{-# language CPP #-}
-- | = Name
-- VK_EXT_line_rasterization - device extension
-- == VK_EXT_line_rasterization
-- [__Name String__]
--     @VK_EXT_line_rasterization@
-- [__Extension Type__]
--     Device extension
-- [__Registered Extension Number__]
--     260
-- [__Revision__]
--     1
-- [__Extension and Version Dependencies__]
--     -   Requires Vulkan 1.0
--     -   Requires @VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2@
-- [__Special Use__]
--     -   <https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/html/vkspec.html#extendingvulkan-compatibility-specialuse CAD support>
-- [__Contact__]
--     -   Jeff Bolz
--         <https://github.com/KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs/issues/new?title=VK_EXT_line_rasterization:%20&body=@jeffbolznv%20 >
-- == Other Extension Metadata
-- [__Last Modified Date__]
--     2019-05-09
-- [__IP Status__]
--     No known IP claims.
-- [__Contributors__]
--     -   Jeff Bolz, NVIDIA
--     -   Allen Jensen, NVIDIA
--     -   Jason Ekstrand, Intel
-- == Description
-- This extension adds some line rasterization features that are commonly
-- used in CAD applications and supported in other APIs like OpenGL.
-- Bresenham-style line rasterization is supported, smooth rectangular
-- lines (coverage to alpha) are supported, and stippled lines are
-- supported for all three line rasterization modes.
-- == New Commands
-- -   'cmdSetLineStippleEXT'
-- == New Structures
-- -   Extending
--     'Vulkan.Core11.Promoted_From_VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2.PhysicalDeviceFeatures2',
--     'Vulkan.Core10.Device.DeviceCreateInfo':
--     -   'PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT'
-- -   Extending
--     'Vulkan.Core11.Promoted_From_VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2.PhysicalDeviceProperties2':
--     -   'PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT'
-- -   Extending
--     'Vulkan.Core10.Pipeline.PipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo':
--     -   'PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT'
-- == New Enums
-- -   'LineRasterizationModeEXT'
-- == New Enum Constants
-- -   Extending 'Vulkan.Core10.Enums.DynamicState.DynamicState':
--     -   'Vulkan.Core10.Enums.DynamicState.DYNAMIC_STATE_LINE_STIPPLE_EXT'
-- -   Extending 'Vulkan.Core10.Enums.StructureType.StructureType':
-- == Issues
-- > (1) Do we need to support Bresenham-style and smooth lines with more than
-- >     one rasterization sample? i.e. the equivalent of
-- >     glDisable(GL_MULTISAMPLE) in OpenGL when the framebuffer has more than
-- >     one sample?
-- > RESOLVED: Yes.
-- > For simplicity, Bresenham line rasterization carries forward a few
-- > restrictions from OpenGL, such as not supporting per-sample shading, alpha
-- > to coverage, or alpha to one.
-- == Version History
-- -   Revision 1, 2019-05-09 (Jeff Bolz)
--     -   Initial draft
-- = See Also
-- 'LineRasterizationModeEXT',
-- 'PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT',
-- 'PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT',
-- 'PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT', 'cmdSetLineStippleEXT'
-- = Document Notes
-- For more information, see the
-- <https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/html/vkspec.html#VK_EXT_line_rasterization Vulkan Specification>
-- This page is a generated document. Fixes and changes should be made to
-- the generator scripts, not directly.
module Vulkan.Extensions.VK_EXT_line_rasterization  ( cmdSetLineStippleEXT
                                                    , PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT(..)
                                                    , PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT(..)
                                                    , PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT(..)
                                                    , LineRasterizationModeEXT( LINE_RASTERIZATION_MODE_DEFAULT_EXT
                                                                              , LINE_RASTERIZATION_MODE_RECTANGULAR_EXT
                                                                              , LINE_RASTERIZATION_MODE_BRESENHAM_EXT
                                                                              , LINE_RASTERIZATION_MODE_RECTANGULAR_SMOOTH_EXT
                                                                              , ..
                                                    , EXT_LINE_RASTERIZATION_SPEC_VERSION
                                                    , pattern EXT_LINE_RASTERIZATION_SPEC_VERSION
                                                    , EXT_LINE_RASTERIZATION_EXTENSION_NAME
                                                    , pattern EXT_LINE_RASTERIZATION_EXTENSION_NAME
                                                    ) where

import Vulkan.Internal.Utils (enumReadPrec)
import Vulkan.Internal.Utils (enumShowsPrec)
import Vulkan.Internal.Utils (traceAroundEvent)
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (allocaBytesAligned)
import GHC.IO (throwIO)
import GHC.Ptr (nullFunPtr)
import Foreign.Ptr (nullPtr)
import Foreign.Ptr (plusPtr)
import GHC.Show (showsPrec)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
import Data.String (IsString)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Foreign.Storable (Storable)
import Foreign.Storable (Storable(peek))
import Foreign.Storable (Storable(poke))
import qualified Foreign.Storable (Storable(..))
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import GHC.IO.Exception (IOErrorType(..))
import GHC.IO.Exception (IOException(..))
import Data.Int (Int32)
import Foreign.Ptr (FunPtr)
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr)
import GHC.Read (Read(readPrec))
import GHC.Show (Show(showsPrec))
import Data.Word (Word16)
import Data.Word (Word32)
import Data.Kind (Type)
import Vulkan.Core10.FundamentalTypes (bool32ToBool)
import Vulkan.Core10.FundamentalTypes (boolToBool32)
import Vulkan.NamedType ((:::))
import Vulkan.Core10.FundamentalTypes (Bool32)
import Vulkan.Core10.Handles (CommandBuffer)
import Vulkan.Core10.Handles (CommandBuffer(..))
import Vulkan.Core10.Handles (CommandBuffer_T)
import Vulkan.Dynamic (DeviceCmds(pVkCmdSetLineStippleEXT))
import Vulkan.CStruct (FromCStruct)
import Vulkan.CStruct (FromCStruct(..))
import Vulkan.Core10.Enums.StructureType (StructureType)
import Vulkan.CStruct (ToCStruct)
import Vulkan.CStruct (ToCStruct(..))
import Vulkan.Zero (Zero)
import Vulkan.Zero (Zero(..))
foreign import ccall
#if !defined(SAFE_FOREIGN_CALLS)
  "dynamic" mkVkCmdSetLineStippleEXT
  :: FunPtr (Ptr CommandBuffer_T -> Word32 -> Word16 -> IO ()) -> Ptr CommandBuffer_T -> Word32 -> Word16 -> IO ()

