{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -funbox-strict-fields #-}

---- |
---- Module      :  Data.WideWord.Int128
---- Maintainer  :  erikd@mega-nerd.com
---- Stability   :  experimental
---- Portability :  non-portable (GHC extensions and primops)
---- This module provides an opaque signed 128 bit value with the usual set
---- of typeclass instances one would expect for a fixed width unsigned integer
---- type.
---- Operations like addition, subtraction and multiplication etc provide a
---- "modulo 2^128" result as one would expect from a fixed width unsigned word.

#include <MachDeps.h>

module Data.WideWord.Int128
  ( Int128 (..)
  , byteSwapInt128
  , showHexInt128
  , zeroInt128
  ) where

import Control.DeepSeq (NFData (..))

import Data.Bits (Bits (..), FiniteBits (..), shiftL)

import Data.WideWord.Word128

import Numeric

import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, castPtr)
import Foreign.Storable (Storable (..))

import GHC.Base (Int (..), and#, int2Word#, minusWord#, not#, or#, plusWord#, plusWord2#
                , subWordC#, timesWord#, timesWord2#, word2Int#, xor#)
import GHC.Enum (predError, succError)
import GHC.Int (Int64 (..))
import GHC.Real ((%))
import GHC.Word (Word64 (..), byteSwap64)

data Int128 = Int128
  { int128Hi64 :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
  , int128Lo64 :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
  deriving Eq

byteSwapInt128 :: Int128 -> Int128
byteSwapInt128 (Int128 a1 a0) = Int128 (byteSwap64 a0) (byteSwap64 a1)

showHexInt128 :: Int128 -> String
showHexInt128 (Int128 a1 a0)
  | a1 == 0 = showHex a0 ""
  | otherwise = showHex a1 zeros ++ showHex a0 ""
    h0 = showHex a0 ""
    zeros = replicate (16 - length h0) '0'

instance Show Int128 where
  show = show . toInteger

instance Read Int128 where
  readsPrec p s = [(fromInteger128 (x :: Integer), r) | (x, r) <- readsPrec p s]

instance Ord Int128 where
  compare = compare128

instance Bounded Int128 where
  minBound = Int128 0x8000000000000000 0
  maxBound = Int128 0x7fffffffffffffff maxBound

instance Enum Int128 where
  succ = succ128
  pred = pred128
  toEnum = toEnum128
  fromEnum = fromEnum128

instance Num Int128 where
  (+) = plus128
  (-) = minus128
  (*) = times128
  negate = negate128
  abs = abs128
  signum = signum128
  fromInteger = fromInteger128

instance Bits Int128 where
  (.&.) = and128
  (.|.) = or128
  xor = xor128
  complement = complement128
  shiftL = shiftL128
  unsafeShiftL = shiftL128
  shiftR = shiftR128
  unsafeShiftR = shiftR128
  rotateL = rotateL128
  rotateR = rotateR128

  bitSize _ = 128
  bitSizeMaybe _ = Just 128
  isSigned _ = False

  testBit = testBit128
  bit = bit128

  popCount = popCount128

instance FiniteBits Int128 where
  finiteBitSize _ = 128
  countLeadingZeros = countLeadingZeros128
  countTrailingZeros = countTrailingZeros128

instance Real Int128 where
  toRational x = toInteger128 x % 1

instance Integral Int128 where
  quot n d = fst (quotRem128 n d)
  rem n d = snd (quotRem128 n d)
  div n d = fst (divMod128 n d)
  mod n d = snd (divMod128 n d)
  quotRem = quotRem128
  divMod = divMod128
  toInteger = toInteger128

instance Storable Int128 where
  sizeOf _ = 2 * sizeOf (0 :: Word64)
  alignment _ = 2 * alignment (0 :: Word64)
  peek = peek128
  peekElemOff = peekElemOff128
  poke = poke128
  pokeElemOff = pokeElemOff128

instance NFData Int128 where
  rnf (Int128 a1 a0) = rnf a1 `seq` rnf a0

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Rewrite rules.

