Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- data FloatInfo
- type HalfFloat = 'HalfFloat
- type SingleFloat = 'SingleFloat
- type DoubleFloat = 'DoubleFloat
- type QuadFloat = 'QuadFloat
- type X86_80Float = 'X86_80Float
- type DoubleDoubleFloat = 'DoubleDoubleFloat
- data FloatInfoRepr (fi :: FloatInfo) where
- data X86_80Val = X86_80Val Word16 Word64
- fp80ToBits :: X86_80Val -> Integer
- fp80ToRational :: X86_80Val -> Maybe Rational
- type family FloatInfoToPrecision (fi :: FloatInfo) :: FloatPrecision where ...
- type family FloatPrecisionToInfo (fpp :: FloatPrecision) :: FloatInfo where ...
- floatInfoToPrecisionRepr :: FloatInfoRepr fi -> FloatPrecisionRepr (FloatInfoToPrecision fi)
- floatPrecisionToInfoRepr :: FloatPrecisionRepr fpp -> FloatInfoRepr (FloatPrecisionToInfo fpp)
- type family FloatInfoToBitWidth (fi :: FloatInfo) :: Nat where ...
- floatInfoToBVTypeRepr :: FloatInfoRepr fi -> BaseTypeRepr (BaseBVType (FloatInfoToBitWidth fi))
- type family SymInterpretedFloatType (sym :: Type) (fi :: FloatInfo) :: BaseType
- type SymInterpretedFloat sym fi = SymExpr sym (SymInterpretedFloatType sym fi)
- class IsExprBuilder sym => IsInterpretedFloatExprBuilder sym where
- iFloatPZero :: sym -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi)
- iFloatNZero :: sym -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi)
- iFloatNaN :: sym -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi)
- iFloatPInf :: sym -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi)
- iFloatNInf :: sym -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi)
- iFloatLitRational :: sym -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> Rational -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi)
- iFloatLitSingle :: sym -> Float -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym SingleFloat)
- iFloatLitDouble :: sym -> Double -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym DoubleFloat)
- iFloatLitLongDouble :: sym -> X86_80Val -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym X86_80Float)
- iFloatNeg :: sym -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi)
- iFloatAbs :: sym -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi)
- iFloatSqrt :: sym -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi)
- iFloatAdd :: sym -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi)
- iFloatSub :: sym -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi)
- iFloatMul :: sym -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi)
- iFloatDiv :: sym -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi)
- iFloatRem :: sym -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi)
- iFloatMin :: sym -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi)
- iFloatMax :: sym -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi)
- iFloatFMA :: sym -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi)
- iFloatEq :: sym -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (Pred sym)
- iFloatNe :: sym -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (Pred sym)
- iFloatFpEq :: sym -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (Pred sym)
- iFloatFpApart :: sym -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (Pred sym)
- iFloatLe :: sym -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (Pred sym)
- iFloatLt :: sym -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (Pred sym)
- iFloatGe :: sym -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (Pred sym)
- iFloatGt :: sym -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (Pred sym)
- iFloatIsNaN :: sym -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (Pred sym)
- iFloatIsInf :: sym -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (Pred sym)
- iFloatIsZero :: sym -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (Pred sym)
- iFloatIsPos :: sym -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (Pred sym)
- iFloatIsNeg :: sym -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (Pred sym)
- iFloatIsSubnorm :: sym -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (Pred sym)
- iFloatIsNorm :: sym -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (Pred sym)
- iFloatIte :: sym -> Pred sym -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi)
- iFloatCast :: sym -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi' -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi)
- iFloatRound :: sym -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi)
- iFloatFromBinary :: sym -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> SymBV sym (FloatInfoToBitWidth fi) -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi)
- iFloatToBinary :: sym -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (SymBV sym (FloatInfoToBitWidth fi))
- iBVToFloat :: 1 <= w => sym -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> RoundingMode -> SymBV sym w -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi)