-- | vkCmdSetLineStippleEXT - Set the dynamic line width state
-- == Valid Usage
-- -   #VUID-vkCmdSetLineStippleEXT-lineStippleFactor-02776#
--     @lineStippleFactor@ /must/ be in the range [1,256]
-- == Valid Usage (Implicit)
-- -   #VUID-vkCmdSetLineStippleEXT-commandBuffer-parameter#
--     @commandBuffer@ /must/ be a valid
--     'Vulkan.Core10.Handles.CommandBuffer' handle
-- -   #VUID-vkCmdSetLineStippleEXT-commandBuffer-recording#
--     @commandBuffer@ /must/ be in the
--     <https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/html/vkspec.html#commandbuffers-lifecycle recording state>
-- -   #VUID-vkCmdSetLineStippleEXT-commandBuffer-cmdpool# The
--     'Vulkan.Core10.Handles.CommandPool' that @commandBuffer@ was
--     allocated from /must/ support graphics operations
-- == Host Synchronization
-- -   Host access to @commandBuffer@ /must/ be externally synchronized
-- -   Host access to the 'Vulkan.Core10.Handles.CommandPool' that
--     @commandBuffer@ was allocated from /must/ be externally synchronized
-- == Command Properties
-- \'
-- +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-- | <https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/html/vkspec.html#VkCommandBufferLevel Command Buffer Levels> | <https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/html/vkspec.html#vkCmdBeginRenderPass Render Pass Scope> | <https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/html/vkspec.html#VkQueueFlagBits Supported Queue Types> | <https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/html/vkspec.html#synchronization-pipeline-stages-types Pipeline Type> |
-- +============================================================================================================================+========================================================================================================================+=======================================================================================================================+=====================================================================================================================================+
-- | Primary                                                                                                                    | Both                                                                                                                   | Graphics                                                                                                              |                                                                                                                                     |
-- | Secondary                                                                                                                  |                                                                                                                        |                                                                                                                       |                                                                                                                                     |
-- +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-- = See Also
-- 'Vulkan.Core10.Handles.CommandBuffer'
cmdSetLineStippleEXT :: forall io
                      . (MonadIO io)
                     => -- | @commandBuffer@ is the command buffer into which the command will be
                        -- recorded.
                     -> -- | @lineStippleFactor@ is the repeat factor used in stippled line
                        -- rasterization.
                        ("lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32)
                     -> -- | @lineStipplePattern@ is the bit pattern used in stippled line
                        -- rasterization.
                        ("lineStipplePattern" ::: Word16)
                     -> io ()
cmdSetLineStippleEXT :: CommandBuffer
-> ("lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32)
-> ("lineStipplePattern" ::: Word16)
-> io ()
cmdSetLineStippleEXT commandBuffer :: CommandBuffer
commandBuffer lineStippleFactor :: "lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32
lineStippleFactor lineStipplePattern :: "lineStipplePattern" ::: Word16
lineStipplePattern = IO () -> io ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> io ()) -> IO () -> io ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
  let vkCmdSetLineStippleEXTPtr :: FunPtr
  (Ptr CommandBuffer_T
   -> ("lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32)
   -> ("lineStipplePattern" ::: Word16)
   -> IO ())
vkCmdSetLineStippleEXTPtr = DeviceCmds
-> FunPtr
     (Ptr CommandBuffer_T
      -> ("lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32)
      -> ("lineStipplePattern" ::: Word16)
      -> IO ())
pVkCmdSetLineStippleEXT (CommandBuffer -> DeviceCmds
deviceCmds (CommandBuffer
commandBuffer :: CommandBuffer))
  Bool -> IO () -> IO ()
forall (f :: * -> *). Applicative f => Bool -> f () -> f ()
unless (FunPtr
  (Ptr CommandBuffer_T
   -> ("lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32)
   -> ("lineStipplePattern" ::: Word16)
   -> IO ())
vkCmdSetLineStippleEXTPtr FunPtr
  (Ptr CommandBuffer_T
   -> ("lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32)
   -> ("lineStipplePattern" ::: Word16)
   -> IO ())
-> FunPtr
     (Ptr CommandBuffer_T
      -> ("lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32)
      -> ("lineStipplePattern" ::: Word16)
      -> IO ())
-> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= FunPtr
  (Ptr CommandBuffer_T
   -> ("lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32)
   -> ("lineStipplePattern" ::: Word16)
   -> IO ())
forall a. FunPtr a
nullFunPtr) (IO () -> IO ()) -> IO () -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
    IOException -> IO ()
forall e a. Exception e => e -> IO a
throwIO (IOException -> IO ()) -> IOException -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Maybe Handle
-> IOErrorType
-> String
-> String
-> Maybe CInt
-> Maybe String
-> IOException
IOError Maybe Handle
forall a. Maybe a
Nothing IOErrorType
InvalidArgument "" "The function pointer for vkCmdSetLineStippleEXT is null" Maybe CInt
forall a. Maybe a
Nothing Maybe String
forall a. Maybe a
  let vkCmdSetLineStippleEXT' :: Ptr CommandBuffer_T
-> ("lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32)
-> ("lineStipplePattern" ::: Word16)
-> IO ()
vkCmdSetLineStippleEXT' = FunPtr
  (Ptr CommandBuffer_T
   -> ("lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32)
   -> ("lineStipplePattern" ::: Word16)
   -> IO ())
-> Ptr CommandBuffer_T
-> ("lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32)
-> ("lineStipplePattern" ::: Word16)
-> IO ()
mkVkCmdSetLineStippleEXT FunPtr
  (Ptr CommandBuffer_T
   -> ("lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32)
   -> ("lineStipplePattern" ::: Word16)
   -> IO ())
  String -> IO () -> IO ()
forall a. String -> IO a -> IO a
traceAroundEvent "vkCmdSetLineStippleEXT" (Ptr CommandBuffer_T
-> ("lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32)
-> ("lineStipplePattern" ::: Word16)
-> IO ()
vkCmdSetLineStippleEXT' (CommandBuffer -> Ptr CommandBuffer_T
commandBufferHandle (CommandBuffer
commandBuffer)) ("lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32
lineStippleFactor) ("lineStipplePattern" ::: Word16
  () -> IO ()
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (() -> IO ()) -> () -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ()

-- | VkPhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT - Structure describing the
-- line rasterization features that can be supported by an implementation
-- = Members
-- The members of the 'PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT'
-- structure describe the following features:
-- = Description
-- If the 'PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT' structure is
-- included in the @pNext@ chain of
-- 'Vulkan.Core11.Promoted_From_VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2.PhysicalDeviceFeatures2',
-- it is filled with values indicating whether the feature is supported.
-- 'PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT' /can/ also be included in
-- the @pNext@ chain of 'Vulkan.Core10.Device.DeviceCreateInfo' to enable
-- the feature.
-- == Valid Usage (Implicit)
-- = See Also
-- 'Vulkan.Core10.FundamentalTypes.Bool32',
-- 'Vulkan.Core10.Enums.StructureType.StructureType'
data PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT = PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
  { -- | #features-rectangularLines# @rectangularLines@ indicates whether the
    -- implementation supports
    -- <https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/html/vkspec.html#primsrast-lines rectangular line rasterization>.
    PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT -> Bool
rectangularLines :: Bool
  , -- | #features-bresenhamLines# @bresenhamLines@ indicates whether the
    -- implementation supports
    -- <https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/html/vkspec.html#primsrast-lines-bresenham Bresenham-style line rasterization>.
    PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT -> Bool
bresenhamLines :: Bool
  , -- | #features-smoothLines# @smoothLines@ indicates whether the
    -- implementation supports
    -- <https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/html/vkspec.html#primsrast-lines-smooth smooth line rasterization>.
    PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT -> Bool
smoothLines :: Bool
  , -- | #features-stippledRectangularLines# @stippledRectangularLines@ indicates
    -- whether the implementation supports
    -- <https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/html/vkspec.html#primsrast-lines-stipple stippled line rasterization>
    -- 'Vulkan.Core10.DeviceInitialization.PhysicalDeviceLimits'::@strictLines@
    -- is 'Vulkan.Core10.FundamentalTypes.TRUE'.
    PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT -> Bool
stippledRectangularLines :: Bool
  , -- | #features-stippledBresenhamLines# @stippledBresenhamLines@ indicates
    -- whether the implementation supports
    -- <https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/html/vkspec.html#primsrast-lines-stipple stippled line rasterization>
    PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT -> Bool
stippledBresenhamLines :: Bool
  , -- | #features-stippledSmoothLines# @stippledSmoothLines@ indicates whether
    -- the implementation supports
    -- <https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/html/vkspec.html#primsrast-lines-stipple stippled line rasterization>
    PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT -> Bool
stippledSmoothLines :: Bool
  deriving (Typeable, PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
-> PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT -> Bool
 -> PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT -> Bool)
-> (PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
    -> PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT -> Bool)
-> Eq PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
-> PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT -> Bool
$c/= :: PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
-> PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT -> Bool
== :: PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
-> PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT -> Bool
$c== :: PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
-> PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT -> Bool
deriving instance Generic (PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT)
deriving instance Show PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT

