{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- | Vty supports a configuration file format and associated 'Config'
-- data type. The 'Config' can be provided to 'mkVty' to customize the
-- application's use of Vty.
-- Lines in config files that fail to parse are ignored. Later entries
-- take precedence over earlier ones.
-- = Debug
-- == @debugLog@
-- Format:
-- @
--  \"debugLog\" string
-- @
-- The value of the environment variable @VTY_DEBUG_LOG@ is equivalent
-- to a debugLog entry at the end of the last config file.
-- = Input Processing
-- == @map@
-- Format:
-- @
--  \"map\" term string key modifier_list
--  where
--      key := KEsc | KChar Char | KBS ... (same as 'Key')
--      modifier_list := \"[\" modifier+ \"]\"
--      modifier := MShift | MCtrl | MMeta | MAlt
--      term := "_" | string
-- @
-- E.g., if the contents are
-- @
--  map _       \"\\ESC[B\"    KUp   []
--  map _       \"\\ESC[1;3B\" KDown [MAlt]
--  map \"xterm\" \"\\ESC[D\"    KLeft []
-- @
-- Then the bytes @\"\\ESC[B\"@ will result in the KUp event on all
-- terminals. The bytes @\"\\ESC[1;3B\"@ will result in the event KDown
-- with the MAlt modifier on all terminals. The bytes @\"\\ESC[D\"@ will
-- result in the KLeft event when @TERM@ is @xterm@.
-- If a debug log is requested then vty will output the current input
-- table to the log in the above format. A workflow for using this is
-- to set @VTY_DEBUG_LOG@. Run the application. Check the debug log for
-- incorrect mappings. Add corrected mappings to @$HOME/.vty/config@.
module Graphics.Vty.Config
  ( InputMap
  , Config(..)
  , VtyConfigurationError(..)
  , userConfig
  , overrideEnvConfig
  , standardIOConfig
  , runParseConfig
  , parseConfigFile
  , defaultConfig

import Prelude

import Control.Applicative hiding (many)

import Control.Exception (catch, IOException, Exception(..), throwIO)
import Control.Monad (liftM, guard, void)

import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0))
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)

import Graphics.Vty.Input.Events

import GHC.Generics

import System.Directory (getAppUserDataDirectory)
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
import System.Posix.IO (stdInput, stdOutput)
import System.Posix.Types (Fd(..))

import Text.Parsec hiding ((<|>))
import Text.Parsec.Token ( GenLanguageDef(..) )
import qualified Text.Parsec.Token as P

-- | Type of errors that can be thrown when configuring VTY
data VtyConfigurationError
  = VtyMissingTermEnvVar -- ^ TERM environment variable not set
  deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable)

instance Exception VtyConfigurationError where
  displayException VtyMissingTermEnvVar = "TERM environment variable not set"

-- | Mappings from input bytes to event in the order specified. Later
-- entries take precedence over earlier in the case multiple entries
-- have the same byte string.
type InputMap = [(Maybe String, String, Event)]

-- | A Vty configuration.
data Config = Config
    -- | The default is 1 character.
      vmin  :: Maybe Int
    -- | The default is 100 milliseconds, 0.1 seconds.
    , vtime :: Maybe Int
    -- | The default is False.
    , mouseMode :: Maybe Bool
    -- | The default is False.
    , bracketedPasteMode :: Maybe Bool
    -- | Debug information is appended to this file if not Nothing.
    , debugLog           :: Maybe FilePath
    -- | The (input byte, output event) pairs extend the internal input
    -- table of VTY and the table from terminfo.
    -- See "Graphics.Vty.Config" module documentation for documentation
    -- of the @map@ directive.
    , inputMap           :: InputMap
    -- | The input file descriptor to use. The default is
    -- 'System.Posix.IO.stdInput'
    , inputFd           :: Maybe Fd
    -- | The output file descriptor to use. The default is
    -- 'System.Posix.IO.stdOutput'
    , outputFd          :: Maybe Fd
    -- | The terminal name used to look up terminfo capabilities.
    -- The default is the value of the TERM environment variable.
    , termName           :: Maybe String
    } deriving (Show, Eq)

defaultConfig :: Config
defaultConfig = mempty

instance Semigroup Config where
    c0 <> c1 = Config
        -- latter config takes priority for everything but inputMap
        { vmin          = vmin c1     <|> vmin c0
        , vtime         = vtime c1    <|> vtime c0
        , mouseMode     = mouseMode c1
        , bracketedPasteMode = bracketedPasteMode c1
        , debugLog      = debugLog c1 <|> debugLog c0
        , inputMap      = inputMap c0 <>  inputMap c1
        , inputFd      = inputFd c1 <|> inputFd c0
        , outputFd     = outputFd c1 <|> outputFd c0
        , termName      = termName c1 <|> termName c0

instance Monoid Config where
    mempty = Config
        { vmin         = Nothing
        , vtime        = Nothing
        , mouseMode    = Nothing
        , bracketedPasteMode = Nothing
        , debugLog     = mempty
        , inputMap     = mempty
        , inputFd     = Nothing
        , outputFd    = Nothing
        , termName     = Nothing
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
    mappend = (<>)

