	Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Dr. Alistair Ward

	This file is part of WeekDaze.

	WeekDaze is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
	the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
	(at your option) any later version.

	WeekDaze is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
	GNU General Public License for more details.

	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
	along with WeekDaze.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
{- |
 [@AUTHOR@]	Dr. Alistair Ward


	* Defines the personal /timetable/ for any week, for each /location/.

	* It contains identical information to 'StudentView.Timetable.Timetable',
	but the data has been re-indexed to present it in a form relevant to a /location/ rather than a /student/.

module WeekDaze.LocationView.Timetable(
-- * Types
-- ** Type-synonyms
--	Booking,
-- * Functions
-- ** Mutators
--	bookStudentViewLesson,
--	bookLocationViewLesson,
-- ** Translation
) where

import                  Data.Map((!))
import qualified        Data.Array.IArray
import qualified        Data.Foldable
import qualified        Data.Map
import qualified        Data.Maybe
import qualified        Data.Set
import qualified        Text.XHtml.Strict
import qualified        WeekDaze.Aggregate.LocationCatalogue    as Aggregate.LocationCatalogue
import qualified        WeekDaze.Data.Course                    as Data.Course
import qualified        WeekDaze.Data.Location                  as Data.Location
import qualified        WeekDaze.LocationView.Lesson            as LocationView.Lesson
import qualified        WeekDaze.LocationView.LessonResourceIds as LocationView.LessonResourceIds
import qualified        WeekDaze.Model.Lesson                   as Model.Lesson
import qualified        WeekDaze.Model.Meeting                  as Model.Meeting
import qualified        WeekDaze.Model.Timetable                as Model.Timetable
import qualified        WeekDaze.Model.TimetableForWeek         as Model.TimetableForWeek
import qualified        WeekDaze.StudentView.LessonResourceIds  as StudentView.LessonResourceIds
import qualified        WeekDaze.StudentView.Timetable          as StudentView.Timetable
import qualified        WeekDaze.Temporal.Time                  as Temporal.Time
import qualified        WeekDaze.Text.CSS                       as Text.CSS
import                  Text.XHtml.Strict((+++), (<<))
import                  WeekDaze.Text.XHTML()

-- | An association-list of the timetables for all /locations/.
type Timetable locationId timeslotId teacherId level    = Model.Timetable.Timetable locationId timeslotId (LocationView.LessonResourceIds.LessonResourceIds teacherId) level

{- |
	* Build a 'Timetable' by inverting a 'StudentView.Timetable.Timetable'.

	* CAVEAT: in the original 'StudentView.Timetable.Timetable', different /student-bodies/ may simultaneously reference a single /location/.
	This is normal behaviour, provided the /location/ has sufficient capacity,
	& is implemented seemlessly, as a /map/-structure with one or more /key/s referencing a /value/, containing the same /location/.

	* When inverting such a /timetable/, this many-to-one relationship becomes a one-to-many, & a single /location-id/ must now reference many /student-bodies/.
	The /map/-structure (cf. /multi-map/), can't directly accommodate multiple identical keys, with different values,
	so this is achieved by merging the /student-bodies/ into a class of /student/s.
fromStudentViewTimetable :: (
        Data.Array.IArray.Ix    timeslotId,
        Enum                    timeslotId,
        Eq                      level,
        Eq                      teacherId,
        Ord                     locationId,
        Show                    level,
        Show                    locationId,
        Show                    teacherId,
        Show                    timeslotId
        => Bool                                                 -- ^ Permit a temporary /student-body/ merger.
        -> Timetable locationId timeslotId teacherId level      -- ^ An unallocated /timetable/, supplied for efficiency.
        -> StudentView.Timetable.Timetable timeslotId locationId teacherId level
        -> Timetable locationId timeslotId teacherId level
fromStudentViewTimetable permitTemporaryStudentBodyMerger       = Data.Map.foldrWithKey (
        \studentBody studentViewTimetableForWeek locationViewTimetable  -> snd {-timetable-} $ Data.Foldable.foldr (
                \studentViewTimetableForDay (day, locationViewTimetable')       -> (
                        pred day,       -- Because of the use of 'foldr'.
                        snd {-timetable-} $ Data.Foldable.foldr (
                                \maybeStudentViewLesson (timeslotId, locationViewTimetable'')   -> (
                                        pred timeslotId,        -- Because of the use of 'foldr'.
                                        Data.Maybe.maybe locationViewTimetable'' (
                                                ($ locationViewTimetable'') . bookStudentViewLesson permitTemporaryStudentBodyMerger {-partially apply-} . (,) (
                                                        Temporal.Time.mkTime day timeslotId
                                                ) {-construct a booking-}
                                        ) maybeStudentViewLesson
                        ) (
                                snd {-maximum timeslotId-} $ Data.Array.IArray.bounds studentViewTimetableForDay,
                        ) studentViewTimetableForDay
        ) (
                snd {-maximum day-} $ Data.Array.IArray.bounds studentViewTimetableForWeek,
        ) studentViewTimetableForWeek

{- |
	* Build a 'StudentView.Timetable.Timetable', by inverting a 'Timetable'.

