module Network.Wai.Middleware.Throttle.Internal where

import Prelude hiding (lookup)

import Control.Concurrent.TokenBucket (TokenBucket, newTokenBucket, tokenBucketTryAlloc1)
import Control.Exception.Safe (onException)
#if MIN_VERSION_cache(0,1,1)
import Control.Monad.STM (STM, atomically)
import Data.Cache (Cache, delete, insert, insertSTM, lookupSTM, newCache)
import Data.Cache (Cache, delete, insert, insert', lookup, newCache)
import Data.Hashable (Hashable, hashWithSalt)
import GHC.Word (Word64)
import Network.HTTP.Types.Status (status429)
import Network.Socket (SockAddr (SockAddrInet, SockAddrInet6, SockAddrUnix))
#if MIN_VERSION_network(2,6,1)
import Network.Socket (SockAddr (SockAddrCan))
import Network.Wai (Application, Request, Response, remoteHost, responseLBS)
import System.Clock (Clock (Monotonic), TimeSpec, getTime)

newtype Address = Address SockAddr

instance Hashable Address where
  hashWithSalt s (Address (SockAddrInet _ a))      = hashWithSalt s a
  hashWithSalt s (Address (SockAddrInet6 _ _ a _)) = hashWithSalt s a
  hashWithSalt s (Address (SockAddrUnix a))        = hashWithSalt s a
#if MIN_VERSION_network(2,6,1)
  hashWithSalt s (Address (SockAddrCan a))         = hashWithSalt s a

instance Eq Address where
  Address (SockAddrInet _ a)      == Address (SockAddrInet _ b)      = a == b
  Address (SockAddrInet6 _ _ a _) == Address (SockAddrInet6 _ _ b _) = a == b
  Address (SockAddrUnix a)        == Address (SockAddrUnix b)        = a == b
#if MIN_VERSION_network(2,6,1)
  Address (SockAddrCan a)         == Address (SockAddrCan b)         = a == b
  _ == _ = False -- not same constructor so cant be equal

instance Ord Address where
  Address (SockAddrInet _ a)      <= Address (SockAddrInet _ b)      = a <= b
  Address (SockAddrInet6 _ _ a _) <= Address (SockAddrInet6 _ _ b _) = a <= b
  Address (SockAddrUnix a)        <= Address (SockAddrUnix b)        = a <= b
#if MIN_VERSION_network(2,6,1)
  Address (SockAddrCan a)         <= Address (SockAddrCan b)         = a <= b
  Address a <= Address b = a <= b -- not same constructor so use builtin ordering

extractAddress :: Request -> Either Response Address
extractAddress = Right . Address . remoteHost

data CacheState a
  = CacheStatePresent a
  | CacheStateInitializing

data CacheResult a
  = CacheResultExists a
  | CacheResultEmpty

-- |A throttle for a hashable key type. Initialize using 'initThrottler' with 'defaultThrottleSettings'.
data Throttle a = Throttle
  { throttleSettings :: ThrottleSettings
  -- ^ The throttle settings
  , throttleCache    :: Cache a (CacheState TokenBucket)
  -- ^ The cache, initialized in 'initThrottler'
  , throttleGetKey   :: Request -> Either Response a
  -- ^ The function to extract a throttle key from a 'Network.Wai.Request'

-- |Throttle settings for controlling token bucket algorithm and cache expiration.
data ThrottleSettings = ThrottleSettings
  { throttleSettingsRate            :: Double
  -- ^ Number of requests per throttle period allowed, defaults to 1
  , throttleSettingsPeriod          :: Double
  -- ^ Microseconds, defaults to 1 second
  , throttleSettingsBurst           :: Word64
  -- ^ Number of concurrent requests allowed - should be greater than rate / period, defaults to 1
  , throttleSettingsCacheExpiration :: TimeSpec
  -- ^ The amount of time before a stale token bucket is purged from the cache
  , throttleSettingsIsThrottled     :: Request -> Bool
  -- ^ Whether or not a request is throttled, defaults to true
  , throttleSettingsOnThrottled     :: Word64 -> Response
  -- ^ The response when a request is throttled - defaults to a vanilla 429

