{- | 
    Module      : Graphics.WorldTurtle
    Description : WorldTurtle
    Copyright   : (c) Archibald Neil MacDonald, 2020
    License     : BSD3
    Maintainer  : FortOyer@hotmail.co.uk
    Stability   : experimental
    Portability : POSIX
    "Graphics.WorldTurtle" is a module for writing and rendering turtle graphics
    in Haskell.
    Take a look at the
         [examples](https://github.com/FortOyer/worldturtle-haskell#examples) on
module Graphics.WorldTurtle
     -- * Running a WorldTurtle simulation.

     -- * Running on a single turtle.

     -- $running

     , TurtleCommand
     -- * Running a world of turtles.

     -- $multiturtle

     , runWorld
     , WorldCommand
     , run 
     , (>/>)
     -- * Parallel animation

     -- $parallel

     , (<|>)
     -- * Stop an animation

     -- $empty

     , empty
     -- * Further documentation

     , module Graphics.WorldTurtle.Commands
     , module Graphics.WorldTurtle.Shapes
     , module Graphics.WorldTurtle.Color
     ) where

import Control.Applicative (empty, (<|>))

import Graphics.Gloss.Data.Display (Display (..))
import qualified Graphics.Gloss.Data.ViewState as G
import qualified Graphics.Gloss.Data.ViewPort as G
import qualified Graphics.Gloss.Interface.Pure.Game as G

import Graphics.WorldTurtle.Color
import Graphics.WorldTurtle.Commands
import Graphics.WorldTurtle.Internal.Sequence (renderTurtle)
import Graphics.WorldTurtle.Internal.Commands (TurtleCommand, seqT
                                              , WorldCommand (..), seqW)
import Graphics.WorldTurtle.Shapes

-- | Takes a `TurtleCommand` and executes the command on an implicitly created

--   turtle that starts at position @(0, 0)@ with heading `north`. 


--   This is a convenience function written in terms of `runWorld` as:


--   > runTurtle c = runWorld $ makeTurtle >>= run c


-- See also: `Graphics.WorldTurtle.Commands.makeTurtle`.

runTurtle :: TurtleCommand () -- ^ Command sequence to execute.

          -> IO ()
runTurtle :: TurtleCommand () -> IO ()
runTurtle TurtleCommand ()
c = WorldCommand () -> IO ()
runWorld (WorldCommand () -> IO ()) -> WorldCommand () -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ WorldCommand Turtle
makeTurtle WorldCommand Turtle
-> (Turtle -> WorldCommand ()) -> WorldCommand ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= TurtleCommand () -> Turtle -> WorldCommand ()
forall a. TurtleCommand a -> Turtle -> WorldCommand a
run TurtleCommand ()

{- | `runWorld` takes a `WorldCommand` and produces the animation in a new

   ==  Interacting with the window.
   While running, you can interact with the window in the following way:
   | Action                                   | Interaction       |
   | Pan the viewport.                        | Click and drag    |
   | Zoom in/out.                             |Mousewheel up/down |
   | Reset the viewport to initial position.  | Spacebar          |
   | Reset the animation.                     | @R@ key           |
   | Pause the animation.                     | @P@ key           |
   | Quit                                     | Escape key        |
runWorld :: WorldCommand () -- ^ Command sequence to execute

          -> IO ()
runWorld :: WorldCommand () -> IO ()
runWorld WorldCommand ()
tc = Display
-> Color
-> Int
-> World
-> (World -> Picture)
-> (Event -> World -> World)
-> (Float -> World -> World)
-> IO ()
forall world.
-> Color
-> Int
-> world
-> (world -> Picture)
-> (Event -> world -> world)
-> (Float -> world -> world)
-> IO ()
G.play Display
display Color
white Int
30 World
defaultWorld World -> Picture
iterateRender Event -> World -> World
input Float -> World -> World
  where display :: Display
display = String -> (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> Display
InWindow String
"World Turtle" (Int
800, Int
600) (Int
400, Int
        iterateRender :: World -> Picture
iterateRender World
w = ViewPort -> Picture -> Picture
                               (ViewState -> ViewPort
G.viewStateViewPort (ViewState -> ViewPort) -> ViewState -> ViewPort
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ World -> ViewState
state World
                        (Picture -> Picture) -> Picture -> Picture
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$! SequenceCommand (AlmostVal ()) () -> Float -> Picture
forall a. SequenceCommand (AlmostVal a) a -> Float -> Picture
renderTurtle (WorldCommand () -> SequenceCommand (AlmostVal ()) ()
forall a. WorldCommand a -> SeqC a
seqW WorldCommand ()
tc) (World -> Float
elapsedTime World
        input :: Event -> World -> World
input Event
e World
             -- Reset key resets sim state (including unpausing). We 

