Module      : Verismith.Circuit.Internal
Description : Internal helpers for generation.
Copyright   : (c) 2018-2019, Yann Herklotz
License     : BSD-3
Maintainer  : yann [at] yannherklotz [dot] com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : POSIX

Internal helpers for generation.

module Verismith.Circuit.Internal
    ( fromNode
    , filterGr
    , only
    , inputs
    , outputs

import           Data.Graph.Inductive (Graph, Node)
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive as G
import qualified Data.Text            as T

-- | Convert an integer into a label.
-- >>> fromNode 5
-- "w5"
fromNode :: Int -> T.Text
fromNode node = T.pack $ "w" <> show node

-- | General function which runs 'filter' over a graph.
filterGr :: (Graph gr) => gr n e -> (Node -> Bool) -> [Node]
filterGr graph f = filter f $ G.nodes graph

-- | Takes two functions that return an 'Int', and compares there results to 0
-- and not 0 respectively. This result is returned.
    :: (Graph gr)
    => gr n e
    -> (gr n e -> Node -> Int)
    -> (gr n e -> Node -> Int)
    -> Node
    -> Bool
only graph fun1 fun2 n = fun1 graph n == 0 && fun2 graph n /= 0

-- | Returns all the input nodes to a graph, which means nodes that do not have
-- an input themselves.
inputs :: (Graph gr) => gr n e -> [Node]
inputs graph = filterGr graph $ only graph G.indeg G.outdeg

-- | Returns all the output nodes to a graph, similar to the 'inputs' function.
outputs :: (Graph gr) => gr n e -> [Node]
outputs graph = filterGr graph $ only graph G.outdeg G.indeg