unparse-attoparsec- An attoparsec roundtrip

Safe HaskellNone



data Parser x a Source #

Profunctor Parser Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Unparse.Profunctor


dimap :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> Parser b c -> Parser a d #

lmap :: (a -> b) -> Parser b c -> Parser a c #

rmap :: (b -> c) -> Parser a b -> Parser a c #

(#.) :: Coercible c b => q b c -> Parser a b -> Parser a c #

(.#) :: Coercible b a => Parser b c -> q a b -> Parser a c #

Attoparsec Parser Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Unparse.Profunctor

Monad (Parser x) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Unparse.Profunctor


(>>=) :: Parser x a -> (a -> Parser x b) -> Parser x b #

(>>) :: Parser x a -> Parser x b -> Parser x b #

return :: a -> Parser x a #

fail :: String -> Parser x a #

Functor (Parser x) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Unparse.Profunctor


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Parser x a -> Parser x b #

(<$) :: a -> Parser x b -> Parser x a #

MonadFail (Parser x) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Unparse.Profunctor


fail :: String -> Parser x a #

Applicative (Parser x) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Unparse.Profunctor


pure :: a -> Parser x a #

(<*>) :: Parser x (a -> b) -> Parser x a -> Parser x b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Parser x a -> Parser x b -> Parser x c #

(*>) :: Parser x a -> Parser x b -> Parser x b #

(<*) :: Parser x a -> Parser x b -> Parser x a #

Alternative (Parser x) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Unparse.Profunctor


empty :: Parser x a #

(<|>) :: Parser x a -> Parser x a -> Parser x a #

some :: Parser x a -> Parser x [a] #

many :: Parser x a -> Parser x [a] #

MonadPlus (Parser x) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Unparse.Profunctor


mzero :: Parser x a #

mplus :: Parser x a -> Parser x a -> Parser x a #

data Printer x a Source #

Profunctor Printer Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Unparse.Printer


dimap :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> Printer b c -> Printer a d #

lmap :: (a -> b) -> Printer b c -> Printer a c #

rmap :: (b -> c) -> Printer a b -> Printer a c #

(#.) :: Coercible c b => q b c -> Printer a b -> Printer a c #

(.#) :: Coercible b a => Printer b c -> q a b -> Printer a c #

Attoparsec Printer Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Unparse.Profunctor

Monad (Printer x) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Unparse.Printer


(>>=) :: Printer x a -> (a -> Printer x b) -> Printer x b #

(>>) :: Printer x a -> Printer x b -> Printer x b #

return :: a -> Printer x a #

fail :: String -> Printer x a #

Functor (Printer x) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Unparse.Printer


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Printer x a -> Printer x b #

(<$) :: a -> Printer x b -> Printer x a #

MonadFail (Printer x) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Unparse.Printer


fail :: String -> Printer x a #

Applicative (Printer x) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Unparse.Printer


pure :: a -> Printer x a #

(<*>) :: Printer x (a -> b) -> Printer x a -> Printer x b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Printer x a -> Printer x b -> Printer x c #

(*>) :: Printer x a -> Printer x b -> Printer x b #

(<*) :: Printer x a -> Printer x b -> Printer x a #

Alternative (Printer x) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Unparse.Printer


empty :: Printer x a #

(<|>) :: Printer x a -> Printer x a -> Printer x a #

some :: Printer x a -> Printer x [a] #

many :: Printer x a -> Printer x [a] #

MonadPlus (Printer x) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Unparse.Printer


mzero :: Printer x a #

mplus :: Printer x a -> Printer x a -> Printer x a #

class Profunctor p => Attoparsec p where Source #


word8 :: Word8 -> p x Word8 Source #

anyWord8 :: p Word8 Word8 Source #

notWord8 :: Word8 -> p Word8 Word8 Source #

satisfy :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> p Word8 Word8 Source #

skip :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> p Word8 () Source #

peekWord8 :: p (Maybe Word8) (Maybe Word8) Source #

peekWord8' :: p Word8 Word8 Source #

peekWord8Class' :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> p Bool Bool Source #

Get the value of a predicate on the lookahead.

This extra method allows the unparser not to worry about knowing the exact value of a lookahead.

unsafePeekWord8Class' :: p (Class Word8) Word8 Source #

Get a representative of a character class a lookahead belongs to.

Care must be taken not to learn more about the resulting character than the class it belongs to.

string :: ByteString -> p x ByteString Source #

skipWhile :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> p ByteString () Source #

take :: Int -> p ByteString ByteString Source #

scan :: s -> (s -> Word8 -> Maybe s) -> p ByteString ByteString Source #

runScanner :: s -> (s -> Word8 -> Maybe s) -> p ByteString (ByteString, s) Source #

takeWhile :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> p ByteString ByteString Source #

takeWhile1 :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> p ByteString ByteString Source #

takeTill :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> p ByteString ByteString Source #

takeByteString :: p ByteString ByteString Source #

(<?>) :: p b a -> String -> p b a Source #

endOfInput :: p x () Source #

atEnd :: p Bool Bool Source #

assert :: String -> (x -> Bool) -> p x () Source #

As a parser, do nothing (return ()); as a printer, fail if the predicate is not satisfied, with the given error message.

parseOrPrint :: Parser a -> (a -> Printer' ()) -> p a a Source #

Attoparsec Printer Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Unparse.Profunctor

Attoparsec Parser Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Attoparsec.Unparse.Profunctor

data Class a Source #


Class (a -> Bool) a 

singleton :: Eq a => a -> Class a Source #