             -- deliberately keep view state the same.

             | Event -> Bool
isResetKey_ Event
e = World
w { elapsedTime :: Float
elapsedTime = Float
0, running :: Bool
running = Bool
True }
             -- Pause prevents any proceeding.

             | Event -> Bool
isPauseKey_ Event
e = World
w { running :: Bool
running = Bool -> Bool
not (Bool -> Bool) -> Bool -> Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ World -> Bool
running World
w }
             -- Let Gloss consume the command.

             | Bool
otherwise = World
w { state :: ViewState
state = Event -> ViewState -> ViewState
G.updateViewStateWithEvent Event
e (ViewState -> ViewState) -> ViewState -> ViewState
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ World -> ViewState
state World
w } 
        -- Increment simulation time if we are not paused.

        timePass :: Float -> World -> World
timePass Float
f World
         | World -> Bool
running World
w = World
w { elapsedTime :: Float
elapsedTime = Float
f Float -> Float -> Float
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ World -> Float
elapsedTime World
w }
         | Bool
otherwise = World

-- | `run` takes a `TurtleCommand` and a `Turtle` to execute the command on. 

--  The result of the computation is returned wrapped in a `WorldCommand`.


--  For example, to create  a turtle and get its @x@ `position` one might 

--  write:


--  >  myCommand :: Turtle -> WorldCommand Float

--  >  myCommand t = do

--  >    (x, _) <- run position t

--  >    return x


--  Or to create a command that accepts a turtle and draws a right angle:


--  > myCommand :: Turtle -> WorldCommand ()

--  > myCommand = run $ forward 10 >> right 90 >> forward 10

run :: TurtleCommand a -- ^ Command to execute

    -> Turtle -- ^ Turtle to apply the command upon.

    -> WorldCommand a -- ^ Result as a `WorldCommand`

run :: TurtleCommand a -> Turtle -> WorldCommand a
run TurtleCommand a
c = SeqC a -> WorldCommand a
forall a. SeqC a -> WorldCommand a
WorldCommand (SeqC a -> WorldCommand a)
-> (Turtle -> SeqC a) -> Turtle -> WorldCommand a
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. TurtleCommand a -> Turtle -> SeqC a
forall a. TurtleCommand a -> Turtle -> SeqC a
seqT TurtleCommand a

-- | This is an infix version of `run` where the arguments are swapped.


--   We take a turtle and a command to execute on the turtle.

--   The result of the computation is returned wrapped in a `WorldCommand`.


--   To create a turtle and draw a right-angle:


--   > myCommand :: WorldCommand ()

--   > myCommand = do

--   >   t <- makeTurtle

--   >   t >/> do 

--   >     forward 10

--   >     right 90

--   >     forward 10

(>/>) :: Turtle -- ^ Turtle to apply the command upon.

      -> TurtleCommand a -- ^ Command to execute

      -> WorldCommand a -- ^ Result as a `WorldCommand`

>/> :: Turtle -> TurtleCommand a -> WorldCommand a
(>/>) = (TurtleCommand a -> Turtle -> WorldCommand a)
-> Turtle -> TurtleCommand a -> WorldCommand a
forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c
flip TurtleCommand a -> Turtle -> WorldCommand a
forall a. TurtleCommand a -> Turtle -> WorldCommand a
infixl 4 >/>

data World = World { World -> Float
elapsedTime :: !Float
                   , World -> Bool
running :: !Bool
                   , World -> ViewState
state :: !G.ViewState 

defaultWorld :: World
defaultWorld :: World
defaultWorld = Float -> Bool -> ViewState -> World
World Float
0 Bool
             (ViewState -> World) -> ViewState -> World
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ CommandConfig -> ViewState
             -- Easier to do this to have spacebar overwrite R.

