{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Network.GRPC.Server.Handlers where

import           Control.Concurrent.Async (concurrently)
import           Control.Monad (void, (>=>))
import           Data.Binary.Get (pushChunk, Decoder(..))
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as ByteString
import           Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import           Data.ByteString.Lazy (toStrict)
import           Network.GRPC.HTTP2.Encoding
import           Network.GRPC.HTTP2.Types (path, GRPCStatus(..), GRPCStatusCode(..))
#if MIN_VERSION_wai(3,2,2)
import           Network.Wai (Request, getRequestBodyChunk, strictRequestBody)
import           Network.Wai (Request, requestBody, strictRequestBody)

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))

import Network.GRPC.Server.Wai (WaiHandler, ServiceHandler(..), closeEarly)

#if !MIN_VERSION_wai(3,2,2)
getRequestBodyChunk :: Request -> IO ByteString
getRequestBodyChunk = requestBody

-- | Handy type to refer to Handler for 'unary' RPCs handler.
type UnaryHandler i o = Request -> i -> IO o

-- | Handy type for 'server-streaming' RPCs.
-- We expect an implementation to:
-- - read the input request
-- - return an initial state and an state-passing action that the server code will call to fetch the output to send to the client (or close an a Nothing)
-- See 'ServerStream' for the type which embodies these requirements.
type ServerStreamHandler i o a = Request -> i -> IO (a, ServerStream o a)

newtype ServerStream o a = ServerStream {
    serverStreamNext :: a -> IO (Maybe (a, o))

-- | Handy type for 'client-streaming' RPCs.
-- We expect an implementation to:
-- - acknowledge a the new client stream by returning an initial state and two functions:
-- - a state-passing handler for new client message
-- - a state-aware handler for answering the client when it is ending its stream
-- See 'ClientStream' for the type which embodies these requirements.
type ClientStreamHandler i o a = Request -> IO (a, ClientStream i o a)

data ClientStream i o a = ClientStream {
    clientStreamHandler   :: a -> i -> IO a
  , clientStreamFinalizer :: a -> IO o

-- | Handy type for 'bidirectional-streaming' RPCs.
-- We expect an implementation to:
-- - acknowlege a new bidirection stream by returning an initial state and one functions:
-- - a state-passing function that returns a single action step
-- The action may be to
-- - stop immediately
-- - wait and handle some input with a callback and a finalizer (if the client closes the stream on its side) that may change the state
-- - return a value and a new state
-- There is no way to stop locally (that would mean sending HTTP2 trailers) and
-- keep receiving messages from the client.
type BiDiStreamHandler i o a = Request -> IO (a, BiDiStream i o a)

data BiDiStep i o a
  = Abort
  | WaitInput !(a -> i -> IO a) !(a -> IO a)
  | WriteOutput !a o

newtype BiDiStream i o a = BiDiStream {
    bidirNextStep :: a -> IO (BiDiStep i o a)

-- | Construct a handler for handling a unary RPC.
  :: (GRPCInput r i, GRPCOutput r o)
  => r
  -> UnaryHandler i o
  -> ServiceHandler
unary rpc handler =
    ServiceHandler (path rpc) (handleUnary rpc handler)

-- | Construct a handler for handling a server-streaming RPC.
  :: (GRPCInput r i, GRPCOutput r o)
  => r
  -> ServerStreamHandler i o a
  -> ServiceHandler
serverStream rpc handler =
    ServiceHandler (path rpc) (handleServerStream rpc handler)

-- | Construct a handler for handling a client-streaming RPC.
  :: (GRPCInput r i, GRPCOutput r o)
  => r
  -> ClientStreamHandler i o a
  -> ServiceHandler
clientStream rpc handler =
    ServiceHandler (path rpc) (handleClientStream rpc handler)

-- | Construct a handler for handling a bidirectional-streaming RPC.
  :: (GRPCInput r i, GRPCOutput r o)
  => r
  -> BiDiStreamHandler i o a
  -> ServiceHandler
bidiStream rpc handler =
    ServiceHandler (path rpc) (handleBiDiStream rpc handler)

-- | Construct a handler for handling a bidirectional-streaming RPC.
  :: (GRPCInput r i, GRPCOutput r o)
  => r
  -> GeneralStreamHandler i o a b
  -> ServiceHandler
generalStream rpc handler =
    ServiceHandler (path rpc) (handleGeneralStream rpc handler)

-- | Handle unary RPCs.
  :: (GRPCInput r i, GRPCOutput r o)
  => r
  -> UnaryHandler i o
  -> WaiHandler
handleUnary rpc handler decoding encoding req write flush =
    handleRequestChunksLoop (decodeInput rpc $ _getDecodingCompression decoding)
                            handleMsg handleEof nextChunk
    nextChunk = toStrict <$> strictRequestBody req
    handleMsg = errorOnLeftOver (handler req >=> reply)
    handleEof = closeEarly (GRPCStatus INVALID_ARGUMENT "early end of request body")
    reply msg = write (encodeOutput rpc (_getEncodingCompression encoding) msg) >> flush

-- | Handle Server-Streaming RPCs.
  :: (GRPCInput r i, GRPCOutput r o)
  => r
  -> ServerStreamHandler i o a
  -> WaiHandler
handleServerStream rpc handler decoding encoding req write flush =
    handleRequestChunksLoop (decodeInput rpc $ _getDecodingCompression decoding)
                            handleMsg handleEof nextChunk
    nextChunk = toStrict <$> strictRequestBody req
    handleMsg = errorOnLeftOver (handler req >=> replyN)
    handleEof = closeEarly (GRPCStatus INVALID_ARGUMENT "early end of request body")
    replyN (v, sStream) = do
        let go v1 = serverStreamNext sStream v1 >>= \case
                Just (v2, msg) -> do
                    write (encodeOutput rpc (_getEncodingCompression encoding) msg) >> flush
                    go v2
                Nothing -> pure ()
        go v

