{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-fields -fno-cse -O0 #-}

module CmdLine(
    Cmd(..), getCmd
    ) where

import System.Console.CmdArgs.Implicit
import Paths_weeder
import Data.Version
import Data.Functor
import System.Environment
import Prelude

data Cmd = Cmd
    {cmdProjects :: [FilePath]
    ,cmdBuild :: Bool
    ,cmdTest :: Bool
    ,cmdMatch :: Bool
    ,cmdJson :: Bool
    ,cmdYaml :: Bool
    ,cmdShowAll :: Bool
    ,cmdDistDir :: Maybe String
    } deriving (Show, Data, Typeable)

getCmd :: [String] -> IO Cmd
getCmd args = withArgs args $ automatic <$> cmdArgsRun mode

automatic :: Cmd -> Cmd
automatic cmd
    | cmdTest cmd = cmd{cmdTest=False,cmdProjects=["test"],cmdBuild=True,cmdMatch=True}
    | null $ cmdProjects cmd = cmd{cmdProjects=["."]}
    | otherwise = cmd

mode :: Mode (CmdArgs Cmd)
mode = cmdArgsMode $ Cmd
    {cmdProjects = def &= args &= typ "DIR OR stack.yaml"
    ,cmdBuild = nam "build" &= help "Build the project first"
    ,cmdTest = nam "test" &= help "Run the test suite"
    ,cmdMatch = nam "match" &= help "Make the .weeder.yaml perfectly match"
    ,cmdJson = nam "json" &= help "Output JSON"
    ,cmdYaml = nam "yaml" &= help "Output YAML"
    ,cmdShowAll = nam "show-all" &= help "Show even ignored warnings"
    ,cmdDistDir = nam "dist-dir" &= typDir &= help "Stack dist-dir, defaults to 'stack path --dist-dir'"
    } &= explicit &= verbosity
    &= name "weeder" &= program "weeder" &= summary ("Weeder v" ++ showVersion version ++ ", (C) Neil Mitchell 2017-2020")
        nam xs = def &= explicit &= name xs &= name [head xs]