{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase #-}

Module:      Data.Functor.Classes.Generic
Copyright:   (C) 2015-2016 Edward Kmett, Ryan Scott
License:     BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
Maintainer:  Ryan Scott
Stability:   Provisional
Portability: GHC

Internal functionality for "Data.Functor.Classes.Generic".

This is an internal module and, as such, the API is not guaranteed to remain the
same between any given release.
module Data.Functor.Classes.Generic.Internal
  ( -- * Options
  , defaultOptions
  , latestGHCOptions
    -- * 'Eq1'
  , eq1Default
  , eq1Options
  , liftEqDefault
  , liftEqOptions
  , GEq1(..)
  , Eq1Args(..)
    -- * 'Ord1'
  , compare1Default
  , compare1Options
  , liftCompareDefault
  , liftCompareOptions
  , GOrd1(..)
  , Ord1Args(..)
    -- * 'Read1'
  , readsPrec1Default
  , readsPrec1Options
  , liftReadsPrecDefault
  , liftReadsPrecOptions
  , GRead1(..)
  , GRead1Con(..)
  , Read1Args(..)
    -- * 'Show1'
  , showsPrec1Default
  , showsPrec1Options
  , liftShowsPrecDefault
  , liftShowsPrecOptions
  , GShow1(..)
  , GShow1Con(..)
  , Show1Args(..)
    -- * 'FunctorClassesDefault'
  , FunctorClassesDefault(..)
  -- * Miscellaneous types
  , V4
  , NonV4
  , ConType(..)
  , IsNullaryDataType(..)
  , IsNullaryCon(..)
  ) where

import Data.Char (isSymbol, ord)
import Data.Functor.Classes
import Generics.Deriving.Base hiding (prec)
import GHC.Generics hiding (prec)
import GHC.Read (paren, parens)
import GHC.Show (appPrec, appPrec1, showSpace)
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec
import Text.Read (Read(..))
import Text.Read.Lex (Lexeme(..))

import GHC.Read (list)
import Text.Show (showListWith)

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,7,0)
import GHC.Read (expectP)
import GHC.Read (lexP)
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,7,0) || defined(GENERIC_DERIVING)
import GHC.Exts

#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0))
import Data.Monoid

-- * Options

-- | Options that further configure how the functions in
-- "Data.Functor.Classes.Generic" should behave.
newtype Options = Options
  { Options -> Bool
ghc8ShowBehavior :: Bool
    -- ^ If 'True', a default 'Show1' implementation will show hash signs
    -- (@#@) when showing unlifted types.

-- | Options that match the behavior of the installed version of GHC.
defaultOptions :: Options
defaultOptions :: Options
defaultOptions = Options :: Bool -> Options
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
  ghc8ShowBehavior :: Bool
ghc8ShowBehavior = Bool
  ghc8ShowBehavior = False

-- | Options that match the behavior of the most recent GHC release.
latestGHCOptions :: Options
latestGHCOptions :: Options
latestGHCOptions = Options :: Bool -> Options
Options { ghc8ShowBehavior :: Bool
ghc8ShowBehavior = Bool
True }

-- | A type-level indicator that the @transformers-0.4@ version of a class method
-- is being derived generically.
data V4

-- | A type-level indicator that the non-@transformers-0.4@ version of a class
-- method is being derived generically.
data NonV4

-- * Eq1

-- | An 'Eq1Args' value either stores an @Eq a@ dictionary (for the
-- @transformers-0.4@ version of 'Eq1'), or it stores the function argument that
-- checks the equality of occurrences of the type parameter (for the
-- non-@transformers-0.4@ version of 'Eq1').
data Eq1Args v a b where
    V4Eq1Args    :: Eq a             => Eq1Args V4    a a
    NonV4Eq1Args :: (a -> b -> Bool) -> Eq1Args NonV4 a b

-- | A sensible default 'eq1' implementation for 'Generic1' instances.
eq1Default :: (GEq1 V4 (Rep1 f), Generic1 f, Eq a)
           => f a -> f a -> Bool
eq1Default = eq1Options defaultOptions

-- | Like 'eq1Default', but with configurable 'Options'. Currently,
-- the 'Options' have no effect (but this may change in the future).
eq1Options :: (GEq1 V4 (Rep1 f), Generic1 f, Eq a)
           => Options -> f a -> f a -> Bool
eq1Options _ m n = gliftEq V4Eq1Args (from1 m) (from1 n)
-- | A sensible default 'liftEq' implementation for 'Generic1' instances.
liftEqDefault :: (GEq1 NonV4 (Rep1 f), Generic1 f)
              => (a -> b -> Bool) -> f a -> f b -> Bool
liftEqDefault :: (a -> b -> Bool) -> f a -> f b -> Bool
liftEqDefault = Options -> (a -> b -> Bool) -> f a -> f b -> Bool
forall (f :: * -> *) a b.
(GEq1 NonV4 (Rep1 f), Generic1 f) =>
Options -> (a -> b -> Bool) -> f a -> f b -> Bool
liftEqOptions Options

-- | Like 'liftEqDefault', but with configurable 'Options'. Currently,
-- the 'Options' have no effect (but this may change in the future).
liftEqOptions :: (GEq1 NonV4 (Rep1 f), Generic1 f)
              => Options -> (a -> b -> Bool) -> f a -> f b -> Bool
liftEqOptions :: Options -> (a -> b -> Bool) -> f a -> f b -> Bool
liftEqOptions Options
_ a -> b -> Bool
f f a
m f b
n = Eq1Args NonV4 a b -> Rep1 f a -> Rep1 f b -> Bool
forall v (t :: * -> *) a b.
GEq1 v t =>
Eq1Args v a b -> t a -> t b -> Bool
gliftEq ((a -> b -> Bool) -> Eq1Args NonV4 a b
forall a b. (a -> b -> Bool) -> Eq1Args NonV4 a b
NonV4Eq1Args a -> b -> Bool
f) (f a -> Rep1 f a
forall k (f :: k -> *) (a :: k). Generic1 f => f a -> Rep1 f a
from1 f a
m) (f b -> Rep1 f b
forall k (f :: k -> *) (a :: k). Generic1 f => f a -> Rep1 f a
from1 f b

-- | Class of generic representation types that can be checked for equality.
class GEq1 v t where
  gliftEq :: Eq1Args v a b -> t a -> t b -> Bool

instance Eq c => GEq1 v (K1 i c) where
  gliftEq :: Eq1Args v a b -> K1 i c a -> K1 i c b -> Bool
gliftEq Eq1Args v a b
_ (K1 c
c) (K1 c
d) = c
c c -> c -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== c

instance (GEq1 v f, GEq1 v g) => GEq1 v (f :*: g) where
  gliftEq :: Eq1Args v a b -> (:*:) f g a -> (:*:) f g b -> Bool
gliftEq Eq1Args v a b
f (f a
a :*: g a
b) (f b
c :*: g b
d) = Eq1Args v a b -> f a -> f b -> Bool
forall v (t :: * -> *) a b.
GEq1 v t =>
Eq1Args v a b -> t a -> t b -> Bool
gliftEq Eq1Args v a b
f f a
a f b
c Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& Eq1Args v a b -> g a -> g b -> Bool
forall v (t :: * -> *) a b.
GEq1 v t =>
Eq1Args v a b -> t a -> t b -> Bool
gliftEq Eq1Args v a b
f g a
b g b

instance (GEq1 v f, GEq1 v g) => GEq1 v (f :+: g) where
  gliftEq :: Eq1Args v a b -> (:+:) f g a -> (:+:) f g b -> Bool
gliftEq Eq1Args v a b
f (L1 f a
a) (L1 f b
c) = Eq1Args v a b -> f a -> f b -> Bool
forall v (t :: * -> *) a b.
GEq1 v t =>
Eq1Args v a b -> t a -> t b -> Bool
gliftEq Eq1Args v a b
f f a
a f b
  gliftEq Eq1Args v a b
f (R1 g a
b) (R1 g b
d) = Eq1Args v a b -> g a -> g b -> Bool
forall v (t :: * -> *) a b.
GEq1 v t =>
Eq1Args v a b -> t a -> t b -> Bool
gliftEq Eq1Args v a b
f g a
b g b
  gliftEq Eq1Args v a b
_ (:+:) f g a
_      (:+:) f g b
_      = Bool

instance GEq1 v f => GEq1 v (M1 i c f) where
  gliftEq :: Eq1Args v a b -> M1 i c f a -> M1 i c f b -> Bool
gliftEq Eq1Args v a b
f (M1 f a
a) (M1 f b
b) = Eq1Args v a b -> f a -> f b -> Bool
forall v (t :: * -> *) a b.
GEq1 v t =>
Eq1Args v a b -> t a -> t b -> Bool
gliftEq Eq1Args v a b
f f a
a f b

instance GEq1 v U1 where
  gliftEq :: Eq1Args v a b -> U1 a -> U1 b -> Bool
gliftEq Eq1Args v a b
_ U1 a
U1 U1 b
U1 = Bool

instance GEq1 v V1 where
  gliftEq :: Eq1Args v a b -> V1 a -> V1 b -> Bool
gliftEq Eq1Args v a b
_ V1 a
_ V1 b
_ = Bool

instance GEq1 V4 Par1 where
  gliftEq V4Eq1Args (Par1 a) (Par1 b) = a == b

instance Eq1 f => GEq1 V4 (Rec1 f) where
  gliftEq V4Eq1Args (Rec1 a) (Rec1 b) = eq1 a b

instance (Functor f, Eq1 f, GEq1 V4 g) => GEq1 V4 (f :.: g) where
  gliftEq V4Eq1Args (Comp1 m) (Comp1 n) = eq1 (fmap Apply m) (fmap Apply n)
instance GEq1 NonV4 Par1 where
  gliftEq :: Eq1Args NonV4 a b -> Par1 a -> Par1 b -> Bool
gliftEq (NonV4Eq1Args a -> b -> Bool
f) (Par1 a
a) (Par1 b
b) = a -> b -> Bool
f a
a b

instance Eq1 f => GEq1 NonV4 (Rec1 f) where
  gliftEq :: Eq1Args NonV4 a b -> Rec1 f a -> Rec1 f b -> Bool
gliftEq (NonV4Eq1Args a -> b -> Bool
f) (Rec1 f a
a) (Rec1 f b
b) = (a -> b -> Bool) -> f a -> f b -> Bool
forall (f :: * -> *) a b.
Eq1 f =>
(a -> b -> Bool) -> f a -> f b -> Bool
liftEq a -> b -> Bool
f f a
a f b

instance (Eq1 f, GEq1 NonV4 g) => GEq1 NonV4 (f :.: g) where
  gliftEq :: Eq1Args NonV4 a b -> (:.:) f g a -> (:.:) f g b -> Bool
gliftEq (NonV4Eq1Args a -> b -> Bool
f) (Comp1 f (g a)
m) (Comp1 f (g b)
n) =
    (g a -> g b -> Bool) -> f (g a) -> f (g b) -> Bool
forall (f :: * -> *) a b.
Eq1 f =>
(a -> b -> Bool) -> f a -> f b -> Bool
liftEq (Eq1Args NonV4 a b -> g a -> g b -> Bool
forall v (t :: * -> *) a b.
GEq1 v t =>
Eq1Args v a b -> t a -> t b -> Bool
gliftEq ((a -> b -> Bool) -> Eq1Args NonV4 a b
forall a b. (a -> b -> Bool) -> Eq1Args NonV4 a b
NonV4Eq1Args a -> b -> Bool
f)) f (g a)
m f (g b)

