{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

module Text.URI (
        , dereferencePath
        , dereferencePathString
        , escapeString
        , isReference
        , isRelative
        , nullURI
        , okInFragment
        , okInPath
        , okInPathSegment
        , okInQuery
        , okInQueryItem
        , okInUserinfo
        , mergePaths
        , mergePathStrings
        , mergeURIs
        , mergeURIStrings
        , pairsToQuery
        , parseURI
        , pathToSegments
        , segmentsToPath
        , queryToPairs
        , unescapeString
        , uriPathSegments
        , uriQueryItems
        ) where

import Codec.Binary.UTF8.String
import Data.Char
import Data.Data
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Word
import Safe
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Printf
--  The URI datatype

-- |Represents a general universal resource identifier using
--  its component parts.
--  For example, for the URI
--  >   foo://anonymous@www.haskell.org:42/ghc?query#frag
--  the components are:

data URI = URI {
        uriScheme :: Maybe String -- ^ @foo@
        , uriUserInfo :: Maybe String -- ^ @anonymous@
        , uriRegName :: Maybe String -- ^ @www.haskell.org@
        , uriPort :: Maybe Integer -- ^ @42@
        , uriPath :: String -- ^ @/ghc@
        , uriQuery :: Maybe String -- ^ @query@
        , uriFragment :: Maybe String -- ^ @frag@
        } deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)

-- | Blank URI
nullURI :: URI
nullURI = URI {
        uriScheme = Nothing
        , uriRegName = Nothing
        , uriUserInfo = Nothing
        , uriPort = Nothing
        , uriPath = ""
        , uriQuery = Nothing
        , uriFragment = Nothing

instance Show URI where
        show u = concat [
                maybe "" (++ ":") $ uriScheme u
                , if (isJust $ uriRegName u) then "//" else ""
                , maybe "" (++ "@") $ uriUserInfo u
                , fromMaybe "" $ uriRegName u
                , maybe "" (\s -> ":" ++ show s) $ uriPort u
                , if (isJust $ uriRegName u) && (not ("/" `isPrefixOf` uriPath u || uriPath u == "")) then ("/" ++ uriPath u) else uriPath u
                , maybe "" ("?" ++) $ uriQuery u
                , maybe "" ("#" ++) $ uriFragment u

-- | Checks if character is OK in userinfo
okInUserinfo :: Char -> Bool
okInUserinfo = satisfiesAny [isUnreserved, isSubDelim, (==':')]
-- | Checks if character is OK in query
okInQuery :: Char -> Bool
okInQuery = satisfiesAny [isPChar, (`elem` "/?")]
-- | Checks if character is OK in urlencoded query item
okInQueryItem :: Char -> Bool
okInQueryItem c = okInQuery c && (not $ elem c "&=")
-- | Checks if character is OK in fragment
okInFragment :: Char -> Bool
okInFragment = okInQuery
-- | Checks if character is OK in path
okInPath :: Char -> Bool
okInPath = satisfiesAny [isPChar, (`elem` "/@")]
-- | Checks if character is ok in path segment
okInPathSegment :: Char -> Bool
okInPathSegment = satisfiesAny [isPChar, (== '@')]

-- | Parses URI
parseURI :: String -> Maybe URI
parseURI s = either (const Nothing) (Just) $ parse uriP "user input" s

-- | Escapes one char, see escapeString
escapeChar :: (Char -> Bool) -> Char -> String
escapeChar f c = if f c && c /= '%' then [c] else concat $ map (printf "%%%0.2X") (encode [c])

-- | Escapes string, using predicate to determine whether character is allowed
escapeString :: (Char -> Bool) -> String -> String
escapeString f s = concat $ map (escapeChar f) s

-- | Checks if uri is a reference
isReference :: URI -> Bool
isReference u = all (isNothing) [uriRegName u, uriScheme u]

-- | Checks if uri is relative
isRelative :: URI -> Bool
isRelative u = isReference u && (headDef ' ' (uriPath u) /= '/')

