{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies          #-}
-- | Types and functions to encode your data types to 'Json'.
module Waargonaut.Encode
    -- * Encoder type
    Encoder (Encoder)
  , Encoder'

    -- * Creation
  , encodeA
  , encodePureA

    -- * Runners
  , runPureEncoder
  , runEncoder
  , simpleEncodeNoSpaces
  , simplePureEncodeNoSpaces

    -- * Provided encoders
  , int
  , integral
  , scientific
  , bool
  , text
  , null
  , either
  , maybe
  , maybeOrNull
  , traversable
  , list
  , nonempty
  , mapToObj
  , json
  , prismE

    -- * Object encoder helpers
  , mapLikeObj
  , atKey
  , intAt
  , textAt
  , boolAt
  , traversableAt
  , listAt
  , nonemptyAt
  , encAt
  , keyValuesAsObj
  , onObj
  , keyValueTupleFoldable

    -- * Encoders specialised to Identity
  , int'
  , integral'
  , scientific'
  , bool'
  , text'
  , null'
  , either'
  , maybe'
  , maybeOrNull'
  , traversable'
  , nonempty'
  , list'
  , atKey'
  , mapLikeObj'
  , mapToObj'
  , keyValuesAsObj'
  , json'
  , generaliseEncoder'

  ) where

import           Control.Monad.Morph        (MFunctor (..), generalize)

import           Control.Applicative        (Applicative (..), (<$>))
import           Control.Category           (id, (.))
import           Control.Lens               (AReview, At, Index, IxValue,
                                             Prism', Rewrapped, Wrapped (..),
                                             at, cons, iso, review, ( # ), (?~),
                                             _Empty, _Wrapped)
import qualified Control.Lens               as L

import           Prelude                    (Bool, Int, Integral, Monad,

import           Data.Foldable              (Foldable, foldr, foldrM)
import           Data.Function              (const, flip, ($), (&))
import           Data.Functor               (Functor, fmap)
import           Data.Functor.Contravariant (Contravariant (..), (>$<))
import           Data.Functor.Identity      (Identity (..))
import           Data.Traversable           (Traversable, traverse)

import           Data.Either                (Either)
import qualified Data.Either                as Either
import           Data.List.NonEmpty         (NonEmpty)
import           Data.Maybe                 (Maybe)
import qualified Data.Maybe                 as Maybe
import           Data.Scientific            (Scientific)

import           Data.Monoid                (Monoid, mempty)
import           Data.Semigroup             (Semigroup)

import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder    as BB
import           Data.ByteString.Lazy       (ByteString)

import           Data.Map                   (Map)
import qualified Data.Map                   as Map

import           Data.Text                  (Text)

import           Waargonaut.Types           (AsJType (..), JAssoc (..), JObject,
                                             Json, MapLikeObj (..), WS,
                                             textToJString, wsRemover,
                                             _JNumberInt, _JNumberScientific)
import           Waargonaut.Types.Json      (waargonautBuilder)

-- |
-- Define an "encoder" as a function from some @a@ to some 'Json' with the
-- allowance for some context @f@.
newtype Encoder f a = Encoder
  { runEncoder :: a -> f Json -- ^ Run this 'Encoder' to convert the 'a' to 'Json'

instance (Encoder f a) ~ t => Rewrapped (Encoder f a) t

instance Wrapped (Encoder f a) where
  type Unwrapped (Encoder f a) = a -> f Json
  _Wrapped' = iso runEncoder Encoder

instance Contravariant (Encoder f) where
  contramap f (Encoder g) = Encoder (g . f)

instance MFunctor Encoder where
  hoist nat (Encoder eFn) = Encoder (nat . eFn)

-- | Generalise an 'Encoder' a' to 'Encoder f a'
generaliseEncoder' :: Monad f => Encoder' a -> Encoder f a
generaliseEncoder' = Encoder . fmap generalize . runEncoder
{-# INLINE generaliseEncoder' #-}

-- |
-- As a convenience, this type is a pure Encoder over 'Identity' in place of the @f@.
type Encoder' = Encoder Identity

-- | Create an 'Encoder'' for 'a' by providing a function from 'a -> f Json'.
encodeA :: (a -> f Json) -> Encoder f a
encodeA = Encoder