"fromIntegral :: Int128 -> Int128" fromIntegral = id :: Int128 -> Int128
"fromIntegral :: Word128 -> Int128" fromIntegral = \(Word128 a1 a0) -> Int128 a1 a0
"fromIntegral :: Int128 -> Word128" fromIntegral = \(Int128 a1 a0) -> Word128 a1 a0

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Functions for `Ord` instance.

compare128 :: Int128 -> Int128 -> Ordering
compare128 (Int128 a1 a0) (Int128 b1 b0) =
  case compare (int64OfWord64 a1) (int64OfWord64 b1) of
    EQ -> compare a0 b0
    LT -> LT
    GT -> GT
    int64OfWord64 (W64# w) = I64# (word2Int# w)

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Functions for `Enum` instance.

succ128 :: Int128 -> Int128
succ128 (Int128 a1 a0)
  | a1 == 0x7fffffffffffffff && a0 == maxBound = succError "Int128"
  | otherwise =
      case a0 + 1 of
        0 -> Int128 (a1 + 1) 0
        s -> Int128 a1 s

pred128 :: Int128 -> Int128
pred128 (Int128 a1 a0)
  | a1 == 0x8000000000000000 && a0 == 0 = predError "Int128"
  | otherwise =
      case a0 of
        0 -> Int128 (a1 - 1) maxBound
        _ -> Int128 a1 (a0 - 1)

{-# INLINABLE toEnum128 #-}
toEnum128 :: Int -> Int128
toEnum128 i = Int128 0 (toEnum i)

{-# INLINABLE fromEnum128 #-}
fromEnum128 :: Int128 -> Int
fromEnum128 (Int128 _ a0) = fromEnum a0

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Functions for `Num` instance.

{-# INLINABLE plus128 #-}
plus128 :: Int128 -> Int128 -> Int128
plus128 (Int128 (W64# a1) (W64# a0)) (Int128 (W64# b1) (W64# b0)) =
  Int128 (W64# s1) (W64# s0)
    !(# c1, s0 #) = plusWord2# a0 b0
    s1a = plusWord# a1 b1
    s1 = plusWord# c1 s1a

{-# INLINABLE minus128 #-}
minus128 :: Int128 -> Int128 -> Int128
minus128 (Int128 (W64# a1) (W64# a0)) (Int128 (W64# b1) (W64# b0)) =
  Int128 (W64# d1) (W64# d0)
    !(# d0, c1 #) = subWordC# a0 b0
    a1c = minusWord# a1 (int2Word# c1)
    d1 = minusWord# a1c b1

times128 :: Int128 -> Int128 -> Int128
times128 (Int128 (W64# a1) (W64# a0)) (Int128 (W64# b1) (W64# b0)) =
  Int128 (W64# p1) (W64# p0)
    !(# c1, p0 #) = timesWord2# a0 b0
    p1a = timesWord# a1 b0
    p1b = timesWord# a0 b1
    p1c = plusWord# p1a p1b
    p1 = plusWord# p1c c1

{-# INLINABLE negate128 #-}
negate128 :: Int128 -> Int128
negate128 (Int128 (W64# a1) (W64# a0)) =
  case plusWord2# (not# a0) 1## of
    (# c, s #) -> Int128 (W64# (plusWord# (not# a1) c)) (W64# s)

{-# INLINABLE abs128 #-}
abs128 :: Int128 -> Int128
abs128 i@(Int128 a1 _)
  | testBit a1 63 = negate128 i
  | otherwise = i

{-# INLINABLE signum128 #-}
signum128 :: Int128 -> Int128
signum128 (Int128 a1 a0)
  | a1 == 0 && a0 == 0 = zeroInt128
  | testBit a1 63 = minusOneInt128
  | otherwise = oneInt128

{-# INLINABLE complement128 #-}
complement128 :: Int128 -> Int128
complement128 (Int128 a1 a0) = Int128 (complement a1) (complement a0)

fromInteger128 :: Integer -> Int128
fromInteger128 i =
  Int128 (fromIntegral $ i `shiftR` 64) (fromIntegral i)

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Functions for `Bits` instance.

