Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
The main prover loop.
- data Config f = Config {
- cfg_accept_term :: Maybe (Term f -> Bool)
- cfg_max_critical_pairs :: Int64
- cfg_max_cp_depth :: Int
- cfg_simplify :: Bool
- cfg_renormalise_percent :: Int
- cfg_cp_sample_size :: Int
- cfg_renormalise_threshold :: Int
- cfg_set_join_goals :: Bool
- cfg_always_simplify :: Bool
- cfg_complete_subsets :: Bool
- cfg_critical_pairs :: Config
- cfg_join :: Config
- cfg_proof_presentation :: Config f
- data State f = State {
- st_rules :: !(RuleIndex f (Rule f))
- st_active_set :: !(IntMap (Active f))
- st_joinable :: !(Index f (Equation f))
- st_goals :: ![Goal f]
- st_queue :: !(Queue Batch)
- st_next_active :: !Id
- st_considered :: !Int64
- st_simplified_at :: !Id
- st_cp_sample :: !(Sample (Maybe (Overlap (Active f) f)))
- st_not_complete :: !IntSet
- st_complete :: !(Index f (Rule f))
- st_messages_rev :: ![Message f]
- defaultConfig :: Config f
- configIsComplete :: Config f -> Bool
- initialState :: Config f -> State f
- data Message f
- = NewActive !(Active f)
- | NewEquation !(Equation f)
- | DeleteActive !(Active f)
- | SimplifyQueue
- | NotComplete !IntSet
- | Interreduce
- | Status !Int
- message :: PrettyTerm f => Message f -> State f -> State f
- clearMessages :: State f -> State f
- messages :: State f -> [Message f]
- makePassives :: Function f => Config f -> State f -> Active f -> [Passive]
- data Passive = Passive {
- passive_score :: !Int32
- passive_rule1 :: !Id
- passive_rule2 :: !Id
- passive_how :: !How
- data Batch = Batch {
- batch_kind :: !BatchKind
- batch_rule :: !Id
- batch_best :: !Passive
- batch_rest :: !(PackedSequence (Int32, Id, How))
- data BatchKind
- makePassive :: Function f => Config f -> Overlap (Active f) f -> Passive
- findPassive :: forall f. Function f => State f -> Passive -> Maybe (Overlap (Active f) f)
- simplifyPassive :: Function f => Config f -> State f -> Passive -> Maybe Passive
- shouldSimplifyQueue :: Function f => Config f -> State f -> Bool
- simplifyQueue :: Function f => Config f -> State f -> State f
- enqueue :: Function f => State f -> Id -> [Passive] -> State f
- dequeue :: Function f => Config f -> State f -> (Maybe (Info, CriticalPair f, Active f, Active f), State f)
- data Active f = Active {
- active_id :: !Id
- active_info :: !Info
- active_rule :: !(Rule f)
- active_top :: !(Maybe (Term f))
- active_proof :: !(Proof f)
- active_model :: !(Model f)
- active_positions :: !(Positions2 f)
- active_cp :: Active f -> CriticalPair f
- activeRules :: Active f -> [Rule f]
- data Info = Info {
- info_depth :: !Depth
- info_max :: !IntSet
- addActive :: Function f => Config f -> State f -> (Id -> Active f) -> State f
- sample :: Function f => Int -> [Passive] -> State f -> State f
- resetSample :: Function f => Config f -> State f -> State f
- simplifySample :: Function f => State f -> State f
- addActiveOnly :: Function f => State f -> Active f -> State f
- deleteActive :: Function f => State f -> Active f -> State f
- consider :: Function f => Config f -> State f -> Info -> CriticalPair f -> State f
- considerUsing :: Function f => RuleIndex f (Rule f) -> Config f -> State f -> Info -> CriticalPair f -> State f
- addCP :: Function f => Config f -> Model f -> State f -> Info -> CriticalPair f -> State f
- addAxiom :: Function f => Config f -> State f -> Axiom f -> State f
- addJoinable :: Function f => State f -> Equation f -> State f
- checkCompleteness :: Function f => Config f -> State f -> State f
- assumeComplete :: Function f => State f -> State f
- data Goal f = Goal {
- goal_name :: String
- goal_number :: Int
- goal_eqn :: Equation f
- goal_expanded_lhs :: Map (Term f) (Derivation f)
