twitter-conduit-0.6.0: Twitter API package with conduit interface and Streaming API support.
Safe HaskellNone




type HasParam (label :: Symbol) (paramType :: *) (params :: [Param Symbol *]) = ParamType label params ~ paramType Source #

data APIRequest (supports :: [Param Symbol *]) responseType Source #

API request. You should use specific builder functions instead of building this directly.

For example, if there were a SampleApi type and a builder function which named sampleApiRequest.

type SampleId = Integer
sampleApiRequest :: APIRequest SampleApi [SampleId]
sampleApiRequest = APIRequest "GET" "" []
type SampleApi = '[ "count" ':= Integer
                  , "max_id" ':= Integer

We can obtain request params from APIRequest SampleApi [SampleId] :

>>> sampleApiRequest ^. params

The second type parameter of the APIRequest represents the allowed parameters for the APIRequest. For example, sampleApiRequest has 2 Integer parameters, that is "count" and "max_id". You can update those parameters by label lenses (#count and #max_id respectively)

>>> (sampleApiRequest & #count ?~ 100 & #max_id ?~ 1234567890) ^. params
[("max_id",PVInteger {unPVInteger = 1234567890}),("count",PVInteger {unPVInteger = 100})]
>>> (sampleApiRequest & #count ?~ 100 & #max_id ?~ 1234567890 & #count .~ Nothing) ^. params
[("max_id",PVInteger {unPVInteger = 1234567890})]


Instances details
Show (APIRequest apiName responseType) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Web.Twitter.Conduit.Request


showsPrec :: Int -> APIRequest apiName responseType -> ShowS #

show :: APIRequest apiName responseType -> String #

showList :: [APIRequest apiName responseType] -> ShowS #

Parameters (APIRequest supports responseType) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Web.Twitter.Conduit.Request

Associated Types

type SupportParameters (APIRequest supports responseType) :: [Param Symbol Type] Source #


params :: Lens' (APIRequest supports responseType) APIQuery Source #

type SupportParameters (APIRequest supports responseType) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Web.Twitter.Conduit.Request

type SupportParameters (APIRequest supports responseType) = supports