-- | Composes www-urlencoded query from key-value pairs
pairsToQuery :: [(String, String)] -> String
pairsToQuery = initSafe . foldl (\rest (k,v) -> concat [
        , escapeString (okInQueryItem) k
        , "="
        , escapeString (okInQueryItem) v
        , "&"
        ]) ""

-- | Parses www-urlencoded string to key-value pairs
queryToPairs :: String -> [(String, String)]
queryToPairs q = either (const []) (id) $ parse urlEncodedPairsP "query" q

-- | Unescapes percent-sequences
unescapeString :: String -> String
unescapeString s = either (const s) (id) $ parse (many $ percentEncodedP <|> anyChar) "escaped text" s

-- | Convenience function for extracting www-urlencoded data
uriQueryItems :: URI -> [(String, String)]
uriQueryItems = maybe [] (queryToPairs) . uriQuery

-- | Splits path to segments
pathToSegments :: String -> [String]
pathToSegments = explode '/'

-- | Convenience function for extracting path segments
uriPathSegments :: URI -> [String]
uriPathSegments = pathToSegments . uriPath

-- | Joins path segments, with escaping
segmentsToPath :: [String] -> String
segmentsToPath [""] = "/"
segmentsToPath ss = intercalate "/" $ map (escapeString (okInPathSegment)) ss

-- | Merges two URIs
mergeURIs :: URI -- ^ Base URI
        -> URI -- ^ Reference URI
        -> URI -- ^ Resulting URI
mergeURIs t r = if isJust (uriScheme r) then
        t { uriScheme = uriScheme r
                , uriRegName = uriRegName r
                , uriPort = uriPort r
                , uriUserInfo = uriUserInfo r
                , uriPath = dereferencePathString (uriPath r)
                , uriQuery = uriQuery r
                , uriFragment = uriFragment r
        if isJust (uriRegName r) then
                t { uriRegName = uriRegName r
                        , uriPort = uriPort r
                        , uriUserInfo = uriUserInfo r
                        , uriPath = dereferencePathString (uriPath r)
                        , uriQuery = uriQuery r
                        , uriFragment = uriFragment r
                else -- Not 100% sure about how good i translated this, but seems right.
                if uriPath r == "" then
                        t { uriQuery = maybe (uriQuery t) (Just) $ uriQuery r
                                , uriPath = uriPath t
                                , uriFragment = uriFragment r
                        t { uriQuery = uriQuery r
                                , uriPath = mergePathStrings (uriPath t) (uriPath r)
                                , uriFragment = uriFragment r

-- | mergeURIs for strings
mergeURIStrings :: String -> String -> String
mergeURIStrings s1 s2 = show $ mergeURIs (fromMaybe nullURI $ parseURI s1) (fromMaybe nullURI $ parseURI s2)

-- | mergePaths for strings
mergePathStrings :: String -> String -> String
mergePathStrings p1 p2 = segmentsToPath $ mergePaths (pathToSegments p1) (pathToSegments p2)

-- | Merges two paths
mergePaths :: [String] -> [String] -> [String]
mergePaths p1 p2@("":_) = dereferencePath p2
mergePaths p1 [] = dereferencePath p1
mergePaths p1 p2 = dereferencePath ((initSafe p1 ++ ["."]) ++ p2)

-- | Removes ".." and "." from path
dereferencePath :: [String] -> [String]
dereferencePath = reverse . dereferencePath' [] . map (\s -> if s == "" then "." else s)

-- | dereferencePath for strings
dereferencePathString :: String -> String
dereferencePathString = segmentsToPath . dereferencePath . pathToSegments

-- Private functions

dereferencePath' :: [String] -> [String] -> [String]
dereferencePath' processed [] = processed
dereferencePath' processed ["."] = "":processed
dereferencePath' (".":processed) ps@("..":_) = dereferencePath' processed ps
dereferencePath' processed ("..":ps) = dereferencePath' (tailSafe processed) (".":ps)
dereferencePath' processed (".":ps) = dereferencePath' processed ps
dereferencePath' processed (p:ps) = dereferencePath' (p:processed) ps

