turtle-1.5.23: Shell programming, Haskell-style
Safe HaskellNone



Use this module to either:

  • match Text with light-weight backtracking patterns, or:
  • parse structured values from Text.

Example usage:

>>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
>>> match ("can" <|> "cat") "cat"
>>> match ("can" <|> "cat") "dog"
>>> match (decimal `sepBy` ",") "1,2,3"

This pattern has unlimited backtracking, and will return as many solutions as possible:

>>> match (prefix (star anyChar)) "123"

Use do notation to structure more complex patterns:

>>> :{
let bit = ("0" *> pure False) <|> ("1" *> pure True) :: Pattern Bool;
    portableBitMap = do
        { "P1"
        ; width  <- spaces1 *> decimal
        ; height <- spaces1 *> decimal
        ; count width (count height (spaces1 *> bit))
in  match (prefix portableBitMap) "P1\n2 2\n0 0\n1 0\n"


data Pattern a Source #

A fully backtracking pattern that parses an 'a' from some Text


Instances details
Monad Pattern Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Turtle.Pattern


(>>=) :: Pattern a -> (a -> Pattern b) -> Pattern b #

(>>) :: Pattern a -> Pattern b -> Pattern b #

return :: a -> Pattern a #

Functor Pattern Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Turtle.Pattern


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Pattern a -> Pattern b #

(<$) :: a -> Pattern b -> Pattern a #

Applicative Pattern Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Turtle.Pattern


pure :: a -> Pattern a #

(<*>) :: Pattern (a -> b) -> Pattern a -> Pattern b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Pattern a -> Pattern b -> Pattern c #

(*>) :: Pattern a -> Pattern b -> Pattern b #

(<*) :: Pattern a -> Pattern b -> Pattern a #

Alternative Pattern Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Turtle.Pattern


empty :: Pattern a #

(<|>) :: Pattern a -> Pattern a -> Pattern a #

some :: Pattern a -> Pattern [a] #

many :: Pattern a -> Pattern [a] #

MonadPlus Pattern Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Turtle.Pattern


mzero :: Pattern a #

mplus :: Pattern a -> Pattern a -> Pattern a #

Monoid a => Num (Pattern a) Source #

Pattern forms a semiring, this is the closest approximation

Instance details

Defined in Turtle.Pattern


(+) :: Pattern a -> Pattern a -> Pattern a #

(-) :: Pattern a -> Pattern a -> Pattern a #

(*) :: Pattern a -> Pattern a -> Pattern a #

negate :: Pattern a -> Pattern a #

abs :: Pattern a -> Pattern a #

signum :: Pattern a -> Pattern a #

fromInteger :: Integer -> Pattern a #

a ~ Text => IsString (Pattern a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Turtle.Pattern


fromString :: String -> Pattern a #

Monoid a => Semigroup (Pattern a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Turtle.Pattern


(<>) :: Pattern a -> Pattern a -> Pattern a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Pattern a) -> Pattern a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Pattern a -> Pattern a #

Monoid a => Monoid (Pattern a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Turtle.Pattern


mempty :: Pattern a #

mappend :: Pattern a -> Pattern a -> Pattern a #

mconcat :: [Pattern a] -> Pattern a #

match :: Pattern a -> Text -> [a] Source #

Match a Pattern against a Text input, returning all possible solutions

The Pattern must match the entire Text

Primitive patterns

anyChar :: Pattern Char Source #

Match any character

>>> match anyChar "1"
>>> match anyChar ""

eof :: Pattern () Source #

Matches the end of input

>>> match eof "1"
>>> match eof ""

Character patterns

dot :: Pattern Char Source #

Synonym for anyChar

satisfy :: (Char -> Bool) -> Pattern Char Source #

Match any character that satisfies the given predicate

>>> match (satisfy (== '1')) "1"
>>> match (satisfy (== '2')) "1"

char :: Char -> Pattern Char Source #

Match a specific character

>>> match (char '1') "1"
>>> match (char '2') "1"

notChar :: Char -> Pattern Char Source #

Match any character except the given one

>>> match (notChar '2') "1"
>>> match (notChar '1') "1"

text :: Text -> Pattern Text Source #

Match a specific string

>>> match (text "123") "123"