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0) || defined(GENERIC_DERIVING)
-- Unboxed types
instance GEq1 v UAddr where
  gliftEq :: Eq1Args v a b -> UAddr a -> UAddr b -> Bool
gliftEq Eq1Args v a b
_ (UAddr a1) (UAddr a2) = Int# -> Bool
isTrue# (Addr# -> Addr# -> Int#
eqAddr# Addr#
a1 Addr#

instance GEq1 v UChar where
  gliftEq :: Eq1Args v a b -> UChar a -> UChar b -> Bool
gliftEq Eq1Args v a b
_ (UChar c1) (UChar c2) = Int# -> Bool
isTrue# (Char# -> Char# -> Int#
eqChar# Char#
c1 Char#

instance GEq1 v UDouble where
  gliftEq :: Eq1Args v a b -> UDouble a -> UDouble b -> Bool
gliftEq Eq1Args v a b
_ (UDouble d1) (UDouble d2) = Int# -> Bool
isTrue# (Double#
d1 Double# -> Double# -> Int#
==## Double#

instance GEq1 v UFloat where
  gliftEq :: Eq1Args v a b -> UFloat a -> UFloat b -> Bool
gliftEq Eq1Args v a b
_ (UFloat f1) (UFloat f2) = Int# -> Bool
isTrue# (Float# -> Float# -> Int#
eqFloat# Float#
f1 Float#

instance GEq1 v UInt where
  gliftEq :: Eq1Args v a b -> UInt a -> UInt b -> Bool
gliftEq Eq1Args v a b
_ (UInt i1) (UInt i2) = Int# -> Bool
isTrue# (Int#
i1 Int# -> Int# -> Int#
==# Int#

instance GEq1 v UWord where
  gliftEq :: Eq1Args v a b -> UWord a -> UWord b -> Bool
gliftEq Eq1Args v a b
_ (UWord w1) (UWord w2) = Int# -> Bool
isTrue# (Word# -> Word# -> Int#
eqWord# Word#
w1 Word#

-- * Ord1

-- | An 'Ord1Args' value either stores an @Ord a@ dictionary (for the
-- @transformers-0.4@ version of 'Ord1'), or it stores the function argument that
-- compares occurrences of the type parameter (for the non-@transformers-0.4@
-- version of 'Ord1').
data Ord1Args v a b where
    V4Ord1Args    :: Ord a                => Ord1Args V4    a a
    NonV4Ord1Args :: (a -> b -> Ordering) -> Ord1Args NonV4 a b

-- | A sensible default 'compare1' implementation for 'Generic1' instances.
compare1Default :: (GOrd1 V4 (Rep1 f), Generic1 f, Ord a)
                => f a -> f a -> Ordering
compare1Default = compare1Options defaultOptions

-- | Like 'compare1Default', but with configurable 'Options'. Currently,
-- the 'Options' have no effect (but this may change in the future).
compare1Options :: (GOrd1 V4 (Rep1 f), Generic1 f, Ord a)
                => Options -> f a -> f a -> Ordering
compare1Options _ m n = gliftCompare V4Ord1Args (from1 m) (from1 n)
-- | A sensible default 'liftCompare' implementation for 'Generic1' instances.
liftCompareDefault :: (GOrd1 NonV4 (Rep1 f), Generic1 f)
                   => (a -> b -> Ordering) -> f a -> f b -> Ordering
liftCompareDefault :: (a -> b -> Ordering) -> f a -> f b -> Ordering
liftCompareDefault = Options -> (a -> b -> Ordering) -> f a -> f b -> Ordering
forall (f :: * -> *) a b.
(GOrd1 NonV4 (Rep1 f), Generic1 f) =>
Options -> (a -> b -> Ordering) -> f a -> f b -> Ordering
liftCompareOptions Options

-- | Like 'liftCompareDefault', but with configurable 'Options'. Currently,
-- the 'Options' have no effect (but this may change in the future).
liftCompareOptions :: (GOrd1 NonV4 (Rep1 f), Generic1 f)
                   => Options -> (a -> b -> Ordering) -> f a -> f b -> Ordering
liftCompareOptions :: Options -> (a -> b -> Ordering) -> f a -> f b -> Ordering
liftCompareOptions Options
_ a -> b -> Ordering
f f a
m f b
n = Ord1Args NonV4 a b -> Rep1 f a -> Rep1 f b -> Ordering
forall v (t :: * -> *) a b.
GOrd1 v t =>
Ord1Args v a b -> t a -> t b -> Ordering
gliftCompare ((a -> b -> Ordering) -> Ord1Args NonV4 a b
forall a b. (a -> b -> Ordering) -> Ord1Args NonV4 a b
NonV4Ord1Args a -> b -> Ordering
f) (f a -> Rep1 f a
forall k (f :: k -> *) (a :: k). Generic1 f => f a -> Rep1 f a
from1 f a
m) (f b -> Rep1 f b
forall k (f :: k -> *) (a :: k). Generic1 f => f a -> Rep1 f a
from1 f b

-- | Class of generic representation types that can be totally ordered.
class GEq1 v t => GOrd1 v t where
  gliftCompare :: Ord1Args v a b -> t a -> t b -> Ordering

instance Ord c => GOrd1 v (K1 i c) where
  gliftCompare :: Ord1Args v a b -> K1 i c a -> K1 i c b -> Ordering
gliftCompare Ord1Args v a b
_ (K1 c
c) (K1 c
d) = c -> c -> Ordering
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Ordering
compare c
c c

instance (GOrd1 v f, GOrd1 v g) => GOrd1 v (f :*: g) where
  gliftCompare :: Ord1Args v a b -> (:*:) f g a -> (:*:) f g b -> Ordering
gliftCompare Ord1Args v a b
f (f a
a :*: g a
b) (f b
c :*: g b
d) =
    Ord1Args v a b -> f a -> f b -> Ordering
forall v (t :: * -> *) a b.
GOrd1 v t =>
Ord1Args v a b -> t a -> t b -> Ordering
gliftCompare Ord1Args v a b
f f a
a f b
c Ordering -> Ordering -> Ordering
forall a. Monoid a => a -> a -> a
`mappend` Ord1Args v a b -> g a -> g b -> Ordering
forall v (t :: * -> *) a b.
GOrd1 v t =>
Ord1Args v a b -> t a -> t b -> Ordering
gliftCompare Ord1Args v a b
f g a
b g b

instance (GOrd1 v f, GOrd1 v g) => GOrd1 v (f :+: g) where
  gliftCompare :: Ord1Args v a b -> (:+:) f g a -> (:+:) f g b -> Ordering
gliftCompare Ord1Args v a b
f (L1 f a
a) (L1 f b
c) = Ord1Args v a b -> f a -> f b -> Ordering
forall v (t :: * -> *) a b.
GOrd1 v t =>
Ord1Args v a b -> t a -> t b -> Ordering
gliftCompare Ord1Args v a b
f f a
a f b
  gliftCompare Ord1Args v a b
_ L1{}   R1{}   = Ordering
  gliftCompare Ord1Args v a b
_ R1{}   L1{}   = Ordering
  gliftCompare Ord1Args v a b
f (R1 g a
b) (R1 g b
d) = Ord1Args v a b -> g a -> g b -> Ordering
forall v (t :: * -> *) a b.
GOrd1 v t =>
Ord1Args v a b -> t a -> t b -> Ordering
gliftCompare Ord1Args v a b
f g a
b g b

instance GOrd1 v f => GOrd1 v (M1 i c f) where
  gliftCompare :: Ord1Args v a b -> M1 i c f a -> M1 i c f b -> Ordering
gliftCompare Ord1Args v a b
f (M1 f a
a) (M1 f b
b) = Ord1Args v a b -> f a -> f b -> Ordering
forall v (t :: * -> *) a b.
GOrd1 v t =>
Ord1Args v a b -> t a -> t b -> Ordering
gliftCompare Ord1Args v a b
f f a
a f b

instance GOrd1 v U1 where
  gliftCompare :: Ord1Args v a b -> U1 a -> U1 b -> Ordering
gliftCompare Ord1Args v a b
_ U1 a
U1 U1 b
U1 = Ordering

instance GOrd1 v V1 where
  gliftCompare :: Ord1Args v a b -> V1 a -> V1 b -> Ordering
gliftCompare Ord1Args v a b
_ V1 a
_ V1 b
_ = Ordering

instance GOrd1 V4 Par1 where
  gliftCompare V4Ord1Args (Par1 a) (Par1 b) = compare a b

instance Ord1 f => GOrd1 V4 (Rec1 f) where
  gliftCompare V4Ord1Args (Rec1 a) (Rec1 b) = compare1 a b

instance (Functor f, Ord1 f, GOrd1 V4 g) => GOrd1 V4 (f :.: g) where
  gliftCompare V4Ord1Args (Comp1 m) (Comp1 n) =
    compare1 (fmap Apply m) (fmap Apply n)
instance GOrd1 NonV4 Par1 where
  gliftCompare :: Ord1Args NonV4 a b -> Par1 a -> Par1 b -> Ordering
gliftCompare (NonV4Ord1Args a -> b -> Ordering
f) (Par1 a
a) (Par1 b
b) = a -> b -> Ordering
f a
a b

instance Ord1 f => GOrd1 NonV4 (Rec1 f) where
  gliftCompare :: Ord1Args NonV4 a b -> Rec1 f a -> Rec1 f b -> Ordering
gliftCompare (NonV4Ord1Args a -> b -> Ordering
f) (Rec1 f a
a) (Rec1 f b
b) = (a -> b -> Ordering) -> f a -> f b -> Ordering
forall (f :: * -> *) a b.
Ord1 f =>
(a -> b -> Ordering) -> f a -> f b -> Ordering
liftCompare a -> b -> Ordering
f f a
a f b

instance (Ord1 f, GOrd1 NonV4 g) => GOrd1 NonV4 (f :.: g) where
  gliftCompare :: Ord1Args NonV4 a b -> (:.:) f g a -> (:.:) f g b -> Ordering
gliftCompare (NonV4Ord1Args a -> b -> Ordering
f) (Comp1 f (g a)
m) (Comp1 f (g b)
n) =
    (g a -> g b -> Ordering) -> f (g a) -> f (g b) -> Ordering
forall (f :: * -> *) a b.
Ord1 f =>
(a -> b -> Ordering) -> f a -> f b -> Ordering
liftCompare (Ord1Args NonV4 a b -> g a -> g b -> Ordering
forall v (t :: * -> *) a b.
GOrd1 v t =>
Ord1Args v a b -> t a -> t b -> Ordering
gliftCompare ((a -> b -> Ordering) -> Ord1Args NonV4 a b
forall a b. (a -> b -> Ordering) -> Ord1Args NonV4 a b
NonV4Ord1Args a -> b -> Ordering
f)) f (g a)
m f (g b)

