{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
-- | DOM parser and API for XML.
--   Slightly slower DOM parsing,
--   but add missing close tags.
module Xeno.DOM.Robust
  ( parse
  , Node
  , Content(..)
  , name
  , attributes
  , contents
  , children
  ) where

import           Control.Monad.ST
import           Control.Spork
import           Data.ByteString.Internal(ByteString(..))
import           Data.STRef
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed         as UV
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as UMV
import           Data.Mutable(asURef, newRef, readRef, writeRef)
import           Xeno.SAX
import           Xeno.Types
import           Xeno.DOM.Internal(Node(..), Content(..), name, attributes, contents, children)

-- | Parse a complete Nodes document.
parse :: ByteString -> Either XenoException Node
parse inp =
  case spork node of
    Left e -> Left e
    Right r ->
      case findRootNode r of
        Just n -> Right n
        Nothing -> Left XenoExpectRootNode
    findRootNode r = go 0
        go n = case r UV.!? n of
          Just 0x0 -> Just (Node str n r)
          -- skipping text assuming that it contains only white space
          -- characters
          Just 0x1 -> go (n+3)
          _ -> Nothing
    PS _ offset0 _ = str
    str = skipDoctype inp
    node =
        (do nil <- UMV.new 1000
            vecRef    <- newSTRef nil
            sizeRef   <- fmap asURef $ newRef 0
            parentRef <- fmap asURef $ newRef 0
            process Process {
                openF = \(PS _ name_start name_len) -> do
                 let tag = 0x00
                     tag_end = -1
                 index <- readRef sizeRef
                 v' <-
                   do v <- readSTRef vecRef
                      if index + 5 < UMV.length v
                        then pure v
                        else do
                          v' <- UMV.grow v (UMV.length v)
                          writeSTRef vecRef v'
                          return v'
                 tag_parent <- readRef parentRef
                 do writeRef parentRef index
                    writeRef sizeRef (index + 5)
                    UMV.write v' index tag
                    UMV.write v' (index + 1) tag_parent
                    UMV.write v' (index + 2) (name_start - offset0)
                    UMV.write v' (index + 3) name_len
                    UMV.write v' (index + 4) tag_end
              , attrF = \(PS _ key_start key_len) (PS _ value_start value_len) -> do
                 index <- readRef sizeRef
                 v' <-
                   do v <- readSTRef vecRef
                      if index + 5 < UMV.length v
                        then pure v
                        else do
                          v' <- UMV.grow v (UMV.length v)
                          writeSTRef vecRef v'
                          return v'
                 let tag = 0x02
                 do writeRef sizeRef (index + 5)
                 do UMV.write v' index tag
                    UMV.write v' (index + 1) (key_start - offset0)
                    UMV.write v' (index + 2) key_len
                    UMV.write v' (index + 3) (value_start - offset0)
                    UMV.write v' (index + 4) value_len
              , endOpenF = \_ -> return ()
              , textF = \(PS _ text_start text_len) -> do
                 let tag = 0x01
                 index <- readRef sizeRef
                 v' <-
                   do v <- readSTRef vecRef
                      if index + 3 < UMV.length v
                        then pure v
                        else do
                          v' <- UMV.grow v (UMV.length v)
                          writeSTRef vecRef v'
                          return v'
                 do writeRef sizeRef (index + 3)
                 do UMV.write v' index tag
                    UMV.write v' (index + 1) (text_start - offset0)
                    UMV.write v' (index + 2) text_len
              , closeF = \closeTag@(PS s _ _) -> do
                 v <- readSTRef vecRef
                 -- Set the tag_end slot of the parent.
                 index <- readRef sizeRef
                 untilM $ do
                   parent <- readRef parentRef
                   correctTag <- if parent == 0
                                    then return True -- no more tags to close!!!
                                    else do
                                      parent_name <- UMV.read v (parent + 2)
                                      parent_len  <- UMV.read v (parent + 3)
                                      let openTag  = PS s (parent_name+offset0) parent_len
                                      return       $ openTag == closeTag
                   UMV.write                  v (parent + 4) index
                   -- Pop the stack and return to the parent element.
                   previousParent <- UMV.read v (parent + 1)
                   writeRef parentRef previousParent
                   return correctTag -- continue closing tags, until matching one is found
              , cdataF = \(PS _ cdata_start cdata_len) -> do
                 let tag = 0x03
                 index <- readRef sizeRef
                 v' <-
                   do v <- readSTRef vecRef
                      if index + 3 < UMV.length v
                        then pure v
                        else do
                          v' <- UMV.grow v (UMV.length v)
                          writeSTRef vecRef v'
                          return v'
                 do writeRef sizeRef (index + 3)
                 do UMV.write v' index tag
                    UMV.write v' (index + 1) (cdata_start - offset0)
                    UMV.write v' (index + 2) cdata_len
              } str
            wet <- readSTRef vecRef
            arr <- UV.unsafeFreeze wet
            size <- readRef sizeRef
            return (UV.unsafeSlice 0 size arr))

untilM :: Monad m => m Bool -> m ()
untilM loop = do
  cond <- loop
  case cond of
    True  -> return ()
    False -> untilM loop