Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Use this module to either:
Example usage:
:set -XOverloadedStrings
match ("can" <|> "cat") "cat"
match ("can" <|> "cat") "dog"
match (decimal `sepBy` ",") "1,2,3"
This pattern has unlimited backtracking, and will return as many solutions as possible:
match (prefix (star anyChar)) "123"
Use do
notation to structure more complex patterns:
let bit = ("0" *> pure False) <|> ("1" *> pure True) :: Pattern Bool; portableBitMap = do { "P1" ; width <- spaces1 *> decimal ; height <- spaces1 *> decimal ; count width (count height (spaces1 *> bit)) }; in match (prefix portableBitMap) "P1\n2 2\n0 0\n1 0\n" :} [[[False,False],[True,False]]]
- data Pattern a
- match :: Pattern a -> Text -> [a]
- anyChar :: Pattern Char
- eof :: Pattern ()
- dot :: Pattern Char
- satisfy :: (Char -> Bool) -> Pattern Char
- char :: Char -> Pattern Char
- notChar :: Char -> Pattern Char
- text :: Text -> Pattern Text
- asciiCI :: Text -> Pattern Text
- oneOf :: [Char] -> Pattern Char
- noneOf :: [Char] -> Pattern Char
- space :: Pattern Char
- spaces :: Pattern Text
- spaces1 :: Pattern Text
- tab :: Pattern Char
- newline :: Pattern Char
- crlf :: Pattern Text
- upper :: Pattern Char
- lower :: Pattern Char
- alphaNum :: Pattern Char
- letter :: Pattern Char
- digit :: Pattern Char
- hexDigit :: Pattern Char
- octDigit :: Pattern Char
- decimal :: Num n => Pattern n
- signed :: Num a => Pattern a -> Pattern a
- prefix :: Pattern a -> Pattern a
- suffix :: Pattern a -> Pattern a
- has :: Pattern a -> Pattern a
- begins :: Pattern Text -> Pattern Text
- ends :: Pattern Text -> Pattern Text
- contains :: Pattern Text -> Pattern Text
- invert :: Pattern a -> Pattern ()
- once :: Pattern Char -> Pattern Text
- star :: Pattern Char -> Pattern Text
- plus :: Pattern Char -> Pattern Text
- selfless :: Pattern a -> Pattern a
- choice :: [Pattern a] -> Pattern a
- count :: Int -> Pattern a -> Pattern [a]
- lowerBounded :: Int -> Pattern a -> Pattern [a]
- upperBounded :: Int -> Pattern a -> Pattern [a]
- bounded :: Int -> Int -> Pattern a -> Pattern [a]
- option :: Monoid a => Pattern a -> Pattern a
- between :: Pattern a -> Pattern b -> Pattern c -> Pattern c
- skip :: Pattern a -> Pattern ()
- within :: Int -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
- fixed :: Int -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
- sepBy :: Pattern a -> Pattern b -> Pattern [a]
- sepBy1 :: Pattern a -> Pattern b -> Pattern [a]
- chars :: Pattern Text
- chars1 :: Pattern Text
A fully backtracking pattern that parses an 'a'
from some Text
Primitive patterns
Character patterns
satisfy :: (Char -> Bool) -> Pattern Char Source
Match any character that satisfies the given predicate
match (satisfy (== '1')) "1"
match (satisfy (== '2')) "1"
char :: Char -> Pattern Char Source
Match a specific character
match (char '1') "1"
match (char '2') "1"
notChar :: Char -> Pattern Char Source
Match any character except the given one
match (notChar '2') "1"
match (notChar '1') "1"
text :: Text -> Pattern Text Source
Match a specific string
match (text "123") "123"
You can also omit the text
function if you enable the OverloadedStrings
match "123" "123"
asciiCI :: Text -> Pattern Text Source
Match a specific string in a case-insensitive way
This only handles ASCII strings
match (asciiCI "abc") "ABC"
oneOf :: [Char] -> Pattern Char Source
Match any one of the given characters
match (oneOf "1a") "1"
match (oneOf "2a") "1"
noneOf :: [Char] -> Pattern Char Source
Match anything other than the given characters
match (noneOf "2a") "1"
match (noneOf "1a") "1"
Match a whitespace character
match space " "
" ">>>
match space "1"
Match zero or more whitespace characters
match spaces " "
[" "]>>>
match spaces ""
spaces1 :: Pattern Text Source
Match one or more whitespace characters
match spaces1 " "
[" "]>>>
match spaces1 ""
newline :: Pattern Char Source
Match the newline character ('n'
match newline "\n"
match newline " "
Matches a carriage return ('r'
) followed by a newline ('n'
match crlf "\r\n"
match crlf "\n\r"
alphaNum :: Pattern Char Source
Match a letter or digit
match alphaNum "1"
match alphaNum "a"
match alphaNum "A"
match alphaNum "."