instance ToCStruct PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT where
  withCStruct :: PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
-> (Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT -> IO b) -> IO b
withCStruct x :: PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
x f :: Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT -> IO b
f = Int
-> Int
-> (Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT -> IO b)
-> IO b
forall a b. Int -> Int -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO b
allocaBytesAligned 40 8 ((Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT -> IO b) -> IO b)
-> (Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT -> IO b) -> IO b
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \p :: Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
p -> Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
-> PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT -> IO b -> IO b
forall a b. ToCStruct a => Ptr a -> a -> IO b -> IO b
pokeCStruct Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
p PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
x (Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT -> IO b
f Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
  pokeCStruct :: Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
-> PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT -> IO b -> IO b
pokeCStruct p :: Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
p PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT{..} f :: IO b
f = do
    Ptr StructureType -> StructureType -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
p Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
-> Int -> Ptr StructureType
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 0 :: Ptr StructureType)) (StructureType
    Ptr (Ptr ()) -> Ptr () -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
p Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
-> Int -> Ptr (Ptr ())
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 8 :: Ptr (Ptr ()))) (Ptr ()
forall a. Ptr a
    Ptr Bool32 -> Bool32 -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
p Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT -> Int -> Ptr Bool32
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 16 :: Ptr Bool32)) (Bool -> Bool32
boolToBool32 (Bool
    Ptr Bool32 -> Bool32 -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
p Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT -> Int -> Ptr Bool32
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 20 :: Ptr Bool32)) (Bool -> Bool32
boolToBool32 (Bool
    Ptr Bool32 -> Bool32 -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
p Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT -> Int -> Ptr Bool32
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 24 :: Ptr Bool32)) (Bool -> Bool32
boolToBool32 (Bool
    Ptr Bool32 -> Bool32 -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
p Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT -> Int -> Ptr Bool32
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 28 :: Ptr Bool32)) (Bool -> Bool32
boolToBool32 (Bool
    Ptr Bool32 -> Bool32 -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
p Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT -> Int -> Ptr Bool32
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 32 :: Ptr Bool32)) (Bool -> Bool32
boolToBool32 (Bool
    Ptr Bool32 -> Bool32 -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
p Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT -> Int -> Ptr Bool32
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 36 :: Ptr Bool32)) (Bool -> Bool32
boolToBool32 (Bool
    IO b
  cStructSize :: Int
cStructSize = 40
  cStructAlignment :: Int
cStructAlignment = 8
  pokeZeroCStruct :: Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT -> IO b -> IO b
pokeZeroCStruct p :: Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
p f :: IO b
f = do
    Ptr StructureType -> StructureType -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
p Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
-> Int -> Ptr StructureType
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 0 :: Ptr StructureType)) (StructureType
    Ptr (Ptr ()) -> Ptr () -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
p Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
-> Int -> Ptr (Ptr ())
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 8 :: Ptr (Ptr ()))) (Ptr ()
forall a. Ptr a
    Ptr Bool32 -> Bool32 -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
p Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT -> Int -> Ptr Bool32
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 16 :: Ptr Bool32)) (Bool -> Bool32
boolToBool32 (Bool
forall a. Zero a => a
    Ptr Bool32 -> Bool32 -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
p Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT -> Int -> Ptr Bool32
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 20 :: Ptr Bool32)) (Bool -> Bool32
boolToBool32 (Bool
forall a. Zero a => a
    Ptr Bool32 -> Bool32 -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
p Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT -> Int -> Ptr Bool32
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 24 :: Ptr Bool32)) (Bool -> Bool32
boolToBool32 (Bool
forall a. Zero a => a
    Ptr Bool32 -> Bool32 -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
p Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT -> Int -> Ptr Bool32
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 28 :: Ptr Bool32)) (Bool -> Bool32
boolToBool32 (Bool
forall a. Zero a => a
    Ptr Bool32 -> Bool32 -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
p Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT -> Int -> Ptr Bool32
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 32 :: Ptr Bool32)) (Bool -> Bool32
boolToBool32 (Bool
forall a. Zero a => a
    Ptr Bool32 -> Bool32 -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
p Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT -> Int -> Ptr Bool32
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 36 :: Ptr Bool32)) (Bool -> Bool32
boolToBool32 (Bool
forall a. Zero a => a
    IO b

instance FromCStruct PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT where
  peekCStruct :: Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
-> IO PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
peekCStruct p :: Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
p = do
rectangularLines <- Ptr Bool32 -> IO Bool32
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek @Bool32 ((Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
p Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT -> Int -> Ptr Bool32
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 16 :: Ptr Bool32))
bresenhamLines <- Ptr Bool32 -> IO Bool32
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek @Bool32 ((Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
p Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT -> Int -> Ptr Bool32
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 20 :: Ptr Bool32))
smoothLines <- Ptr Bool32 -> IO Bool32
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek @Bool32 ((Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
p Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT -> Int -> Ptr Bool32
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 24 :: Ptr Bool32))
stippledRectangularLines <- Ptr Bool32 -> IO Bool32
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek @Bool32 ((Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
p Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT -> Int -> Ptr Bool32
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 28 :: Ptr Bool32))
stippledBresenhamLines <- Ptr Bool32 -> IO Bool32
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek @Bool32 ((Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
p Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT -> Int -> Ptr Bool32
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 32 :: Ptr Bool32))
stippledSmoothLines <- Ptr Bool32 -> IO Bool32
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek @Bool32 ((Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
p Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT -> Int -> Ptr Bool32
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 36 :: Ptr Bool32))
-> IO PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
 -> IO PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT)
-> PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
-> IO PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Bool
-> Bool
-> Bool
-> Bool
-> Bool
-> Bool
-> PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
             (Bool32 -> Bool
bool32ToBool Bool32
rectangularLines) (Bool32 -> Bool
bool32ToBool Bool32
bresenhamLines) (Bool32 -> Bool
bool32ToBool Bool32
smoothLines) (Bool32 -> Bool
bool32ToBool Bool32
stippledRectangularLines) (Bool32 -> Bool
bool32ToBool Bool32
stippledBresenhamLines) (Bool32 -> Bool
bool32ToBool Bool32

instance Storable PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT where
  sizeOf :: PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT -> Int
sizeOf ~PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
_ = 40
  alignment :: PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT -> Int
alignment ~PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
_ = 8
  peek :: Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
-> IO PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
peek = Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
-> IO PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
forall a. FromCStruct a => Ptr a -> IO a
  poke :: Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
-> PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT -> IO ()
poke ptr :: Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
ptr poked :: PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
poked = Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
-> PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT -> IO () -> IO ()
forall a b. ToCStruct a => Ptr a -> a -> IO b -> IO b
pokeCStruct Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
poked (() -> IO ()
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ())

instance Zero PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT where
  zero :: PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
zero = Bool
-> Bool
-> Bool
-> Bool
-> Bool
-> Bool
-> PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesEXT
forall a. Zero a => a
forall a. Zero a => a
forall a. Zero a => a
forall a. Zero a => a
forall a. Zero a => a
forall a. Zero a => a

-- | VkPhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT - Structure describing
-- line rasterization properties supported by an implementation
-- = Members
-- The members of the 'PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT'
-- structure describe the following implementation-dependent limits:
-- = Description
-- If the 'PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT' structure is
-- included in the @pNext@ chain of
-- 'Vulkan.Core11.Promoted_From_VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2.PhysicalDeviceProperties2',
-- it is filled with the implementation-dependent limits.
-- == Valid Usage (Implicit)
-- = See Also
-- 'Vulkan.Core10.Enums.StructureType.StructureType'
data PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT = PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
  { -- | #limits-lineSubPixelPrecisionBits# @lineSubPixelPrecisionBits@ is the
    -- number of bits of subpixel precision in framebuffer coordinates xf and
    -- yf when rasterizing
    -- <https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/html/vkspec.html#primsrast-lines line segments>.
-> "lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32
lineSubPixelPrecisionBits :: Word32 }
  deriving (Typeable, PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
-> PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT -> Bool
 -> PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT -> Bool)
-> (PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
    -> PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT -> Bool)
-> Eq PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
-> PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT -> Bool
$c/= :: PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
-> PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT -> Bool
== :: PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
-> PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT -> Bool
$c== :: PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
-> PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT -> Bool
deriving instance Generic (PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT)
deriving instance Show PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT

instance ToCStruct PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT where
  withCStruct :: PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
-> (Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT -> IO b)
-> IO b
withCStruct x :: PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
x f :: Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT -> IO b
f = Int
-> Int
-> (Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT -> IO b)
-> IO b
forall a b. Int -> Int -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO b
allocaBytesAligned 24 8 ((Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT -> IO b)
 -> IO b)
-> (Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT -> IO b)
-> IO b
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \p :: Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
p -> Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
-> PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT -> IO b -> IO b
forall a b. ToCStruct a => Ptr a -> a -> IO b -> IO b
pokeCStruct Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
p PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
x (Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT -> IO b
f Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
  pokeCStruct :: Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
-> PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT -> IO b -> IO b
pokeCStruct p :: Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
p PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT{..} f :: IO b
f = do
    Ptr StructureType -> StructureType -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
p Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
-> Int -> Ptr StructureType
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 0 :: Ptr StructureType)) (StructureType
    Ptr (Ptr ()) -> Ptr () -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
p Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
-> Int -> Ptr (Ptr ())
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 8 :: Ptr (Ptr ()))) (Ptr ()
forall a. Ptr a
    Ptr ("lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32)
-> ("lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32) -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
p Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
-> Int -> Ptr ("lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32)
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 16 :: Ptr Word32)) ("lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32
    IO b
  cStructSize :: Int
cStructSize = 24
  cStructAlignment :: Int
cStructAlignment = 8
  pokeZeroCStruct :: Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT -> IO b -> IO b
pokeZeroCStruct p :: Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
p f :: IO b
f = do
    Ptr StructureType -> StructureType -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
p Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
-> Int -> Ptr StructureType
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 0 :: Ptr StructureType)) (StructureType
    Ptr (Ptr ()) -> Ptr () -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
p Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
-> Int -> Ptr (Ptr ())
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 8 :: Ptr (Ptr ()))) (Ptr ()
forall a. Ptr a
    Ptr ("lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32)
-> ("lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32) -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
p Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
-> Int -> Ptr ("lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32)
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 16 :: Ptr Word32)) ("lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32
forall a. Zero a => a
    IO b

instance FromCStruct PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT where
  peekCStruct :: Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
-> IO PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
peekCStruct p :: Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
p = do
    "lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32
lineSubPixelPrecisionBits <- Ptr ("lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32)
-> IO ("lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32)
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek @Word32 ((Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
p Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
-> Int -> Ptr ("lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32)
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 16 :: Ptr Word32))
-> IO PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
 -> IO PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT)
-> PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
-> IO PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ("lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32)
-> PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
             "lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32

instance Storable PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT where
  sizeOf :: PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT -> Int
sizeOf ~PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
_ = 24
  alignment :: PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT -> Int
alignment ~PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
_ = 8
  peek :: Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
-> IO PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
peek = Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
-> IO PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
forall a. FromCStruct a => Ptr a -> IO a
  poke :: Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
-> PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT -> IO ()
poke ptr :: Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
ptr poked :: PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
poked = Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
-> PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT -> IO () -> IO ()
forall a b. ToCStruct a => Ptr a -> a -> IO b -> IO b
pokeCStruct Ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
ptr PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
poked (() -> IO ()
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ())

instance Zero PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT where
  zero :: PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
zero = ("lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32)
-> PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT
           "lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32
forall a. Zero a => a

-- | VkPipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT - Structure specifying
-- parameters of a newly created pipeline line rasterization state
-- == Valid Usage
-- -   #VUID-VkPipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT-lineRasterizationMode-02768#
--     If @lineRasterizationMode@ is
--     <https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/html/vkspec.html#features-rectangularLines rectangularLines>
--     feature /must/ be enabled
-- -   #VUID-VkPipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT-lineRasterizationMode-02769#
--     If @lineRasterizationMode@ is
--     <https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/html/vkspec.html#features-bresenhamLines bresenhamLines>
--     feature /must/ be enabled
-- -   #VUID-VkPipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT-lineRasterizationMode-02770#
--     If @lineRasterizationMode@ is
--     <https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/html/vkspec.html#features-bresenhamLines smoothLines>
--     feature /must/ be enabled
-- -   #VUID-VkPipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT-stippledLineEnable-02771#
--     If @stippledLineEnable@ is 'Vulkan.Core10.FundamentalTypes.TRUE' and
--     @lineRasterizationMode@ is
--     <https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/html/vkspec.html#features-stippledRectangularLines stippledRectangularLines>
--     feature /must/ be enabled
-- -   #VUID-VkPipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT-stippledLineEnable-02772#
--     If @stippledLineEnable@ is 'Vulkan.Core10.FundamentalTypes.TRUE' and
--     @lineRasterizationMode@ is 'LINE_RASTERIZATION_MODE_BRESENHAM_EXT',
--     then the
--     <https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/html/vkspec.html#features-stippledBresenhamLines stippledBresenhamLines>
--     feature /must/ be enabled
-- -   #VUID-VkPipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT-stippledLineEnable-02773#
--     If @stippledLineEnable@ is 'Vulkan.Core10.FundamentalTypes.TRUE' and
--     @lineRasterizationMode@ is
--     <https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/html/vkspec.html#features-stippledSmoothLines stippledSmoothLines>
--     feature /must/ be enabled
-- -   #VUID-VkPipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT-stippledLineEnable-02774#
--     If @stippledLineEnable@ is 'Vulkan.Core10.FundamentalTypes.TRUE' and
--     @lineRasterizationMode@ is 'LINE_RASTERIZATION_MODE_DEFAULT_EXT',
--     then the
--     <https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/html/vkspec.html#features-stippledRectangularLines stippledRectangularLines>
--     feature /must/ be enabled and
--     'Vulkan.Core10.DeviceInitialization.PhysicalDeviceLimits'::@strictLines@
--     /must/ be 'Vulkan.Core10.FundamentalTypes.TRUE'
-- == Valid Usage (Implicit)
-- -   #VUID-VkPipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT-sType-sType#
--     @sType@ /must/ be
-- -   #VUID-VkPipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT-lineRasterizationMode-parameter#
--     @lineRasterizationMode@ /must/ be a valid 'LineRasterizationModeEXT'
--     value
-- = See Also
-- 'Vulkan.Core10.FundamentalTypes.Bool32', 'LineRasterizationModeEXT',
-- 'Vulkan.Core10.Enums.StructureType.StructureType'
data PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT = PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
  { -- | @lineRasterizationMode@ is a 'LineRasterizationModeEXT' value selecting
    -- the style of line rasterization.
-> LineRasterizationModeEXT
lineRasterizationMode :: LineRasterizationModeEXT
  , -- | @stippledLineEnable@ enables
    -- <https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/html/vkspec.html#primsrast-lines-stipple stippled line rasterization>.
    PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT -> Bool
stippledLineEnable :: Bool
  , -- | @lineStippleFactor@ is the repeat factor used in stippled line
    -- rasterization.
-> "lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32
lineStippleFactor :: Word32
  , -- | @lineStipplePattern@ is the bit pattern used in stippled line
    -- rasterization.
-> "lineStipplePattern" ::: Word16
lineStipplePattern :: Word16
  deriving (Typeable, PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
-> PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT -> Bool
 -> PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT -> Bool)
-> (PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
    -> PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT -> Bool)
-> Eq PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
-> PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT -> Bool
$c/= :: PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
-> PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT -> Bool
== :: PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
-> PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT -> Bool
$c== :: PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
-> PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT -> Bool
deriving instance Generic (PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT)
deriving instance Show PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT

instance ToCStruct PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT where
  withCStruct :: PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
-> (Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT -> IO b)
-> IO b
withCStruct x :: PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
x f :: Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT -> IO b
f = Int
-> Int
-> (Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT -> IO b)
-> IO b
forall a b. Int -> Int -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO b
allocaBytesAligned 32 8 ((Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT -> IO b) -> IO b)
-> (Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT -> IO b)
-> IO b
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \p :: Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
p -> Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
-> PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT -> IO b -> IO b
forall a b. ToCStruct a => Ptr a -> a -> IO b -> IO b
pokeCStruct Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
p PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
x (Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT -> IO b
f Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
  pokeCStruct :: Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
-> PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT -> IO b -> IO b
pokeCStruct p :: Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
p PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT{..} f :: IO b
f = do
    Ptr StructureType -> StructureType -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
p Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
-> Int -> Ptr StructureType
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 0 :: Ptr StructureType)) (StructureType
    Ptr (Ptr ()) -> Ptr () -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
p Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
-> Int -> Ptr (Ptr ())
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 8 :: Ptr (Ptr ()))) (Ptr ()
forall a. Ptr a
    Ptr LineRasterizationModeEXT -> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
p Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
-> Int -> Ptr LineRasterizationModeEXT
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 16 :: Ptr LineRasterizationModeEXT)) (LineRasterizationModeEXT
    Ptr Bool32 -> Bool32 -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
p Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
-> Int -> Ptr Bool32
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 20 :: Ptr Bool32)) (Bool -> Bool32
boolToBool32 (Bool
    Ptr ("lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32)
-> ("lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32) -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
p Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
-> Int -> Ptr ("lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32)
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 24 :: Ptr Word32)) ("lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32
    Ptr ("lineStipplePattern" ::: Word16)
-> ("lineStipplePattern" ::: Word16) -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
p Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
-> Int -> Ptr ("lineStipplePattern" ::: Word16)
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 28 :: Ptr Word16)) ("lineStipplePattern" ::: Word16
    IO b
  cStructSize :: Int
cStructSize = 32
  cStructAlignment :: Int
cStructAlignment = 8
  pokeZeroCStruct :: Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT -> IO b -> IO b
pokeZeroCStruct p :: Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
p f :: IO b
f = do
    Ptr StructureType -> StructureType -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
p Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
-> Int -> Ptr StructureType
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 0 :: Ptr StructureType)) (StructureType
    Ptr (Ptr ()) -> Ptr () -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
p Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
-> Int -> Ptr (Ptr ())
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 8 :: Ptr (Ptr ()))) (Ptr ()
forall a. Ptr a
    Ptr LineRasterizationModeEXT -> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
p Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
-> Int -> Ptr LineRasterizationModeEXT
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 16 :: Ptr LineRasterizationModeEXT)) (LineRasterizationModeEXT
forall a. Zero a => a
    Ptr Bool32 -> Bool32 -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
p Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
-> Int -> Ptr Bool32
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 20 :: Ptr Bool32)) (Bool -> Bool32
boolToBool32 (Bool
forall a. Zero a => a
    IO b