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0) || defined(GENERIC_DERIVING)
-- Unboxed types
instance GOrd1 v UAddr where
  gliftCompare :: Ord1Args v a b -> UAddr a -> UAddr b -> Ordering
gliftCompare Ord1Args v a b
_ (UAddr a1) (UAddr a2) = Int# -> Int# -> Ordering
primCompare (Addr# -> Addr# -> Int#
eqAddr# Addr#
a1 Addr#
a2) (Addr# -> Addr# -> Int#
leAddr# Addr#
a1 Addr#

instance GOrd1 v UChar where
  gliftCompare :: Ord1Args v a b -> UChar a -> UChar b -> Ordering
gliftCompare Ord1Args v a b
_ (UChar c1) (UChar c2) = Int# -> Int# -> Ordering
primCompare (Char# -> Char# -> Int#
eqChar# Char#
c1 Char#
c2) (Char# -> Char# -> Int#
leChar# Char#
c1 Char#

instance GOrd1 v UDouble where
  gliftCompare :: Ord1Args v a b -> UDouble a -> UDouble b -> Ordering
gliftCompare Ord1Args v a b
_ (UDouble d1) (UDouble d2) = Int# -> Int# -> Ordering
primCompare (Double#
d1 Double# -> Double# -> Int#
==## Double#
d2) (Double#
d1 Double# -> Double# -> Int#
<=## Double#

instance GOrd1 v UFloat where
  gliftCompare :: Ord1Args v a b -> UFloat a -> UFloat b -> Ordering
gliftCompare Ord1Args v a b
_ (UFloat f1) (UFloat f2) = Int# -> Int# -> Ordering
primCompare (Float# -> Float# -> Int#
eqFloat# Float#
f1 Float#
f2) (Float# -> Float# -> Int#
leFloat# Float#
f1 Float#

instance GOrd1 v UInt where
  gliftCompare :: Ord1Args v a b -> UInt a -> UInt b -> Ordering
gliftCompare Ord1Args v a b
_ (UInt i1) (UInt i2) = Int# -> Int# -> Ordering
primCompare (Int#
i1 Int# -> Int# -> Int#
==# Int#
i2) (Int#
i1 Int# -> Int# -> Int#
<=# Int#

instance GOrd1 v UWord where
  gliftCompare :: Ord1Args v a b -> UWord a -> UWord b -> Ordering
gliftCompare Ord1Args v a b
_ (UWord w1) (UWord w2) = Int# -> Int# -> Ordering
primCompare (Word# -> Word# -> Int#
eqWord# Word#
w1 Word#
w2) (Word# -> Word# -> Int#
leWord# Word#
w1 Word#

# if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
primCompare :: Int# -> Int# -> Ordering
# else
primCompare :: Bool -> Bool -> Ordering
# endif
primCompare :: Int# -> Int# -> Ordering
primCompare Int#
eq Int#
le = if Int# -> Bool
isTrue# Int#
eq then Ordering
                    else if Int# -> Bool
isTrue# Int#
le then Ordering
                    else Ordering

-- * Read1

-- | A 'Read1Args' value either stores a @Read a@ dictionary (for the
-- @transformers-0.4@ version of 'Read1'), or it stores the two function arguments
-- that parse occurrences of the type parameter (for the non-@transformers-0.4@
-- version of 'Read1').
data Read1Args v a where
    V4Read1Args    :: Read a                     => Read1Args V4    a
    NonV4Read1Args :: ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec [a] -> Read1Args NonV4 a

-- | A sensible default 'readsPrec1' implementation for 'Generic1' instances.
readsPrec1Default :: (GRead1 V4 (Rep1 f), Generic1 f, Read a)
                  => Int -> ReadS (f a)
readsPrec1Default = readsPrec1Options defaultOptions

-- | Like 'readsPrec1Default', but with configurable 'Options'. Currently,
-- the 'Options' have no effect (but this may change in the future).
readsPrec1Options :: (GRead1 V4 (Rep1 f), Generic1 f, Read a)
                  => Options -> Int -> ReadS (f a)
readsPrec1Options _ p =
  readPrec_to_S (fmap to1 $ gliftReadPrec V4Read1Args) p
-- | A sensible default 'liftReadsPrec' implementation for 'Generic1' instances.
liftReadsPrecDefault :: (GRead1 NonV4 (Rep1 f), Generic1 f)
                     => (Int -> ReadS a) -> ReadS [a] -> Int -> ReadS (f a)
liftReadsPrecDefault :: (Int -> ReadS a) -> ReadS [a] -> Int -> ReadS (f a)
liftReadsPrecDefault = Options -> (Int -> ReadS a) -> ReadS [a] -> Int -> ReadS (f a)
forall (f :: * -> *) a.
(GRead1 NonV4 (Rep1 f), Generic1 f) =>
Options -> (Int -> ReadS a) -> ReadS [a] -> Int -> ReadS (f a)
liftReadsPrecOptions Options

-- | Like 'liftReadsPrecDefault', but with configurable 'Options'. Currently,
-- the 'Options' have no effect (but this may change in the future).
liftReadsPrecOptions :: (GRead1 NonV4 (Rep1 f), Generic1 f)
                     => Options -> (Int -> ReadS a) -> ReadS [a] -> Int -> ReadS (f a)
liftReadsPrecOptions :: Options -> (Int -> ReadS a) -> ReadS [a] -> Int -> ReadS (f a)
liftReadsPrecOptions Options
_ Int -> ReadS a
rp ReadS [a]
rl Int
p =
  ReadPrec (f a) -> Int -> ReadS (f a)
forall a. ReadPrec a -> Int -> ReadS a
readPrec_to_S ((Rep1 f a -> f a) -> ReadPrec (Rep1 f a) -> ReadPrec (f a)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap Rep1 f a -> f a
forall k (f :: k -> *) (a :: k). Generic1 f => Rep1 f a -> f a
to1 (ReadPrec (Rep1 f a) -> ReadPrec (f a))
-> ReadPrec (Rep1 f a) -> ReadPrec (f a)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Read1Args NonV4 a -> ReadPrec (Rep1 f a)
forall v (f :: * -> *) a.
GRead1 v f =>
Read1Args v a -> ReadPrec (f a)
                      (ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec [a] -> Read1Args NonV4 a
forall a. ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec [a] -> Read1Args NonV4 a
NonV4Read1Args ((Int -> ReadS a) -> ReadPrec a
forall a. (Int -> ReadS a) -> ReadPrec a
readS_to_Prec Int -> ReadS a
                                      ((Int -> ReadS [a]) -> ReadPrec [a]
forall a. (Int -> ReadS a) -> ReadPrec a
readS_to_Prec (ReadS [a] -> Int -> ReadS [a]
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const ReadS [a]
rl)))) Int

#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,7,0))
coerce :: a -> b
coerce = unsafeCoerce

expectP :: Lexeme -> ReadPrec ()
expectP lexeme = do
  thing <- lexP
  if thing == lexeme then return () else pfail

coerceM1 :: ReadPrec (f p) -> ReadPrec (M1 i c f p)
coerceM1 :: ReadPrec (f p) -> ReadPrec (M1 i c f p)
coerceM1 = ReadPrec (f p) -> ReadPrec (M1 i c f p)

coercePar1 :: ReadPrec p -> ReadPrec (Par1 p)
coercePar1 :: ReadPrec p -> ReadPrec (Par1 p)
coercePar1 = ReadPrec p -> ReadPrec (Par1 p)

coerceRec1 :: ReadPrec (f a) -> ReadPrec (Rec1 f a)
coerceRec1 :: ReadPrec (f a) -> ReadPrec (Rec1 f a)
coerceRec1 = ReadPrec (f a) -> ReadPrec (Rec1 f a)

coerceComp1 :: ReadPrec (f (g a)) -> ReadPrec ((f :.: g) a)
coerceComp1 :: ReadPrec (f (g a)) -> ReadPrec ((:.:) f g a)
coerceComp1 = ReadPrec (f (g a)) -> ReadPrec ((:.:) f g a)

isSymVar :: String -> Bool
isSymVar :: String -> Bool
isSymVar String
""    = Bool
isSymVar (Char
_) = Char -> Bool
startsVarSym Char

startsVarSym :: Char -> Bool
startsVarSym :: Char -> Bool
startsVarSym Char
c = Char -> Bool
startsVarSymASCII Char
c Bool -> Bool -> Bool
|| (Char -> Int
ord Char
c Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
> Int
0x7f Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& Char -> Bool
isSymbol Char
c) -- Infix Ids

startsVarSymASCII :: Char -> Bool
startsVarSymASCII :: Char -> Bool
startsVarSymASCII Char
c = Char
c Char -> String -> Bool
forall (t :: * -> *) a. (Foldable t, Eq a) => a -> t a -> Bool
`elem` String

snocView :: [a] -> Maybe ([a],a)
        -- Split off the last element
snocView :: [a] -> Maybe ([a], a)
snocView [] = Maybe ([a], a)
forall a. Maybe a
snocView [a]
xs = [a] -> [a] -> Maybe ([a], a)
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> Maybe ([a], a)
go [] [a]
      -- Invariant: second arg is non-empty
    go :: [a] -> [a] -> Maybe ([a], a)
go [a]
acc [a
a]    = ([a], a) -> Maybe ([a], a)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just ([a] -> [a]
forall a. [a] -> [a]
reverse [a]
acc, a
    go [a]
acc (a
as) = [a] -> [a] -> Maybe ([a], a)
go (a
aa -> [a] -> [a]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
acc) [a]
    go [a]
_ [] = String -> Maybe ([a], a)
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
error String
"Util: snocView"

identHLexemes :: String -> [Lexeme]
identHLexemes :: String -> [Lexeme]
identHLexemes String
s | Just (String
ss, Char
'#') <- String -> Maybe (String, Char)
forall a. [a] -> Maybe ([a], a)
snocView String
s = [String -> Lexeme
Ident String
ss, String -> Lexeme
Symbol String
                | Bool
otherwise                    = [String -> Lexeme
Ident String

