Description: Web types for TsWeb

These are the base wrappers around Spock's contexts and state monad. The main
thing that TsWeb does is force in a 'Context' type that is a wrapper around a
'SuperRecord.Rec' and a 'Data.HVect.HVect'. The Rec is used to store tagged
URL paths, while the HVect stores contextual data for views, such as a
database connection or authentication information.
module TsWeb.Types where

import Data.HVect (HVect)
import SuperRecord (Rec)
import Web.Spock (ActionCtxT, WebStateM)
import Web.Spock.Core (SpockCtxT)

-- | A container for a 'SuperRecord.Rec' of tagged Spock paths and a
-- `Data.HVect.HVect' of view contextual data.
-- The paths are built with 'TsWeb.Routing.path' and friends, and are queried
-- using `TsWeb.Action.getPath' / 'TsWeb.Action.showPath'.
-- Context extras are currently populated using 'TsWeb.Routing.dbwrite' and
-- 'TsWeb.Routing.Auth.auth'; probably more will be added as needed.
data Context lts vec = Context
  { ctxPaths :: Rec lts    -- ^Tagged paths for web context
  , ctxExtras :: HVect vec -- ^Free-form extras for web context

-- | Wrapper around 'WebStateM' to suppress spock's database and web_state
type TsWebStateM sessdata = WebStateM () sessdata ()

-- | Wrapper around 'ActionCtxT' to use 'Context' and 'TsWebStateM'
type TsActionCtxT lts xs sessdata a
   = ActionCtxT (Context lts xs) (TsWebStateM sessdata) a

-- | Wrapper around 'SpockCtxT' to use 'Context' and 'TsWebStateM'
type TsSpockCtxT lts xs sessdata
   = SpockCtxT (Context lts xs) (TsWebStateM sessdata)