	Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Dr. Alistair Ward

	This file is part of WeekDaze.

	WeekDaze is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
	the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
	(at your option) any later version.

	WeekDaze is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
	GNU General Public License for more details.

	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
	along with WeekDaze.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
{- |
 [@AUTHOR@]	Dr. Alistair Ward

 [@DESCRIPTION@]	Defines the format of a file.

module WeekDaze.OutputConfiguration.FileFormat(
-- * Types
-- ** Data-types
--		MkFileFormat,
-- * Constants
--	tag,
--	filePathTag,
-- * Functions
-- ** Constructor
) where

import                  Control.Arrow((&&&))
import qualified        Control.DeepSeq
import qualified        Data.Default
import qualified        System.FilePath
import qualified        Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.Pickle               as HXT
import qualified        ToolShed.SelfValidate
import qualified        WeekDaze.OutputConfiguration.Format     as OutputConfiguration.Format

-- | A special file-name interpreted as a request for /stdout/.
stdoutProxy :: String
stdoutProxy     = "-"

-- | Used to qualify XML.
tag :: String
tag             = "fileFormat"

-- | Used to qualify XML.
filePathTag :: String
filePathTag     = "filePath"

-- | The format associated with a specified file-path.
data FileFormat minimumContrastRatio    = MkFileFormat {
        getFilePath     :: System.FilePath.FilePath,    -- ^ The special file-path 'stdoutProxy', will be interpreted as /stdout/.
        getFormat       :: OutputConfiguration.Format.Format minimumContrastRatio
} deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Show minimumContrastRatio => ToolShed.SelfValidate.SelfValidator (FileFormat minimumContrastRatio) where
        getErrors fileFormat    = ToolShed.SelfValidate.extractErrors [
                        not . System.FilePath.isValid $ getFilePath fileFormat,
                        "invalid file-path; " ++ show fileFormat

instance Data.Default.Default (FileFormat minimumContrastRatio) where
        def     = MkFileFormat stdoutProxy Data.Default.def

-- | Smart constructor.
        :: Show minimumContrastRatio
        => System.FilePath.FilePath                                     -- ^ A path to a file, into which the unprocessed configuration, formatted as XML, should be written.
        -> OutputConfiguration.Format.Format minimumContrastRatio       -- ^ The number of decimal digits with which to log the value of /lesson-criteria/ & /timetable-criteria/.
        -> FileFormat minimumContrastRatio
mkFileFormat filePath format
        | ToolShed.SelfValidate.isValid fileFormat      = fileFormat
        | otherwise                                     = error $ "WeekDaze.OutputConfiguration.FileFormat.mkFileFormat:\t" ++ ToolShed.SelfValidate.getFirstError fileFormat ++ "."
                fileFormat      = MkFileFormat filePath format

instance (
        Fractional      minimumContrastRatio,
        HXT.XmlPickler  minimumContrastRatio,
        Ord             minimumContrastRatio,
        Show            minimumContrastRatio
 ) => HXT.XmlPickler (FileFormat minimumContrastRatio) where
        xpickle = HXT.xpElem tag . HXT.xpWrap (
                uncurry mkFileFormat,           -- Construct from a Pair.
                getFilePath &&& getFormat       -- Deconstruct to a Pair.
         ) $ HXT.xpTextAttr filePathTag `HXT.xpPair` HXT.xpickle {-Format-}

instance Control.DeepSeq.NFData minimumContrastRatio => Control.DeepSeq.NFData (FileFormat minimumContrastRatio) where
        rnf     = Control.DeepSeq.rnf . (getFilePath &&& getFormat)