unicode-collation- Haskell implementation of the Unicode Collation Algorithm
Copyright(c) 2021 John MacFarlane
MaintainerJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



This library provides a pure Haskell implementation of the Unicode Collation Algorithm, allowing proper sorting of Unicode strings.

The simplest way to use the library is to use the IsString instance of Collator (together with the OverloadedStrings extension):

>>> import Data.List (sortBy)
>>> import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
>>> mapM_ T.putStrLn $ sortBy (collate "en-US") ["𝒶bc","abC","𝕒bc","Abc","abç","äbc"]

Note the difference from the default sort:

>>> import Data.List (sort)
>>> import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
>>> mapM_ T.putStrLn $ sort ["𝒶bc","abC","𝕒bc","Abc","abç","äbc"]

A Collator provides a function collate that compares two texts, and a function sortKey that returns the sort key. Most users will just need collate.

>>> let de = collatorFor "de"
>>> let se = collatorFor "se"
>>> collate de "ö" "z"
>>> collate se "ö" "z"
>>> sortKey de "ö"
SortKey [0x213C,0x0000,0x0020,0x002B,0x0000,0x0002,0x0002]
>>> sortKey se "ö"
SortKey [0x22FD,0x0000,0x0020,0x0000,0x0002]

To sort a string type other than Text, the function collateWithUnpacker may be used. It takes as a parameter a function that lazily unpacks the string type into a list of Char.

>>> let seCollateString = collateWithUnpacker "se" id
>>> seCollateString ("ö" :: String) ("z" :: String)

Because Collator and Lang have IsString instances, you can just specify them using string literals, as in the above examples. Note, however, that you won't get any feedback if the string doesn't parse correctly as a BCP47 language tag, or if no collation is defined for the specified language; instead, you'll just get the default (root) collator. For this reason, we don't recommend relying on the IsString instance.

If you won't know the language until run time, use parseLang to parse it to a Lang, handling parse errors, and then pass the Lang to collatorFor.

>>> let handleParseError = error  -- or something fancier
>>> lang <- either handleParseError return $ parseLang "bs-Cyrl"
>>> collate (collatorFor lang) "a" "b"

If you know the language at compile-time, use the collator quasi-quoter and you'll get compile-time errors and warnings:

>>> :set -XQuasiQuotes
>>> let esTraditional = [collator|es-u-co-trad|]
>>> let esStandard = [collator|es|]
>>> collate esStandard "Co" "Ch"
>>> collate esTraditional "Co" "Ch"

Note that the unicode extension syntax for BCP47 can be used to specify a particular collation for the language (here, Spanish "traditional" instead of the default ordering; the alias trad is used because of length limits for BCP47 keywords).

The extension syntax can also be used to set collator options. The keyword kb can be used to specify the "backwards" accent sorting that is sometimes used in French:

>>> collate "fr" "côte" "coté"
>>> collate "fr-u-kb" "côte" "coté"

The keyword ka can be used to specify the variable weighting options which affect how punctuation and whitespace are treated:

>>> collate "en-u-ka-shifted" "de-luge" "de Luge"
>>> collate "en-u-ka-noignore" "de-luge" "de Luge"

The keyword kk can be used to turn off the normalization step (which is required by the algorithm but can be omitted for better performance if the input is already in NFD form (canonical decomposition).

>>> let noNormalizeCollator = [collator|en-u-kk-false|]

The keyword kf can be used to say whether uppercase or lowercase letters should be sorted first.

>>> collate "en-u-kf-upper" "A" "a"
>>> collate "en-u-kf-lower" "A" "a"

These options be combined:

>>> collate "de-DE-u-co-phonebk-kb-false-ka-shifted" "Udet" "Über"

Options can also be set using the functions setVariableWeighting, setNormalization, setUpperBeforeLower, and setFrenchAccents:

>>> let frC = setFrenchAccents True [collator|fr|]
>>> collate frC "côte" "coté"


data Collator Source #


Instances details
IsString Collator Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Collate.Collator

collate :: Collator -> Text -> Text -> Ordering Source #

Compare two Texts

collateWithUnpacker :: Collator -> forall a. Eq a => (a -> [Char]) -> a -> a -> Ordering Source #

Compare two strings of any type that can be unpacked lazily into a list of Chars.

collatorFor :: Lang -> Collator Source #

Returns a collator based on a BCP 47 language tag. If no exact match is found, we try to find the best match (falling back to the root collation if nothing else succeeds). If something other than the default collation for a language is desired, the co keyword of the unicode extensions can be used (e.g. es-u-co-trad for traditional Spanish). Other unicode extensions affect the collator options:

