wordsearch-1.0.0: A word search solver library and executable



A word search solver library

This solver is case sensitive, but users can still map data consistently to one case before using this library.



data WordSearch a Source

Abstract container of a word search puzzle

This can be created either from a Search and a Grid by the wordSearch function or from a properly formatted String by the readWordSearch function.


ws_grid :: forall a[a1Fh]. :-> (WordSearch a[a1Fh]) (Grid a[a1Fh])Source

ws_search :: forall a[a1Fh]. :-> (WordSearch a[a1Fh]) (Search a[a1Fh])Source

data Grid a Source

A grid in which to search

Constructors of this container usually assume that the grid is rectangular and properly sized; this precondition is not checked.


Typeable1 Grid 
Eq a => Eq (Grid a) 
Ord a => Ord (Grid a) 
Default (Grid a) 

data Search a Source

A set of words or lists to search


Typeable1 Search 
Eq a => Eq (Search a) 
Ord a => Ord (Search a) 
Default (Search a) 

newtype Pos Source

A position of a grid


Pos (PosIndex, PosIndex) 

type PosIndex = IntegerSource

The integral type used for Pos

data Match Source

An individual value describing a match


readWordSearch :: String -> Maybe (WordSearch Char)Source

Constructs a WordSearch container from a properly formatted String

The String should contain two sections, separated by at least one empty line. The first section represents the grid, and thus is formatted as the String that readGrid expects. The second section represents the search words; it contains each word on its own separate line. In the case that is ill-formed, Nothing is returned. The precondition that each grid row has equal length is not checked.

wordSearch :: Grid a -> Search a -> WordSearch aSource

Constructs a WordSearch container from a Grid and a Search

readGrid :: [String] -> Grid CharSource

Constructs a Grid from a formatted list of Strings

The String should be formatted as expected:


The precondition that each row has equal length is not checked.

arrayToGrid :: Ord a => Array Pos a -> Grid aSource

Constructs a Grid from an Array

A grid array is indexed by (column, row) or (x, y), so users should be careful that a list is in the proper order if listArray is used.

setToSearch :: Set [a] -> Search aSource

Constructs a Search from a set of lists

solveWordSearch :: forall a. Ord a => WordSearch a -> Set MatchSource

Solves a WordSearch and returns a set of matches

fillMatches :: forall e t. (Foldable t, Ord e) => e -> Grid e -> t Match -> Grid eSource

Creates a Grid in which every cell that does not match is set to a default value

showGridInsert :: forall a. a -> Grid a -> [a]Source

Renders a Grid, appending a cell, usually a newline character, after every row