-- Parser

-- sepBy version thet returns full parsed string
sepByWSep p sep = sepByWSep1 p sep <|> return []

-- Character classes

isGenDelim = (`elem` ":/?#[]@")
isSubDelim = (`elem` "!$&'()*+,;=")
isReserved c = isGenDelim c || isSubDelim c
isUnreserved c = isAlphaNum c || c `elem` "-._~"
isPChar = satisfiesAny [isUnreserved, isSubDelim, (`elem` "%:@")]

satisfiesAny :: [a -> Bool] -> a -> Bool
satisfiesAny fs a = or (map ($ a) fs)

sepByWSep1 p sep = do
        first <- p
        rest <- many $ do
                sepV <- sep
                pV <- p
                return $ sepV ++ pV
        return $ concat (first : rest)

percentEncodedP = do
        string "%"
        d1 <- hexDigit
        d2 <- hexDigit
        return $ chr (read $ "0x" ++ [d1,d2]) -- What possibly can go wrong?

reservedP :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Char
reservedP = satisfy isReserved
unreservedP = satisfy isUnreserved
genDelimP :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Char
genDelimP = satisfy isGenDelim
subDelimP = satisfy isSubDelim
pCharP = satisfy isPChar

uriP = do
        schemeV <- optionMaybe $ try schemeP
        (authorityV, pathV) <- hierPartP
        let (userinfoV, hostV, portV) = fromMaybe (Nothing, Nothing, Nothing) authorityV
        queryV <- optionMaybe $ try $ do
                string "?"
        fragmentV <- optionMaybe $ try $ do
                string "#"
        return $ URI {
                uriScheme = schemeV
                , uriRegName = hostV
                , uriPort = portV
                , uriPath = pathV
                , uriUserInfo = userinfoV
                , uriQuery = queryV
                , uriFragment = fragmentV

-- | scheme parser
schemeP = do
        l <- letter
        ls <- many (alphaNum <|> oneOf "+-.")
        string ":"
        return (l:ls)

hierPartP = do
        authorityV <- optionMaybe $ try $ do
                string "//"
        pathV <- pathP
        return (authorityV, pathV)

-- Path parser
pathP = (try pathRootlessP) <|> try pathAbsoluteP <|> try pathNoSchemeP <|> try pathABEmptyP <|> try pathEmptyP

pathABEmptyP = do
        segs <- many $ do
                string "/"
                segmentV <- segmentP
                return $ "/" ++ segmentV
        return (concat segs)

pathAbsoluteP = do
        string "/"
        rest <- option "" $ do
                s1 <- segmentNZP
                segs <- many $ do
                        string "/"
                        v <- segmentP
                        return $ "/" ++ v
                return $ concat (s1 : segs)
        return $ "/" ++ rest

pathNoSchemeP = do
        first <- segmentNZNCP
        rest <- sepByWSep segmentP (string "/")
        return $ first ++ rest

pathRootlessP = do
        first <- segmentNZP
        rest <- sepByWSep segmentP (string "/")
        return $ first ++ rest

pathEmptyP = string ""

segmentP = many $ pCharP

segmentNZP = many1 $ pCharP

segmentNZNCP = many1 (subDelimP <|> unreservedP <|> oneOf "@%")

authorityP = do
        userinfoV <- optionMaybe (try $ do
                result <- userinfoP
                string "@"
                return result)
        hostV <- hostP
        portV <- optionMaybe (try $ do
                string ":"
        return (userinfoV, Just hostV, portV)

hostP = ipLiteralP <|> try ipv4AddressP <|> regNameP

-- ip v6+ parser
ipLiteralP = do
        string "["
        result <- ipv6AddressP <|> ipvFutureP
        string "]"
        return result

-- Future IP parser
ipvFutureP = do
        v <- string "v"
        versionV <- many1 hexDigit
        dot <- string "."
        datV <- many1 (satisfy $ satisfiesAny [isUnreserved, isSubDelim, (==':')])
        return $ concat [v, versionV, dot, datV]