-- | Class of generic representation types that can be parsed from a 'String'.
class GRead1 v f where
  gliftReadPrec :: Read1Args v a -> ReadPrec (f a)

instance (GRead1 v f, IsNullaryDataType f) => GRead1 v (D1 d f) where
  gliftReadPrec :: Read1Args v a -> ReadPrec (D1 d f a)
gliftReadPrec = ReadPrec (f a) -> ReadPrec (D1 d f a)
forall (f :: * -> *) p i (c :: Meta).
ReadPrec (f p) -> ReadPrec (M1 i c f p)
coerceM1 (ReadPrec (f a) -> ReadPrec (D1 d f a))
-> (Read1Args v a -> ReadPrec (f a))
-> Read1Args v a
-> ReadPrec (D1 d f a)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ReadPrec (f a) -> ReadPrec (f a)
forall a. ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec a
parensIfNonNullary (ReadPrec (f a) -> ReadPrec (f a))
-> (Read1Args v a -> ReadPrec (f a))
-> Read1Args v a
-> ReadPrec (f a)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Read1Args v a -> ReadPrec (f a)
forall v (f :: * -> *) a.
GRead1 v f =>
Read1Args v a -> ReadPrec (f a)
      x :: f p
      x :: f p
x = f p
forall a. HasCallStack => a

      parensIfNonNullary :: ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec a
      parensIfNonNullary :: ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec a
parensIfNonNullary = if f Any -> Bool
forall (f :: * -> *) a. IsNullaryDataType f => f a -> Bool
isNullaryDataType f Any
forall p. f p
                              then ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec a
forall a. a -> a
                              else ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec a
forall a. ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec a

instance GRead1 v V1 where
  gliftReadPrec :: Read1Args v a -> ReadPrec (V1 a)
gliftReadPrec Read1Args v a
_ = ReadPrec (V1 a)
forall a. ReadPrec a

instance (GRead1 v f, GRead1 v g) => GRead1 v (f :+: g) where
  gliftReadPrec :: Read1Args v a -> ReadPrec ((:+:) f g a)
gliftReadPrec Read1Args v a
ras =
    (f a -> (:+:) f g a) -> ReadPrec (f a) -> ReadPrec ((:+:) f g a)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap f a -> (:+:) f g a
forall k (f :: k -> *) (g :: k -> *) (p :: k). f p -> (:+:) f g p
L1 (Read1Args v a -> ReadPrec (f a)
forall v (f :: * -> *) a.
GRead1 v f =>
Read1Args v a -> ReadPrec (f a)
gliftReadPrec Read1Args v a
ras) ReadPrec ((:+:) f g a)
-> ReadPrec ((:+:) f g a) -> ReadPrec ((:+:) f g a)
forall a. ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec a
+++ (g a -> (:+:) f g a) -> ReadPrec (g a) -> ReadPrec ((:+:) f g a)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap g a -> (:+:) f g a
forall k (f :: k -> *) (g :: k -> *) (p :: k). g p -> (:+:) f g p
R1 (Read1Args v a -> ReadPrec (g a)
forall v (f :: * -> *) a.
GRead1 v f =>
Read1Args v a -> ReadPrec (f a)
gliftReadPrec Read1Args v a

instance (Constructor c, GRead1Con v f, IsNullaryCon f) => GRead1 v (C1 c f) where
  gliftReadPrec :: Read1Args v a -> ReadPrec (C1 c f a)
gliftReadPrec Read1Args v a
ras = ReadPrec (f a) -> ReadPrec (C1 c f a)
forall (f :: * -> *) p i (c :: Meta).
ReadPrec (f p) -> ReadPrec (M1 i c f p)
coerceM1 (ReadPrec (f a) -> ReadPrec (C1 c f a))
-> ReadPrec (f a) -> ReadPrec (C1 c f a)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ case Fixity
fixity of
Prefix -> ReadPrec (f a) -> ReadPrec (f a)
forall a. ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec a
precIfNonNullary (ReadPrec (f a) -> ReadPrec (f a))
-> ReadPrec (f a) -> ReadPrec (f a)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
                  if C1 c f Any -> Bool
forall (c :: Meta) (f :: * -> *) p.
Constructor c =>
C1 c f p -> Bool
conIsTuple C1 c f Any
forall p. C1 c f p
                     then () -> ReadPrec ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()
                     else let cn :: String
cn = C1 c f Any -> String
forall k (c :: k) k1 (t :: k -> (k1 -> *) -> k1 -> *)
       (f :: k1 -> *) (a :: k1).
Constructor c =>
t c f a -> String
conName C1 c f Any
forall p. C1 c f p
                          in if String -> Bool
isInfixDataCon String
                                then Char -> ReadPrec () -> Char -> ReadPrec ()
forall a. Char -> ReadPrec a -> Char -> ReadPrec a
readSurround Char
'(' (Lexeme -> ReadPrec ()
expectP (String -> Lexeme
Symbol String
cn)) Char
                                else (Lexeme -> ReadPrec ()) -> [Lexeme] -> ReadPrec ()
forall (t :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a b.
(Foldable t, Monad m) =>
(a -> m b) -> t a -> m ()
mapM_ Lexeme -> ReadPrec ()
expectP ([Lexeme] -> ReadPrec ()) -> [Lexeme] -> ReadPrec ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String -> [Lexeme]
identHLexemes String
                  ConType -> ReadPrec (f a) -> ReadPrec (f a)
forall a. ConType -> ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec a
readBraces ConType
t (ConType -> Read1Args v a -> ReadPrec (f a)
forall v (f :: * -> *) a.
GRead1Con v f =>
ConType -> Read1Args v a -> ReadPrec (f a)
gliftReadPrecCon ConType
t Read1Args v a
      Infix Associativity
_ Int
m -> Int -> ReadPrec (f a) -> ReadPrec (f a)
forall a. Int -> ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec a
prec Int
m (ReadPrec (f a) -> ReadPrec (f a))
-> ReadPrec (f a) -> ReadPrec (f a)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ConType -> Read1Args v a -> ReadPrec (f a)
forall v (f :: * -> *) a.
GRead1Con v f =>
ConType -> Read1Args v a -> ReadPrec (f a)
gliftReadPrecCon ConType
t Read1Args v a
      c :: C1 c f p
      c :: C1 c f p
c = C1 c f p
forall a. HasCallStack => a

      x :: f p
      x :: f p
x = f p
forall a. HasCallStack => a

      fixity :: Fixity
      fixity :: Fixity
fixity = C1 c f Any -> Fixity
forall k (c :: k) k1 (t :: k -> (k1 -> *) -> k1 -> *)
       (f :: k1 -> *) (a :: k1).
Constructor c =>
t c f a -> Fixity
conFixity C1 c f Any
forall p. C1 c f p

      precIfNonNullary :: ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec a
      precIfNonNullary :: ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec a
precIfNonNullary = if f Any -> Bool
forall (f :: * -> *) a. IsNullaryCon f => f a -> Bool
isNullaryCon f Any
forall p. f p
                            then ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec a
forall a. a -> a
                            else Int -> ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec a
forall a. Int -> ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec a
prec (if C1 c f Any -> Bool
forall k (c :: k) k1 (t :: k -> (k1 -> *) -> k1 -> *)
       (f :: k1 -> *) (a :: k1).
Constructor c =>
t c f a -> Bool
conIsRecord C1 c f Any
forall p. C1 c f p
                                          then Int
                                          else Int

      t :: ConType
      t :: ConType
t = if C1 c f Any -> Bool
forall k (c :: k) k1 (t :: k -> (k1 -> *) -> k1 -> *)
       (f :: k1 -> *) (a :: k1).
Constructor c =>
t c f a -> Bool
conIsRecord C1 c f Any
forall p. C1 c f p
          then ConType
          else case C1 c f Any -> Bool
forall (c :: Meta) (f :: * -> *) p.
Constructor c =>
C1 c f p -> Bool
conIsTuple C1 c f Any
forall p. C1 c f p
c of
True  -> ConType
False -> case Fixity
fixity of
Prefix    -> ConType
                  Infix Associativity
_ Int
_ -> String -> ConType
Inf (String -> ConType) -> String -> ConType
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ C1 c f Any -> String
forall k (c :: k) k1 (t :: k -> (k1 -> *) -> k1 -> *)
       (f :: k1 -> *) (a :: k1).
Constructor c =>
t c f a -> String
conName C1 c f Any
forall p. C1 c f p

readBraces :: ConType -> ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec a
readBraces :: ConType -> ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec a
readBraces ConType
Rec     ReadPrec a
r = Char -> ReadPrec a -> Char -> ReadPrec a
forall a. Char -> ReadPrec a -> Char -> ReadPrec a
readSurround Char
'{' ReadPrec a
r Char
readBraces ConType
Tup     ReadPrec a
r = ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec a
forall a. ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec a
paren ReadPrec a
readBraces ConType
Pref    ReadPrec a
r = ReadPrec a
readBraces (Inf String
_) ReadPrec a
r = ReadPrec a

readSurround :: Char -> ReadPrec a -> Char -> ReadPrec a
readSurround :: Char -> ReadPrec a -> Char -> ReadPrec a
readSurround Char
c1 ReadPrec a
r Char
c2 = do
  Lexeme -> ReadPrec ()
expectP (String -> Lexeme
Punc [Char
r' <- ReadPrec a
  Lexeme -> ReadPrec ()
expectP (String -> Lexeme
Punc [Char
  a -> ReadPrec a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return a

