{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Network.Wai.Test
    ( -- * Session
    , runSession
      -- * Client Cookies
    , ClientCookies
    , getClientCookies
    , modifyClientCookies
    , setClientCookie
    , deleteClientCookie
      -- * Requests
    , request
    , srequest
    , SRequest (..)
    , SResponse (..)
    , defaultRequest
    , setPath
    , setRawPathInfo
      -- * Assertions
    , assertStatus
    , assertContentType
    , assertBody
    , assertBodyContains
    , assertHeader
    , assertNoHeader
    , assertClientCookieExists
    , assertNoClientCookieExists
    , assertClientCookieValue
    ) where

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Data.Monoid (mempty, mappend)

import Network.Wai
import Network.Wai.Internal (ResponseReceived (ResponseReceived))
import Network.Wai.Test.Internal
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as ST
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (runReaderT, ask)
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Control.DeepSeq (deepseq)
import Control.Exception (throwIO, Exception)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Web.Cookie as Cookie
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8
import Data.ByteString.Builder (toLazyByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L8
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as H
import Data.CaseInsensitive (CI)
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import Data.IORef
import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime)
import qualified Test.HUnit as HUnit
import Data.CallStack (HasCallStack)

-- |
-- Since 3.0.6
getClientCookies :: Session ClientCookies
getClientCookies = clientCookies <$> lift ST.get

-- |
-- Since 3.0.6
modifyClientCookies :: (ClientCookies -> ClientCookies) -> Session ()
modifyClientCookies f =
  lift (ST.modify (\cs -> cs { clientCookies = f $ clientCookies cs }))

-- |
-- Since 3.0.6
setClientCookie :: Cookie.SetCookie -> Session ()
setClientCookie c =
    (Map.insert (Cookie.setCookieName c) c)

-- |
-- Since 3.0.6
deleteClientCookie :: ByteString -> Session ()
deleteClientCookie cookieName =
    (Map.delete cookieName)

-- | See also: 'runSessionWith'.
runSession :: Session a -> Application -> IO a
runSession session app = ST.evalStateT (runReaderT session app) initState

data SRequest = SRequest
    { simpleRequest :: Request
    , simpleRequestBody :: L.ByteString
    -- ^ Request body that will override the one set in 'simpleRequest'.
    -- This is usually simpler than setting the body as a stateful IO-action
    -- in 'simpleRequest'.
data SResponse = SResponse
    { simpleStatus :: H.Status
    , simpleHeaders :: H.ResponseHeaders
    , simpleBody :: L.ByteString
    deriving (Show, Eq)

request :: Request -> Session SResponse
request req = do
    app <- ask
    req' <- addCookiesToRequest req
    response <- liftIO $ do
        ref <- newIORef $ error "runResponse gave no result"
        ResponseReceived <- app req' (runResponse ref)
        readIORef ref
    extractSetCookieFromSResponse response

-- | Set whole path (request path + query string).
setPath :: Request -> S8.ByteString -> Request
setPath req path = req {
    pathInfo = segments
  , rawPathInfo = (L8.toStrict . toLazyByteString) (H.encodePathSegments segments)
  , queryString = query
  , rawQueryString = (H.renderQuery True query)
    (segments, query) = H.decodePath path

setRawPathInfo :: Request -> S8.ByteString -> Request
setRawPathInfo r rawPinfo =
    let pInfo = dropFrontSlash $ T.split (== '/') $ TE.decodeUtf8 rawPinfo
    in  r { rawPathInfo = rawPinfo, pathInfo = pInfo }
    dropFrontSlash ("":"":[]) = [] -- homepage, a single slash
    dropFrontSlash ("":path) = path
    dropFrontSlash path = path

addCookiesToRequest :: Request -> Session Request
addCookiesToRequest req = do
  oldClientCookies <- getClientCookies
  let requestPath = "/" `T.append` T.intercalate "/" (pathInfo req)
  currentUTCTime <- liftIO getCurrentTime
  let cookiesForRequest =
          (\c -> checkCookieTime currentUTCTime c
              && checkCookiePath requestPath c)
  let cookiePairs = [ (Cookie.setCookieName c, Cookie.setCookieValue c)
                    | c <- map snd $ Map.toList cookiesForRequest
  let cookieValue = L8.toStrict . toLazyByteString $ Cookie.renderCookies cookiePairs
      addCookieHeader rest
        | null cookiePairs = rest
        | otherwise = ("Cookie", cookieValue) : rest
  return $ req { requestHeaders = addCookieHeader $ requestHeaders req }
    where checkCookieTime t c =
            case Cookie.setCookieExpires c of
              Nothing -> True
              Just t' -> t < t'
          checkCookiePath p c =
            case Cookie.setCookiePath c of
              Nothing -> True
              Just p' -> p' `S8.isPrefixOf` TE.encodeUtf8 p

extractSetCookieFromSResponse :: SResponse -> Session SResponse
extractSetCookieFromSResponse response = do
  let setCookieHeaders =
        filter (("Set-Cookie"==) . fst) $ simpleHeaders response
  let newClientCookies = map (Cookie.parseSetCookie . snd) setCookieHeaders
       (Map.fromList [(Cookie.setCookieName c, c) | c <- newClientCookies ]))
  return response

