xhtml-combinators-0.1: Fast and easy to use XHTML combinators.
type Attrs = [Attr]Source
data Attr Source
data Node Source
first :: Seq a -> aSource
textNode :: Text -> Attrs -> Attrs -> Text -> NodeSource
emptyNode :: Text -> Attrs -> Attrs -> NodeSource
node :: Content e => Text -> Attrs -> Attrs -> XHtml e -> NodeSource
class Content e whereSource
toContent :: e -> NodeSource
type XHtmlM x a = Writer (Seq x) aSource
type XHtml x = XHtmlM x ()Source
tellS :: x -> XHtml xSource
execXHtml :: XHtml x -> Seq xSource
tellTextNode :: (Node -> e) -> Text -> Attrs -> Attrs -> Text -> XHtml eSource
tellEmptyNode :: (Node -> e) -> Text -> Attrs -> Attrs -> XHtml eSource
tellNode :: Content a => (Node -> b) -> Text -> Attrs -> Attrs -> XHtml a -> XHtml bSource
empty :: XHtml xSource