You can also omit the text function if you enable the OverloadedStrings extension:

>>> match "123" "123"

asciiCI :: Text -> Pattern Text Source #

Match a specific string in a case-insensitive way

This only handles ASCII strings

>>> match (asciiCI "abc") "ABC"

oneOf :: [Char] -> Pattern Char Source #

Match any one of the given characters

>>> match (oneOf "1a") "1"
>>> match (oneOf "2a") "1"

noneOf :: [Char] -> Pattern Char Source #

Match anything other than the given characters

>>> match (noneOf "2a") "1"
>>> match (noneOf "1a") "1"

space :: Pattern Char Source #

Match a whitespace character

>>> match space " "
" "
>>> match space "1"

spaces :: Pattern Text Source #

Match zero or more whitespace characters

>>> match spaces "  "
["  "]
>>> match spaces ""

spaces1 :: Pattern Text Source #

Match one or more whitespace characters

>>> match spaces1 "  "
["  "]
>>> match spaces1 ""

tab :: Pattern Char Source #

Match the tab character ('t')

>>> match tab "\t"
>>> match tab " "

newline :: Pattern Char Source #

Match the newline character ('n')

>>> match newline "\n"
>>> match newline " "

crlf :: Pattern Text Source #

Matches a carriage return ('r') followed by a newline ('n')

>>> match crlf "\r\n"
>>> match crlf "\n\r"

upper :: Pattern Char Source #

Match an uppercase letter

>>> match upper "A"
>>> match upper "a"

lower :: Pattern Char Source #

Match a lowercase letter

>>> match lower "a"
>>> match lower "A"

alphaNum :: Pattern Char Source #

Match a letter or digit

>>> match alphaNum "1"
>>> match alphaNum "a"
>>> match alphaNum "A"
>>> match alphaNum "."

letter :: Pattern Char Source #

Match a letter

>>> match letter "A"
>>> match letter "a"
>>> match letter "1"

digit :: Pattern Char Source #

Match a digit

>>> match digit "1"
>>> match digit "a"

hexDigit :: Pattern Char Source #

Match a hexadecimal digit

>>> match hexDigit "1"
>>> match hexDigit "A"
>>> match hexDigit "a"
>>> match hexDigit "g"

octDigit :: Pattern Char Source #

Match an octal digit

>>> match octDigit "1"
>>> match octDigit "9"


decimal :: Num n => Pattern n Source #

Match an unsigned decimal number

>>> match decimal  "123"
>>> match decimal "-123"

signed :: Num a => Pattern a -> Pattern a Source #

Transform a numeric parser to accept an optional leading '+' or '-' sign

>>> match (signed decimal) "+123"
>>> match (signed decimal) "-123"
>>> match (signed decimal)  "123"


prefix :: Pattern a -> Pattern a Source #

Use this to match the prefix of a string

>>> match         "A"  "ABC"
>>> match (prefix "A") "ABC"

suffix :: Pattern a -> Pattern a Source #

Use this to match the suffix of a string

>>> match         "C"  "ABC"
>>> match (suffix "C") "ABC"

has :: Pattern a -> Pattern a Source #

Use this to match the interior of a string

>>> match      "B"  "ABC"
>>> match (has "B") "ABC"

begins :: Pattern Text -> Pattern Text Source #

Match the entire string if it begins with the given pattern

This returns the entire string, not just the matched prefix

>>> match (begins  "A"             ) "ABC"
>>> match (begins ("A" *> pure "1")) "ABC"

ends :: Pattern Text -> Pattern Text Source #

Match the entire string if it ends with the given pattern

This returns the entire string, not just the matched prefix

>>> match (ends  "C"             ) "ABC"
>>> match (ends ("C" *> pure "1")) "ABC"

contains :: Pattern Text -> Pattern Text Source #

Match the entire string if it contains the given pattern

This returns the entire string, not just the interior pattern

>>> match (contains  "B"             ) "ABC"
>>> match (contains ("B" *> pure "1")) "ABC"

invert :: Pattern a -> Pattern () Source #

(invert p) succeeds if p fails and fails if p succeeds

>>> match (invert "A") "A"
>>> match (invert "A") "B"
>>> match (invert "A") "AA"

once :: Pattern Char -> Pattern Text Source #

Match a Char, but return Text

>>> match (once (char '1')) "1"
>>> match (once (char '1')) ""

star :: Pattern Char -> Pattern Text Source #

Parse 0 or more occurrences of the given character

>>> match (star anyChar) "123"
>>> match (star anyChar) ""

