webdriver-0.3.3: a Haskell client for the Selenium WebDriver protocol

Safe HaskellNone




A module for working with Firefox profiles. Firefox profiles are manipulated in pure code and then "prepared" for network transmission.



data Firefox Source

Phantom type used in the parameters of Profile and PreparedProfile

data Profile b Source

This structure allows you to construct and manipulate profiles in pure code, deferring execution of IO operations until the profile is "prepared". This type is shared by both Firefox and Opera profiles; when a distinction must be made, the phantom type parameter is used to differentiate.




profileFiles :: HashMap FilePath FilePath

A mapping from relative destination filepaths to source filepaths found on the filesystem. When the profile is prepared, these source filepaths will be moved to their destinations within the profile directory.

Using the destination path as the key ensures that there is one unique source path going to each destination path.

profilePrefs :: HashMap Text ProfilePref

A map of Firefox preferences. These are the settings found in the profile's prefs.js, and entries found in about:config


Eq (Profile b) 
Show (Profile b) 

data PreparedProfile b Source

Represents a profile that has been prepared for network transmission. The profile cannot be modified in this form.

defaultProfile :: Profile FirefoxSource

Default Firefox Profile, used when no profile is supplied.


data ProfilePref Source

A profile preference value. This is the subset of JSON values that excludes arrays, objects, and null.

class ToPref a whereSource

A typeclass to convert types to profile preference values


toPref :: a -> ProfilePrefSource

addPref :: ToPref a => Text -> a -> Profile b -> Profile bSource

Add a new preference entry to a profile, overwriting any existing entry with the same key.

getPref :: Text -> Profile b -> Maybe ProfilePrefSource

Retrieve a preference from a profile by key name.

deletePref :: Text -> Profile b -> Profile bSource

Delete an existing preference entry from a profile. This operation is silent if the preference wasn't found.


addExtension :: FilePath -> Profile b -> Profile bSource

Add a new extension to the profile. The file path should refer to a .xpi file or an extension directory on the filesystem.

deleteExtension :: String -> Profile b -> Profile bSource

Delete an existing extension from the profile. The string parameter should refer to an .xpi file or directory located within the extensions directory of the profile. This operation has no effect if the extension was never added to the profile.

hasExtension :: String -> Profile b -> BoolSource

Determines if a profile contains the given extension. specified as an .xpi file or directory name

Other files and directories

addFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Profile b -> Profile bSource

Add a file to the profile directory. The first argument is the source of the file on the local filesystem. The second argument is the destination as a path relative to a profile directory. Overwrites any file that previously pointed to the same destination

removeFile :: FilePath -> IO ()

removeFile file removes the directory entry for an existing file file, where file is not itself a directory. The implementation may specify additional constraints which must be satisfied before a file can be removed (e.g. the file may not be in use by other processes).

The operation may fail with:

  • HardwareFault A physical I/O error has occurred. [EIO]
  • InvalidArgument The operand is not a valid file name. [ENAMETOOLONG, ELOOP]
  • isDoesNotExistError / NoSuchThing The file does not exist. [ENOENT, ENOTDIR]
  • isPermissionError / PermissionDenied The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation. [EROFS, EACCES, EPERM]
  • UnsatisfiedConstraints Implementation-dependent constraints are not satisfied. [EBUSY]
  • InappropriateType The operand refers to an existing directory. [EPERM, EINVAL]

hasFile :: String -> Profile b -> BoolSource

Determines if a profile contains the given file, specified as a path relative to the profile directory.

Miscellaneous profile operations

unionProfiles :: Profile b -> Profile b -> Profile bSource

Takes the union of two profiles. This is the union of their HashMap fields.

onProfilePrefs :: Profile b -> (HashMap Text ProfilePref -> HashMap Text ProfilePref) -> Profile bSource

Modifies the profilePrefs field of a profile.

Loading and preparing profiles

prepareProfile :: MonadBaseControl IO m => Profile Firefox -> m (PreparedProfile Firefox)Source

Prepare a firefox profile for network transmission. Internally, this function constructs a Firefox profile within a temp directory, archives it as a zip file, and then base64 encodes the zipped data. The temporary directory is deleted afterwards.

NOTE: because this function has to copy the profile files into a a temp directory before zip archiving them, this operation is likely to be slow for large profiles. In such a case, consider using prepareLoadedProfile_ or prepareZippedProfile instead.

prepareTempProfile :: MonadBaseControl IO m => (Profile Firefox -> Profile Firefox) -> m (PreparedProfile Firefox)Source

Apply a function on a default profile, and prepare the result. The Profile passed to the handler function is the default profile used by sessions when Nothing is specified

Preparing profiles from disk

loadProfile :: MonadBaseControl IO m => FilePath -> m (Profile Firefox)Source

Load an existing profile from the file system. Any prepared changes made to the Profile will have no effect to the profile on disk.

To make automated browser run smoothly, preferences found in defaultProfile are automatically merged into the preferences of the on-disk-- profile. The on-disk profile's preference will override those found in the default profile.

prepareLoadedProfile :: MonadBaseControl IO m => FilePath -> (Profile Firefox -> Profile Firefox) -> m (PreparedProfile Firefox)Source

Convenience function to load an existing Firefox profile from disk, apply a handler function, and then prepare the result for network transmission.

NOTE: like prepareProfile, the same caveat about large profiles applies.

prepareLoadedProfile_ :: MonadBase IO m => FilePath -> m (PreparedProfile a)Source

Efficiently load an existing profile from disk and prepare it for network transmission.

Preparing zip archives

prepareZippedProfile :: MonadBase IO m => FilePath -> m (PreparedProfile a)Source

Prepare a zip file of a profile on disk for network transmission. This function is very efficient at loading large profiles from disk.

prepareZipArchive :: Archive -> PreparedProfile aSource

Prepare a zip archive of a profile for network transmission.

prepareRawZip :: ByteString -> PreparedProfile aSource

Prepare a ByteString of raw zip data for network transmission

Preferences parsing error

newtype ProfileParseError Source

An error occured while attempting to parse a profile's preference file.