- iSBVToFloat :: 1 <= w => sym -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> RoundingMode -> SymBV sym w -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi)
- iRealToFloat :: sym -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> RoundingMode -> SymReal sym -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi)
- iFloatToBV :: 1 <= w => sym -> NatRepr w -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (SymBV sym w)
- iFloatToSBV :: 1 <= w => sym -> NatRepr w -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (SymBV sym w)
- iFloatToReal :: sym -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (SymReal sym)
- iFloatSpecialFunction :: sym -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> SpecialFunction args -> Assignment (SpecialFnArg (SymExpr sym) (SymInterpretedFloatType sym fi)) args -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi)
- iFloatSpecialFunction0 :: sym -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> SpecialFunction EmptyCtx -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi)
- iFloatSpecialFunction1 :: sym -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> SpecialFunction (EmptyCtx ::> R) -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi)
- iFloatSpecialFunction2 :: sym -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> SpecialFunction ((EmptyCtx ::> R) ::> R) -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi)
- iFloatBaseTypeRepr :: sym -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> BaseTypeRepr (SymInterpretedFloatType sym fi)
- class (IsSymExprBuilder sym, IsInterpretedFloatExprBuilder sym) => IsInterpretedFloatSymExprBuilder sym where
- freshFloatConstant :: sym -> SolverSymbol -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymExpr sym (SymInterpretedFloatType sym fi))
- freshFloatLatch :: sym -> SolverSymbol -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymExpr sym (SymInterpretedFloatType sym fi))
- freshFloatBoundVar :: sym -> SolverSymbol -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (BoundVar sym (SymInterpretedFloatType sym fi))
FloatInfo data kind
This data kind describes the types of floating-point formats. This consist of the standard IEEE 754-2008 binary floating point formats, as well as the X86 extended 80-bit format and the double-double format.
Constructors for kind FloatInfo
type SingleFloat Source #
= 'SingleFloat | 32 bit binary IEEE754. |
type DoubleFloat Source #
= 'DoubleFloat | 64 bit binary IEEE754. |
type X86_80Float Source #
= 'X86_80Float | X86 80-bit extended floats. |
type DoubleDoubleFloat Source #
= 'DoubleDoubleFloat | Two 64-bit floats fused in the "double-double" style. |
Representations of FloatInfo types
data FloatInfoRepr (fi :: FloatInfo) where Source #
A family of value-level representatives for floating-point types.
extended 80 bit float values ("long double")
Representation of 80-bit floating values, since there's no native Haskell type for these.
Show X86_80Val Source # | |
Eq X86_80Val Source # | |
Ord X86_80Val Source # | |
fp80ToBits :: X86_80Val -> Integer Source #
FloatInfo to/from FloatPrecision
type family FloatInfoToPrecision (fi :: FloatInfo) :: FloatPrecision where ... Source #
type family FloatPrecisionToInfo (fpp :: FloatPrecision) :: FloatInfo where ... Source #
floatInfoToPrecisionRepr :: FloatInfoRepr fi -> FloatPrecisionRepr (FloatInfoToPrecision fi) Source #
floatPrecisionToInfoRepr :: FloatPrecisionRepr fpp -> FloatInfoRepr (FloatPrecisionToInfo fpp) Source #
Bit-width type family
type family FloatInfoToBitWidth (fi :: FloatInfo) :: Nat where ... Source #
floatInfoToBVTypeRepr :: FloatInfoRepr fi -> BaseTypeRepr (BaseBVType (FloatInfoToBitWidth fi)) Source #
Interface classes
Interpretation type family
type family SymInterpretedFloatType (sym :: Type) (fi :: FloatInfo) :: BaseType Source #
Interpretation of the floating point type.
type SymInterpretedFloatType (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi Source # | |
Defined in What4.Expr.Builder type SymInterpretedFloatType (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatIEEE)) fi = BaseFloatType (FloatInfoToPrecision fi) | |
type SymInterpretedFloatType (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatReal)) fi Source # | |
Defined in What4.Expr.Builder | |
type SymInterpretedFloatType (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi Source # | |
Defined in What4.Expr.Builder type SymInterpretedFloatType (ExprBuilder t st (Flags FloatUninterpreted)) fi = BaseBVType (FloatInfoToBitWidth fi) |
Type alias
type SymInterpretedFloat sym fi = SymExpr sym (SymInterpretedFloatType sym fi) Source #
Symbolic floating point numbers.
class IsExprBuilder sym => IsInterpretedFloatExprBuilder sym where Source #
Abstact floating point operations.