instance FromCStruct PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT where
  peekCStruct :: Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
-> IO PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
peekCStruct p :: Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
p = do
lineRasterizationMode <- Ptr LineRasterizationModeEXT -> IO LineRasterizationModeEXT
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek @LineRasterizationModeEXT ((Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
p Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
-> Int -> Ptr LineRasterizationModeEXT
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 16 :: Ptr LineRasterizationModeEXT))
stippledLineEnable <- Ptr Bool32 -> IO Bool32
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek @Bool32 ((Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
p Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
-> Int -> Ptr Bool32
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 20 :: Ptr Bool32))
    "lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32
lineStippleFactor <- Ptr ("lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32)
-> IO ("lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32)
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek @Word32 ((Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
p Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
-> Int -> Ptr ("lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32)
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 24 :: Ptr Word32))
    "lineStipplePattern" ::: Word16
lineStipplePattern <- Ptr ("lineStipplePattern" ::: Word16)
-> IO ("lineStipplePattern" ::: Word16)
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek @Word16 ((Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
p Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
-> Int -> Ptr ("lineStipplePattern" ::: Word16)
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 28 :: Ptr Word16))
-> IO PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
 -> IO PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT)
-> PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
-> IO PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ LineRasterizationModeEXT
-> Bool
-> ("lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32)
-> ("lineStipplePattern" ::: Word16)
-> PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
lineRasterizationMode (Bool32 -> Bool
bool32ToBool Bool32
stippledLineEnable) "lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32
lineStippleFactor "lineStipplePattern" ::: Word16

instance Storable PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT where
  sizeOf :: PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT -> Int
sizeOf ~PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
_ = 32
  alignment :: PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT -> Int
alignment ~PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
_ = 8
  peek :: Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
-> IO PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
peek = Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
-> IO PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
forall a. FromCStruct a => Ptr a -> IO a
  poke :: Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
-> PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT -> IO ()
poke ptr :: Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
ptr poked :: PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
poked = Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
-> PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT -> IO () -> IO ()
forall a b. ToCStruct a => Ptr a -> a -> IO b -> IO b
pokeCStruct Ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
ptr PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
poked (() -> IO ()
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ())

instance Zero PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT where
  zero :: PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
zero = LineRasterizationModeEXT
-> Bool
-> ("lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32)
-> ("lineStipplePattern" ::: Word16)
-> PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT
forall a. Zero a => a
forall a. Zero a => a
           "lineStippleFactor" ::: Word32
forall a. Zero a => a
           "lineStipplePattern" ::: Word16
forall a. Zero a => a

-- | VkLineRasterizationModeEXT - Line rasterization modes
-- = See Also
-- 'PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoEXT'
newtype LineRasterizationModeEXT = LineRasterizationModeEXT Int32
  deriving newtype (LineRasterizationModeEXT -> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> Bool
(LineRasterizationModeEXT -> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> Bool)
-> (LineRasterizationModeEXT -> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> Bool)
-> Eq LineRasterizationModeEXT
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: LineRasterizationModeEXT -> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> Bool
$c/= :: LineRasterizationModeEXT -> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> Bool
== :: LineRasterizationModeEXT -> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> Bool
$c== :: LineRasterizationModeEXT -> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> Bool
Eq, Eq LineRasterizationModeEXT
Eq LineRasterizationModeEXT =>
(LineRasterizationModeEXT -> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> Ordering)
-> (LineRasterizationModeEXT -> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> Bool)
-> (LineRasterizationModeEXT -> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> Bool)
-> (LineRasterizationModeEXT -> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> Bool)
-> (LineRasterizationModeEXT -> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> Bool)
-> (LineRasterizationModeEXT
    -> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> LineRasterizationModeEXT)
-> (LineRasterizationModeEXT
    -> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> LineRasterizationModeEXT)
-> Ord LineRasterizationModeEXT
LineRasterizationModeEXT -> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> Bool
LineRasterizationModeEXT -> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> Ordering
-> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> LineRasterizationModeEXT
forall a.
Eq a =>
(a -> a -> Ordering)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> Ord a
min :: LineRasterizationModeEXT
-> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> LineRasterizationModeEXT
$cmin :: LineRasterizationModeEXT
-> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> LineRasterizationModeEXT
max :: LineRasterizationModeEXT
-> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> LineRasterizationModeEXT
$cmax :: LineRasterizationModeEXT
-> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> LineRasterizationModeEXT
>= :: LineRasterizationModeEXT -> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> Bool
$c>= :: LineRasterizationModeEXT -> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> Bool
> :: LineRasterizationModeEXT -> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> Bool
$c> :: LineRasterizationModeEXT -> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> Bool
<= :: LineRasterizationModeEXT -> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> Bool
$c<= :: LineRasterizationModeEXT -> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> Bool
< :: LineRasterizationModeEXT -> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> Bool
$c< :: LineRasterizationModeEXT -> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> Bool
compare :: LineRasterizationModeEXT -> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> Ordering
$ccompare :: LineRasterizationModeEXT -> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> Ordering
$cp1Ord :: Eq LineRasterizationModeEXT
Ord, Ptr b -> Int -> IO LineRasterizationModeEXT
Ptr b -> Int -> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> IO ()
Ptr LineRasterizationModeEXT -> IO LineRasterizationModeEXT
Ptr LineRasterizationModeEXT -> Int -> IO LineRasterizationModeEXT
Ptr LineRasterizationModeEXT
-> Int -> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> IO ()
Ptr LineRasterizationModeEXT -> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> IO ()
LineRasterizationModeEXT -> Int
(LineRasterizationModeEXT -> Int)
-> (LineRasterizationModeEXT -> Int)
-> (Ptr LineRasterizationModeEXT
    -> Int -> IO LineRasterizationModeEXT)
-> (Ptr LineRasterizationModeEXT
    -> Int -> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> IO ())
-> (forall b. Ptr b -> Int -> IO LineRasterizationModeEXT)
-> (forall b. Ptr b -> Int -> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> IO ())
-> (Ptr LineRasterizationModeEXT -> IO LineRasterizationModeEXT)
-> (Ptr LineRasterizationModeEXT
    -> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> IO ())
-> Storable LineRasterizationModeEXT
forall b. Ptr b -> Int -> IO LineRasterizationModeEXT
forall b. Ptr b -> Int -> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> IO ()
forall a.
(a -> Int)
-> (a -> Int)
-> (Ptr a -> Int -> IO a)
-> (Ptr a -> Int -> a -> IO ())
-> (forall b. Ptr b -> Int -> IO a)
-> (forall b. Ptr b -> Int -> a -> IO ())
-> (Ptr a -> IO a)
-> (Ptr a -> a -> IO ())
-> Storable a
poke :: Ptr LineRasterizationModeEXT -> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> IO ()
$cpoke :: Ptr LineRasterizationModeEXT -> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> IO ()
peek :: Ptr LineRasterizationModeEXT -> IO LineRasterizationModeEXT
$cpeek :: Ptr LineRasterizationModeEXT -> IO LineRasterizationModeEXT
pokeByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> IO ()
$cpokeByteOff :: forall b. Ptr b -> Int -> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> IO ()
peekByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> IO LineRasterizationModeEXT
$cpeekByteOff :: forall b. Ptr b -> Int -> IO LineRasterizationModeEXT
pokeElemOff :: Ptr LineRasterizationModeEXT
-> Int -> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> IO ()
$cpokeElemOff :: Ptr LineRasterizationModeEXT
-> Int -> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> IO ()
peekElemOff :: Ptr LineRasterizationModeEXT -> Int -> IO LineRasterizationModeEXT
$cpeekElemOff :: Ptr LineRasterizationModeEXT -> Int -> IO LineRasterizationModeEXT
alignment :: LineRasterizationModeEXT -> Int
$calignment :: LineRasterizationModeEXT -> Int
sizeOf :: LineRasterizationModeEXT -> Int
$csizeOf :: LineRasterizationModeEXT -> Int
Storable, LineRasterizationModeEXT
LineRasterizationModeEXT -> Zero LineRasterizationModeEXT
forall a. a -> Zero a
zero :: LineRasterizationModeEXT
$czero :: LineRasterizationModeEXT