-- | Handle Client-Streaming RPCs.
  :: (GRPCInput r i, GRPCOutput r o)
  => r
  -> ClientStreamHandler i o a
  -> WaiHandler
handleClientStream rpc handler0 decoding encoding req write flush =
    handler0 req >>= go
    go (v, cStream) = handleRequestChunksLoop (decodeInput rpc $ _getDecodingCompression decoding)
                                              (handleMsg v) (handleEof v) nextChunk
        nextChunk = getRequestBodyChunk req
        handleMsg v0 dat msg = clientStreamHandler cStream v0 msg >>= \v1 -> loop dat v1
        handleEof v0 = clientStreamFinalizer cStream v0 >>= reply
        reply msg = write (encodeOutput rpc (_getEncodingCompression encoding) msg) >> flush
        loop chunk v1 = handleRequestChunksLoop
                          (flip pushChunk chunk $ decodeInput rpc (_getDecodingCompression decoding))
                          (handleMsg v1) (handleEof v1) nextChunk

-- | Handle Bidirectional-Streaming RPCs.
  :: (GRPCInput r i, GRPCOutput r o)
  => r
  -> BiDiStreamHandler i o a
  -> WaiHandler
handleBiDiStream rpc handler0 decoding encoding req write flush =
    handler0 req >>= go ""
    nextChunk = getRequestBodyChunk req
    reply msg = write (encodeOutput rpc (_getEncodingCompression encoding) msg) >> flush
    go chunk (v0, bStream) = do
        let cont dat v1 = go dat (v1, bStream)
        step <- bidirNextStep bStream v0
        case step of
            WaitInput handleMsg handleEof ->
                handleRequestChunksLoop (flip pushChunk chunk
                                         $ decodeInput rpc
                                         $ _getDecodingCompression decoding)
                                        (\dat msg -> handleMsg v0 msg >>= cont dat)
                                        (handleEof v0 >>= cont "")
            WriteOutput v1 msg -> do
                reply msg
                cont "" v1
            Abort -> return ()

-- | A GeneralStreamHandler combining server and client asynchronous streams.
type GeneralStreamHandler i o a b =
    Request -> IO (a, IncomingStream i a, b, OutgoingStream o b)

-- | Pair of handlers for reacting to incoming messages.
data IncomingStream i a = IncomingStream {
    incomingStreamHandler   :: a -> i -> IO a
  , incomingStreamFinalizer :: a -> IO ()

-- | Handler to decide on the next message (if any) to return.
newtype OutgoingStream o a = OutgoingStream {
    outgoingStreamNext  :: a -> IO (Maybe (a, o))

-- | Handler for the somewhat general case where two threads behave concurrently:
-- - one reads messages from the client
-- - one returns messages to the client
  :: (GRPCInput r i, GRPCOutput r o)
  => r
  -> GeneralStreamHandler i o a b
  -> WaiHandler
handleGeneralStream rpc handler0 decoding encoding req write flush = void $
    handler0 req >>= go
    newDecoder = decodeInput rpc $ _getDecodingCompression decoding
    nextChunk = getRequestBodyChunk req
    reply msg = write (encodeOutput rpc (_getEncodingCompression encoding) msg) >> flush

    go (in0, instream, out0, outstream) = concurrently
        (incomingLoop newDecoder in0 instream)
        (replyLoop out0 outstream)

    replyLoop v0 sstream@(OutgoingStream next) =
        next v0 >>= \case
            Nothing          -> return v0
            (Just (v1, msg)) -> reply msg >> replyLoop v1 sstream

    incomingLoop decode v0 cstream = do
        let handleMsg dat msg = do
                v1 <- incomingStreamHandler cstream v0 msg
                incomingLoop (pushChunk newDecoder dat) v1 cstream
        let handleEof = incomingStreamFinalizer cstream v0 >> pure v0
        handleRequestChunksLoop decode handleMsg handleEof nextChunk

-- | Helpers to consume input in chunks.
  :: Decoder (Either String a)
  -- ^ Message decoder.
  -> (ByteString -> a -> IO b)
  -- ^ Handler for a single message.
  -- The ByteString corresponds to leftover data.
  -> IO b
  -- ^ Handler for handling end-of-streams.
  -> IO ByteString
  -- ^ Action to retrieve the next chunk.
  -> IO b
{-# INLINEABLE handleRequestChunksLoop #-}
handleRequestChunksLoop decoder handleMsg handleEof nextChunk =
    case decoder of
        (Done unusedDat _ (Right val)) ->
            handleMsg unusedDat val
        (Done _ _ (Left err)) ->
            closeEarly (GRPCStatus INVALID_ARGUMENT (ByteString.pack $ "done-error: " ++ err))
        (Fail _ _ err)         ->
            closeEarly (GRPCStatus INVALID_ARGUMENT (ByteString.pack $ "fail-error: " ++ err))
        partial@(Partial _)    -> do
            chunk <- nextChunk
            if ByteString.null chunk
                handleRequestChunksLoop (pushChunk partial chunk) handleMsg handleEof nextChunk

-- | Combinator around message handler to error on left overs.
-- This combinator ensures that, unless for client stream, an unparsed piece of
-- data with a correctly-read message is treated as an error.
errorOnLeftOver :: (a -> IO b) -> ByteString -> a -> IO b
errorOnLeftOver f rest
  | ByteString.null rest = f
  | otherwise            = const $ putStrLn "left-over" >> closeEarly (GRPCStatus INVALID_ARGUMENT ("left-overs: " <> rest))