-- | Load a configuration from @'getAppUserDataDirectory'/config@ and
userConfig :: IO Config
userConfig = do
    configFile <- (mappend <$> getAppUserDataDirectory "vty" <*> pure "/config") >>= parseConfigFile
    overrideConfig <- maybe (return defaultConfig) parseConfigFile =<< lookupEnv "VTY_CONFIG_FILE"
    let base = configFile <> overrideConfig
    mappend base <$> overrideEnvConfig

overrideEnvConfig :: IO Config
overrideEnvConfig = do
    d <- lookupEnv "VTY_DEBUG_LOG"
    return $ defaultConfig { debugLog = d }

-- | Configures VTY using defaults suitable for terminals. This function
-- can raise 'VtyConfigurationError'.
standardIOConfig :: IO Config
standardIOConfig = do
    mb <- lookupEnv "TERM"
    case mb of
      Nothing -> throwIO VtyMissingTermEnvVar
      Just t ->
        return defaultConfig
          { vmin               = Just 1
          , mouseMode          = Just False
          , bracketedPasteMode = Just False
          , vtime              = Just 100
          , inputFd            = Just stdInput
          , outputFd           = Just stdOutput
          , termName           = Just t

parseConfigFile :: FilePath -> IO Config
parseConfigFile path = do
    catch (runParseConfig path <$> BS.readFile path)
          (\(_ :: IOException) -> return defaultConfig)

runParseConfig :: String -> BS.ByteString -> Config
runParseConfig name cfgTxt =
  case runParser parseConfig () name cfgTxt of
    Right cfg -> cfg
    Left{}    -> defaultConfig


type Parser = Parsec BS.ByteString ()

configLanguage :: Monad m => P.GenLanguageDef BS.ByteString () m
configLanguage = LanguageDef
    { commentStart    = "{-"
    , commentEnd      = "-}"
    , commentLine     = "--"
    , nestedComments  = True
    , identStart      = letter <|> char '_'
    , identLetter     = alphaNum <|> oneOf "_'"
    , opStart         = opLetter configLanguage
    , opLetter        = oneOf ":!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~"
    , reservedOpNames = []
    , reservedNames   = []
    , caseSensitive   = True

configLexer :: Monad m => P.GenTokenParser BS.ByteString () m
configLexer = P.makeTokenParser configLanguage

mapDecl :: Parser Config
mapDecl = do
    "map" <- P.identifier configLexer
    termIdent <- (char '_' >> P.whiteSpace configLexer >> return Nothing)
             <|> (Just <$> P.stringLiteral configLexer)
    bytes     <- P.stringLiteral configLexer
    key       <- parseValue
    modifiers <- parseValue
    return defaultConfig { inputMap = [(termIdent, bytes, EvKey key modifiers)] }

debugLogDecl :: Parser Config
debugLogDecl = do
    "debugLog" <- P.identifier configLexer
    path       <- P.stringLiteral configLexer
    return defaultConfig { debugLog = Just path }

ignoreLine :: Parser ()
ignoreLine = void $ manyTill anyChar newline

parseConfig :: Parser Config
parseConfig = liftM mconcat $ many $ do
    P.whiteSpace configLexer
    let directives = [try mapDecl, try debugLogDecl]
    choice directives <|> (ignoreLine >> return defaultConfig)

class    Parse a        where parseValue :: Parser a
instance Parse Char     where parseValue = P.charLiteral configLexer
instance Parse Int      where parseValue = fromInteger <$> P.natural configLexer
instance Parse Key      where parseValue = genericParse
instance Parse Modifier where parseValue = genericParse
instance Parse a => Parse [a] where
  parseValue = P.brackets configLexer
                 (parseValue `sepBy` P.symbol configLexer ",")

-- Derived parser for ADTs via generics

genericParse :: (Generic a, GParse (Rep a)) => Parser a
genericParse = to <$> gparse

class    GParse f                      where gparse :: Parser (f a)
instance GParse f => GParse (M1 S i f) where gparse = M1 <$> gparse
instance GParse U1                     where gparse = return U1
instance Parse a => GParse (K1 i a)    where gparse = K1 <$> parseValue

instance (GParse f, GParse g) => GParse (f :*: g) where
  gparse = (:*:) <$> gparse <*> gparse

instance GParseAlts f => GParse (M1 D i f) where
  gparse =
    do con <- P.identifier configLexer
       M1 <$> gparseAlts con


class GParseAlts f where
  gparseAlts :: String -> Parser (f a)

instance (Constructor i, GParse f) => GParseAlts (M1 C i f) where
  gparseAlts con =
    do guard (con == conName (M1 Nothing :: C1 i Maybe a))
       M1 <$> gparse

instance (GParseAlts f, GParseAlts g) => GParseAlts (f :+: g) where
  gparseAlts con = L1 <$> gparseAlts con <|> R1 <$> gparseAlts con

instance GParseAlts V1 where gparseAlts _ = fail "GParse: V1"