-- | Class of generic representation types that can be parsed from a 'String', and
-- for which the 'ConType' has been determined.
class GRead1Con v f where
  gliftReadPrecCon :: ConType -> Read1Args v a -> ReadPrec (f a)

instance GRead1Con v U1 where
  gliftReadPrecCon :: ConType -> Read1Args v a -> ReadPrec (U1 a)
gliftReadPrecCon ConType
_ Read1Args v a
_ = U1 a -> ReadPrec (U1 a)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return U1 a
forall k (p :: k). U1 p

instance Read c => GRead1Con v (K1 i c) where
  gliftReadPrecCon :: ConType -> Read1Args v a -> ReadPrec (K1 i c a)
gliftReadPrecCon ConType
_ Read1Args v a
_ = ReadPrec c -> ReadPrec (K1 i c a)
forall p. ReadPrec c -> ReadPrec (K1 i c p)
coerceK1 ReadPrec c
forall a. Read a => ReadPrec a
      coerceK1 :: ReadPrec c -> ReadPrec (K1 i c p)
      coerceK1 :: ReadPrec c -> ReadPrec (K1 i c p)
coerceK1 = ReadPrec c -> ReadPrec (K1 i c p)

instance (Selector s, GRead1Con v f) => GRead1Con v (S1 s f) where
  gliftReadPrecCon :: ConType -> Read1Args v a -> ReadPrec (S1 s f a)
gliftReadPrecCon ConType
t Read1Args v a
    | String
selectorName String -> String -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== String
"" = ReadPrec (f a) -> ReadPrec (S1 s f a)
forall (f :: * -> *) p i (c :: Meta).
ReadPrec (f p) -> ReadPrec (M1 i c f p)
coerceM1 (ReadPrec (f a) -> ReadPrec (S1 s f a))
-> ReadPrec (f a) -> ReadPrec (S1 s f a)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ReadPrec (f a) -> ReadPrec (f a)
forall a. ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec a
step (ReadPrec (f a) -> ReadPrec (f a))
-> ReadPrec (f a) -> ReadPrec (f a)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ConType -> Read1Args v a -> ReadPrec (f a)
forall v (f :: * -> *) a.
GRead1Con v f =>
ConType -> Read1Args v a -> ReadPrec (f a)
gliftReadPrecCon ConType
t Read1Args v a
    | Bool
otherwise          = ReadPrec (f a) -> ReadPrec (S1 s f a)
forall (f :: * -> *) p i (c :: Meta).
ReadPrec (f p) -> ReadPrec (M1 i c f p)
coerceM1 (ReadPrec (f a) -> ReadPrec (S1 s f a))
-> ReadPrec (f a) -> ReadPrec (S1 s f a)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
                              (Lexeme -> ReadPrec ()) -> [Lexeme] -> ReadPrec ()
forall (t :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a b.
(Foldable t, Monad m) =>
(a -> m b) -> t a -> m ()
mapM_ Lexeme -> ReadPrec ()
expectP ([Lexeme] -> ReadPrec ()) -> [Lexeme] -> ReadPrec ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String -> [Lexeme]
readLblLexemes String
                              Lexeme -> ReadPrec ()
expectP (String -> Lexeme
Punc String
                              ReadPrec (f a) -> ReadPrec (f a)
forall a. ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec a
reset (ReadPrec (f a) -> ReadPrec (f a))
-> ReadPrec (f a) -> ReadPrec (f a)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ConType -> Read1Args v a -> ReadPrec (f a)
forall v (f :: * -> *) a.
GRead1Con v f =>
ConType -> Read1Args v a -> ReadPrec (f a)
gliftReadPrecCon ConType
t Read1Args v a
      selectorName :: String
      selectorName :: String
selectorName = M1 S s f Any -> String
forall k (s :: k) k1 (t :: k -> (k1 -> *) -> k1 -> *)
       (f :: k1 -> *) (a :: k1).
Selector s =>
t s f a -> String
selName (forall p. M1 S s f p
forall a. HasCallStack => a
undefined :: S1 s f p)

      readLblLexemes :: String -> [Lexeme]
      readLblLexemes :: String -> [Lexeme]
readLblLexemes String
lbl | String -> Bool
isSymVar String
                         = [String -> Lexeme
Punc String
"(", String -> Lexeme
Symbol String
lbl, String -> Lexeme
Punc String
                         | Bool
                         = String -> [Lexeme]
identHLexemes String

instance (GRead1Con v f, GRead1Con v g) => GRead1Con v (f :*: g) where
  gliftReadPrecCon :: ConType -> Read1Args v a -> ReadPrec ((:*:) f g a)
gliftReadPrecCon ConType
t Read1Args v a
ras = do
      f a
l <- ConType -> Read1Args v a -> ReadPrec (f a)
forall v (f :: * -> *) a.
GRead1Con v f =>
ConType -> Read1Args v a -> ReadPrec (f a)
gliftReadPrecCon ConType
t Read1Args v a
      case ConType
t of
Rec   -> Lexeme -> ReadPrec ()
expectP (String -> Lexeme
Punc String
           Inf String
o -> String -> ReadPrec ()
infixPrec String
Tup   -> Lexeme -> ReadPrec ()
expectP (String -> Lexeme
Punc String
Pref  -> () -> ReadPrec ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()
      g a
r <- ConType -> Read1Args v a -> ReadPrec (g a)
forall v (f :: * -> *) a.
GRead1Con v f =>
ConType -> Read1Args v a -> ReadPrec (f a)
gliftReadPrecCon ConType
t Read1Args v a
      (:*:) f g a -> ReadPrec ((:*:) f g a)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (f a
l f a -> g a -> (:*:) f g a
forall k (f :: k -> *) (g :: k -> *) (p :: k).
f p -> g p -> (:*:) f g p
:*: g a
      infixPrec :: String -> ReadPrec ()
      infixPrec :: String -> ReadPrec ()
infixPrec String
o = if String -> Bool
isInfixDataCon String
                       then Lexeme -> ReadPrec ()
expectP (String -> Lexeme
Symbol String
                       else (Lexeme -> ReadPrec ()) -> [Lexeme] -> ReadPrec ()
forall (t :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a b.
(Foldable t, Monad m) =>
(a -> m b) -> t a -> m ()
mapM_ Lexeme -> ReadPrec ()
expectP ([Lexeme] -> ReadPrec ()) -> [Lexeme] -> ReadPrec ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
                                [String -> Lexeme
Punc String
"`"] [Lexeme] -> [Lexeme] -> [Lexeme]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ String -> [Lexeme]
identHLexemes String
o [Lexeme] -> [Lexeme] -> [Lexeme]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ [String -> Lexeme
Punc String

instance GRead1Con V4 Par1 where
  gliftReadPrecCon _ V4Read1Args = coercePar1 readPrec

instance Read1 f => GRead1Con V4 (Rec1 f) where
  gliftReadPrecCon _ V4Read1Args = coerceRec1 $ readS_to_Prec readsPrec1

instance (Functor f, Read1 f, GRead1Con V4 g) => GRead1Con V4 (f :.: g) where
  gliftReadPrecCon _ (V4Read1Args :: Read1Args V4 a) =
      coerceComp1 $ fmap (fmap getApply) $ readS_to_Prec crp1
      crp1 :: Int -> ReadS (f (Apply g a))
      crp1 = readsPrec1
instance GRead1Con NonV4 Par1 where
  gliftReadPrecCon :: ConType -> Read1Args NonV4 a -> ReadPrec (Par1 a)
gliftReadPrecCon ConType
_ (NonV4Read1Args ReadPrec a
rp ReadPrec [a]
_) = ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec (Par1 a)
forall p. ReadPrec p -> ReadPrec (Par1 p)
coercePar1 ReadPrec a

instance Read1 f => GRead1Con NonV4 (Rec1 f) where
  gliftReadPrecCon :: ConType -> Read1Args NonV4 a -> ReadPrec (Rec1 f a)
gliftReadPrecCon ConType
_ (NonV4Read1Args ReadPrec a
rp ReadPrec [a]
rl) = ReadPrec (f a) -> ReadPrec (Rec1 f a)
forall (f :: * -> *) a. ReadPrec (f a) -> ReadPrec (Rec1 f a)
coerceRec1 (ReadPrec (f a) -> ReadPrec (Rec1 f a))
-> ReadPrec (f a) -> ReadPrec (Rec1 f a)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Int -> ReadS (f a)) -> ReadPrec (f a)
forall a. (Int -> ReadS a) -> ReadPrec a
readS_to_Prec ((Int -> ReadS (f a)) -> ReadPrec (f a))
-> (Int -> ReadS (f a)) -> ReadPrec (f a)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      (Int -> ReadS a) -> ReadS [a] -> Int -> ReadS (f a)
forall (f :: * -> *) a.
Read1 f =>
(Int -> ReadS a) -> ReadS [a] -> Int -> ReadS (f a)
liftReadsPrec (ReadPrec a -> Int -> ReadS a
forall a. ReadPrec a -> Int -> ReadS a
readPrec_to_S ReadPrec a
rp) (ReadPrec [a] -> Int -> ReadS [a]
forall a. ReadPrec a -> Int -> ReadS a
readPrec_to_S ReadPrec [a]
rl Int

instance (Read1 f, GRead1Con NonV4 g) => GRead1Con NonV4 (f :.: g) where
  gliftReadPrecCon :: ConType -> Read1Args NonV4 a -> ReadPrec ((:.:) f g a)
gliftReadPrecCon ConType
t (NonV4Read1Args ReadPrec a
rp ReadPrec [a]
rl) = ReadPrec (f (g a)) -> ReadPrec ((:.:) f g a)
forall (f :: * -> *) (g :: * -> *) a.
ReadPrec (f (g a)) -> ReadPrec ((:.:) f g a)
coerceComp1 (ReadPrec (f (g a)) -> ReadPrec ((:.:) f g a))
-> ReadPrec (f (g a)) -> ReadPrec ((:.:) f g a)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Int -> ReadS (f (g a))) -> ReadPrec (f (g a))
forall a. (Int -> ReadS a) -> ReadPrec a
readS_to_Prec ((Int -> ReadS (f (g a))) -> ReadPrec (f (g a)))
-> (Int -> ReadS (f (g a))) -> ReadPrec (f (g a))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      (Int -> ReadS (g a)) -> ReadS [g a] -> Int -> ReadS (f (g a))
forall (f :: * -> *) a.
Read1 f =>
(Int -> ReadS a) -> ReadS [a] -> Int -> ReadS (f a)
liftReadsPrec (ReadPrec (g a) -> Int -> ReadS (g a)
forall a. ReadPrec a -> Int -> ReadS a
readPrec_to_S       ReadPrec (g a)
                    (ReadPrec [g a] -> Int -> ReadS [g a]
forall a. ReadPrec a -> Int -> ReadS a
readPrec_to_S (ReadPrec (g a) -> ReadPrec [g a]
forall a. ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec [a]
list ReadPrec (g a)
grpc) Int
      grpc :: ReadPrec (g a)
grpc = ConType -> Read1Args NonV4 a -> ReadPrec (g a)
forall v (f :: * -> *) a.
GRead1Con v f =>
ConType -> Read1Args v a -> ReadPrec (f a)
gliftReadPrecCon ConType
t (ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec [a] -> Read1Args NonV4 a
forall a. ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec [a] -> Read1Args NonV4 a
NonV4Read1Args ReadPrec a
rp ReadPrec [a]