Match a letter
match letter "A"
match letter "a"
match letter "1"
hexDigit :: Pattern Char Source
Match a hexadecimal digit
match hexDigit "1"
match hexDigit "A"
match hexDigit "a"
match hexDigit "g"
octDigit :: Pattern Char Source
Match an octal digit
match octDigit "1"
match octDigit "9"
decimal :: Num n => Pattern n Source
Match an unsigned decimal number
match decimal "123"
match decimal "-123"
signed :: Num a => Pattern a -> Pattern a Source
Transform a numeric parser to accept an optional leading '+'
or '-'
match (signed decimal) "+123"
match (signed decimal) "-123"
match (signed decimal) "123"
prefix :: Pattern a -> Pattern a Source
Use this to match the prefix of a string
match "A" "ABC"
match (prefix "A") "ABC"
suffix :: Pattern a -> Pattern a Source
Use this to match the suffix of a string
match "C" "ABC"
match (suffix "C") "ABC"
has :: Pattern a -> Pattern a Source
Use this to match the interior of a string
match "B" "ABC"
match (has "B") "ABC"
begins :: Pattern Text -> Pattern Text Source
Match the entire string if it begins with the given pattern
This returns the entire string, not just the matched prefix
match (begins "A" ) "ABC"
match (begins ("A" *> pure "1")) "ABC"
ends :: Pattern Text -> Pattern Text Source
Match the entire string if it ends with the given pattern
This returns the entire string, not just the matched prefix
match (ends "C" ) "ABC"
match (ends ("C" *> pure "1")) "ABC"
contains :: Pattern Text -> Pattern Text Source
Match the entire string if it contains the given pattern
This returns the entire string, not just the interior pattern
match (contains "B" ) "ABC"
match (contains ("B" *> pure "1")) "ABC"
invert :: Pattern a -> Pattern () Source
succeeds if invert
fails and fails if p
match (invert "A") "A"
match (invert "A") "B"
star :: Pattern Char -> Pattern Text Source
Parse 0 or more occurrences of the given character
match (star anyChar) "123"
match (star anyChar) ""
See also: chars
plus :: Pattern Char -> Pattern Text Source
Parse 1 or more occurrences of the given character
match (plus digit) "123"
match (plus digit) ""
See also: chars1
selfless :: Pattern a -> Pattern a Source
Patterns that match multiple times are greedy by default, meaning that they
try to match as many times as possible. The selfless
combinator makes a
pattern match as few times as possible
This only changes the order in which solutions are returned, by prioritizing less greedy solutions
match (prefix (selfless (some anyChar))) "123"
match (prefix (some anyChar) ) "123"
choice :: [Pattern a] -> Pattern a Source
Apply the patterns in the list in order, until one of them succeeds
match (choice ["cat", "dog", "egg"]) "egg"
match (choice ["cat", "dog", "egg"]) "cat"
match (choice ["cat", "dog", "egg"]) "fan"
count :: Int -> Pattern a -> Pattern [a] Source
Apply the given pattern a fixed number of times, collecting the results
match (count 3 anyChar) "123"
match (count 4 anyChar) "123"
lowerBounded :: Int -> Pattern a -> Pattern [a] Source
Apply the given pattern at least the given number of times, collecting the results
match (lowerBounded 5 dot) "123"
match (lowerBounded 2 dot) "123"
upperBounded :: Int -> Pattern a -> Pattern [a] Source
Apply the given pattern 0 or more times, up to a given bound, collecting the results
match (upperBounded 5 dot) "123"
match (upperBounded 2 dot) "123"
match ((,) <$> upperBounded 2 dot <*> chars) "123"
bounded :: Int -> Int -> Pattern a -> Pattern [a] Source
Apply the given pattern a number of times restricted by given lower and upper bounds, collecting the results
match (bounded 2 5 "cat") "catcatcat"
match (bounded 2 5 "cat") "cat"
match (bounded 2 5 "cat") "catcatcatcatcatcat"
could be implemented naively as follows:
bounded m n p = do x <- choice (map pure [m..n]) count x p
option :: Monoid a => Pattern a -> Pattern a Source
Transform a parser to a succeed with an empty value instead of failing
See also: optional
match (option "1" <> "2") "12"
match (option "1" <> "2") "2"
between :: Pattern a -> Pattern b -> Pattern c -> Pattern c Source
(between open close p)
matches 'p'
in between 'open'
match (between (char '(') (char ')') (star anyChar)) "(123)"
match (between (char '(') (char ')') (star anyChar)) "(123"
skip :: Pattern a -> Pattern () Source
Discard the pattern's result
match (skip anyChar) "1"
match (skip anyChar) ""
within :: Int -> Pattern a -> Pattern a Source
Restrict the pattern to consume no more than the given number of characters
match (within 2 decimal) "12"
match (within 2 decimal) "1"
match (within 2 decimal) "123"
fixed :: Int -> Pattern a -> Pattern a Source
Require the pattern to consume exactly the given number of characters
match (fixed 2 decimal) "12"
match (fixed 2 decimal) "1"
sepBy :: Pattern a -> Pattern b -> Pattern [a] Source
matches zero or more occurrences of sepBy
separated by sep
match (decimal `sepBy` char ',') "1,2,3"
match (decimal `sepBy` char ',') ""
sepBy1 :: Pattern a -> Pattern b -> Pattern [a] Source
matches one or more occurrences of sepBy1
separated by sep
match (decimal `sepBy1` ",") "1,2,3"
match (decimal `sepBy1` ",") ""