{-# INLINABLE and128 #-}
and128 :: Int128 -> Int128 -> Int128
and128 (Int128 (W64# a1) (W64# a0)) (Int128 (W64# b1) (W64# b0)) =
  Int128 (W64# (and# a1 b1)) (W64# (and# a0 b0))

{-# INLINABLE or128 #-}
or128 :: Int128 -> Int128 -> Int128
or128 (Int128 (W64# a1) (W64# a0)) (Int128 (W64# b1) (W64# b0)) =
  Int128 (W64# (or# a1 b1)) (W64# (or# a0 b0))

{-# INLINABLE xor128 #-}
xor128 :: Int128 -> Int128 -> Int128
xor128 (Int128 (W64# a1) (W64# a0)) (Int128 (W64# b1) (W64# b0)) =
  Int128 (W64# (xor# a1 b1)) (W64# (xor# a0 b0))

-- Probably not worth inlining this.
shiftL128 :: Int128 -> Int -> Int128
shiftL128 w@(Int128 a1 a0) s
  | s == 0 = w
  | s < 0 = shiftL128 w (128 - (abs s `mod` 128))
  | s >= 128 = zeroInt128
  | s == 64 = Int128 a0 0
  | s > 64 = Int128 (a0 `shiftL` (s - 64)) 0
  | otherwise =
      Int128 s1 s0
        s0 = a0 `shiftL` s
        s1 = a1 `shiftL` s + a0 `shiftR` (64 - s)

-- Probably not worth inlining this.
shiftR128 :: Int128 -> Int -> Int128
shiftR128 i@(Int128 a1 a0) s
  | s < 0 = zeroInt128
  | s == 0 = i
  | topBitSetWord64 a1 = complement128 (shiftR128 (complement128 i) s)
  | s >= 128 = zeroInt128
  | s == 64 = Int128 0 a1
  | s > 64 = Int128 0 (a1 `shiftR` (s - 64))
  | otherwise = Int128 s1 s0
        s1 = a1 `shiftR` s
        s0 = a0 `shiftR` s + a1 `shiftL` (64 - s)

rotateL128 :: Int128 -> Int -> Int128
rotateL128 w@(Int128 a1 a0) r
  | r < 0 = zeroInt128
  | r == 0 = w
  | r >= 128 = rotateL128 w (r `mod` 128)
  | r == 64 = Int128 a0 a1
  | r > 64 = rotateL128 (Int128 a0 a1) (r `mod` 64)
  | otherwise =
      Int128 s1 s0
        s0 = a0 `shiftL` r + a1 `shiftR` (64 - r)
        s1 = a1 `shiftL` r + a0 `shiftR` (64 - r)

rotateR128 :: Int128 -> Int -> Int128
rotateR128 w@(Int128 a1 a0) r
  | r < 0 = rotateR128 w (128 - (abs r `mod` 128))
  | r == 0 = w
  | r >= 128 = rotateR128 w (r `mod` 128)
  | r == 64 = Int128 a0 a1
  | r > 64 = rotateR128 (Int128 a0 a1) (r `mod` 64)
  | otherwise =
      Int128 s1 s0
        s0 = a0 `shiftR` r + a1 `shiftL` (64 - r)
        s1 = a1 `shiftR` r + a0 `shiftL` (64 - r)

testBit128 :: Int128 -> Int -> Bool
testBit128 (Int128 a1 a0) i
  | i < 0 = False
  | i >= 128 = False
  | i >= 64 = testBit a1 (i - 64)
  | otherwise = testBit a0 i

bit128 :: Int -> Int128
bit128 indx
  | indx < 0 = zeroInt128
  | indx >= 128 = zeroInt128
  | otherwise = shiftL128 oneInt128 indx

popCount128 :: Int128 -> Int
popCount128 (Int128 a1 a0) = popCount a1 + popCount a0

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Functions for `FiniteBits` instance.

countLeadingZeros128 :: Int128 -> Int
countLeadingZeros128 (Int128 a1 a0) =
  case countLeadingZeros a1 of
    64 -> 64 +  countLeadingZeros a0
    res -> res

countTrailingZeros128 :: Int128 -> Int
countTrailingZeros128 (Int128 a1 a0) =
  case countTrailingZeros a0 of
    64 -> 64 + countTrailingZeros a1
    res -> res

