{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Urbit.Ob.Co (
  , render

  , patp
  , fromPatp
  ) where

import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Serialize as C
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Word (Word8, Word16, Word)
import Urbit.Ob.Ob (fein, fynd)

newtype Patp = Patp BS.ByteString
  deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Convert a nonnegative Int to a Patp value.
patp :: Int -> Patp
patp n
    | n >= 0    = _patp
    | otherwise = error "urbit-hob (patp): input out of range"
    sxz  = fein n
    sxz8 = fromIntegral sxz :: Word8

      | met 3 sxz <= 1 = Patp (BS.cons 0 (BS.singleton sxz8))
      | otherwise      = Patp (C.encode (fromIntegral sxz :: Word))

-- | Convert a Patp value to an Int.
fromPatp :: Patp -> Int
fromPatp (Patp p) = decoded where
  decoded = case BS.length p of
    2 -> case C.decode p :: Either String Word16 of
      Left _  -> internalErr "fromPatp"
      Right x -> fynd (fromIntegral x)
    _ -> case C.decode p :: Either String Word of
      Left _  -> internalErr "fromPatp"
      Right x -> fynd (fromIntegral x)

-- | Render a Patp value as Text.
render :: Patp -> T.Text
render (Patp p) = prefixed where
  prefix = V.unsafeIndex prefixes . fromIntegral
  suffix = V.unsafeIndex suffixes . fromIntegral

  prefixed = case T.uncons encoded of
    Just ('-', pp) -> T.cons '~' pp
    Just _         -> T.cons '~' encoded
    _              -> internalErr "render"

  encoded = foldr alg mempty pruned where
    alg (idx, x) acc
      | odd idx   =        suffix x <> acc
      | otherwise = "-" <> prefix x <> acc

  pruned =
    let len = BS.length p
        indexed = zip [len, pred len..] (BS.unpack p)
        padding (idx, val) = idx /= 1 && val == 0
    in  dropWhile padding indexed

prefixes :: V.Vector T.Text
prefixes = V.fromList

suffixes :: V.Vector T.Text
suffixes = V.fromList

bex :: Integral a => a -> a
bex = (^) 2

rsh :: Integral a => a -> a -> a -> a
rsh a b c = c `div` bex (bex a * b)

met :: Integral a => a -> a -> a
met = loop 0 where
  loop !acc a b
    | b == 0    = acc
    | otherwise = loop (succ acc) a (rsh a 1 b)

internalErr :: String -> a
internalErr fn = error $
  "urbit-hob (" <> fn <> "): internal error -- please report this as a bug!"