- goal_expanded_rhs :: Map (Term f) (Derivation f)
- goal_lhs :: Map (Term f) (Term f, Reduction f)
- goal_rhs :: Map (Term f) (Term f, Reduction f)
- addGoal :: Function f => Config f -> State f -> Goal f -> State f
- normaliseGoals :: Function f => Config f -> State f -> State f
- recomputeGoals :: Function f => Config f -> State f -> State f
- resetGoal :: Goal f -> Goal f
- rewriteGoalsBackwards :: Function f => State f -> State f
- goal :: Int -> String -> Equation f -> Goal f
- interreduce :: Function f => Config f -> State f -> State f
- interreduce1 :: Function f => Config f -> State f -> Active f -> State f
- data Output m f = Output {
- output_message :: Message f -> m ()
- complete :: (Function f, MonadIO m) => Output m f -> Config f -> State f -> m (State f)
- complete1 :: Function f => Config f -> State f -> (Bool, State f)
- solved :: Function f => State f -> Bool
- solutions :: Function f => State f -> [ProvedGoal f]
- rules :: Function f => State f -> [Rule f]
- completePure :: Function f => Config f -> State f -> State f
- normaliseTerm :: Function f => State f -> Term f -> Reduction f
- normalForms :: Function f => State f -> Term f -> Map (Term f) (Reduction f)
- simplifyTerm :: Function f => State f -> Term f -> Term f
Configuration and prover state.
The prover configuration.
The prover state.
State | |
defaultConfig :: Config f Source #
The default prover configuration.
configIsComplete :: Config f -> Bool Source #
Does this configuration run the prover in a complete mode?
initialState :: Config f -> State f Source #
The initial state.
A message which is produced by the prover when something interesting happens.
NewActive !(Active f) | A new rule. |
NewEquation !(Equation f) | A new joinable equation. |
DeleteActive !(Active f) | A rule was deleted. |
SimplifyQueue | The CP queue was simplified. |
NotComplete !IntSet | All except these axioms are complete (with a suitable-chosen subset of the rules). |
Interreduce | The rules were reduced wrt each other. |
Status !Int | Status update: how many queued critical pairs there are. |
clearMessages :: State f -> State f Source #
Forget about all emitted messages.
The CP queue.
makePassives :: Function f => Config f -> State f -> Active f -> [Passive] Source #
Compute all critical pairs from a rule.
Passive | |
Batch | |
findPassive :: forall f. Function f => State f -> Passive -> Maybe (Overlap (Active f) f) Source #
Turn a Passive back into an overlap. Doesn't try to simplify it.
simplifyPassive :: Function f => Config f -> State f -> Passive -> Maybe Passive Source #
Renormalise a queued Passive.
shouldSimplifyQueue :: Function f => Config f -> State f -> Bool Source #
Check if we should renormalise the queue.
enqueue :: Function f => State f -> Id -> [Passive] -> State f Source #
Enqueue a set of critical pairs.
dequeue :: Function f => Config f -> State f -> (Maybe (Info, CriticalPair f, Active f, Active f), State f) Source #
Dequeue a critical pair.
Also takes care of:
- removing any orphans from the head of the queue
- ignoring CPs that are too big
Active rewrite rules.
Active | |
Eq (Active f) Source # | |
Function f => Pretty (Active f) Source # | |
Defined in Twee pPrintPrec :: PrettyLevel -> Rational -> Active f -> Doc # pPrintList :: PrettyLevel -> [Active f] -> Doc # | |
Has (Active f) Id Source # | |
Has (Active f) Depth Source # | |
f ~ g => Has (Active f) (Positions2 g) Source # | |
f ~ g => Has (Active f) (Rule g) Source # | |
active_cp :: Active f -> CriticalPair f Source #
activeRules :: Active f -> [Rule f] Source #
considerUsing :: Function f => RuleIndex f (Rule f) -> Config f -> State f -> Info -> CriticalPair f -> State f Source #
Goal | |