-- | As 'encodeA' but specialised to 'Identity' when the additional flexibility
-- isn't needed.
encodePureA :: (a -> Json) -> Encoder' a
encodePureA f = encodeA (Identity . f)

-- | Run the given 'Encoder' to produce a lazy 'ByteString'.
runPureEncoder :: Encoder' a -> a -> Json
runPureEncoder enc = runIdentity . runEncoder enc

-- | Encode an @a@ directly to a 'ByteString' using the provided 'Encoder'.
  :: Applicative f
  => Encoder f a
  -> a
  -> f ByteString
simpleEncodeNoSpaces enc =
  fmap (BB.toLazyByteString . waargonautBuilder wsRemover) . runEncoder enc

-- | As per 'simpleEncodeNoSpaces' but specialised the 'f' to 'Data.Functor.Identity' and remove it.
  :: Encoder' a
  -> a
  -> ByteString
simplePureEncodeNoSpaces enc =
  runIdentity . simpleEncodeNoSpaces enc

-- | 'Encoder'' for a Waargonaut 'Json' data structure
json :: Applicative f => Encoder f Json
json = encodeA pure

-- Internal function for creating an 'Encoder' from an 'Control.Lens.AReview'.
  :: ( Monoid t
     , Applicative f
  => AReview Json (b, t)
  -> (a -> b)
  -> Encoder f a
encToJsonNoSpaces c f =
  encodeA (pure . review c . (,mempty) . f)

-- | Build an 'Encoder' using a 'Control.Lens.Prism''
  :: Prism' a b
  -> Encoder f a
  -> Encoder f b
prismE p e =
  L.review p >$< e

-- | Encode an 'Int'
int :: Applicative f => Encoder f Int
int = encToJsonNoSpaces _JNum (_JNumberInt #)

-- | Encode an 'Scientific'
scientific :: Applicative f => Encoder f Scientific
scientific = encToJsonNoSpaces _JNum (_JNumberScientific #)

-- | Encode a numeric value of the typeclass 'Integral'
integral :: (Applicative f, Integral n) => Encoder f n
integral = encToJsonNoSpaces _JNum (review _JNumberScientific . fromIntegral)

-- | Encode a 'Bool'
bool :: Applicative f => Encoder f Bool
bool = encToJsonNoSpaces _JBool id

-- | Encode a 'Text'
text :: Applicative f => Encoder f Text
text = encToJsonNoSpaces _JStr textToJString

-- | Encode an explicit 'null'.
null :: Applicative f => Encoder f ()
null = encodeA $ const (pure $ _JNull # mempty)

-- | Encode a 'Maybe' value, using the provided 'Encoder''s to handle the
-- different choices.
  :: Encoder f ()
  -> Encoder f a
  -> Encoder f (Maybe a)
maybe encN = encodeA
  . Maybe.maybe (runEncoder encN ())
  . runEncoder

-- | Encode a 'Maybe a' to either 'Encoder a' or 'null'
  :: Applicative f
  => Encoder f a
  -> Encoder f (Maybe a)
maybeOrNull =
  maybe null

-- | Encode an 'Either' value using the given 'Encoder's
  :: Encoder f a
  -> Encoder f b
  -> Encoder f (Either a b)
either eA = encodeA
  . Either.either (runEncoder eA)
  . runEncoder

-- | Encode some 'Traversable' of 'a' into a JSON array.
  :: ( Applicative f
     , Traversable t
  => Encoder f a
  -> Encoder f (t a)
traversable = encodeWithInner
  (\xs -> _JArr # (_Wrapped # foldr cons mempty xs, mempty))

-- | Encode a 'Map' in a JSON object.
  :: Applicative f
  => Encoder f a
  -> (k -> Text)
  -> Encoder f (Map k a)
mapToObj encodeVal kToText =
    mapToCS = Map.foldrWithKey (\k v -> at (kToText k) ?~ v) (_Empty # ())
    encodeWithInner (\xs -> _JObj # (fromMapLikeObj $ mapToCS xs, mempty)) encodeVal

-- | Encode a 'NonEmpty' list
  :: Applicative f
  => Encoder f a
  -> Encoder f (NonEmpty a)
nonempty =

