Basic types and classes concerning insertion cursors in entry and text fields.
- newtype ICursor w = ICursor w
- class Widget w => HasInsertionCursor w
- class HasInsertionCursor w => HasInsertionCursorIndexGet w i where
- getInsertionCursor :: w -> IO i
- class HasInsertionCursor w => HasInsertionCursorIndexSet w i where
- insertionCursor :: i -> Config w
- insertOffTime :: HasInsertionCursor w => Int -> Config (ICursor w)
- getInsertOffTime :: HasInsertionCursor w => ICursor w -> IO Int
- insertOnTime :: HasInsertionCursor w => Int -> Config (ICursor w)
- getInsertOnTime :: HasInsertionCursor w => ICursor w -> IO Int
The ICursor
ICursor w |
HasIndex Editor (ICursor Editor) BaseIndex | Internal. |
GUIObject w => GUIObject (ICursor w) | Internal. |
(HasInsertionCursor w, Widget w) => HasBorder (ICursor w) | The insertion cursor has a configureable borderwidth (width for three dimensional appearence). |
(HasInsertionCursor w, Widget w) => HasSize (ICursor w) | The insertion cursor has a configureable width. |
(HasInsertionCursor w, Widget w) => HasColour (ICursor w) | The insertion cursor has a configureable colour. |
HasIndex (Entry a) (ICursor (Entry a)) BaseIndex | The entries insertion cursor is a valid index for an entry widget. |
class Widget w => HasInsertionCursor w Source
Widgets with an insertion cursor instantiate the
class HasInsertionCursor
HasInsertionCursor Editor | An editor widget has an insertion cursor. |
HasInsertionCursor (Entry a) | An entry widget has an insertion cursor. |
class HasInsertionCursor w => HasInsertionCursorIndexGet w i whereSource
Widgets from which you can get the index of the insertion cursor
instantiate the class HasInsertionCursorIndexSet
getInsertionCursor :: w -> IO iSource
HasInsertionCursorIndexGet Editor (Distance, Distance) | You can get the position of the insertion cursor of an editor widget. |
HasInsertionCursorIndexGet (Entry a) Int | You can get the position of the insertion cursor of an entry widget. |
class HasInsertionCursor w => HasInsertionCursorIndexSet w i whereSource
Widgets with an insertion cursor that can be set to a specific index
instantiate the class HasInsertionCursorIndexSet
insertionCursor :: i -> Config wSource
HasIndex Editor i BaseIndex => HasInsertionCursorIndexSet Editor i | The insertion cursor of an editor widget can be set by a base index. |
HasIndex (Entry a) i BaseIndex => HasInsertionCursorIndexSet (Entry a) i |
insertOffTime :: HasInsertionCursor w => Int -> Config (ICursor w)Source
Sets the time the insertion cursor blinks off (in milliseconds, zero disables blinking).
getInsertOffTime :: HasInsertionCursor w => ICursor w -> IO IntSource
Gets the time the insertion cursor blinks off.
insertOnTime :: HasInsertionCursor w => Int -> Config (ICursor w)Source
Sets the time the insertion cursor blinks on (in milliseconds).
getInsertOnTime :: HasInsertionCursor w => ICursor w -> IO IntSource
Gets the time the insertion cursor blinks on.