             (CommandConfig -> ViewState) -> CommandConfig -> ViewState
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ CommandConfig -> CommandConfig
forall a. [a] -> [a]
             (CommandConfig -> CommandConfig) -> CommandConfig -> CommandConfig
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Command
G.CRestore, [(SpecialKey -> Key
G.SpecialKey SpecialKey
G.KeySpace, Maybe Modifiers
forall a. Maybe a
             (Command, [(Key, Maybe Modifiers)])
-> CommandConfig -> CommandConfig
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: CommandConfig

-- | Tests to see if a key-event is the reset key.

isResetKey_ :: G.Event -> Bool
isResetKey_ :: Event -> Bool
isResetKey_ (G.EventKey (G.Char Char
'r') KeyState
G.Down Modifiers
_ (Float, Float)
_)  = Bool
isResetKey_ (G.EventKey (G.Char Char
'R') KeyState
G.Down Modifiers
_ (Float, Float)
_)  = Bool
isResetKey_ Event
_ = Bool

-- Tests to see if a key event is the pause key

isPauseKey_ :: G.Event -> Bool
isPauseKey_ :: Event -> Bool
isPauseKey_ (G.EventKey (G.Char Char
'p') KeyState
G.Down Modifiers
_ (Float, Float)
_)  = Bool
isPauseKey_ (G.EventKey (G.Char Char
'P') KeyState
G.Down Modifiers
_ (Float, Float)
_)  = Bool
isPauseKey_ Event
_ = Bool

{- $running

  To start animating a single turtle, you just pass your commands to
  `runTurtle` like so:

  >    import Control.Monad (replicateM_)
  >    import Graphics.WorldTurtle
  >    drawSquare :: Float -> TurtleCommand ()
  >    drawSquare size = replicateM_ 4 $ forward size >> right 90
  >    main :: IO ()
  >    main = runTurtle $ drawSquare 100

   Which will produce this animation.

   ![basic_turtle_square gif](docs/images/basic_turtle_square.gif)

{- $multiturtle
   For executing commands on multiple turtles, we use `runWorld` which
   executes on `WorldCommand`s. Here is an example where 2 turtles draw a
   circle independently:

   > import Graphics.WorldTurtle
   > main :: IO ()
   > main = runWorld $ do
   >   t1 <- makeTurtle
   >   t2 <- makeTurtle
   >   t1 >/> circle 90 
   >   t2 >/> circle (-90)

   Notice that in a `WorldCommand` context we must create our own turtles with 
   `makeTurtle`! We them  apply the `TurtleCommand`
   on our turtles using the run operator `(>/>)`.

{- $parallel


   While `WorldCommand`s can be combined with `(>>)` to produce sequential
   instructions, we can also use the
   alternative operator `(<|>)` to achieve parallel instructions. That is: 
   animate two turtles at time!

   Here is an example:

   >  import Graphics.WorldTurtle
   >  main :: IO ()
   >  main = runWorld $ do
   >    t1 <- makeTurtle' (0, 0) north green
   >    t2 <- makeTurtle' (0, 0) north red
   >    -- Draw the anticlockwise and clockwise circles in sequence. 
   >    t1 >/> circle 90 >> t2 >/> circle (-90)
   >    clear
   >    -- Draw the anticlockwise and clockwise circles in parallel.
   >    t1 >/> circle 90 <|> t2 >/> circle (-90)

   Which would produce an animation like this

   ![parallel and serial gif](docs/images/parallel_serial_turtles_2.gif)

   Note that the result of @x \<|\> y@ is:
   >>> x <|> y

   when @x@ is not `Control.Applicative.empty`, otherwise the result is @y@.

{- $empty
   If a `WorldCommand` is `Control.Applicative.empty`, then this stops this 
   section of  animation and it does not progress. To this end 
   `Control.Monad.guard` can be used to calculate when to stop part of an 
   animation sequence.