-- |Default throttle settings.
defaultThrottleSettings :: TimeSpec -> ThrottleSettings
defaultThrottleSettings expirationInterval = ThrottleSettings
  { throttleSettingsRate = 1
  , throttleSettingsPeriod = 1000000
  , throttleSettingsBurst = 1
  , throttleSettingsCacheExpiration = expirationInterval
  , throttleSettingsIsThrottled = const True
  , throttleSettingsOnThrottled = const $
      responseLBS status429 [("Content-Type", "application/json")] "{\"message\":\"Too many requests.\"}"

initThrottler :: ThrottleSettings -> IO (Throttle Address)
initThrottler = flip initCustomThrottler extractAddress

-- |Initialize a throttle using settings and a way to extract the key from the request.
initCustomThrottler :: ThrottleSettings -> (Request -> Either Response a) -> IO (Throttle a)
initCustomThrottler throttleSettings@(ThrottleSettings {..}) throttleGetKey = do
  throttleCache <- newCache $ Just throttleSettingsCacheExpiration
  pure Throttle {..}

-- |Internal use only. Retrieve a token bucket from the cache.
#if MIN_VERSION_cache(0,1,1)
retrieveCache :: (Eq a, Hashable a) => Throttle a -> TimeSpec -> a -> STM (CacheResult TokenBucket)
retrieveCache th time throttleKey = do
  let cache = throttleCache th
  lookupSTM True throttleKey cache time >>= \ case
    Just (CacheStatePresent oldBucket) -> pure $ CacheResultExists oldBucket
    Just CacheStateInitializing -> retrieveCache th time throttleKey
    Nothing -> do
      insertSTM throttleKey CacheStateInitializing cache Nothing
      pure CacheResultEmpty
retrieveCache :: (Eq a, Hashable a) => Throttle a -> TimeSpec -> a -> IO (CacheResult TokenBucket)
retrieveCache th time throttleKey = do
  let cache = throttleCache th
  lookup cache throttleKey >>= \ case
    Just (CacheStatePresent oldBucket) -> pure $ CacheResultExists oldBucket
    Just CacheStateInitializing -> retrieveCache th time throttleKey
    Nothing -> do
      insert' cache Nothing throttleKey CacheStateInitializing
      pure CacheResultEmpty

-- |Internal use only. Create a token bucket if it wasn't in the cache.
processCacheResult :: (Eq a, Hashable a) => Throttle a -> a -> CacheResult TokenBucket -> IO TokenBucket
processCacheResult th throttleKey cacheResult = case cacheResult of
  CacheResultExists bucket -> pure bucket
  CacheResultEmpty -> do
    let cache = throttleCache th
        initializeBucket = do
          bucket <- newTokenBucket
          insert cache throttleKey (CacheStatePresent bucket)
          pure bucket
        cleanupBucket = delete cache throttleKey
    initializeBucket `onException` cleanupBucket

-- |Internal use only. Retrieve or initialize a token bucket depending on if it was found in the cache.
retrieveOrInitializeBucket :: (Eq a, Hashable a) => Throttle a -> a -> IO TokenBucket
retrieveOrInitializeBucket th throttleKey = do
  now <- getTime Monotonic
#if MIN_VERSION_cache(0,1,1)
  cacheResult <- atomically $ retrieveCache th now throttleKey
  cacheResult <- retrieveCache th now throttleKey
  processCacheResult th throttleKey cacheResult

-- |Internal use only. Throttle a request by the throttle key.
throttleRequest :: (Eq a, Hashable a) => Throttle a -> a -> IO Word64
throttleRequest th throttleKey = do
  bucket <- retrieveOrInitializeBucket th throttleKey
  let settings = throttleSettings th
      rate = throttleSettingsRate settings
      period = throttleSettingsPeriod settings
      burst = throttleSettingsBurst settings
  tokenBucketTryAlloc1 bucket burst $ round (period / rate)

-- |Run the throttling middleware given a throttle that has been initialized.
throttle :: (Eq a, Hashable a) => Throttle a -> Application -> Application
throttle th app req respond = do
  let settings = throttleSettings th
      getKey = throttleGetKey th
      isThrottled = throttleSettingsIsThrottled settings
      onThrottled = throttleSettingsOnThrottled settings
  case isThrottled req of
    False -> app req respond
    True -> case getKey req of
      Left response     -> respond response
      Right throttleKey -> do
        throttleRequest th throttleKey >>= \ case
          0 -> app req respond
          n -> respond $ onThrottled n

instance Show (CacheState a) where
  show = \ case
    CacheStatePresent _ -> "Present"
    CacheStateInitializing -> "Initializing"

instance Show (CacheResult a) where
  show = \ case
    CacheResultExists _ -> "Exists"
    CacheResultEmpty -> "Empty"