-- | Encode a list
  :: Applicative f
  => Encoder f a
  -> Encoder f [a]
list =

-- | As per 'json' but with the 'f' specialised to 'Data.Functor.Identity'.
json' :: Encoder' Json
json' = json

-- | As per 'int' but with the 'f' specialised to 'Data.Functor.Identity'.
int' :: Encoder' Int
int' = int

-- | As per 'integral' but with the 'f' specialised to 'Data.Functor.Identity'.
integral' :: Integral n => Encoder' n
integral' = integral

-- | As per 'scientific' but with the 'f' specialised to 'Data.Functor.Identity'.
scientific' :: Encoder' Scientific
scientific' = scientific

-- | As per 'bool' but with the 'f' specialised to 'Data.Functor.Identity'.
bool' :: Encoder' Bool
bool' = bool

-- | As per 'text' but with the 'f' specialised to 'Data.Functor.Identity'.
text' :: Encoder' Text
text' = text

-- | As per 'null' but with the 'f' specialised to 'Data.Functor.Identity'.
null' :: Encoder' ()
null' = null

-- | As per 'maybe' but with the 'f' specialised to 'Data.Functor.Identity'.
  :: Encoder' ()
  -> Encoder' a
  -> Encoder' (Maybe a)
maybe' =

-- | As per 'maybeOrNull' but with the 'f' specialised to 'Data.Functor.Identity'.
  :: Encoder' a
  -> Encoder' (Maybe a)
maybeOrNull' =

-- | As per 'either' but with the 'f' specialised to 'Data.Functor.Identity'.
  :: Encoder' a
  -> Encoder' b
  -> Encoder' (Either a b)
either' =

-- | As per 'nonempty' but with the 'f' specialised to 'Data.Functor.Identity'.
  :: Encoder' a
  -> Encoder' (NonEmpty a)
nonempty' =

-- | As per 'list' but with the 'f' specialised to 'Data.Functor.Identity'.
  :: Encoder' a
  -> Encoder' [a]
list' =

-- | Encode some 'a' that is contained with another 't' structure.
  :: ( Applicative f
     , Traversable t
  => (t Json -> Json)
  -> Encoder f a
  -> Encoder f (t a)
encodeWithInner f g =
  Encoder $ fmap f . traverse (runEncoder g)

-- | As per 'traversable' but with the 'f' specialised to 'Data.Functor.Identity'.
  :: Traversable t
  => Encoder' a
  -> Encoder' (t a)
traversable' =

-- | Using the given function to convert the 'k' type keys to a 'Text' value,
-- encode a 'Map' as a JSON object.
  :: Encoder' a
  -> (k -> Text)
  -> Encoder' (Map k a)
mapToObj' =

-- | When encoding a 'MapLikeObj', this function lets you encode a value at a specific key
  :: ( At t
     , IxValue t ~ Json
     , Applicative f
  => Index t
  -> Encoder f a
  -> a
  -> t
  -> f t
atKey k enc v t =
  (\v' -> t & at k ?~ v') <$> runEncoder enc v

-- | Encode an 'a' at the given index on the JSON object.
  :: ( At t
     , IxValue t ~ Json
  => Index t
  -> Encoder' a
  -> a
  -> t
  -> t
atKey' k enc v =
  at k ?~ runIdentity (runEncoder enc v)

-- | Encode an 'Int' at the given 'Text' key.
  :: Text
  -> Int
  -> MapLikeObj WS Json
  -> MapLikeObj WS Json
intAt =
  flip atKey' int

-- | Encode a 'Text' value at the given 'Text' key.
  :: Text
  -> Text
  -> MapLikeObj WS Json
  -> MapLikeObj WS Json
textAt =
  flip atKey' text

-- | Encode a 'Bool' at the given 'Text' key.
  :: Text
  -> Bool
  -> MapLikeObj WS Json
  -> MapLikeObj WS Json
boolAt =
  flip atKey' bool

-- | Encode a 'Foldable' of 'a' at the given index on a JSON object.
  :: ( At t
     , Traversable f
     , IxValue t ~ Json
  => Encoder' a
  -> Index t
  -> f a
  -> t
  -> t
traversableAt enc =
  flip atKey' (traversable enc)

