{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} -- | In GuardedEvents we extend the notion of PrimEvents to allow Guarded -- Events, which can be guarded with the new (|>) operator. GuardedChannels -- will implement guarded events on channels, which will hopefully be the -- only guarded event we will ever need. module Events.GuardedEvents( GuardedEvent(..), -- the datatype of guarded events. Instance of HasGuard, -- IsBaseEvent (and hence IsEvent), HasContinuation, HasChoice -- HasGuard(..), -- the class implementing |> Guard(..), -- the class of guards. HasListen(..), -- the class of (guarded) channels implementing listen. ) where import Events.Events -- | A GuardedEvent guard a represents a source of values of type a, which -- may be selected from according to guards of type guard. data Guard guard => GuardedEvent guard a = GuardedEvent !(guard -> Event a) !guard -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The Guard class -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A Guard represents some condition on a value which we impose on -- a channel, selecting those values we are interested in. class Guard guard where -- NB. Instances of this class should try to force evaluation as -- much as possible before returning the guard value, because -- otherwise it has to be done while the channel is locked to -- everyone else. -- | this should be the guard that always matches nullGuard :: guard -- | this should be the guard that corresponds to the conjunction -- of the two given guards. andGuard :: guard -> guard -> guard -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The HasGuard class -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- infixr 2 |> -- So higher precedence than >>>/>>>= or +> class Guard guard => HasGuard eventType guard where --- -- Qualify an event source by a guard. (|>) :: eventType a -> guard -> eventType a -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The HasListen class -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Class of those channels which have guarded events. class HasListen chan where --- -- Generate a guarded event from a channel (which may then be -- synchronised on, or qualified using |> listen :: Guard guard => chan guard a -> GuardedEvent guard a -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instances -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- instance Guard guard => HasGuard (GuardedEvent guard) guard where |> :: GuardedEvent guard a -> guard -> GuardedEvent guard a (|>) (GuardedEvent guard -> Event a getEvent guard guard1) guard guard2 = (guard -> Event a) -> guard -> GuardedEvent guard a forall guard a. (guard -> Event a) -> guard -> GuardedEvent guard a GuardedEvent guard -> Event a getEvent (guard guard2 guard -> guard -> guard forall guard. Guard guard => guard -> guard -> guard `andGuard` guard guard1) instance Guard guard => HasEvent (GuardedEvent guard) where toEvent :: GuardedEvent guard a -> Event a toEvent (GuardedEvent guard -> Event a getEvent guard guard) = guard -> Event a getEvent guard guard