-- * Show1

-- | A 'Show1Args' value either stores a @Show a@ dictionary (for the
-- @transformers-0.4@ version of 'Show1'), or it stores the two function arguments
-- that show occurrences of the type parameter (for the non-@transformers-0.4@
-- version of 'Show1').
data Show1Args v a where
    V4Show1Args    :: Show a                                => Show1Args V4    a
    NonV4Show1Args :: (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show1Args NonV4 a

-- | A sensible default 'showsPrec1' implementation for 'Generic1' instances.
showsPrec1Default :: (GShow1 V4 (Rep1 f), Generic1 f, Show a)
                  => Int -> f a -> ShowS
showsPrec1Default = showsPrec1Options defaultOptions

-- | Like 'showsPrec1Default', but with configurable 'Options'.
showsPrec1Options :: (GShow1 V4 (Rep1 f), Generic1 f, Show a)
                  => Options -> Int -> f a -> ShowS
showsPrec1Options opts p = gliftShowsPrec opts V4Show1Args p . from1
-- | A sensible default 'liftShowsPrec' implementation for 'Generic1' instances.
liftShowsPrecDefault :: (GShow1 NonV4 (Rep1 f), Generic1 f)
                     => (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS)
                     -> Int -> f a -> ShowS
liftShowsPrecDefault :: (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Int -> f a -> ShowS
liftShowsPrecDefault = Options
-> (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Int -> f a -> ShowS
forall (f :: * -> *) a.
(GShow1 NonV4 (Rep1 f), Generic1 f) =>
-> (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Int -> f a -> ShowS
liftShowsPrecOptions Options

-- | Like 'liftShowsPrecDefault', but with configurable 'Options'.
liftShowsPrecOptions :: (GShow1 NonV4 (Rep1 f), Generic1 f)
                     => Options -> (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS)
                     -> Int -> f a -> ShowS
liftShowsPrecOptions :: Options
-> (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Int -> f a -> ShowS
liftShowsPrecOptions Options
opts Int -> a -> ShowS
sp [a] -> ShowS
sl Int
p = Options -> Show1Args NonV4 a -> Int -> Rep1 f a -> ShowS
forall v (f :: * -> *) a.
GShow1 v f =>
Options -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> f a -> ShowS
gliftShowsPrec Options
opts ((Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show1Args NonV4 a
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show1Args NonV4 a
NonV4Show1Args Int -> a -> ShowS
sp [a] -> ShowS
sl) Int
p (Rep1 f a -> ShowS) -> (f a -> Rep1 f a) -> f a -> ShowS
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. f a -> Rep1 f a
forall k (f :: k -> *) (a :: k). Generic1 f => f a -> Rep1 f a

-- | Class of generic representation types that can be converted to a 'String'.
class GShow1 v f where
  gliftShowsPrec :: Options -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> f a -> ShowS

instance GShow1 v f => GShow1 v (D1 d f) where
  gliftShowsPrec :: Options -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> D1 d f a -> ShowS
gliftShowsPrec Options
opts Show1Args v a
sas Int
p (M1 f a
x) = Options -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> f a -> ShowS
forall v (f :: * -> *) a.
GShow1 v f =>
Options -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> f a -> ShowS
gliftShowsPrec Options
opts Show1Args v a
sas Int
p f a

instance GShow1 v V1 where
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
  gliftShowsPrec :: Options -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> V1 a -> ShowS
gliftShowsPrec Options
_ Show1Args v a
_ Int
_  V1 a
x = case V1 a
x of {}
  gliftShowsPrec _ _ _ !_ = undefined

instance (GShow1 v f, GShow1 v g) => GShow1 v (f :+: g) where
  gliftShowsPrec :: Options -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> (:+:) f g a -> ShowS
gliftShowsPrec Options
opts Show1Args v a
sas Int
p (L1 f a
x) = Options -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> f a -> ShowS
forall v (f :: * -> *) a.
GShow1 v f =>
Options -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> f a -> ShowS
gliftShowsPrec Options
opts Show1Args v a
sas Int
p f a
  gliftShowsPrec Options
opts Show1Args v a
sas Int
p (R1 g a
x) = Options -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> g a -> ShowS
forall v (f :: * -> *) a.
GShow1 v f =>
Options -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> f a -> ShowS
gliftShowsPrec Options
opts Show1Args v a
sas Int
p g a

instance (Constructor c, GShow1Con v f, IsNullaryCon f) => GShow1 v (C1 c f) where
  gliftShowsPrec :: Options -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> C1 c f a -> ShowS
gliftShowsPrec Options
opts Show1Args v a
sas Int
p c :: C1 c f a
c@(M1 f a
x) = case Fixity
fixity of
Prefix -> Bool -> ShowS -> ShowS
showParen ( Int
p Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
> Int
                             Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& Bool -> Bool
not (f a -> Bool
forall (f :: * -> *) a. IsNullaryCon f => f a -> Bool
isNullaryCon f a
x Bool -> Bool -> Bool
|| C1 c f a -> Bool
forall (c :: Meta) (f :: * -> *) p.
Constructor c =>
C1 c f p -> Bool
conIsTuple C1 c f a
                           ) (ShowS -> ShowS) -> ShowS -> ShowS
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
             (if C1 c f a -> Bool
forall (c :: Meta) (f :: * -> *) p.
Constructor c =>
C1 c f p -> Bool
conIsTuple C1 c f a
                 then ShowS
forall a. a -> a
                 else let cn :: String
cn = C1 c f a -> String
forall k (c :: k) k1 (t :: k -> (k1 -> *) -> k1 -> *)
       (f :: k1 -> *) (a :: k1).
Constructor c =>
t c f a -> String
conName C1 c f a
                      in Bool -> ShowS -> ShowS
showParen (String -> Bool
isInfixDataCon String
cn) (String -> ShowS
showString String
           ShowS -> ShowS -> ShowS
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (if f a -> Bool
forall (f :: * -> *) a. IsNullaryCon f => f a -> Bool
isNullaryCon f a
x Bool -> Bool -> Bool
|| C1 c f a -> Bool
forall (c :: Meta) (f :: * -> *) p.
Constructor c =>
C1 c f p -> Bool
conIsTuple C1 c f a
                 then ShowS
forall a. a -> a
                 else Char -> ShowS
showChar Char
' ')
           ShowS -> ShowS -> ShowS
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ConType -> ShowS -> ShowS
showBraces ConType
t (Options -> ConType -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> f a -> ShowS
forall v (f :: * -> *) a.
GShow1Con v f =>
Options -> ConType -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> f a -> ShowS
gliftShowsPrecCon Options
opts ConType
t Show1Args v a
sas Int
appPrec1 f a
      Infix Associativity
_ Int
m -> Bool -> ShowS -> ShowS
showParen (Int
p Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
> Int
m) (ShowS -> ShowS) -> ShowS -> ShowS
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Options -> ConType -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> f a -> ShowS
forall v (f :: * -> *) a.
GShow1Con v f =>
Options -> ConType -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> f a -> ShowS
gliftShowsPrecCon Options
opts ConType
t Show1Args v a
sas (Int
mInt -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
1) f a
      fixity :: Fixity
      fixity :: Fixity
fixity = C1 c f a -> Fixity
forall k (c :: k) k1 (t :: k -> (k1 -> *) -> k1 -> *)
       (f :: k1 -> *) (a :: k1).
Constructor c =>
t c f a -> Fixity
conFixity C1 c f a

      t :: ConType
      t :: ConType
t = if C1 c f a -> Bool
forall k (c :: k) k1 (t :: k -> (k1 -> *) -> k1 -> *)
       (f :: k1 -> *) (a :: k1).
Constructor c =>
t c f a -> Bool
conIsRecord C1 c f a
          then ConType
          else case C1 c f a -> Bool
forall (c :: Meta) (f :: * -> *) p.
Constructor c =>
C1 c f p -> Bool
conIsTuple C1 c f a
c of
True  -> ConType
False -> case Fixity
fixity of
Prefix    -> ConType
                  Infix Associativity
_ Int
_ -> String -> ConType
Inf (String -> ConType) -> String -> ConType
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ C1 c f a -> String
forall k (c :: k) k1 (t :: k -> (k1 -> *) -> k1 -> *)
       (f :: k1 -> *) (a :: k1).
Constructor c =>
t c f a -> String
conName C1 c f a

showBraces :: ConType -> ShowS -> ShowS
showBraces :: ConType -> ShowS -> ShowS
showBraces ConType
Rec     ShowS
b = Char -> ShowS
showChar Char
'{' ShowS -> ShowS -> ShowS
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ShowS
b ShowS -> ShowS -> ShowS
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Char -> ShowS
showChar Char
showBraces ConType
Tup     ShowS
b = Char -> ShowS
showChar Char
'(' ShowS -> ShowS -> ShowS
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ShowS
b ShowS -> ShowS -> ShowS
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Char -> ShowS
showChar Char
showBraces ConType
Pref    ShowS
b = ShowS
showBraces (Inf String
_) ShowS
b = ShowS

