{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP                    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances   #-}
-- | Concise vinyl record construction from tuples up to size 8. An
-- example record construction using 'ElField' for named fields:
-- @fieldRec (#x =: True, #y =: 'b') :: FieldRec '[ '("x", Bool), '("y", Char) ]@
module Data.Vinyl.FromTuple where
import Data.Monoid (First(..))
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 804
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
import Data.Vinyl.Core (RApply, RMap, RecApplicative, rcombine, rmap, rtraverse, Rec(..))
import Data.Vinyl.Functor (onCompose, Compose(..), getCompose, ElField)
import Data.Vinyl.Lens (RecSubset, RecSubsetFCtx, rcast, rdowncast, type ())
import Data.Vinyl.TypeLevel (RImage, Snd)
import Data.Vinyl.XRec (XRec, pattern (::&), pattern XRNil, IsoXRec(..), HKD)
import GHC.TypeLits (TypeError, ErrorMessage(Text))

-- | Convert a tuple of types formed by the application of a common
-- type constructor to a tuple of the common type constructor and a
-- list of the types to which it is applied in the original
-- tuple. E.g. @TupleToRecArgs f (f a, f b) ~ (f, [a,b])@.
type family TupleToRecArgs f t = (r :: (u -> *, [u])) | r -> t where
  TupleToRecArgs f (f a, f b, f c, f d, f e, f z, f g, f h) =
    '(f, [a,b,c,d,e,z,g,h])
  TupleToRecArgs f (f a, f b, f c, f d, f e, f z, f g) = '(f, [a,b,c,d,e,z,g])
  TupleToRecArgs f (f a, f b, f c, f d, f e, f z) = '(f, [a,b,c,d,e,z])
  TupleToRecArgs f (f a, f b, f c, f d, f e) = '(f, [a,b,c,d,e])
  TupleToRecArgs f (f a, f b, f c, f d) = '(f, [a,b,c,d])
  TupleToRecArgs f (f a, f b, f c) = '(f, [a,b,c])
  TupleToRecArgs f (f a, f b) = '(f, [a,b])
  TupleToRecArgs f () = '(f , '[])

-- | Apply the 'Rec' type constructor to a type-level tuple of its
-- arguments.
type family UncurriedRec (t :: (u -> *, [u])) = r | r -> t where
  UncurriedRec '(f, ts) = Rec f ts

-- | Apply the 'XRec' type constructor to a type-level tuple of its
-- arguments.
type family UncurriedXRec (t :: (u -> *, [u])) = r | r -> t where
  UncurriedXRec '(f, ts) = XRec f ts

-- | Convert between an 'XRec' and an isomorphic tuple.
class TupleXRec (f :: u -> *) (t :: [u]) where
  -- | Convert an 'XRec' to a tuple. Useful for pattern matching on an
  -- entire record.
  xrecTuple :: XRec f t -> ListToHKDTuple f t
  -- | Build an 'XRec' from a tuple.
  xrecX :: ListToHKDTuple f t -> XRec f t

instance TupleXRec f '[a,b] where
  xrecTuple (a ::& b ::& XRNil) = (a, b)
  xrecX (a, b) = a ::& b ::& XRNil

instance TupleXRec f '[a,b,c] where
  xrecTuple (a ::& b ::& c ::& XRNil) = (a, b, c)
  xrecX (a, b, c) = a ::& b ::& c ::& XRNil

instance TupleXRec f '[a,b,c,d] where
  xrecTuple (a ::& b ::& c ::& d ::& XRNil) = (a, b, c, d)
  xrecX (a, b, c, d) = a ::& b ::& c ::& d ::& XRNil

instance TupleXRec f '[a,b,c,d,e] where
  xrecTuple (a ::& b ::& c ::& d ::& e ::& XRNil) =
    (a, b, c, d, e)
  xrecX (a, b, c, d, e) = a ::& b ::& c ::& d ::& e ::& XRNil

instance TupleXRec f '[a,b,c,d,e,z] where
  xrecTuple (a ::& b ::& c ::& d ::& e ::& z ::& XRNil) =
    (a, b, c, d, e, z)
  xrecX (a, b, c, d, e, z) = a ::& b ::& c ::& d ::& e ::& z ::& XRNil

instance TupleXRec f '[a,b,c,d,e,z,g] where
  xrecTuple (a ::& b ::& c ::& d ::& e ::& z ::& g ::& XRNil) =
    (a, b, c, d, e, z, g)
  xrecX (a, b, c, d, e, z, g) = a ::& b ::& c ::& d ::& e ::& z ::& g ::& XRNil

instance TupleXRec f '[a,b,c,d,e,z,g,h] where
  xrecTuple (a ::& b ::& c ::& d ::& e ::& z ::& g ::& h ::& XRNil) =
    (a, b, c, d, e, z, g, h)
  xrecX (a, b, c, d, e, z, g, h) = a ::& b ::& c ::& d ::& e ::& z ::& g ::& h ::& XRNil

