{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, ScopedTypeVariables #-}


This file is part of the vimeta package. It is subject to the license
terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
distribution and at git://pmade.com/vimeta/LICENSE. No part of the
vimeta package, including this file, may be copied, modified,
propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in
the LICENSE file.


-- | Utility functions for downloading files.
module Vimeta.Core.Download
       ( withArtwork
       , withDownload
       ) where

-- Library imports:
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HC
import System.FilePath
import System.IO (Handle, hFlush)
import System.IO.Temp (withSystemTempFile)

-- Local imports:
import Vimeta.Core.Config
import Vimeta.Core.Vimeta

-- | Try to download artwork and run the given function.  The
-- function will be passed a 'FilePath' if the artwork was downloaded.
-- See the 'withDownload' function for more details.
withArtwork :: (MonadIO m)
            => [Text]
            -> (Maybe FilePath -> Vimeta IO a)
            -> Vimeta m a
withArtwork urls = withDownload (listToMaybe $ candidates urls)
    candidates :: [Text] -> [Text]
    candidates = filter checkExtension . reverse

    checkExtension :: Text -> Bool
    checkExtension = goodExtension . takeExtension . Text.unpack . Text.toLower

    goodExtension :: String -> Bool
    goodExtension ext = ext == ".jpg" || ext == ".png"

-- | Download the given URL to a temporary file and pass the file
-- name to the given function.
-- The reason a function needs to be passed to 'withDownload' is the
-- result of using 'withSystemTempFile' to store the downloaded file.
-- The file will be automatically removed after the given function
-- completes.
withDownload :: (MonadIO m)
             => Maybe Text
             -- ^ URL.

             -> (Maybe FilePath -> Vimeta IO a)
             -- ^ Function to call and pass the file name to.

             -> Vimeta m a
             -- ^ Result of above function.

withDownload Nothing f = do
  verbose "no URL to download"
  runIOE $ runVimeta (f Nothing)

withDownload url f = do
  context <- ask

  let dryRun  = configDryRun $ ctxConfig context
      manager = ctxManager context

  case (dryRun, url) of
    (True, Nothing)  -> verbose "dry-run: nothing to download" >>
                        runWithoutTempFile f

    (False, Nothing) -> verbose "nothing to download" >>
                        runWithoutTempFile f

    (True, Just u)   -> verbose ("dry-run:" <> u) >>
                        runWithoutTempFile f

    (False, Just u)  -> verbose u >>
                        runWithTempFile u manager f

-- | Helper function to run the download action with a temporary file.
runWithTempFile :: (MonadIO m)
                => Text
                -> HC.Manager
                -> (Maybe FilePath -> Vimeta IO a)
                -> Vimeta m a
runWithTempFile url manager vio = do
  context <- ask

  runIOE $ withSystemTempFile "vimeta" $ \name h -> do
    downloadToHandle manager (Text.unpack url) h
    execVimetaWithContext context $ vio (Just name)

-- | Helper function to run an action without needing a temporary file.
runWithoutTempFile :: (MonadIO m)
                   => (Maybe FilePath -> Vimeta IO a)
                   -> Vimeta m a
runWithoutTempFile vio = do
  context <- ask
  runIOE $ execVimetaWithContext context $ vio Nothing

-- | Helper function to the actual HTTP downloading into a file handle.
downloadToHandle :: HC.Manager -> String -> Handle -> IO ()
downloadToHandle manager url handle = do
  request  <- HC.parseRequest url
  response <- HC.httpLbs request manager
  BS.hPut handle (HC.responseBody response)
  hFlush handle