-- | Class of generic representation types that can be converted to a 'String', and
-- for which the 'ConType' has been determined.
class GShow1Con v f where
  gliftShowsPrecCon :: Options -> ConType -> Show1Args v a
                    -> Int -> f a -> ShowS

instance GShow1Con v U1 where
  gliftShowsPrecCon :: Options -> ConType -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> U1 a -> ShowS
gliftShowsPrecCon Options
_ ConType
_ Show1Args v a
_ Int
_ U1 a
U1 = ShowS
forall a. a -> a

instance Show c => GShow1Con v (K1 i c) where
  gliftShowsPrecCon :: Options -> ConType -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> K1 i c a -> ShowS
gliftShowsPrecCon Options
_ ConType
_ Show1Args v a
_ Int
p (K1 c
x) = Int -> c -> ShowS
forall a. Show a => Int -> a -> ShowS
showsPrec Int
p c

instance (Selector s, GShow1Con v f) => GShow1Con v (S1 s f) where
  gliftShowsPrecCon :: Options -> ConType -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> S1 s f a -> ShowS
gliftShowsPrecCon Options
opts ConType
t Show1Args v a
sas Int
p sel :: S1 s f a
sel@(M1 f a
    | S1 s f a -> String
forall k (s :: k) k1 (t :: k -> (k1 -> *) -> k1 -> *)
       (f :: k1 -> *) (a :: k1).
Selector s =>
t s f a -> String
selName S1 s f a
sel String -> String -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== String
"" =   Options -> ConType -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> f a -> ShowS
forall v (f :: * -> *) a.
GShow1Con v f =>
Options -> ConType -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> f a -> ShowS
gliftShowsPrecCon Options
opts ConType
t Show1Args v a
sas Int
p f a
    | Bool
otherwise         =   ShowS
                          ShowS -> ShowS -> ShowS
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. String -> ShowS
showString String
" = "
                          ShowS -> ShowS -> ShowS
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Options -> ConType -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> f a -> ShowS
forall v (f :: * -> *) a.
GShow1Con v f =>
Options -> ConType -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> f a -> ShowS
gliftShowsPrecCon Options
opts ConType
t Show1Args v a
sas Int
0 f a
      infixRec :: ShowS
      infixRec :: ShowS
infixRec | String -> Bool
isSymVar String
               = Char -> ShowS
showChar Char
'(' ShowS -> ShowS -> ShowS
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. String -> ShowS
showString String
selectorName ShowS -> ShowS -> ShowS
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Char -> ShowS
showChar Char
               | Bool
               = String -> ShowS
showString String

      selectorName :: String
      selectorName :: String
selectorName = S1 s f a -> String
forall k (s :: k) k1 (t :: k -> (k1 -> *) -> k1 -> *)
       (f :: k1 -> *) (a :: k1).
Selector s =>
t s f a -> String
selName S1 s f a

instance (GShow1Con v f, GShow1Con v g) => GShow1Con v (f :*: g) where
  gliftShowsPrecCon :: Options -> ConType -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> (:*:) f g a -> ShowS
gliftShowsPrecCon Options
opts ConType
t Show1Args v a
sas Int
p (f a
a :*: g a
b) =
    case ConType
t of
Rec ->     Options -> ConType -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> f a -> ShowS
forall v (f :: * -> *) a.
GShow1Con v f =>
Options -> ConType -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> f a -> ShowS
gliftShowsPrecCon Options
opts ConType
t Show1Args v a
sas Int
0 f a
                  ShowS -> ShowS -> ShowS
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. String -> ShowS
showString String
", "
                  ShowS -> ShowS -> ShowS
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Options -> ConType -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> g a -> ShowS
forall v (f :: * -> *) a.
GShow1Con v f =>
Options -> ConType -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> f a -> ShowS
gliftShowsPrecCon Options
opts ConType
t Show1Args v a
sas Int
0 g a

         Inf String
o ->   Options -> ConType -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> f a -> ShowS
forall v (f :: * -> *) a.
GShow1Con v f =>
Options -> ConType -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> f a -> ShowS
gliftShowsPrecCon Options
opts ConType
t Show1Args v a
sas Int
p f a
                  ShowS -> ShowS -> ShowS
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ShowS
                  ShowS -> ShowS -> ShowS
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. String -> ShowS
infixOp String
                  ShowS -> ShowS -> ShowS
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ShowS
                  ShowS -> ShowS -> ShowS
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Options -> ConType -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> g a -> ShowS
forall v (f :: * -> *) a.
GShow1Con v f =>
Options -> ConType -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> f a -> ShowS
gliftShowsPrecCon Options
opts ConType
t Show1Args v a
sas Int
p g a

Tup ->     Options -> ConType -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> f a -> ShowS
forall v (f :: * -> *) a.
GShow1Con v f =>
Options -> ConType -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> f a -> ShowS
gliftShowsPrecCon Options
opts ConType
t Show1Args v a
sas Int
0 f a
                  ShowS -> ShowS -> ShowS
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Char -> ShowS
showChar Char
                  ShowS -> ShowS -> ShowS
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Options -> ConType -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> g a -> ShowS
forall v (f :: * -> *) a.
GShow1Con v f =>
Options -> ConType -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> f a -> ShowS
gliftShowsPrecCon Options
opts ConType
t Show1Args v a
sas Int
0 g a

Pref ->    Options -> ConType -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> f a -> ShowS
forall v (f :: * -> *) a.
GShow1Con v f =>
Options -> ConType -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> f a -> ShowS
gliftShowsPrecCon Options
opts ConType
t Show1Args v a
sas Int
p f a
                  ShowS -> ShowS -> ShowS
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ShowS
                  ShowS -> ShowS -> ShowS
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Options -> ConType -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> g a -> ShowS
forall v (f :: * -> *) a.
GShow1Con v f =>
Options -> ConType -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> f a -> ShowS
gliftShowsPrecCon Options
opts ConType
t Show1Args v a
sas Int
p g a
      infixOp :: String -> ShowS
      infixOp :: String -> ShowS
infixOp String
o = if String -> Bool
isInfixDataCon String
                     then String -> ShowS
showString String
                     else Char -> ShowS
showChar Char
'`' ShowS -> ShowS -> ShowS
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. String -> ShowS
showString String
o ShowS -> ShowS -> ShowS
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Char -> ShowS
showChar Char

instance GShow1Con V4 Par1 where
  gliftShowsPrecCon _ _ V4Show1Args p (Par1 x) = showsPrec p x

instance Show1 f => GShow1Con V4 (Rec1 f) where
  gliftShowsPrecCon _ _ V4Show1Args p (Rec1 x) = showsPrec1 p x

instance (Functor f, Show1 f, GShow1Con V4 g) => GShow1Con V4 (f :.: g) where
  gliftShowsPrecCon _ _ V4Show1Args p (Comp1 x) = showsPrec1 p (fmap Apply x)
instance GShow1Con NonV4 Par1 where
  gliftShowsPrecCon :: Options -> ConType -> Show1Args NonV4 a -> Int -> Par1 a -> ShowS
gliftShowsPrecCon Options
_ ConType
_ (NonV4Show1Args Int -> a -> ShowS
sp [a] -> ShowS
_) Int
p (Par1 a
x) = Int -> a -> ShowS
sp Int
p a

instance Show1 f => GShow1Con NonV4 (Rec1 f) where
  gliftShowsPrecCon :: Options -> ConType -> Show1Args NonV4 a -> Int -> Rec1 f a -> ShowS
gliftShowsPrecCon Options
_ ConType
_ (NonV4Show1Args Int -> a -> ShowS
sp [a] -> ShowS
sl) Int
p (Rec1 f a
x) = (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Int -> f a -> ShowS
forall (f :: * -> *) a.
Show1 f =>
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Int -> f a -> ShowS
liftShowsPrec Int -> a -> ShowS
sp [a] -> ShowS
sl Int
p f a

instance (Show1 f, GShow1Con NonV4 g) => GShow1Con NonV4 (f :.: g) where
  gliftShowsPrecCon :: Options
-> ConType -> Show1Args NonV4 a -> Int -> (:.:) f g a -> ShowS
gliftShowsPrecCon Options
opts ConType
t (NonV4Show1Args Int -> a -> ShowS
sp [a] -> ShowS
sl) Int
p (Comp1 f (g a)
x) =
    let glspc :: Int -> g a -> ShowS
glspc = Options -> ConType -> Show1Args NonV4 a -> Int -> g a -> ShowS
forall v (f :: * -> *) a.
GShow1Con v f =>
Options -> ConType -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> f a -> ShowS
gliftShowsPrecCon Options
opts ConType
t ((Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show1Args NonV4 a
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show1Args NonV4 a
NonV4Show1Args Int -> a -> ShowS
sp [a] -> ShowS
    in (Int -> g a -> ShowS)
-> ([g a] -> ShowS) -> Int -> f (g a) -> ShowS
forall (f :: * -> *) a.
Show1 f =>
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Int -> f a -> ShowS
liftShowsPrec Int -> g a -> ShowS
glspc ((g a -> ShowS) -> [g a] -> ShowS
forall a. (a -> ShowS) -> [a] -> ShowS
showListWith (Int -> g a -> ShowS
glspc Int
0)) Int
p f (g a)

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0) || defined(GENERIC_DERIVING)
instance GShow1Con v UChar where
  gliftShowsPrecCon :: Options -> ConType -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> UChar a -> ShowS
gliftShowsPrecCon Options
opts ConType
_ Show1Args v a
_ Int
p (UChar c) =
    Int -> Char -> ShowS
forall a. Show a => Int -> a -> ShowS
showsPrec (Options -> Int -> Int
hashPrec Options
opts Int
p) (Char# -> Char
C# Char#
c) ShowS -> ShowS -> ShowS
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Options -> ShowS
oneHash Options

instance GShow1Con v UDouble where
  gliftShowsPrecCon :: Options -> ConType -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> UDouble a -> ShowS
gliftShowsPrecCon Options
opts ConType
_ Show1Args v a
_ Int
p (UDouble d) =
    Int -> Double -> ShowS
forall a. Show a => Int -> a -> ShowS
showsPrec (Options -> Int -> Int
hashPrec Options
opts Int
p) (Double# -> Double
D# Double#
d) ShowS -> ShowS -> ShowS
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Options -> ShowS
twoHash Options

instance GShow1Con v UFloat where
  gliftShowsPrecCon :: Options -> ConType -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> UFloat a -> ShowS
gliftShowsPrecCon Options
opts ConType
_ Show1Args v a
_ Int
p (UFloat f) =
    Int -> Float -> ShowS
forall a. Show a => Int -> a -> ShowS
showsPrec (Options -> Int -> Int
hashPrec Options
opts Int
p) (Float# -> Float
F# Float#
f) ShowS -> ShowS -> ShowS
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Options -> ShowS
oneHash Options

instance GShow1Con v UInt where
  gliftShowsPrecCon :: Options -> ConType -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> UInt a -> ShowS
gliftShowsPrecCon Options
opts ConType
_ Show1Args v a
_ Int
p (UInt i) =
    Int -> Int -> ShowS
forall a. Show a => Int -> a -> ShowS
showsPrec (Options -> Int -> Int
hashPrec Options
opts Int
p) (Int# -> Int
I# Int#
i) ShowS -> ShowS -> ShowS
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Options -> ShowS
oneHash Options

instance GShow1Con v UWord where
  gliftShowsPrecCon :: Options -> ConType -> Show1Args v a -> Int -> UWord a -> ShowS
gliftShowsPrecCon Options
opts ConType
_ Show1Args v a
_ Int
p (UWord w) =
    Int -> Word -> ShowS
forall a. Show a => Int -> a -> ShowS
showsPrec (Options -> Int -> Int
hashPrec Options
opts Int
p) (Word# -> Word
W# Word#
w) ShowS -> ShowS -> ShowS
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Options -> ShowS
twoHash Options

oneHash, twoHash :: Options -> ShowS
hashPrec         :: Options -> Int -> Int
oneHash :: Options -> ShowS
oneHash  Options
opts = if Options -> Bool
ghc8ShowBehavior Options
opts then Char -> ShowS
showChar   Char
'#'  else ShowS
forall a. a -> a
twoHash :: Options -> ShowS
twoHash  Options
opts = if Options -> Bool
ghc8ShowBehavior Options
opts then String -> ShowS
showString String
"##" else ShowS
forall a. a -> a
hashPrec :: Options -> Int -> Int
hashPrec Options
opts = if Options -> Bool
ghc8ShowBehavior Options
opts then Int -> Int -> Int
forall a b. a -> b -> a
const Int
0         else Int -> Int
forall a. a -> a