type family ListToHKDTuple (f :: u -> *) (ts :: [u]) :: * where
  ListToHKDTuple f '[] = HKD f ()
  ListToHKDTuple f '[a,b] = (HKD f a, HKD f b)
  ListToHKDTuple f '[a,b,c] = (HKD f  a, HKD f b, HKD f c)
  ListToHKDTuple f '[a,b,c,d] = (HKD f a, HKD f b, HKD f c, HKD f d)
  ListToHKDTuple f '[a,b,c,d,e] = (HKD f a, HKD f b, HKD f c, HKD f d, HKD f e)
  ListToHKDTuple f '[a,b,c,d,e,z] = (HKD f a, HKD f b, HKD f c, HKD f d, HKD f e, HKD f z)
  ListToHKDTuple f '[a,b,c,d,e,z,g] = (HKD f a, HKD f b, HKD f c, HKD f d, HKD f e, HKD f z, HKD f g)
  ListToHKDTuple f '[a,b,c,d,e,z,g,h] = (HKD f a, HKD f b, HKD f c, HKD f d, HKD f e, HKD f z, HKD f g, HKD f h)
  ListToHKDTuple f x = TypeError ('Text "Tuples are only supported up to size 8")

-- | Convert a 'Rec' to a tuple going through 'HKD' to reduce
-- syntactic noise. Useful for pattern matching on an entire 'Rec'.
ruple :: (IsoXRec f ts, TupleXRec f ts)
      => Rec f ts -> ListToHKDTuple f ts
ruple = xrecTuple . toXRec

-- | Build a 'Rec' from a tuple passing through 'XRec'. This admits
-- the most concise syntax for building a 'Rec'. For example, @xrec
-- ("joe", 23) :: Rec Identity '[String, Int]@.
xrec :: (IsoXRec f t, TupleXRec f t) => ListToHKDTuple f t -> Rec f t
xrec = fromXRec . xrecX

-- | Build a 'Rec' from a tuple. An example would be building a value
-- of type @Rec f '[a,b]@ from a tuple of values with type @'(f a, f
-- b)@.
class TupleRec f t where
  record :: t -> UncurriedRec (TupleToRecArgs f t)

instance TupleRec f () where
  record () = RNil

instance TupleRec f (f a, f b) where
  record (a,b) = a :& b :& RNil

instance TupleRec f (f a, f b, f c) where
  record (a,b,c) = a :& b :& c :& RNil

instance TupleRec f (f a, f b, f c, f d) where
  record (a,b,c,d) = a :& b :& c :& d :& RNil

instance TupleRec f (f a, f b, f c, f d, f e) where
  record (a,b,c,d,e) = a :& b :& c :& d :& e :& RNil

instance TupleRec f (f a, f b, f c, f d, f e, f z) where
  record (a,b,c,d,e,z) = a :& b :& c :& d :& e :& z :& RNil

instance TupleRec f (f a, f b, f c, f d, f e, f z, f g) where
  record (a,b,c,d,e,z,g) = a :& b :& c :& d :& e :& z :& g :& RNil

instance TupleRec f (f a, f b, f c, f d, f e, f z, f g, f h) where
  record (a,b,c,d,e,z,g,h) = a :& b :& c :& d :& e :& z :& g :& h :& RNil

-- | Build a 'FieldRec' from a tuple of 'ElField' values.
fieldRec :: TupleRec ElField t => t -> UncurriedRec (TupleToRecArgs ElField t)
fieldRec = record @ElField

-- | Build a 'FieldRec' from a tuple and 'rcast' it to another record
-- type that is a subset of the constructed record. This is useful for
-- re-ordering fields. For example, @namedArgs (#name =: "joe", #age
-- =: 23)@ can supply arguments for a function expecting a record of
-- arguments with its fields in the opposite order.
namedArgs :: (TupleRec ElField t,
              ss ~ Snd (TupleToRecArgs ElField t),
              RecSubset Rec rs (Snd (TupleToRecArgs ElField t)) (RImage rs ss),
              UncurriedRec (TupleToRecArgs ElField t) ~ Rec ElField ss,
              RecSubsetFCtx Rec ElField)
          => t -> Rec ElField rs
namedArgs = rcast . fieldRec

-- | Override a record with fields from a possibly narrower record. A
-- typical use is to supply default values as the first argument, and
-- overrides for those defaults as the second.
withDefaults :: (RMap rs, RApply rs, ss  rs, RMap ss, RecApplicative rs)
             => Rec f rs -> Rec f ss -> Rec f rs
withDefaults defs = fin . rtraverse getCompose . flip rfirst defs' . rdowncast
  where fin = maybe (error "Impossible: withDefaults failed") id
        defs' = rmap (Compose . Just) defs
        rfirst = rcombine (<>) (onCompose First) (onCompose getFirst)