-- | Encode a standard Haskell list at the given index on a JSON object.
  :: ( At t
     , IxValue t ~ Json
  => Encoder' a
  -> Index t
  -> [a]
  -> t
  -> t
listAt =

-- | Encode a 'NonEmpty' list at the given index on a JSON object.
  :: ( At t
     , IxValue t ~ Json
  => Encoder' a
  -> Index t
  -> NonEmpty a
  -> t
  -> t
nonemptyAt =

-- | Apply a function to update a 'MapLikeObj' and encode that as a JSON object.
-- For example, given the following data type:
-- @
-- data Image = Image
--   { _imageW        :: Int
--   , _imageH        :: Int
--   , _imageTitle    :: Text
--   , _imageAnimated :: Bool
--   , _imageIDs      :: [Int]
--   }
-- @
-- We can use this function to create an encoder, composing the individual
-- update functions to set the keys and values as desired.
-- @
-- encodeImage :: Applicative f => Encoder f Image
-- encodeImage = mapLikeObj $ \\img ->
--   intAt \"Width\" (_imageW img) .           -- ^ Set an 'Int' value at the \"Width\" key.
--   intAt \"Height\" (_imageH img) .
--   textAt \"Title\" (_imageTitle img) .
--   boolAt \"Animated\" (_imageAnimated img) .
--   arrayAt int \"IDs\" (_imageIDs img) -- ^ Set an @[Int]@ value at the \"IDs\" key.
-- @
  :: ( AsJType Json ws a
     , Monoid ws
     , Semigroup ws
     , Applicative f
  => (i -> MapLikeObj ws a -> MapLikeObj ws a)
  -> Encoder f i
mapLikeObj f = encodeA $ \a ->
  pure $ _JObj # (fromMapLikeObj $ f a (_Empty # ()), mempty)

-- | As per 'mapLikeObj' but specialised for 'Identity' as the 'Applicative'.
  :: ( AsJType Json ws a
     , Semigroup ws
     , Monoid ws
  => (i -> MapLikeObj ws a -> MapLikeObj ws a)
  -> Encoder' i
mapLikeObj' f = encodePureA $ \a ->
  _JObj # (fromMapLikeObj $ f a (_Empty # ()), mempty)

-- | When encoding a JSON object that may contain duplicate keys, this function
-- works the same as the 'atKey' function for 'MapLikeObj'.
  :: Applicative f
  => Text
  -> b
  -> Encoder f b
  -> JObject WS Json
  -> f (JObject WS Json)
onObj k b encB o = (\j -> o & _Wrapped L.%~ L.cons j)
  . JAssoc (textToJString k) mempty mempty <$> runEncoder encB b

-- | Encode key value pairs as a JSON object, allowing duplicate keys.
  :: ( Foldable g
     , Monad f
  => g (a -> JObject WS Json -> f (JObject WS Json))
  -> Encoder f a
keyValuesAsObj xs = encodeA $ \a ->
  (\v -> _JObj # (v,mempty)) <$> foldrM (\f -> f a) (_Empty # ()) xs

-- | Encode some 'Data.Foldable.Foldable' of @(Text, a)@ as a JSON object. This permits duplicate
-- keys.
  :: ( Monad f
     , Foldable g
  => Encoder f a
  -> Encoder f (g (Text, a))
keyValueTupleFoldable eA = encodeA $ \xs ->
  (\v -> _JObj # (v,mempty)) <$> foldrM (\(k,v) o -> onObj k v eA o) (_Empty # ()) xs

-- | As per 'keyValuesAsObj' but with the 'f' specialised to 'Identity'.
  :: ( Foldable g
     , Functor g
  => g (a -> JObject WS Json -> JObject WS Json)
  -> Encoder' a
keyValuesAsObj' =
  keyValuesAsObj . fmap (\f a -> Identity . f a)

-- | Using a given 'Encoder', encode a key value pair on the JSON object, using
-- the accessor function to retrieve the value.
  :: Applicative f
  => Encoder f b
  -> Text
  -> (a -> b)
  -> a
  -> JObject WS Json
  -> f (JObject WS Json)
encAt e k f a =
  onObj k (f a) e