See also: chars

plus :: Pattern Char -> Pattern Text Source #

Parse 1 or more occurrences of the given character

>>> match (plus digit) "123"
>>> match (plus digit) ""

See also: chars1

selfless :: Pattern a -> Pattern a Source #

Patterns that match multiple times are greedy by default, meaning that they try to match as many times as possible. The selfless combinator makes a pattern match as few times as possible

This only changes the order in which solutions are returned, by prioritizing less greedy solutions

>>> match (prefix (selfless (some anyChar))) "123"
>>> match (prefix           (some anyChar) ) "123"

choice :: [Pattern a] -> Pattern a Source #

Apply the patterns in the list in order, until one of them succeeds

>>> match (choice ["cat", "dog", "egg"]) "egg"
>>> match (choice ["cat", "dog", "egg"]) "cat"
>>> match (choice ["cat", "dog", "egg"]) "fan"

count :: Int -> Pattern a -> Pattern [a] Source #

Apply the given pattern a fixed number of times, collecting the results

>>> match (count 3 anyChar) "123"
>>> match (count 4 anyChar) "123"

lowerBounded :: Int -> Pattern a -> Pattern [a] Source #

Apply the given pattern at least the given number of times, collecting the results

>>> match (lowerBounded 5 dot) "123"
>>> match (lowerBounded 2 dot) "123"

upperBounded :: Int -> Pattern a -> Pattern [a] Source #

Apply the given pattern 0 or more times, up to a given bound, collecting the results

>>> match (upperBounded 5 dot) "123"
>>> match (upperBounded 2 dot) "123"
>>> match ((,) <$> upperBounded 2 dot <*> chars) "123"

bounded :: Int -> Int -> Pattern a -> Pattern [a] Source #

Apply the given pattern a number of times restricted by given lower and upper bounds, collecting the results

>>> match (bounded 2 5 "cat") "catcatcat"
>>> match (bounded 2 5 "cat") "cat"
>>> match (bounded 2 5 "cat") "catcatcatcatcatcat"

bounded could be implemented naively as follows:

bounded m n p = do
  x <- choice (map pure [m..n])
  count x p

option :: Monoid a => Pattern a -> Pattern a Source #

Transform a parser to a succeed with an empty value instead of failing

See also: optional

>>> match (option "1" <> "2") "12"
>>> match (option "1" <> "2") "2"

between :: Pattern a -> Pattern b -> Pattern c -> Pattern c Source #

(between open close p) matches 'p' in between 'open' and 'close'

>>> match (between (char '(') (char ')') (star anyChar)) "(123)"
>>> match (between (char '(') (char ')') (star anyChar)) "(123"

skip :: Pattern a -> Pattern () Source #

Discard the pattern's result

>>> match (skip anyChar) "1"
>>> match (skip anyChar) ""

within :: Int -> Pattern a -> Pattern a Source #

Restrict the pattern to consume no more than the given number of characters

>>> match (within 2 decimal) "12"
>>> match (within 2 decimal) "1"
>>> match (within 2 decimal) "123"

fixed :: Int -> Pattern a -> Pattern a Source #

Require the pattern to consume exactly the given number of characters

>>> match (fixed 2 decimal) "12"
>>> match (fixed 2 decimal) "1"

sepBy :: Pattern a -> Pattern b -> Pattern [a] Source #

p sepBy sep matches zero or more occurrences of p separated by sep

>>> match (decimal `sepBy` char ',') "1,2,3"
>>> match (decimal `sepBy` char ',') ""

sepBy1 :: Pattern a -> Pattern b -> Pattern [a] Source #

p sepBy1 sep matches one or more occurrences of p separated by sep

>>> match (decimal `sepBy1` ",") "1,2,3"
>>> match (decimal `sepBy1` ",") ""

High-efficiency primitives

chars :: Pattern Text Source #

Like star dot or star anyChar, except more efficient

chars1 :: Pattern Text Source #

Like plus dot or plus anyChar, except more efficient