-- | Parse h16 followed by a colon, with no backtracking on failure.
h16Colon = do
        h <- h16
        c <- string ":"
        return (h ++ c)

-- | Process 0..n instances of the specified parser, backtracking on failure.
upTo n p = choice [try (count x p) | x <- [0..n]]

ipv6AddressP = try (do
                hs <- count 6 h16Colon
                s <- ls32
                return $ concat hs ++ s)
        <|> try (do
                co <- string "::"
                hs <- count 5 h16Colon
                s <- ls32
                return $ co ++ concat hs ++ s)
        <|> try (do
                p <- option "" h16
                co <- string "::"
                hs <- count 4 h16Colon
                s <- ls32
                return $ p ++ co ++ concat hs ++ s)
        <|> try (do
                ps <- upTo 1 h16Colon
                pp <- h16
                co <- string "::"
                hs <- count 3 h16Colon
                s <- ls32
                return $ concat ps ++ pp ++ co ++ concat hs ++ s)
        <|> try (do
                ps <- upTo 2 h16Colon
                pp <- h16
                co <- string "::"
                hs <- count 2 h16Colon
                s <- ls32
                return $ concat ps ++ pp ++ co ++ concat hs ++ s)
        <|> try (do
                ps <- upTo 3 h16Colon
                pp <- h16
                co <- string "::"
                h <- h16Colon
                s <- ls32
                return $ concat ps ++ pp ++ co ++ h ++ s)
        <|> try (do
                ps <- upTo 4 h16Colon
                pp <- h16
                co <- string "::"
                s <- ls32
                return $ concat ps ++ pp ++ co ++ s)
        <|> try (do
                ps <- upTo 5 h16Colon
                pp <- h16
                co <- string "::"
                h <- h16
                return $ concat ps ++ pp ++ co ++ h)
        <|> try (do
                ps <- upTo 6 h16Colon
                pp <- h16
                co <- string "::"
                return $ concat ps ++ pp ++ co)

h16 = count 4 hexDigit
ls32 = try (do
        h1 <- h16
        co <- string ":"
        h2 <- h16
        return $ h1 ++ co ++ h2)
        <|> ipv4AddressP

-- ipv4Address parser
ipv4AddressP = do
        d1 <- decOctetP
        string "."
        d2 <- decOctetP
        string "."
        d3 <- decOctetP
        string "."
        d4 <- decOctetP
        return $ concat [d1, ".", d2, ".", d3, ".", d4]

-- decimal octet
decOctetP = do
        a1 <- countMinMax 1 3 digit
        if read a1 > 255 then
                fail "Decimal octet value too large"
                return a1

regNameP = many (unreservedP <|> subDelimP <|> oneOf "%")

-- helper
countMinMax m n p | m > 0 = do
        a1 <- p
        ar <- countMinMax (m-1) (n-1) p
        return (a1:ar)
countMinMax _ n _ | n <= 0 = return []
countMinMax _ n p = option [] $ do
        a1 <- p
        ar <- countMinMax 0 (n-1) p
        return (a1:ar)

-- port
portP = do
        digitV <- many digit
        return $ read digitV

-- userinfo
userinfoP = many $ satisfy $ satisfiesAny [isUnreserved, isSubDelim, (==':')]

queryP = many $ satisfy (isPChar) <|> oneOf "/?"

queryItemP = satisfy (isPChar) <|> oneOf "/?"

fragmentP = queryP

urlEncodedPairsP = many urlEncodedPairP

urlEncodedPairP = do
        keyV <- manyTill (percentEncodedP <|> plusP <|> queryItemP) (char '=')
        valueV <- manyTill (percentEncodedP <|> plusP <|> queryItemP) (skip (char '&') <|> eof)
        return (keyV, valueV)

plusP = do
        char '+'
        return ' '

skip a = do
        return ()

explode :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> [[a]]
explode _ [] = []
explode delim xs = let (first, rest) = span (/= delim) xs
        in first : case rest of
                [] -> []
                x:[] -> [[]]
                x:xs -> explode delim xs