webdriver-wrapper- Wrapper around the webdriver package that automatically manages Selenium
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



The wrapped functions (wrappedRunSession and wrappedRunWD) will download Selenium and Firefox's webdriver (geckodriver) if they're not already on the downloadPath, then start Selenium before running the webdriver equivalent function (runSession and runWD). They kill the Selenium process at the end of their execution.



wrappedRunSession :: WDConfig -> WD a -> IO a Source #

Same as runSession, but starts Selenium before execution and kills Selenium after execution. Will download Selenium or the browser's webdriver (geckodriver or chromedriver) if any is missing.

wrapWebDriverFunction :: Browser -> a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b Source #

Runs a function in between starting and killing Selenium. Takes in the arguments and the function, in that order. Will download Selenium and the Browser's webdriver (geckodriver or chromedriver) if any is missing.

wrappedFirefoxRunWD :: WDSession -> WD a -> IO a Source #

Same as runWD, but starts Selenium before execution and kills Selenium after execution. Will download Selenium or Firefox's webdriver (geckodriver) if any is missing.

wrappedChromeRunWD :: WDSession -> WD a -> IO a Source #

Same as runWD, but starts Selenium before execution and kills Selenium after execution. Will download Selenium or Chrome's webdriver (chromedriver) if any is missing.