wx- wxHaskell





Exports default instances for generic windows.



type Window a = EvtHandler (CWindow a)

Pointer to an object of type Window, derived from EvtHandler.

window :: Window a -> [Prop (Window ())] -> IO (Window ())Source

Create a plain window. Can be used to define custom controls for example.

refit :: Window a -> IO ()Source

Ensure that a widget is refitted inside a window when its size changes, for example when the text of a staticText control changes. (calls windowReFit)

refitMinimal :: Window a -> IO ()Source

Ensure that a widget is refitted inside a window when its size changes, for example when the text of a staticText control changes. Always resizes the window to its minimal acceptable size. (calls windowReFitMinimal)

rootParent :: ReadAttr (Window a) (Window ())Source

The ultimate root parent of the widget.

frameParent :: ReadAttr (Window a) (Window ())Source

The parent frame or dialog of a widget.

tabTraversal :: Attr (Window a) BoolSource

Enable (or disable) tab-traversal. (= wxTAB_TRAVERSAL)


type ScrolledWindow a = Panel (CScrolledWindow a)

Pointer to an object of type ScrolledWindow, derived from Panel.

scrolledWindow :: Window a -> [Prop (ScrolledWindow ())] -> IO (ScrolledWindow ())Source

A scrollable window. Use virtualSize and scrollRate to set the scrollbar behaviour.

scrollRate :: Attr (ScrolledWindow a) SizeSource

The horizontal and vertical scroll rate of scrolled window. Use 0 to disable scrolling in that direction.


initialWindow :: (Id -> Rect -> [Prop (Window w)] -> Style -> a) -> [Prop (Window w)] -> Style -> aSource

Helper function that retrieves initial window settings, including |identity|, |style|, and |area| (or |position| and |outerSize|).

initialContainer :: (Id -> Rect -> [Prop (Window w)] -> Style -> a) -> [Prop (Window w)] -> Style -> aSource

Helper function that retrieves initial window settings, including |clipChildren| and |fullRepaintOnResize|.

initialIdentity :: Identity w => (Id -> [Prop w] -> a) -> [Prop w] -> aSource

Helper function that retrieves the initial |identity|.

initialStyle :: Styled w => ([Prop w] -> Style -> a) -> [Prop w] -> Style -> aSource

Helper function that retrieves the initial |style|.

initialText :: Textual w => (String -> [Prop w] -> a) -> [Prop w] -> aSource

Retrieve the initial title from the |text| attribute.

initialFullRepaintOnResize :: Visible w => ([Prop w] -> Style -> a) -> [Prop w] -> Style -> aSource

Helper function that transforms the style accordding to the fullRepaintOnResize flag in of the properties

initialClipChildren :: Parent w => ([Prop w] -> Style -> a) -> [Prop w] -> Style -> aSource

Helper function that transforms the style accordding to the clipChildren flag out of the properties