{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Update.Nix.FetchGit
  ( updatesFromFile
  , processFile
  ) where

import           Control.Concurrent.Async     (mapConcurrently)
import           Control.Error
import           Data.Foldable                (toList)
import           Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data  (para)
import           Data.Text                    (Text, pack)
import           Nix.Expr
import           Update.Nix.FetchGit.Prefetch
import           Update.Nix.FetchGit.Types
import           Update.Nix.FetchGit.Utils
import           Update.Nix.FetchGit.Warning
import           Update.Span

import qualified Data.Text.IO
import qualified System.IO
import qualified System.Exit

-- Tying it all together

-- | Provided FilePath, update Nix file in-place
processFile :: FilePath -> [Text] -> IO ()
processFile filename args = do
  t <- Data.Text.IO.readFile filename
  -- Get the updates from this file.
  updatesFromFile filename args >>= \case
    -- If we have any errors, print them and finish.
    Left ws -> printErrorAndExit ws
    Right us ->
      -- Update the text of the file in memory.
      case updateSpans us t of
        -- If updates are needed, write to the file.
        t' | t' /= t -> do
          Data.Text.IO.writeFile filename t'
          putStrLn $ "Made " ++ (show $ length us) ++ " changes"

        _ -> putStrLn "No updates"
    printErrorAndExit :: Warning -> IO ()
    printErrorAndExit e = do
      System.IO.hPutStrLn System.IO.stderr (formatWarning e)

-- | Given the path to a Nix file, returns the SpanUpdates
-- all the parts of the file we want to update.
updatesFromFile :: FilePath -> [Text] -> IO (Either Warning [SpanUpdate])
updatesFromFile f extraArgs = runExceptT $ do
  expr <- ExceptT $ ourParseNixFile f
  treeWithArgs <- hoistEither $ exprToFetchTree expr
  treeWithLatest <- ExceptT $
    sequenceA <$> mapConcurrently (getFetchGitLatestInfo extraArgs) treeWithArgs
  pure (fetchTreeToSpanUpdates treeWithLatest)

-- Extracting information about fetches from the AST

-- Get a FetchTree from a nix expression.
exprToFetchTree :: NExprLoc -> Either Warning (FetchTree FetchGitArgs)
exprToFetchTree = para $ \e subs -> case e of
  -- If it is a call (application) of fetchgit, record the
  -- arguments since we will need to update them.
  AnnE _ (NBinary NApp function (AnnE _ (NSet _rec bindings)))
    | extractFuncName function == Just "fetchgit"
    || extractFuncName function == Just "fetchgitPrivate"
    -> FetchNode <$> extractFetchGitArgs bindings

  -- Similarly, record calls to fetchFromGitHub.
  AnnE _ (NBinary NApp function (AnnE _ (NSet _rec bindings)))
    | extractFuncName function == Just "fetchFromGitHub"
    -> FetchNode <$> extractFetchFromGitHubArgs bindings

  -- If it is an attribute set, find any attributes in it that we
  -- might want to update.
  AnnE _ (NSet _rec bindings)
    -> Node <$> findAttr "version" bindings <*> sequenceA subs

  -- If this is something uninteresting, just wrap the sub-trees.
  _ -> Node Nothing <$> sequenceA subs

-- | Extract a 'FetchGitArgs' from the attrset being passed to fetchgit.
extractFetchGitArgs :: [Binding NExprLoc] -> Either Warning FetchGitArgs
extractFetchGitArgs bindings =
    FetchGitArgs <$> (URL <$> (exprText =<< extractAttr "url" bindings))
                 <*> extractAttr "rev" bindings
                 <*> extractAttr "sha256" bindings

-- | Extract a 'FetchGitArgs' from the attrset being passed to fetchFromGitHub.
extractFetchFromGitHubArgs :: [Binding NExprLoc] -> Either Warning FetchGitArgs
extractFetchFromGitHubArgs bindings =
    FetchGitArgs <$> (GitHub <$> (exprText =<< extractAttr "owner" bindings)
                             <*> (exprText =<< extractAttr "repo" bindings))
                 <*> extractAttr "rev" bindings
                 <*> extractAttr "sha256" bindings

-- Getting updated information from the internet.

getFetchGitLatestInfo :: [Text] -> FetchGitArgs -> IO (Either Warning FetchGitLatestInfo)
getFetchGitLatestInfo extraArgs args = runExceptT $ do
  o <- ExceptT (nixPrefetchGit extraArgs (extractUrlString $ repoLocation args))
  d <- hoistEither (parseISO8601DateToDay (date o))
  pure $ FetchGitLatestInfo args (rev o) (sha256 o) d

-- Deciding which parts of the Nix file should be updated and how.

fetchTreeToSpanUpdates :: FetchTree FetchGitLatestInfo -> [SpanUpdate]
fetchTreeToSpanUpdates node@(Node _ cs) =
  concatMap fetchTreeToSpanUpdates cs ++
  toList (maybeUpdateVersion node)
fetchTreeToSpanUpdates (FetchNode f) = [revUpdate, sha256Update]
  where revUpdate = SpanUpdate (exprSpan (revExpr args))
                               (quoteString (latestRev f))
        sha256Update = SpanUpdate (exprSpan (sha256Expr args))
                                  (quoteString (latestSha256 f))
        args = originalInfo f

-- Given a node of the fetch tree which might contain a version
-- string, decides whether and how that version string should be
-- updated.  We basically just take the maximum latest commit date of
-- all the fetches in the children.
maybeUpdateVersion :: FetchTree FetchGitLatestInfo -> Maybe SpanUpdate
maybeUpdateVersion node@(Node (Just versionExpr) _) = do
  maxDay <- (maximumMay . fmap latestDate . toList) node
  pure $ SpanUpdate (exprSpan versionExpr) ((quoteString . pack . show) maxDay)
maybeUpdateVersion _ = Nothing