vacuum-0.0.94: Extract graph representations of ghc heap values.Source codeContentsIndex
type HValue = Any
type HalfWord = Word16
type ItblCode = Word8
data StgInfoTable = StgInfoTable {
ptrs :: HalfWord
nptrs :: HalfWord
tipe :: HalfWord
srtlen :: HalfWord
code :: [ItblCode]
ghciTablesNextToCode :: Bool
dataConInfoPtrToNames :: Ptr () -> IO (String, String, String)
wORD_SIZE :: Int
newtype S s a = S {
unS :: forall o. (a -> s -> IO o) -> s -> IO o
get :: S s s
gets :: (s -> a) -> S s a
set :: s -> S s ()
io :: IO a -> S s a
modify :: (s -> s) -> S s ()
runS :: S s a -> s -> IO (a, s)
type HValue = AnySource
type HalfWord = Word16Source
type ItblCode = Word8Source
data StgInfoTable Source
ptrs :: HalfWord
nptrs :: HalfWord
tipe :: HalfWord
srtlen :: HalfWord
code :: [ItblCode]
show/hide Instances
ghciTablesNextToCode :: BoolSource
This is currently always True since i'm not sure how to get at the CPP define "" (or equiv) to tell.
dataConInfoPtrToNames :: Ptr () -> IO (String, String, String)Source
wORD_SIZE :: IntSource
hALF_WORD_SIZE :: IntSource
newtype S s a Source
unS :: forall o. (a -> s -> IO o) -> s -> IO o
show/hide Instances
get :: S s sSource
gets :: (s -> a) -> S s aSource
set :: s -> S s ()Source
io :: IO a -> S s aSource
modify :: (s -> s) -> S s ()Source
runS :: S s a -> s -> IO (a, s)Source
Produced by Haddock version 2.4.2