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Functions for `Integral` instance.

quotRem128 :: Int128 -> Int128 -> (Int128, Int128)
quotRem128 numer denom
  | numerIsNegative && denomIsNegative = (word128ToInt128 wq, word128ToInt128 (negate wr))
  | numerIsNegative = (word128ToInt128 (negate wq), word128ToInt128 (negate wr))
  | denomIsNegative = (word128ToInt128 (negate wq), word128ToInt128 wr)
  | otherwise = (word128ToInt128 wq, word128ToInt128 wr)
    (wq, wr) = quotRem absNumerW absDenomW
    absNumerW = int128ToWord128 $ abs128 numer
    absDenomW = int128ToWord128 $ abs128 denom
    numerIsNegative = topBitSetWord64 $ int128Hi64 numer
    denomIsNegative = topBitSetWord64 $ int128Hi64 denom

divMod128 :: Int128 -> Int128 -> (Int128, Int128)
divMod128 numer denom
  | numerIsNegative && denomIsNegative = (word128ToInt128 wq, word128ToInt128 (negate wr))
  | numerIsNegative = (word128ToInt128 (negate $ wq + 1), word128ToInt128 (absDenomW - wr))
  | denomIsNegative = (word128ToInt128 (negate $ wq + 1), word128ToInt128 (negate $ absDenomW - wr))
  | otherwise = (word128ToInt128 wq, word128ToInt128 wr)
    (wq, wr) = quotRem absNumerW absDenomW
    numerIsNegative = topBitSetWord64 $ int128Hi64 numer
    denomIsNegative = topBitSetWord64 $ int128Hi64 denom
    absNumerW = int128ToWord128 $ abs128 numer
    absDenomW = int128ToWord128 $ abs128 denom

toInteger128 :: Int128 -> Integer
toInteger128 i@(Int128 a1 a0)
  | popCount a1 == 64 && popCount a0 == 64 = -1
  | not (testBit a1 63) = fromIntegral a1 `shiftL` 64 + fromIntegral a0
  | otherwise =
      case negate128 i of
        Int128 n1 n0 -> negate (fromIntegral n1 `shiftL` 64 + fromIntegral n0)

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Functions for `Integral` instance.

peek128 :: Ptr Int128 -> IO Int128
peek128 ptr =
  Int128 <$> peekElemOff (castPtr ptr) index1 <*> peekElemOff (castPtr ptr) index0

peekElemOff128 :: Ptr Int128 -> Int -> IO Int128
peekElemOff128 ptr idx =
  Int128 <$> peekElemOff (castPtr ptr) (2 * idx + index1)
            <*> peekElemOff (castPtr ptr) (2 * idx + index0)

poke128 :: Ptr Int128 -> Int128 -> IO ()
poke128 ptr (Int128 a1 a0) =
  pokeElemOff (castPtr ptr) index1 a1 >> pokeElemOff (castPtr ptr) index0 a0

pokeElemOff128 :: Ptr Int128 -> Int -> Int128 -> IO ()
pokeElemOff128 ptr idx (Int128 a1 a0) = do
  pokeElemOff (castPtr ptr) (2 * idx + index0) a0
  pokeElemOff (castPtr ptr) (2 * idx + index1) a1

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Helpers.

{-# INLINE int128ToWord128 #-}
int128ToWord128 :: Int128 -> Word128
int128ToWord128 (Int128 a1 a0) = Word128 a1 a0

{-# INLINE topBitSetWord64 #-}
topBitSetWord64 :: Word64 -> Bool
topBitSetWord64 w = testBit w 63

{-# INLINE word128ToInt128 #-}
word128ToInt128 :: Word128 -> Int128
word128ToInt128 (Word128 a1 a0) = Int128 a1 a0

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Constants.

zeroInt128 :: Int128
zeroInt128 = Int128 0 0

oneInt128 :: Int128
oneInt128 = Int128 0 1

minusOneInt128 :: Int128
minusOneInt128 = Int128 maxBound maxBound

index0, index1 :: Int
index0 = 1
index1 = 0
index0 = 0
index1 = 1