] -> [(Path,value)]
mergeInlineTable t kvs = order ([([i],j) | (i,j) <- t] ++ kvs)

-- | Order a list of path-value pairs lexicographically by path.
order :: [(Path,value)] -> [(Path,value)]
order = sortBy (comparing fst)

-- | Throw an error with the problematic path if a duplicate is found.
validateInlineTables :: Path -> Value -> Either Path ()
validateInlineTables path (Table t) =
  case findDuplicate (map fst t) of
    Just k  -> Left (reverse (k:path))
    Nothing -> traverse_ (\(k,v) -> validateInlineTables (k:path) v) t
validateInlineTables path (List xs) =
  zipWithM_ (\i x -> validateInlineTables (Text.pack (show i):path) x)
        [0::Int ..] xs
validateInlineTables _ _ = Right ()

-- | Find an entry that appears in the given list more than once.
findDuplicate :: Ord a => [a] -> Maybe a
findDuplicate = listToMaybe . map head . filter (not . null . tail) . group . sort