module Parser
  ( testResults
  , TestCase
  , TestResult(..)
  , FailureReason
  , testCase
  , testId
  , testResult
  , failureMessage
  , stackTrace
  ) where

import Prelude hiding      (lookup)

import Data.Map            (lookup)
import Data.Maybe          (fromMaybe)
import Data.Text           (pack, unpack, Text, append, strip)
import Text.XML            (parseText, def, documentRoot, Element(Element),
                            nameLocalName, Node(NodeContent, NodeElement),

import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as L

-- type to hold why a specific test failed
data FailureReason = FailureReason
                   { failureMessage :: Text
                   , stackTrace :: Text
                   deriving (Show, Eq)

-- type to hold a general test result
data TestResult = TestSuccess
                | TestFailure FailureReason
                | UnknownResult Text
                deriving (Show, Eq)

-- type to hold data for a general test case
data TestCase = TestCase
              { testCase :: Text
              , testId :: Int
              , testResult :: TestResult
              deriving (Show, Eq)

-- parses the contents of a TestResults file
testResults :: String -> Either String [TestCase]
testResults results =
  case parseText def (L.pack results) of
       Left _    -> Left "could not parse"
       Right doc -> Right $ accumulateResults (documentRoot doc)

-- given an XML root element, find all <test-case> elements and try to extract
-- success/failure
accumulateResults :: Element -> [TestCase]
accumulateResults (Element name a nodes) =
  case nameLocalName name of
       "test-case" -> return $ TestCase name' (read (unpack id)) testresult
       _           -> concatMap accumulateResults children
  where children = elements nodes
        name' = fromMaybe "" (a !? "name")
        id = fromMaybe "?" (a !? "id")
        testresult = case fromMaybe "result not found" (a !? "result") of
                          "Passed" -> TestSuccess
                          "Failed" -> TestFailure reason
                          res      -> UnknownResult res
        reason = case filter (/= Nothing) (findFailure <$> children) of
                      (Just f:_) -> f
                      _          -> FailureReason
                                    "<malformed xml>"
                                    "<malformed xml>"

-- attempts to find a failure reason for a test that failed
findFailure :: Element -> Maybe FailureReason
findFailure (Element name a nodes) =
  case nameLocalName name of
       "failure" -> Just $ FailureReason message stacktrace
       _         -> case filter (/= Nothing) (findFailure <$> children) of
                         (f:_) -> f
                         _     -> Nothing
  where children = elements nodes
        message = strip . fromMaybe "<no message found>" $
          case filter (/= Nothing) (findTag "message" <$> children) of
               (m:_) -> m
               _     -> Nothing
        stacktrace = strip . fromMaybe "<no stack trace found>" $
          case filter (/= Nothing) (findTag "stack-trace" <$> children) of
               (m:_) -> m
               _     -> Nothing

-- attempts to retrieve tag data given an element and tag
findTag :: Text -> Element ->  Maybe Text
findTag tag (Element name a nodes) =
  if nameLocalName name == tag then
    -- nodes should not be empty lists because every xml tag technically has
    -- some text
    fromContent (head nodes)
    case filter (/= Nothing) (findTag tag <$> children) of
         (m:_) -> m
         _     -> Nothing
  where children = elements nodes

-- gets all the xml elements from a list of xml nodes
elements :: [Node] -> [Element]
elements [] = []
elements (NodeElement e:es) = e : elements es
elements (_:es) = elements es

-- extracts content from a node
fromContent :: Node -> Maybe Text
fromContent (NodeContent t) = Just t
fromContent _ = Nothing

-- shorthand for hashmap lookup that returns a Maybe type
(!?) = flip lookup