  • The kb keyword has the same effect as setFrenchAccents (e.g. fr-FR-u-kb-true).
  • The ka keyword has the same effect as setVariableWeight (e.g. fr-FR-u-kb-ka-shifted or en-u-ka-noignore).
  • The kf keyword has the same effect as setUpperBeforeLower (e.g. fr-u-kf-upper or fr-u-kf-lower).
  • The kk keyword has the same effect as setNormalization (e.g. fr-u-kk-false).

collator :: QuasiQuoter Source #

Create a collator at compile time based on a BCP 47 language tag: e.g., [collator|es-u-co-trad|]. Requires the QuasiQuotes extension.

rootCollator :: Collator Source #

Default collator based on DUCET table (allkeys.txt).

newtype SortKey Source #


SortKey [Word16] 


Instances details
Show SortKey Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Collate.Collator

Eq SortKey Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Collate.Collator


(==) :: SortKey -> SortKey -> Bool #

(/=) :: SortKey -> SortKey -> Bool #

Ord SortKey Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Collate.Collator

sortKey :: Collator -> Text -> SortKey Source #

The sort key used to compare a Text

renderSortKey :: SortKey -> String Source #

Render sort key in the manner used in the CLDR collation test data: the character '|' is used to separate the levels of the key and corresponds to a 0 in the actual sort key.

data VariableWeighting Source #



Don't ignore punctuation (Deluge < deluge-)


Completely ignore punctuation (Deluge = deluge-)


Consider punctuation at lower priority (de-luge < delu-ge < deluge < deluge- < Deluge)


Variant of Shifted (deluge < de-luge < delu-ge)

data CollatorOptions Source #




collatorOptions :: Collator -> CollatorOptions Source #

The options used for this Collator

collatorLang :: Collator -> Maybe Lang Source #

Deprecated: Use (optLang . collatorOptions)

Lang used for tailoring. Because of fallback rules, this may be somewhat different from the Lang passed to collatorFor. This Lang won't contain unicode extensions used to set options, but it will specify the collation if a non-default collation is being used.

setVariableWeighting :: VariableWeighting -> Collator -> Collator Source #

Set method for handling variable elements (punctuation and spaces): see http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr10/, Tables 11 and 12.

setNormalization :: Bool -> Collator -> Collator Source #

The Unicode Collation Algorithm expects input to be normalized into its canonical decomposition (NFD). By default, collators perform this normalization. If your input is already normalized, you can increase performance by disabling this step: setNormalization False.

setFrenchAccents :: Bool -> Collator -> Collator Source #

setFrenchAccents True causes secondary weights to be scanned in reverse order, so we get the sorting cote côte coté côté instead of cote coté côte côté. The default is usually False, except for fr-CA where it is True.

setUpperBeforeLower :: Bool -> Collator -> Collator Source #

Most collations default to sorting lowercase letters before uppercase (exceptions: mt, da, cu). To select the opposite behavior, use setUpperBeforeLower True.

tailorings :: [(Lang, Collation)] Source #

An association list matching Langs with tailored Collations.

data Lang Source #

Represents a BCP 47 language tag (https://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp47).


Instances details
IsString Lang Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Collate.Lang


fromString :: String -> Lang #

Show Lang Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Collate.Lang


showsPrec :: Int -> Lang -> ShowS #

show :: Lang -> String #

showList :: [Lang] -> ShowS #

Binary Lang Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Collate.Lang


put :: Lang -> Put #

get :: Get Lang #

putList :: [Lang] -> Put #

Eq Lang Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Collate.Lang


(==) :: Lang -> Lang -> Bool #

(/=) :: Lang -> Lang -> Bool #

Ord Lang Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Collate.Lang


compare :: Lang -> Lang -> Ordering #

(<) :: Lang -> Lang -> Bool #

(<=) :: Lang -> Lang -> Bool #

(>) :: Lang -> Lang -> Bool #

(>=) :: Lang -> Lang -> Bool #

max :: Lang -> Lang -> Lang #

min :: Lang -> Lang -> Lang #

Lift Lang Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Collate.Lang


lift :: Quote m => Lang -> m Exp #

liftTyped :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). Quote m => Lang -> Code m Lang #

lookupLang :: Lang -> [(Lang, a)] -> Maybe (Lang, a) Source #

Find best match for a Lang in an association list.

renderLang :: Lang -> Text Source #

Render a Lang in BCP 47 form.

parseLang :: Text -> Either String Lang Source #

Parse a BCP 47 language tag as a Lang.