-- | Similar to 'request', but allows setting the request body as a plain
-- 'L.ByteString'.
srequest :: SRequest -> Session SResponse
srequest (SRequest req bod) = do
    refChunks <- liftIO $ newIORef $ L.toChunks bod
    request $
        { requestBody = atomicModifyIORef refChunks $ \bss ->
            case bss of
                [] -> ([], S.empty)
                x:y -> (y, x)

runResponse :: IORef SResponse -> Response -> IO ResponseReceived
runResponse ref res = do
    refBuilder <- newIORef mempty
    let add y = atomicModifyIORef refBuilder $ \x -> (x `mappend` y, ())
    withBody $ \body -> body add (return ())
    builder <- readIORef refBuilder
    let lbs = toLazyByteString builder
        len = L.length lbs
    -- Force evaluation of the body to have exceptions thrown at the right
    -- time.
    seq len $ writeIORef ref $ SResponse s h $ toLazyByteString builder
    return ResponseReceived
    (s, h, withBody) = responseToStream res

assertBool :: HasCallStack => String -> Bool -> Session ()
assertBool s b = unless b $ assertFailure s

assertString :: HasCallStack => String -> Session ()
assertString s = unless (null s) $ assertFailure s

assertFailure :: HasCallStack => String -> Session ()
assertFailure = liftIO . HUnit.assertFailure

assertContentType :: HasCallStack => ByteString -> SResponse -> Session ()
assertContentType ct SResponse{simpleHeaders = h} =
    case lookup "content-type" h of
        Nothing -> assertString $ concat
            [ "Expected content type "
            , show ct
            , ", but no content type provided"
        Just ct' -> assertBool (concat
            [ "Expected content type "
            , show ct
            , ", but received "
            , show ct'
            ]) (go ct == go ct')
    go = S8.takeWhile (/= ';')

assertStatus :: HasCallStack => Int -> SResponse -> Session ()
assertStatus i SResponse{simpleStatus = s} = assertBool (concat
    [ "Expected status code "
    , show i
    , ", but received "
    , show sc
    ]) $ i == sc
    sc = H.statusCode s

assertBody :: HasCallStack => L.ByteString -> SResponse -> Session ()
assertBody lbs SResponse{simpleBody = lbs'} = assertBool (concat
    [ "Expected response body "
    , show $ L8.unpack lbs
    , ", but received "
    , show $ L8.unpack lbs'
    ]) $ lbs == lbs'

assertBodyContains :: HasCallStack => L.ByteString -> SResponse -> Session ()
assertBodyContains lbs SResponse{simpleBody = lbs'} = assertBool (concat
    [ "Expected response body to contain "
    , show $ L8.unpack lbs
    , ", but received "
    , show $ L8.unpack lbs'
    ]) $ strict lbs `S.isInfixOf` strict lbs'
    strict = S.concat . L.toChunks

assertHeader :: HasCallStack => CI ByteString -> ByteString -> SResponse -> Session ()
assertHeader header value SResponse{simpleHeaders = h} =
    case lookup header h of
        Nothing -> assertString $ concat
            [ "Expected header "
            , show header
            , " to be "
            , show value
            , ", but it was not present"
        Just value' -> assertBool (concat
            [ "Expected header "
            , show header
            , " to be "
            , show value
            , ", but received "
            , show value'
            ]) (value == value')

assertNoHeader :: HasCallStack => CI ByteString -> SResponse -> Session ()
assertNoHeader header SResponse{simpleHeaders = h} =
    case lookup header h of
        Nothing -> return ()
        Just s -> assertString $ concat
            [ "Unexpected header "
            , show header
            , " containing "
            , show s

-- |
-- Since 3.0.6
assertClientCookieExists :: HasCallStack => String -> ByteString -> Session ()
assertClientCookieExists s cookieName = do
  cookies <- getClientCookies
  assertBool s $ Map.member cookieName cookies

-- |
-- Since 3.0.6
assertNoClientCookieExists :: HasCallStack => String -> ByteString -> Session ()
assertNoClientCookieExists s cookieName = do
  cookies <- getClientCookies
  assertBool s $ not $ Map.member cookieName cookies

-- |
-- Since 3.0.6
assertClientCookieValue :: HasCallStack => String -> ByteString -> ByteString -> Session ()
assertClientCookieValue s cookieName cookieValue = do
  cookies <- getClientCookies
  case Map.lookup cookieName cookies of
    Nothing ->
      assertFailure (s ++ " (cookie does not exist)")
    Just c  ->
          [ s
          , " (actual value "
          , show $ Cookie.setCookieValue c
          , " expected value "
          , show cookieValue
          , ")"
        (Cookie.setCookieValue c == cookieValue)