{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances   #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Network.Ethereum.ABI.Event.Internal
-- Copyright   :  Alexander Krupenkin 2016-2018
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  mail@akru.me
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  unportable
-- This module is internal, the purpose is to define helper classes and types
-- to assist in event decoding. The user of this library should have no need to use
-- this directly in application code.

module Network.Ethereum.ABI.Event.Internal where

import           Data.Kind    (Type)
import           Data.Proxy   (Proxy (..))
import           Data.Tagged  (Tagged (..))
import           Generics.SOP (I (..), NP (..), NS (..), SOP (..))
import           GHC.TypeLits (CmpNat)

data HList :: [Type] -> Type where
  HNil :: HList '[]
  (:<) :: a -> HList as -> HList (a : as)

infixr 0 :<

-- | Generic representation to HList representation
class HListRep a xs | a -> xs, a -> xs where
  toHList :: a -> HList xs
  fromHList :: HList xs -> a

instance HListRep (NP I '[]) '[] where
  toHList _ = HNil
  fromHList _ = Nil

instance HListRep (NP I as) as => HListRep (NP I (a:as)) (a:as) where
  toHList (I a :* rest) = a :< toHList rest
  fromHList (a :< rest) = I a :* fromHList rest

instance HListRep (NP f as') as => HListRep (SOP f '[as']) as where
  toHList (SOP (Z rep)) = toHList rep
  toHList _             = error "Impossible branch"
  fromHList = SOP . Z . fromHList

-- | Sort a Tagged HList
class Sort (xs :: [Type]) where
  type Sort' xs :: [Type]
  sort :: HList xs -> HList (Sort' xs)

instance Sort '[] where
  type Sort' '[] = '[]
  sort HNil = HNil

instance (Sort xs, Insert x (Sort' xs)) => Sort (x : xs) where
  type Sort' (x : xs) = Insert' x (Sort' xs)
  sort (x :< xs) = insert x (sort xs)

class Insert (x :: Type) (xs :: [Type]) where
  type Insert' x xs :: [Type]
  insert :: x -> HList xs -> HList (Insert' x xs)

instance Insert x '[] where
  type Insert' x '[] = '[x]
  insert x HNil = x :< HNil

instance InsertCmp (CmpNat n m) (Tagged n x) (Tagged m y) ys => Insert (Tagged n x) (Tagged m y : ys) where
  type Insert' (Tagged n x) (Tagged m y : ys) = InsertCmp' (CmpNat n m) (Tagged n x) (Tagged m y) ys
  insert (x :: Tagged n x) ((y :: Tagged m y) :< ys) = insertCmp (Proxy :: Proxy (CmpNat n m)) x y ys

class InsertCmp (b :: Ordering) (x :: Type) (y :: Type) (ys :: [Type]) where
  type InsertCmp' b x y ys :: [Type]
  insertCmp :: Proxy (b :: Ordering) -> x -> y -> HList ys -> HList (InsertCmp' b x y ys)

instance InsertCmp 'LT x y ys where
  type InsertCmp' 'LT x y ys = x : (y : ys)
  insertCmp _ x y ys = x :< y :< ys

instance Insert x ys => InsertCmp 'GT x y ys where
  type InsertCmp' 'GT x y ys = y : Insert' x ys
  insertCmp _ x y ys = y :< insert x ys

-- | Unwrap all the Tagged items in an HList
class UnTag t where
  type UnTag' t :: [Type]
  unTag :: HList t -> HList (UnTag' t)

instance UnTag '[] where
  type UnTag' '[] = '[]
  unTag a = a

instance UnTag ts => UnTag (Tagged n a : ts) where
  type UnTag' (Tagged n a : ts) = a : UnTag' ts
  unTag (Tagged a :< ts) = a :< unTag ts

class HListMerge (as :: [Type]) (bs :: [Type]) where
  type Concat as bs :: [Type]
  mergeHList :: HList as -> HList bs -> HList (Concat as bs)

instance HListMerge '[] bs where
  type Concat '[] bs = bs
  mergeHList _ bs = bs

instance HListMerge as bs => HListMerge (a : as) bs where
  type Concat (a : as) bs = a : Concat as bs
  mergeHList (a :< as) bs = a :< mergeHList as bs

class HListMergeSort as bs where
  type MergeSort' as bs :: [Type]
  mergeSortHList :: HList as -> HList bs -> HList (MergeSort' as bs)

instance (HListMerge as bs, Concat as bs ~ cs, Sort cs, Sort' cs ~ cs') => HListMergeSort as bs where
  type MergeSort' as bs = Sort' (Concat as bs)
  mergeSortHList as bs = sort $ (mergeHList as bs :: HList cs)

class MergeIndexedArguments as bs where
  type MergeIndexedArguments' as bs :: [Type]
  mergeIndexedArguments :: HList as -> HList bs -> HList (MergeIndexedArguments' as bs)

instance (HListMergeSort as bs, MergeSort' as bs ~ cs, UnTag cs, UnTag cs' ~ ds) => MergeIndexedArguments as bs where
  type MergeIndexedArguments' as bs = (UnTag' (MergeSort' as bs))
  mergeIndexedArguments as bs = unTag $ mergeSortHList as bs