uni-htk- Graphical User Interface for Haskell Programs

Safe HaskellNone




data CanvasTag Source

The CanvasTag datatype.


Eq CanvasTag 
Destroyable CanvasTag

A canvas tag can be destroyed.

Synchronized CanvasTag

You can synchronize on a canvas tag.

GUIObject CanvasTag


CanvasItem CanvasTag

A canvas tag is a canvas item (any canvas item is an instance of the abstract class CanvasItem).

class CanvasItem w => TaggedCanvasItem w where Source

A canvas item can have several tags (handlers for a set of canvas items).

Minimal complete definition



tags :: [CanvasTag] -> Config w Source


TaggedCanvasItem Arc

An arc item can have several tags (handlers for a set of canvas items).

TaggedCanvasItem BitMapItem

A bitmap item can have several tags (handlers for a set of canvas items).

TaggedCanvasItem ImageItem

A image item can have several tags (handlers for a set of canvas items).

TaggedCanvasItem Line

A line item can have several tags (handlers for a set of canvas items).

TaggedCanvasItem Oval

An oval item can have several tags (handlers for a set of canvas items).

TaggedCanvasItem Polygon

A polygon item can have several tags (handlers for a set of canvas items).

TaggedCanvasItem Rectangle

A rectangle item can have several tags (handlers for a set of canvas items).

TaggedCanvasItem TextItem

A text item can have several tags (handlers for a set of canvas items).

TaggedCanvasItem EmbeddedCanvasWin

An embedded canvas window can have several tags (handlers for a set of canvas items).

data SearchSpec Source

The SearchSpec datatype (see addCanvasTag).

allItems Source


:: SearchSpec

A SearchSpec object.

Adds all objects in the canvas.

aboveItem Source


:: CanvasItem item 
=> item

the item below the item to add.

-> SearchSpec

A SearchSpec object.

Adds the item just above the given item in the display list.

belowItem Source


:: CanvasItem item 
=> item

the item above the item to add.

-> SearchSpec

A SearchSpec object.

Adds the item just below in the given item in the display list.

withTag Source


:: CanvasItem item 
=> item

the canvas item handler.

-> SearchSpec

A SearchSpec object.

Adds the item(s) identified by the given handler (which can also be another canvas tag).

closest Source


:: Position

the concerned position.

-> SearchSpec

A SearchSpec object.

Adds the item closest to the given position.

enclosed Source


:: Position

the upper left position of the region.

-> Position

the lower right position of the region.

-> SearchSpec

A SearchSpec object.

Adds the items enclosed in the specified region.

overlapping Source


:: Position

the upper left position of the region.

-> Position

the lower right position of the region.

-> SearchSpec

A SearchSpec object.

Adds the items overpalling the specified region.

createCanvasTag Source


:: Canvas

the parent canvas.

-> [Config CanvasTag]

the list of configuration options for this canvas tag.

-> IO CanvasTag

A canvas tag.

Constructs a new canvas tag.

addCanvasTag Source


:: SearchSpec

the search specification.

-> CanvasTag

the tag to add items to.

-> IO ()


Adds the canvas items identified by the SearchSpec to the tag.

removeCanvasTag Source


:: CanvasItem i 
=> i

the item to remove from the tag.

-> CanvasTag

the tag to remove the item from.

-> IO ()


Removes a canvas item from a canvas tag.

(&#&) infixr 3 Source


:: CanvasTag 
-> CanvasTag 
-> IO CanvasTag

new canvas tag corresponding to (t1&&t2)

Forms the conjunction of two canvas tags

(|#|) infixr 2 Source


:: CanvasTag 
-> CanvasTag 
-> IO CanvasTag

new canvas tag corresponding to (t1||t2)

Forms the disjunction of two canvas tags

(^#) infixr 2 Source


:: CanvasTag 
-> CanvasTag 
-> IO CanvasTag

new canvas tag corresponding to (t1^t2) equals (!t1&&t2)||(t1&&!t2)

Forms "either - or" of two canvas tags

tagNot Source


:: CanvasTag 
-> IO CanvasTag

new canvas tag corresponding to !t