validation-0.3.3: A data-type like Either but with an accumulating Applicative

Safe HaskellSafe




Data types similar to Data.Either that are explicit about failure and success.


Data types

data AccValidation err a Source

A value of the type err or a, however, the Applicative instance accumulates values. This is witnessed by the Semigroup context on the instance. Note that there is no Monad such that ap = (<*>).

>>> _Success # (+1) <*> _Success # 7 :: AccValidation String Int
AccSuccess 8
>>> _Failure # ["f1"] <*> _Success # 7 :: AccValidation [String] Int
AccFailure ["f1"]
>>> _Success # (+1) <*> _Failure # ["f2"] :: AccValidation [String] Int
AccFailure ["f2"]
>>> _Failure # ["f1"] <*> _Failure # ["f2"] :: AccValidation [String] Int
AccFailure ["f1","f2"]


Typeable2 AccValidation 
Bitraversable AccValidation 
Bifunctor AccValidation 
Bifoldable AccValidation 
Swapped AccValidation 
Validate AccValidation 
Functor (AccValidation err) 
Semigroup err => Applicative (AccValidation err) 
Foldable (AccValidation err) 
Traversable (AccValidation err) 
(Semigroup err, Monoid err) => Alternative (AccValidation err) 
Semigroup err => Alt (AccValidation err) 
Semigroup err => Apply (AccValidation err) 
(Eq err, Eq a) => Eq (AccValidation err a) 
(Data err, Data a) => Data (AccValidation err a) 
(Ord err, Ord a) => Ord (AccValidation err a) 
(Show err, Show a) => Show (AccValidation err a) 
Monoid e => Monoid (AccValidation e a)
((x `mappend` y) `mappend` z) == (x `mappend` (y `mappend` z :: AccValidation [String] Int))
mempty `mappend` x == (x :: AccValidation [String] Int)
x `mappend` mempty == (x :: AccValidation [String] Int)
Semigroup e => Semigroup (AccValidation e a)
((x <> y) <> z) == (x <> (y <> z :: AccValidation [String] Int))

data Validation err a Source

A value of the type err or a and isomorphic to Data.Either.

>>> _Success # (+1) <*> _Success # 7 :: Validation String Int
Success 8
>>> _Failure # ["f1"] <*> _Success # 7 :: Validation [String] Int
Failure ["f1"]
>>> _Success # (+1) <*> _Failure # ["f2"] :: Validation [String] Int
Failure ["f2"]
>>> _Failure # ["f1"] <*> _Failure # ["f2"] :: Validation [String] Int
Failure ["f1"]

data ValidationT m err a Source

The transformer version of Validation.




runValidationT :: m (Validation err a)


class Validate f whereSource


_Failure :: Prism (f e1 a) (f e2 a) e1 e2Source

_Success :: Prism (f e a) (f e b) a bSource