-- 'Vulkan.Core10.DeviceInitialization.PhysicalDeviceLimits'::@strictLines@
-- is 'Vulkan.Core10.FundamentalTypes.TRUE', otherwise lines are drawn as
-- non-@strictLines@ parallelograms. Both of these modes are defined in
-- <https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/html/vkspec.html#primsrast-lines-basic Basic Line Segment Rasterization>.
LineRasterizationModeEXT -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
LINE_RASTERIZATION_MODE_DEFAULT_EXT            = LineRasterizationModeEXT 0
-- | 'LINE_RASTERIZATION_MODE_RECTANGULAR_EXT' specifies lines drawn as if
-- they were rectangles extruded from the line
LineRasterizationModeEXT -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
-- | 'LINE_RASTERIZATION_MODE_BRESENHAM_EXT' specifies lines drawn by
-- determining which pixel diamonds the line intersects and exits, as
-- defined in
-- <https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/html/vkspec.html#primsrast-lines-bresenham Bresenham Line Segment Rasterization>.
LineRasterizationModeEXT -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
-- if they were rectangles extruded from the line, with alpha falloff, as
-- defined in
-- <https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/html/vkspec.html#primsrast-lines-smooth Smooth Lines>.
LineRasterizationModeEXT -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r

conNameLineRasterizationModeEXT :: String
conNameLineRasterizationModeEXT :: String
conNameLineRasterizationModeEXT = "LineRasterizationModeEXT"

enumPrefixLineRasterizationModeEXT :: String
enumPrefixLineRasterizationModeEXT :: String
enumPrefixLineRasterizationModeEXT = "LINE_RASTERIZATION_MODE_"

showTableLineRasterizationModeEXT :: [(LineRasterizationModeEXT, String)]
showTableLineRasterizationModeEXT :: [(LineRasterizationModeEXT, String)]
showTableLineRasterizationModeEXT =
  [ (LineRasterizationModeEXT
  , (LineRasterizationModeEXT
  , (LineRasterizationModeEXT
  , (LineRasterizationModeEXT

instance Show LineRasterizationModeEXT where
  showsPrec :: Int -> LineRasterizationModeEXT -> ShowS
showsPrec = String
-> [(LineRasterizationModeEXT, String)]
-> String
-> (LineRasterizationModeEXT -> Int32)
-> (Int32 -> ShowS)
-> Int
-> LineRasterizationModeEXT
-> ShowS
forall a i.
Eq a =>
-> [(a, String)]
-> String
-> (a -> i)
-> (i -> ShowS)
-> Int
-> a
-> ShowS
enumShowsPrec String
                            [(LineRasterizationModeEXT, String)]
                            (\(LineRasterizationModeEXT x :: Int32
x) -> Int32
                            (Int -> Int32 -> ShowS
forall a. Show a => Int -> a -> ShowS
showsPrec 11)

instance Read LineRasterizationModeEXT where
  readPrec :: ReadPrec LineRasterizationModeEXT
readPrec = String
-> [(LineRasterizationModeEXT, String)]
-> String
-> (Int32 -> LineRasterizationModeEXT)
-> ReadPrec LineRasterizationModeEXT
forall i a.
Read i =>
String -> [(a, String)] -> String -> (i -> a) -> ReadPrec a
enumReadPrec String
                          [(LineRasterizationModeEXT, String)]
                          Int32 -> LineRasterizationModeEXT


-- No documentation found for TopLevel "VK_EXT_LINE_RASTERIZATION_SPEC_VERSION"
pattern EXT_LINE_RASTERIZATION_SPEC_VERSION :: forall a . Integral a => a
$mEXT_LINE_RASTERIZATION_SPEC_VERSION :: forall r a. Integral a => a -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r


-- No documentation found for TopLevel "VK_EXT_LINE_RASTERIZATION_EXTENSION_NAME"
pattern EXT_LINE_RASTERIZATION_EXTENSION_NAME :: forall a . (Eq a, IsString a) => a
(Eq a, IsString a) =>
a -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r