-- * GenericFunctorClasses

-- | An adapter newtype, suitable for @DerivingVia@. Its 'Eq1', 'Ord1',
-- 'Read1', and 'Show1' instances leverage 'Generic1'-based defaults.
newtype FunctorClassesDefault f a =
  FunctorClassesDefault { FunctorClassesDefault f a -> f a
getFunctorClassesDefault :: f a }

instance (GEq1 V4 (Rep1 f), Generic1 f) => Eq1 (FunctorClassesDefault f) where
   eq1 (FunctorClassesDefault x) (FunctorClassesDefault y) = eq1Default x y
instance (GOrd1 V4 (Rep1 f), Generic1 f) => Ord1 (FunctorClassesDefault f) where
   compare1 (FunctorClassesDefault x) (FunctorClassesDefault y) = compare1Default x y
instance (GRead1 V4 (Rep1 f), Generic1 f) => Read1 (FunctorClassesDefault f) where
   readsPrec1 p = coerceFCD (readsPrec1Default p)
instance (GShow1 V4 (Rep1 f), Generic1 f) => Show1 (FunctorClassesDefault f) where
   showsPrec1 p (FunctorClassesDefault x) = showsPrec1Default p x
instance (GEq1 NonV4 (Rep1 f), Generic1 f) => Eq1 (FunctorClassesDefault f) where
   liftEq :: (a -> b -> Bool)
-> FunctorClassesDefault f a -> FunctorClassesDefault f b -> Bool
liftEq a -> b -> Bool
f (FunctorClassesDefault f a
x) (FunctorClassesDefault f b
y) = (a -> b -> Bool) -> f a -> f b -> Bool
forall (f :: * -> *) a b.
(GEq1 NonV4 (Rep1 f), Generic1 f) =>
(a -> b -> Bool) -> f a -> f b -> Bool
liftEqDefault a -> b -> Bool
f f a
x f b
instance (GOrd1 NonV4 (Rep1 f), Generic1 f) => Ord1 (FunctorClassesDefault f) where
   liftCompare :: (a -> b -> Ordering)
-> FunctorClassesDefault f a
-> FunctorClassesDefault f b
-> Ordering
liftCompare a -> b -> Ordering
f (FunctorClassesDefault f a
x) (FunctorClassesDefault f b
y) = (a -> b -> Ordering) -> f a -> f b -> Ordering
forall (f :: * -> *) a b.
(GOrd1 NonV4 (Rep1 f), Generic1 f) =>
(a -> b -> Ordering) -> f a -> f b -> Ordering
liftCompareDefault a -> b -> Ordering
f f a
x f b
instance (GRead1 NonV4 (Rep1 f), Generic1 f) => Read1 (FunctorClassesDefault f) where
   liftReadsPrec :: (Int -> ReadS a)
-> ReadS [a] -> Int -> ReadS (FunctorClassesDefault f a)
liftReadsPrec Int -> ReadS a
rp ReadS [a]
rl Int
p = ReadS (f a) -> ReadS (FunctorClassesDefault f a)
forall (f :: * -> *) a.
ReadS (f a) -> ReadS (FunctorClassesDefault f a)
coerceFCD ((Int -> ReadS a) -> ReadS [a] -> Int -> ReadS (f a)
forall (f :: * -> *) a.
(GRead1 NonV4 (Rep1 f), Generic1 f) =>
(Int -> ReadS a) -> ReadS [a] -> Int -> ReadS (f a)
liftReadsPrecDefault Int -> ReadS a
rp ReadS [a]
rl Int
instance (GShow1 NonV4 (Rep1 f), Generic1 f) => Show1 (FunctorClassesDefault f) where
   liftShowsPrec :: (Int -> a -> ShowS)
-> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Int -> FunctorClassesDefault f a -> ShowS
liftShowsPrec Int -> a -> ShowS
sp [a] -> ShowS
sl Int
p (FunctorClassesDefault f a
x) = (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Int -> f a -> ShowS
forall (f :: * -> *) a.
(GShow1 NonV4 (Rep1 f), Generic1 f) =>
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Int -> f a -> ShowS
liftShowsPrecDefault Int -> a -> ShowS
sp [a] -> ShowS
sl Int
p f a

coerceFCD :: ReadS (f a) -> ReadS (FunctorClassesDefault f a)
coerceFCD :: ReadS (f a) -> ReadS (FunctorClassesDefault f a)
coerceFCD = ReadS (f a) -> ReadS (FunctorClassesDefault f a)

-- * Shared code

newtype Apply g a = Apply { getApply :: g a }

instance (GEq1 V4 g, Eq a) => Eq (Apply g a) where
    Apply x == Apply y = gliftEq V4Eq1Args x y

instance (GOrd1 V4 g, Ord a) => Ord (Apply g a) where
    compare (Apply x) (Apply y) = gliftCompare V4Ord1Args x y

-- Passing defaultOptions and Pref below is OK, since it's guaranteed that the
-- Options and ConType won't actually have any effect on how (g a) is shown.
-- If we augment Options or ConType with more features in the future, this
-- decision will need to be revisited.

instance (GRead1Con V4 g, Read a) => Read (Apply g a) where
    readPrec = fmap Apply $ gliftReadPrecCon Pref V4Read1Args

instance (GShow1Con V4 g, Show a) => Show (Apply g a) where
    showsPrec d = gliftShowsPrecCon defaultOptions Pref V4Show1Args d . getApply

-- | Whether a constructor is a record ('Rec'), a tuple ('Tup'), is prefix ('Pref'),
-- or infix ('Inf').
data ConType = Rec | Tup | Pref | Inf String

conIsTuple :: Constructor c => C1 c f p -> Bool
conIsTuple :: C1 c f p -> Bool
conIsTuple = String -> Bool
isTupleString (String -> Bool) -> (C1 c f p -> String) -> C1 c f p -> Bool
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. C1 c f p -> String
forall k (c :: k) k1 (t :: k -> (k1 -> *) -> k1 -> *)
       (f :: k1 -> *) (a :: k1).
Constructor c =>
t c f a -> String

isTupleString :: String -> Bool
isTupleString :: String -> Bool
isTupleString (Char
_) = Bool
isTupleString String
_           = Bool

isInfixDataCon :: String -> Bool
isInfixDataCon :: String -> Bool
isInfixDataCon (Char
_) = Bool
isInfixDataCon String
_       = Bool

-- | Class of generic representation types that represent a data type with
-- zero or more constructors.
class IsNullaryDataType f where
    -- | Returns 'True' if the data type has no constructors.
    isNullaryDataType :: f a -> Bool

instance IsNullaryDataType (f :+: g) where
    isNullaryDataType :: (:+:) f g a -> Bool
isNullaryDataType (:+:) f g a
_ = Bool

instance IsNullaryDataType (C1 c f) where
    isNullaryDataType :: C1 c f a -> Bool
isNullaryDataType C1 c f a
_ = Bool

-- | Class of generic representation types that represent a constructor with
-- zero or more fields.
class IsNullaryCon f where
    -- | Returns 'True' if the constructor has no fields.
    isNullaryCon :: f a -> Bool

instance IsNullaryDataType V1 where
    isNullaryDataType :: V1 a -> Bool
isNullaryDataType V1 a
_ = Bool

instance IsNullaryCon U1 where
    isNullaryCon :: U1 a -> Bool
isNullaryCon U1 a
_ = Bool

instance IsNullaryCon Par1 where
    isNullaryCon :: Par1 a -> Bool
isNullaryCon Par1 a
_ = Bool

instance IsNullaryCon (K1 i c) where
    isNullaryCon :: K1 i c a -> Bool
isNullaryCon K1 i c a
_ = Bool

instance IsNullaryCon f => IsNullaryCon (S1 s f) where
    isNullaryCon :: S1 s f a -> Bool
isNullaryCon (M1 f a
x) = f a -> Bool
forall (f :: * -> *) a. IsNullaryCon f => f a -> Bool
isNullaryCon f a

instance IsNullaryCon (Rec1 f) where
    isNullaryCon :: Rec1 f a -> Bool
isNullaryCon Rec1 f a
_ = Bool

instance IsNullaryCon (f :*: g) where
    isNullaryCon :: (:*:) f g a -> Bool
isNullaryCon (:*:) f g a
_ = Bool

instance IsNullaryCon (f :.: g) where
    isNullaryCon :: (:.:) f g a -> Bool
isNullaryCon (:.:) f g a
_ = Bool

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0) || defined(GENERIC_DERIVING)
instance IsNullaryCon UChar where
    isNullaryCon :: UChar a -> Bool
isNullaryCon UChar a
_ = Bool

instance IsNullaryCon UDouble where
    isNullaryCon :: UDouble a -> Bool
isNullaryCon UDouble a
_ = Bool

instance IsNullaryCon UFloat where
    isNullaryCon :: UFloat a -> Bool
isNullaryCon UFloat a
_ = Bool

instance IsNullaryCon UInt where
    isNullaryCon :: UInt a -> Bool
isNullaryCon UInt a
_ = Bool

instance IsNullaryCon UWord where
    isNullaryCon :: UWord a -> Bool
isNullaryCon UWord a
_ = Bool

# if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 708
isTrue# :: Bool -> Bool
isTrue# = id
# endif