	* Each /lesson/ in the /timetable/ seen from the /location/'s perspective, contains a /student-class/.
	This /student-class/ must be broken into /student-bodies/, before inserting repeatedly into the required /timetable/ as seen from the /student-body/'s perpective.
        :: (Data.Array.IArray.Ix timeslotId, Enum timeslotId)
        => StudentView.Timetable.Timetable timeslotId locationId teacherId level        -- ^ An unallocated /timetable/, supplied for efficiency.
        -> Timetable locationId timeslotId teacherId level
        -> StudentView.Timetable.Timetable timeslotId locationId teacherId level
toStudentViewTimetable  = Data.Map.foldrWithKey (
        \locationId locationViewTimetableForWeek studentViewTimetable   -> snd {-timetable-} $ Data.Foldable.foldr (
                \locationViewTimetableForDay (day, studentViewTimetable')       -> (
                        pred day,       -- Because of the use of 'foldr'.
                        snd {-timetable-} $ Data.Foldable.foldr (
                                \maybeLocationViewLesson (timeslotId, studentViewTimetable'')   -> (
                                        pred timeslotId,        -- Because of the use of 'foldr'.
                                        Data.Maybe.maybe studentViewTimetable'' (
                                                ($ studentViewTimetable'') . bookLocationViewLesson {-partially apply-} . (,) (
                                                        Temporal.Time.mkTime day timeslotId
                                                ) {-construct a booking-}
                                        ) maybeLocationViewLesson
                        ) (
                                snd {-maximum timeslotId-} $ Data.Array.IArray.bounds locationViewTimetableForDay,
                        ) locationViewTimetableForDay
        ) (
                snd {-maximum day-} $ Data.Array.IArray.bounds locationViewTimetableForWeek,
        ) locationViewTimetableForWeek

-- | Make a 'StudentView.Timetable.Booking' in a /LocationView-timetable/.
bookStudentViewLesson :: (
        Data.Array.IArray.Ix    timeslotId,
        Eq                      level,
        Eq                      teacherId,
        Ord                     locationId,
        Show                    level,
        Show                    locationId,
        Show                    teacherId,
        Show                    timeslotId
        => Bool                                                                 -- ^ Permit a temporary /student-body/ merger.
        -> StudentView.Timetable.Booking timeslotId locationId teacherId level  -- ^ The /coordinates/ & /lesson/ from the perspective of the /student/-view of the /timetable/.
        -> Timetable locationId timeslotId teacherId level                      -- ^ The /timetable/ as seen from the /location/'s perspective.
        -> Timetable locationId timeslotId teacherId level
bookStudentViewLesson permitTemporaryStudentBodyMerger ((studentBody, time), studentViewLesson) locationViewTimetable   = Model.Timetable.defineTimeslot (
        Just studentViewLesson {
                Model.Lesson.getResourceIds     = LocationView.LessonResourceIds.mkLessonResourceIds (
                        Data.Set.insert studentBody $ case Model.Timetable.getMaybeLesson locationViewTimetableCoordinates locationViewTimetable of
                                Nothing -> Data.Set.empty       -- Start a new student-class.
                                Just locationViewLesson
                                        | and [
                                                LocationView.LessonResourceIds.getTeacherId locationViewResourceIds == teacherId,
                                                Model.Lesson.getSubject locationViewLesson == Model.Lesson.getSubject studentViewLesson
                                        ]               -> LocationView.LessonResourceIds.getStudentClass locationViewResourceIds
                                        | otherwise     -> error $ "WeekDaze.LocationView.Timetable.bookStudentViewLesson:\tlesson at coordinates=" ++ show locationViewTimetableCoordinates ++ " has already been booked in either a different subject or location; " ++ show (locationViewLesson, studentViewLesson) ++ "."
                                                locationViewResourceIds = Model.Lesson.getResourceIds locationViewLesson
                 ) teacherId
        } -- Mutate.
 ) locationViewTimetable where
        studentViewResourceIds                  = Model.Lesson.getResourceIds studentViewLesson
        teacherId                               = StudentView.LessonResourceIds.getTeacherId studentViewResourceIds
        locationViewTimetableCoordinates        = (StudentView.LessonResourceIds.getLocationId studentViewResourceIds, time)

-- | A /lesson/ qualified by the /coordinates/ at which it is booked.
type Booking locationId timeslotId teacherId level      = Model.Timetable.Booking locationId timeslotId (LocationView.LessonResourceIds.LessonResourceIds teacherId) level

