module TPDB.DP.TCap where

import TPDB.Data
import TPDB.Pretty

import TPDB.DP.Unify

import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Control.Applicative

-- |  This function keeps only those parts of the input term which cannot be reduced,
-- even if the term is instantiated. All other parts are replaced by fresh variables.
-- Def 4.4 in

tcap :: (Ord v, Ord c) => TRS v c -> Term v c -> Term Int c
tcap dp t = evalState ( walk dp t ) 0

fresh_var :: State Int ( Term Int c )
fresh_var = do i <- get ; put $ succ i ; return $ Var i

walk dp t = case t of
    Node f args -> do
        t' <- Node f <$> forM args (walk dp)
        if all ( \ u -> not $ unifies ( vmap Left $ lhs u ) ( vmap Right t' ) )
                   $ filter (not . strict) $ rules dp
            then return t' else fresh_var
    _ -> fresh_var