xhtml-combinators-0.1: Fast and easy to use XHTML combinators.
emptyAttr :: Text -> AttrSource
intAttr :: Text -> Int -> AttrSource
textAttr :: Text -> Text -> AttrSource
action :: Text -> AttrSource
align :: Text -> AttrSource
alt :: Text -> AttrSource
altcode :: Text -> AttrSource
archive :: Text -> AttrSource
base :: Text -> AttrSource
border :: Int -> AttrSource
bordercolor :: Text -> AttrSource
cellpadding :: Int -> AttrSource
cellspacing :: Int -> AttrSource
checked :: AttrSource
codebase :: Text -> AttrSource
cols :: Text -> AttrSource
colspan :: Int -> AttrSource
content :: Text -> AttrSource
coords :: Text -> AttrSource
disabled :: AttrSource
enctype :: Text -> AttrSource
height :: Text -> AttrSource
href :: Text -> AttrSource
hreflang :: Text -> AttrSource
httpEquiv :: Text -> AttrSource
id_ :: Text -> AttrSource
ismap :: AttrSource
lang :: Text -> AttrSource
maxlength :: Int -> AttrSource
method :: Text -> AttrSource
multiple :: AttrSource
name :: Text -> AttrSource
nohref :: AttrSource
rel :: Text -> AttrSource
rev :: Text -> AttrSource
rows :: Text -> AttrSource
rowspan :: Int -> AttrSource
rules :: Text -> AttrSource
selected :: AttrSource
shape :: Text -> AttrSource
size :: Text -> AttrSource
src :: Text -> AttrSource
class_ :: Text -> AttrSource
for :: Text -> AttrSource
style :: Text -> AttrSource
type_ :: Text -> AttrSource
title :: Text -> AttrSource
usemap :: Text -> AttrSource
valign :: Text -> AttrSource
value :: Text -> AttrSource
width :: Text -> AttrSource