-- | Books a /LocationView-lesson/ in a /StudentView-timetable/.
        :: Data.Array.IArray.Ix timeslotId
        => Booking locationId timeslotId teacherId level                                -- ^ The /coordinates/ & /lesson/ from the perspective of the /location/-view of the /timetable/.
        -> StudentView.Timetable.Timetable timeslotId locationId teacherId level        -- ^ The /timetable/ as seen from the /student/'s perspective.
        -> StudentView.Timetable.Timetable timeslotId locationId teacherId level
bookLocationViewLesson ((locationId, time), locationViewLesson) studentViewTimetable    = Data.Set.foldr (
        Model.Timetable.defineTimeslot . flip (,) (
                Just $ LocationView.Lesson.toStudentView locationId locationViewLesson
        ) . flip (,) time
 ) studentViewTimetable $ LocationView.LessonResourceIds.getStudentClass locationViewResourceIds where
        locationViewResourceIds = Model.Lesson.getResourceIds locationViewLesson

-- | Render in /XHTML/, as a /definition-list/.
toXHtml :: (
        Data.Array.IArray.Ix    timeslotId,
        Fractional              minimumContrastRatio,
        Ord                     level,
        Ord                     locationId,
        Ord                     minimumContrastRatio,
        Ord                     teacherId,
        Show                    level,
        Show                    teacherId,
        Text.XHtml.Strict.HTML  campus,
        Text.XHtml.Strict.HTML  level,
        Text.XHtml.Strict.HTML  locationId,
        Text.XHtml.Strict.HTML  synchronisationId,
        Text.XHtml.Strict.HTML  teacherId,
        Text.XHtml.Strict.HTML  timeslotId
        => (locationId -> LocationView.Lesson.Lesson teacherId level -> Data.Course.Course synchronisationId level timeslotId)  -- ^ Find the /course/ to which the specified /lesson/ belongs.
        -> Aggregate.LocationCatalogue.LocationCatalogue locationId campus
        -> Model.Timetable.GenericTimetableToMarkup locationId minimumContrastRatio teacherId timeslotId (Timetable locationId timeslotId teacherId level)
toXHtml findCourseForLocationViewLesson locationCatalogue displaySupplementaryInformation meetingsByTime htmlMergeDuplicateTimeslots displayAxisLabels weekend maybeGenerateLessonColourFrom    = Text.XHtml.Strict.defList . map (
        \(locationId, timetableForWeek) -> let
                locationProfile                 = locationCatalogue ! locationId
                nUnallocatedAvailableTimeslots  = Model.TimetableForWeek.countUnallocatedAvailableTimeslots locationProfile timetableForWeek
        in (
                Text.XHtml.Strict.unordList (
                                Data.Location.getCampus locationProfile +++ ' ' +++ locationId
                        ) : if displaySupplementaryInformation
                                then Data.Maybe.catMaybes [
                                        Just $ Text.XHtml.Strict.thespan Text.XHtml.Strict.! [
                                                Text.XHtml.Strict.theclass Text.CSS.infoCSSIdentifier,
                                                Text.XHtml.Strict.title "The total capacity to accommodate students at this location."
                                        ] << (
                                                "Capacity" +++ Text.XHtml.Strict.spaceHtml +++ '=' +++ Text.XHtml.Strict.spaceHtml +++ Text.XHtml.Strict.thespan Text.XHtml.Strict.! [
                                                        Text.XHtml.Strict.theclass Text.CSS.numericDataCSSIdentifier
                                                ] << Data.Location.getCapacity (locationCatalogue ! locationId)
                                        if nUnallocatedAvailableTimeslots == 0
                                                then Nothing
                                                else Just $ Text.XHtml.Strict.thespan Text.XHtml.Strict.! [
                                                        Text.XHtml.Strict.theclass Text.CSS.infoCSSIdentifier,
                                                        Text.XHtml.Strict.title "Available but unallocated time-slots, at this location."
                                                ] << (
                                                        "Unallocated time-slots" +++ Text.XHtml.Strict.spaceHtml +++ '=' +++ Text.XHtml.Strict.spaceHtml +++ Text.XHtml.Strict.thespan Text.XHtml.Strict.! [
                                                                Text.XHtml.Strict.theclass Text.CSS.numericDataCSSIdentifier
                                                        ] << nUnallocatedAvailableTimeslots
                                                facilityNames   = Data.Location.getFacilityNames locationProfile
                                        in if Data.Set.null facilityNames
                                                then Nothing
                                                else Just $ Text.XHtml.Strict.unordList (map show $ Data.Set.toList facilityNames) Text.XHtml.Strict.! [
                                                        Text.XHtml.Strict.theclass Text.CSS.infoCSSIdentifier,
                                                        Text.XHtml.Strict.title "Facilities available at this location."
                                else []
                ) Text.XHtml.Strict.! [Text.XHtml.Strict.theclass Text.CSS.observerSummaryCSSIdentifier],       -- CAVEAT: xhtml only permits inline elements to be nested inside a 'dt' element, & 'ul' is a block element.
                Model.TimetableForWeek.toXHtml (
                        findCourseForLocationViewLesson locationId      -- Partially apply.
                ) locationProfile (
                        Model.Meeting.deleteLocationId locationId meetingsByTime
                ) htmlMergeDuplicateTimeslots displayAxisLabels weekend maybeGenerateLessonColourFrom timetableForWeek
 ) . Data.Map.toList