{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- |
-- Module: Urbit.Ob.Co
-- Copyright: (c) 2019 Jared Tobin
-- License: MIT
-- Maintainer: Jared Tobin <jared@jtobin.io>
-- Stability: unstable
-- Portability: ghc
-- General functions for atom printing.
-- Roughly analogous to the +co arm in hoon.hoon.

module Urbit.Ob.Co (
  , Patq

  , patp
  , patq

  , fromPatp
  , fromPatq

  , renderPatp
  , renderPatq

  , parsePatp
  , parsePatq
  ) where

import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Char (isAsciiLower)
import Data.Foldable (foldrM)
import qualified Data.Serialize.Extended as C
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Word (Word8)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
import Prelude hiding (log)
import qualified Urbit.Ob.Ob as Ob (fein, fynd)

-- | Hoon's \@p encoding.
--   This encoding is an /obfuscated/ representation of some underlying number,
--   but a pronounceable, memorable, and unique one.
--   The representation exists for any natural number, but it's typically used
--   only for naming Azimuth points, and thus normal 32-bit Urbit ships.
--   (It's also used for naming comets, i.e. self-signed 128-bit Urbit ships.)
newtype Patp = Patp {
    unPatp :: BS.ByteString
  } deriving (Eq, Generic)

instance Show Patp where
  show = T.unpack . renderPatp

-- | Hoon's \@q encoding.
--   Unlike \@p, the \@q encoding is a /non-obfuscated/ representation of an
--   atom.
--   It's typically used for serializing arbitrary data in a memorable and
--   pronounceable fashion.
newtype Patq = Patq {
    unPatq :: BS.ByteString
  } deriving (Eq, Generic)

instance Show Patq where
  show = T.unpack . renderPatq

-- | Convert a 'Natural' to \@p.
--   >>> patp 0
--   ~zod
--   >>> patp 256
--   ~marzod
--   >>> patp 65536
--   ~dapnep-ronmyl
--   ~fipfes-fipfes-fipfes-fipfes--fipfes-fipfes-fipfes-fipfes
patp :: Natural -> Patp
patp = Patp . BS.reverse . C.unroll . Ob.fein

-- | Convert a 'Natural' to \@q.
--   >>> patq 0
--   ~zod
--   >>> patp 256
--   ~marzod
--   >>> patp 65536
--   ~nec-dozzod
--   ~fipfes-fipfes-fipfes-fipfes-fipfes-fipfes-fipfes-fipfes
patq :: Natural -> Patq
patq = Patq . BS.reverse . C.unroll

-- | Convert a \@p value to its corresponding 'Natural'.
--   >>> let zod = patp 0
--   >>> fromPatp zod
--   0
fromPatp :: Patp -> Natural
fromPatp = Ob.fynd . C.roll . BS.reverse . unPatp

-- | Convert a \@q value to its corresponding 'Natural'.
--   >>> let zod = patq 0
--   >>> fromPatq zod
--   0
fromPatq :: Patq -> Natural
fromPatq = C.roll . BS.reverse . unPatq

-- | Render a \@p value as 'T.Text'.
--   >>> renderPatp (patp 0)
--   "~zod"
--   >>> renderPatp (patp 15663360)
--   "~nidsut-tomdun"
renderPatp :: Patp -> T.Text
renderPatp (Patp bs) = render' Padding LongSpacing bs

-- | Render a \@p value as 'T.Text'.
--   >>> renderPatq (patq 0)
--   "~zod"
--   >>> renderPatq (patq 15663360)
--   "~mun-marzod"
renderPatq :: Patq -> T.Text
renderPatq (Patq bs) = render' NoPadding ShortSpacing bs

-- | Parse a \@p value existing as 'T.Text'.
--   >>> parsePatp "~nidsut-tomdun"
--   Right ~nidsut-tomdun
--   > parsePatp "~fipfes-fipfes-fipfes-doznec"
--   Right ~fipfes-fipfes-fipfes-doznec
parsePatp :: T.Text -> Either T.Text Patp
parsePatp = fmap Patp . parse

-- | Parse a \@q value existing as 'T.Text'.
--   >>> parsePatq "~nec-dozzod"
--   Right ~nec-dozzod
--   > parsePatq "~fipfes-fipfes-fipfes-doznec"
--   Right ~fipfes-fipfes-fipfes-doznec
parsePatq :: T.Text -> Either T.Text Patq
parsePatq = fmap Patq . parse

-- Padding option for rendering.
data Padding =
  | NoPadding
  deriving Eq

-- Spacing option for rendering.
data Spacing =
  | ShortSpacing
  deriving Eq

-- General-purpose renderer.
render' :: Padding -> Spacing -> BS.ByteString -> T.Text
render' padding spacing bs =
      T.cons '~'
    . snd
    . BS.foldr alg (0 :: Int, mempty)
    $ padded
    alg val (idx, acc) =
      let syl = if even idx then suffix val else prefix val
            | idx `mod` 8 == 0 = if idx == 0 then mempty else dash
            | even idx         = "-"
            | otherwise        = mempty
      in  (succ idx, syl <> glue <> acc)

      | padCondition = BS.cons 0 bs
      | otherwise    = bs

    dash = case spacing of
      LongSpacing  -> "--"
      ShortSpacing -> "-"

    padCondition =
      let len = BS.length bs
      in  case padding of
            NoPadding -> len == 0
            Padding   -> (odd len && len > 2) || len == 0

-- General-purpose (non-strict) parser.
parse :: T.Text -> Either T.Text BS.ByteString
parse p =
      fmap snd
    $ foldrM alg (0 :: Int, mempty) syls
    alg syl (idx, acc) = do
      word <- if even idx then fromSuffix syl else fromPrefix syl
      return (succ idx, BS.cons word acc)

    syls =
        T.chunksOf 3
      . T.filter isAsciiLower
      $ p

prefixes :: V.Vector T.Text
prefixes = V.fromList

prefix :: Integral a => a -> T.Text
prefix = V.unsafeIndex prefixes . fromIntegral

fromPrefix :: T.Text -> Either T.Text Word8
fromPrefix syl = case V.findIndex (== syl) prefixes of
    Nothing -> Left (msg syl)
    Just x  -> Right (fromIntegral x :: Word8)
    msg s = "urbit-hob (fromPrefix): invalid prefix \"" <> s <> "\""

suffixes :: V.Vector T.Text
suffixes = V.fromList

suffix :: Integral a => a -> T.Text
suffix = V.unsafeIndex suffixes . fromIntegral

fromSuffix :: T.Text -> Either T.Text Word8
fromSuffix syl = case V.findIndex (== syl) suffixes of
    Nothing -> Left (msg syl)
    Just x  -> Right (fromIntegral x :: Word8)
    msg s = "urbit-hob (fromSuffix): invalid suffix \"" <> s <> "\""