uni-htk- Graphical User Interface for Haskell Programs



Basic types and classes concerning insertion cursors in entry and text fields.



newtype ICursor w Source

The ICursor datatype.


ICursor w 


HasIndex Editor (ICursor Editor) BaseIndex


GUIObject w => GUIObject (ICursor w)


(HasInsertionCursor w, Widget w) => HasBorder (ICursor w)

The insertion cursor has a configureable borderwidth (width for three dimensional appearence).

(HasInsertionCursor w, Widget w) => HasSize (ICursor w)

The insertion cursor has a configureable width.

(HasInsertionCursor w, Widget w) => HasColour (ICursor w)

The insertion cursor has a configureable colour.

HasIndex (Entry a) (ICursor (Entry a)) BaseIndex

The entries insertion cursor is a valid index for an entry widget.

class Widget w => HasInsertionCursor w Source

Widgets with an insertion cursor instantiate the class HasInsertionCursor.


HasInsertionCursor Editor

An editor widget has an insertion cursor.

HasInsertionCursor (Entry a)

An entry widget has an insertion cursor.

class HasInsertionCursor w => HasInsertionCursorIndexGet w i whereSource

Widgets from which you can get the index of the insertion cursor instantiate the class HasInsertionCursorIndexSet.


getInsertionCursor :: w -> IO iSource


HasInsertionCursorIndexGet Editor (Distance, Distance)

You can get the position of the insertion cursor of an editor widget.

HasInsertionCursorIndexGet (Entry a) Int

You can get the position of the insertion cursor of an entry widget.

class HasInsertionCursor w => HasInsertionCursorIndexSet w i whereSource

Widgets with an insertion cursor that can be set to a specific index instantiate the class HasInsertionCursorIndexSet.


insertionCursor :: i -> Config wSource


HasIndex Editor i BaseIndex => HasInsertionCursorIndexSet Editor i

The insertion cursor of an editor widget can be set by a base index.

HasIndex (Entry a) i BaseIndex => HasInsertionCursorIndexSet (Entry a) i 

insertOffTime :: HasInsertionCursor w => Int -> Config (ICursor w)Source

Sets the time the insertion cursor blinks off (in milliseconds, zero disables blinking).

getInsertOffTime :: HasInsertionCursor w => ICursor w -> IO IntSource

Gets the time the insertion cursor blinks off.

insertOnTime :: HasInsertionCursor w => Int -> Config (ICursor w)Source

Sets the time the insertion cursor blinks on (in milliseconds).

getInsertOnTime :: HasInsertionCursor w => ICursor w -> IO IntSource

Gets the time the insertion cursor blinks on.