Minimal complete definition
iFloatPZero, iFloatNZero, iFloatNaN, iFloatPInf, iFloatNInf, iFloatLitRational, iFloatLitSingle, iFloatLitDouble, iFloatLitLongDouble, iFloatNeg, iFloatAbs, iFloatSqrt, iFloatAdd, iFloatSub, iFloatMul, iFloatDiv, iFloatRem, iFloatMin, iFloatMax, iFloatFMA, iFloatEq, iFloatNe, iFloatFpEq, iFloatFpApart, iFloatLe, iFloatLt, iFloatGe, iFloatGt, iFloatIsNaN, iFloatIsInf, iFloatIsZero, iFloatIsPos, iFloatIsNeg, iFloatIsSubnorm, iFloatIsNorm, iFloatIte, iFloatCast, iFloatRound, iFloatFromBinary, iFloatToBinary, iBVToFloat, iSBVToFloat, iRealToFloat, iFloatToBV, iFloatToSBV, iFloatToReal, iFloatSpecialFunction, iFloatBaseTypeRepr
iFloatPZero :: sym -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi) Source #
Return floating point number +0
iFloatNZero :: sym -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi) Source #
Return floating point number -0
iFloatNaN :: sym -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi) Source #
Return floating point NaN.
iFloatPInf :: sym -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi) Source #
Return floating point +infinity
iFloatNInf :: sym -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi) Source #
Return floating point -infinity
iFloatLitRational :: sym -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> Rational -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi) Source #
Create a floating point literal from a rational literal.
iFloatLitSingle :: sym -> Float -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym SingleFloat) Source #
Create a (single precision) floating point literal.
iFloatLitDouble :: sym -> Double -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym DoubleFloat) Source #
Create a (double precision) floating point literal.
iFloatLitLongDouble :: sym -> X86_80Val -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym X86_80Float) Source #
Create an (extended double precision) floating point literal.
iFloatNeg :: sym -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi) Source #
Negate a floating point number.
iFloatAbs :: sym -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi) Source #
Return the absolute value of a floating point number.
iFloatSqrt :: sym -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi) Source #
Compute the square root of a floating point number.
iFloatAdd :: sym -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi) Source #
Add two floating point numbers.
iFloatSub :: sym -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi) Source #
Subtract two floating point numbers.
iFloatMul :: sym -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi) Source #
Multiply two floating point numbers.
iFloatDiv :: sym -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi) Source #
Divide two floating point numbers.
iFloatRem :: sym -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi) Source #
Compute the reminder: x - y * n
, where n
in Z is nearest to x / y
iFloatMin :: sym -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi) Source #
Return the min of two floating point numbers.
iFloatMax :: sym -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi) Source #
Return the max of two floating point numbers.
iFloatFMA :: sym -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi) Source #
Compute the fused multiplication and addition: (x * y) + z
iFloatEq :: sym -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (Pred sym) Source #
Check logical equality of two floating point numbers.
iFloatNe :: sym -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (Pred sym) Source #
Check logical non-equality of two floating point numbers.
iFloatFpEq :: sym -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (Pred sym) Source #
Check IEEE equality of two floating point numbers.
iFloatFpApart :: sym -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (Pred sym) Source #
Check IEEE apartness of two floating point numbers.
iFloatLe :: sym -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (Pred sym) Source #
Check <=
on two floating point numbers.
iFloatLt :: sym -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (Pred sym) Source #
Check <
on two floating point numbers.
iFloatGe :: sym -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (Pred sym) Source #
Check >=
on two floating point numbers.
iFloatGt :: sym -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (Pred sym) Source #
Check >
on two floating point numbers.
iFloatIsNaN :: sym -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (Pred sym) Source #
iFloatIsInf :: sym -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (Pred sym) Source #
iFloatIsZero :: sym -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (Pred sym) Source #
iFloatIsPos :: sym -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (Pred sym) Source #
iFloatIsNeg :: sym -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (Pred sym) Source #
iFloatIsSubnorm :: sym -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (Pred sym) Source #
iFloatIsNorm :: sym -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (Pred sym) Source #
iFloatIte :: sym -> Pred sym -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi) Source #
If-then-else on floating point numbers.
iFloatCast :: sym -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi' -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi) Source #
Change the precision of a floating point number.
iFloatRound :: sym -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi) Source #
Round a floating point number to an integral value.
iFloatFromBinary :: sym -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> SymBV sym (FloatInfoToBitWidth fi) -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi) Source #
Convert from binary representation in IEEE 754-2008 format to floating point.
iFloatToBinary :: sym -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (SymBV sym (FloatInfoToBitWidth fi)) Source #
Convert from floating point from to the binary representation in IEEE 754-2008 format.
iBVToFloat :: 1 <= w => sym -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> RoundingMode -> SymBV sym w -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi) Source #
Convert a unsigned bitvector to a floating point number.
iSBVToFloat :: 1 <= w => sym -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> RoundingMode -> SymBV sym w -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi) Source #
Convert a signed bitvector to a floating point number.
iRealToFloat :: sym -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> RoundingMode -> SymReal sym -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi) Source #
Convert a real number to a floating point number.
iFloatToBV :: 1 <= w => sym -> NatRepr w -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (SymBV sym w) Source #
Convert a floating point number to a unsigned bitvector.
iFloatToSBV :: 1 <= w => sym -> NatRepr w -> RoundingMode -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (SymBV sym w) Source #
Convert a floating point number to a signed bitvector.
iFloatToReal :: sym -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (SymReal sym) Source #
Convert a floating point number to a real number.
iFloatSpecialFunction :: sym -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> SpecialFunction args -> Assignment (SpecialFnArg (SymExpr sym) (SymInterpretedFloatType sym fi)) args -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi) Source #
Apply a special function to floating-point arguments
iFloatSpecialFunction0 :: sym -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> SpecialFunction EmptyCtx -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi) Source #
Access a 0-arity special function constant
iFloatSpecialFunction1 :: sym -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> SpecialFunction (EmptyCtx ::> R) -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi) Source #
Apply a 1-argument special function
iFloatSpecialFunction2 :: sym -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> SpecialFunction ((EmptyCtx ::> R) ::> R) -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> IO (SymInterpretedFloat sym fi) Source #
Apply a 2-argument special function
iFloatBaseTypeRepr :: sym -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> BaseTypeRepr (SymInterpretedFloatType sym fi) Source #
The associated BaseType representative of the floating point interpretation for each format.
class (IsSymExprBuilder sym, IsInterpretedFloatExprBuilder sym) => IsInterpretedFloatSymExprBuilder sym where Source #
Helper interface for creating new symbolic floating-point constants and variables.
Minimal complete definition
freshFloatConstant :: sym -> SolverSymbol -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymExpr sym (SymInterpretedFloatType sym fi)) Source #
Create a fresh top-level floating-point uninterpreted constant.
freshFloatLatch :: sym -> SolverSymbol -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymExpr sym (SymInterpretedFloatType sym fi)) Source #
Create a fresh floating-point latch variable.
freshFloatBoundVar :: sym -> SolverSymbol -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (BoundVar sym (SymInterpretedFloatType sym fi)) Source #
Creates a floating-point bound variable.
IsInterpretedFloatExprBuilder (ExprBuilder t st fs) => IsInterpretedFloatSymExprBuilder (ExprBuilder t st fs) Source # | |
Defined in What4.Expr.Builder Methods freshFloatConstant :: forall (fi :: FloatInfo). ExprBuilder t st fs -> SolverSymbol -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymExpr (ExprBuilder t st fs) (SymInterpretedFloatType (ExprBuilder t st fs) fi)) Source # freshFloatLatch :: forall (fi :: FloatInfo). ExprBuilder t st fs -> SolverSymbol -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (SymExpr (ExprBuilder t st fs) (SymInterpretedFloatType (ExprBuilder t st fs) fi)) Source # freshFloatBoundVar :: forall (fi :: FloatInfo). ExprBuilder t st fs -> SolverSymbol -> FloatInfoRepr fi -> IO (BoundVar (ExprBuilder t st fs) (SymInterpretedFloatType (ExprBuilder t st fs) fi)) Source # |